View Full Version : Speed reading (open)

Mr. Quick
Nov 6th, 2003, 11:12:33 AM
The black-garbed Mr. Quick is enjoying the fresh air of the garden, sitting comfortably on a bench in the shade of the trees. A stone path before him makes a regular tapping sound as others of the Order pass back and forth about their business, but not once does Quick look up. He has become so engrossed in his novel that the outer world has become needless backdrop for the story filling his imagination. The speed specialist turns the page quickly, eyes roving over the text with remarkable speed. Not a second later he turns it again.

"Marvelous...simply marvelous..."

Ace McCloud
Nov 6th, 2003, 08:50:20 PM
Ace was making his way around the Order, heading to the Archives to do some more research. He had enjoyed reading as he was getting better at it. But as he was heading there, he saw, what looked like to be, a fellow jedi sitting and reading. He was turning the pages at remarkable speed! Wow, could everyone do that? He sure couldn't...

Normally, he wouldn't say anything but apparently this man loved to read, as him.

"Hail," Ace said as he moved towards him. "You read much faster than I can, can everyone read like that?" The mans blue eyes swirled with color as they fixed on the man.

Mr. Quick
Nov 7th, 2003, 08:20:25 PM
Mr. Quick starts, dropping the book to his lap as Ace speaks.

"Ah, good day to you, friend. I apologize; I was so fixated on my book that I didn't hear you."

He smiles politely.

"Please, repeat your question. I wasn't paying attention."

Ace McCloud
Nov 11th, 2003, 04:38:10 PM
"I said you read quickly, does everyone read like that?" Ace repeated in his usual low, scratchy tone.

Mr. Quick
Nov 17th, 2003, 08:48:27 PM
"No, they don't," Quick answers, shutting his book. "I am extraordinarily talented in Force-boosting speed. I can perform tasks and move at a higher speed than any other Padawan here."