View Full Version : Who would not abandon his Shadow. (Council and Knights, please)

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Nov 7th, 2003, 02:38:00 AM
J'ktal stood at ease, his paws clasped primly behind his back as he stood in the center of the council room, his back to the door. Natural light reflected from his higly-polished black jackboots, but other than the traces of platinum about his personage--hit belt buckle, tie clip and earring--all light seemed to dissappear once it struck his inky habilaments. The gray mongoose was garbed in black from head to toe, and looked austensibly formal at that. His shirt was nearly pressed and his black tie perfectly knotted, not to mention how his slacks were tucked neatly into the tops of his tall boots. Even his tail was still as he addressed the council in his normal, cool voice.

"Members of the Council," he began, looking straight ahead instead of makign eye contact with any of them, "I have requested this audience with you to discuss a matter I have been unable to remedy on my own. As you know, I am assigned as Padawan to Knight Sage Hazzard. My learning under his tutilage was not problematic in any way, but I have been without his guidance in several months, and he has disappeared from sight around the Order, and from all my other sources.

"I have come to this Order to learn your ways, and to master the Jedi arts, but find it difficult to accomplish the task I have assigned myself to without proper instruction. I would formally request at least temporary re-assignment to a new Master, if not a full transfer. I realize an adult student such as myself is not an often desired candidate, but I promise that I will remain professional and focused on my training. Thank you for hearing my request."

Nodding his head in a slight bow, J'ktal remained still as he stood there, waiting to either be given an answer, or to be dismissed. It was not proper ettiquite to decide when it was time to leave the presence of superior officers without first being given an order.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 7th, 2003, 08:58:50 AM
Wei raised an eyebrow at the Nehanite while he pushed up his glasses. J'ktal was not like Sejah or Tev and Re at all. It was very interesting to see someone so stiff and formal.

Not to mention that this was the umpteenth time the council had been asked for a transfer to a new teacher.

"Well, J'ktal," Wei began. "If you feel that your training is going nowhere fast, then by all means please find education elsewhere. However, we cannot find that education for you, unless one of us would like to take you as a Padawan."

Wei's schedule was more full than he would have liked it with Padawans, but he was not sure about the other council members.

"But it is also my suggestion that if you cannot find a new teacher to teach you everything, then find several teachers to teach you only one thing."

Kelt Simoson
Nov 7th, 2003, 04:35:24 PM
Kelt sat listning between the Padawan in question and Wei, The Green Knight would wait for others opinions before fully expressing his own.

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 10th, 2003, 05:27:15 PM
Falcon knocked on the door. Being always watchful about the Order, and the state of the members within, he had noted that the Nehanite J'ktal Anajii had been left without a master. What had happened with Sage was beyond him, for he had only returned a short time ago. And as he was walking throught the temple, he felt a pull to the Council Chamber. The man had learned to never ignore an odd hinting, and that odd hinting was also telling him to knock on the door. Perhaps he could take on J'ktal, as he, Falcon, was one that liked a challenge. And it seemed to him, that the furred one was in fact requesting a reassignment.

Ah, convenience...

So therefore, in the matter of manners, he knocked gently on the door.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 11th, 2003, 10:43:24 AM
Wei raised an eyebrow. "Yes? Come in."

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 12th, 2003, 06:00:02 PM
Falcon heard the voice invite him, so he opened the door, and let himself in. Walking to a position within metres of J'ktal, he stopped and looked at Wei.

"Ah, again I am in your presence."

He looked to Kelt, and offered a short, curt nod, and then shifted his eyes to J'ktal, then back to Wei.

"Being as watchful as I am of the many members of this order, and feeling an odd need to come through the temple, I passed by this chamber. And hearing what was going on within, I come to offer myself as Mr. Anajii's teacher. "

Still feeling odd about the strange sense that brought him here, he said nothing further, but glanced again at J'ktal, then at the council members in front of him.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Nov 12th, 2003, 06:12:40 PM
J'ktal said nothing, still facing ahead, but looking at falcon out of the corner of his eye. He had met the man once before, but they had not talked much, instead having a mutual aquaintence to speak to. The mongoose just stood there and waited his superiors's decision.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 12th, 2003, 07:16:47 PM
Wei chuckled. "Falcon, I greatly appreciate your willingness to help other Jedi in need. However, I feel it would be beyond my authority even as Council Member to consign J'ktal to your tutelage. I think it would be much more fitting for J'ktal to make that decision."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Nov 12th, 2003, 07:22:20 PM
"Heh-hm," J'ktal cleared his throat lightly. "In that case, I accept his offer, and will formally withdraw from Master Hazzard's tutilage when he returns to the Order. Is there anything else that must be decided while I am here?"

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 15th, 2003, 12:29:31 PM
"Not at all. See you around, J'ktal."