View Full Version : Fealing without pain(Open/Wei)
Nov 5th, 2003, 11:35:24 AM
OOC:Continued From Here... (
3 Days after her rescue.... 3 days of medical treatment.... 3 days of people putting her body back together.... Neyasha finaly starts to open her eyes. The light is blured... where am I she thinks to herself.... She feals tubes entering her body, and her mind jumps I'm still in the lab!... She goes to get up ,and finds she is not restrained... She sits on the bed, as her eyes come to focus... She sees bacta tanks.... She sees doctors.... She sees Jedi...
Neyasha looks at herself, to see she is waring a hospital robe, and her bracelet.... The urge to fight runs from her body as she realises she is safe.... She lies back down on the bed.... and wishes she could hear her daughter's voice again.
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 5th, 2003, 08:05:23 PM
Wei jumped with a start when Neyasha suddenly tried to get up.
"You're awake! Good stuff! I've been so worried about you!"
Wei wore a blue kung-fu uniform today, and underneath a large bacta patch covered the area where Rivin had managed to cut him.
"Look over there next to you," Wei said, pointing to the other side of the bed.
"She's a trouper. A slight bump on the head. Not much."
Wei chuckled. "So, what is your daughter's name, Neyahsa?"
Valora Ashen
Nov 6th, 2003, 12:17:49 PM
On the other side of the bed Valora was sleeping curled up on a chair. She wakes up when Wei starts to talk. She streaches and yawns, then looks up at the bed where her mother is. When she sees that her mother is moving, she says...
"Mama!? You kay? Mama?"
Nov 6th, 2003, 12:41:00 PM
Neyasha looks over at the other side of her bed. As she starts to look she hears her daughter speek. As she hears her daughter, she rolls out of the bed, almost ripping IV tube from her arm, picks up her daughter and hugs her. A huge smile comes to her face as she says..
"I'm alright Sweetheart.... your Mama's alright.... Just a few ouchs...."
Neyasha puts her daughter on the bed and removes the IV tube, grabbing a bandage from a near by table, and putting it over the IV hole.
Neyasha then Hugs Wei tightly, forgetting about her enhanced strength.
"Thank you for Bringing my Daughter back to me! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!"
Neyasha then stops hugging Wei, and her face goes back to the emotionless, dead pan, look that Wei is use to seeing.
"Her name is Valora... Valora Ashen...."
Neyasha sits back on the bed, pulling her daughter on to her lap, and continues to hug her, with a small smile creeping back on to her face.
"And I think that since most of my modifacatiions are at the genitic level, she may have gotten some of her toughness from my enhancements."
She gently squeeses her daughter..
"Mama's not going to let anybody take you away from her again..."
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 6th, 2003, 12:44:34 PM
Wei was about to laugh when Neyasha's arm found its way around his middle and squeezed, squashing it into a grunting, choking sound.
"You're welcome," he said at last as she let him go. "Valora is a very nice name."
Wei sat down in his chair and took his time breathing. Nothing was broken, but he felt quite compressed. "She will be safe here, that she will be."
Valora Ashen
Nov 6th, 2003, 12:54:22 PM
Valora does her best to hug her mother as she is picked up. She gets a big smile on her face, and continues to smile as she is put on the bed.
She smiles and points at Wei as her mother sits down next to her and pulls her in for another hug. "He OwOw bad man!"
Snuggles up to her mother as she sits on her mother's lap..
Nov 6th, 2003, 12:58:29 PM
"Really! How bad was the bad man's OwOws."
Neyasha looks up at Wei....
"You know I won't want to let her out of my sight for a while... Do you mind if she come to my lession with me?"
Rena D'sor
Nov 6th, 2003, 02:11:53 PM
Rena had been spending the last three days with Rognan following her around, only leaving her alone long enough to go to the bathroom, and to change into a new outfit she bought herself yesterday, just so she wouldn't look like a Thug anymore.
She walks into the Med bay to check in on Neyasha, like she has every day since she got here, only to see that she is up and moving...
She leans on the wall near the door, and watches Neyasha, Wei, and Valora. Knowing that Rognan would not be far behind her, she sticks out her foot in front of the door and sees what happens.
Rognan Dar
Nov 6th, 2003, 02:17:47 PM
Man, what a few days this has been so far, he thought to himself as he walked up behind Rena. She can be And she always rolls her eyes at me, even when she thinks I might not be looking. Can't wait until this is all over. But then again, it has been nice at times.
Walking up to the door that Rena is in, he pokes his head through the door to see what was going on.
"Ah. It seems that she is awake," he said in whisper, not wanting distract the three inside. "Its amazing that she has recovered so well after all that she has been through. It would take a normal person several days, maybe even weeks to heal."
Nov 6th, 2003, 02:24:03 PM
Neyasha looks over at Rognan as her enhanced hearing picks up Rognan's whisper...
"I am not a normal person. My body has been altered in many ways, most of which make it harder for me to be killed."
Neyasha looks over Rognan and Rena....
"Are you two the people that got me to the Med Bay?"
Rognan Dar
Nov 6th, 2003, 02:37:19 PM
"Well, we did not physically get you here. We helped in a way. Though you would have to thank Terran for his Force meditation. He was the one that saved you. Without him, you might not be here.
But I am investigating what the heck is going on. If you are well enough, I would like to hear what you have to say about what has happened."
Nov 6th, 2003, 03:05:19 PM
Neyasha nods...
"The day that I when missing, I was out for a walk trying to waist time like Wei had subjested me to try and do, when I noteced some odd activites. I proceded to follow the person, and soon found myself in the lower levels, and away from most people. A bounty hunter attacked me and instead of killing him on the spot I thought I could get away from him. He chased me, and I was eventualy knocked out. But before I was knoked out I sent a message to my ship for her to send to Wei if I were knocked out.
I then woke up in the back of a speader, that landed at a warehouse shortly after I woke. I saw a number of Gang member that had the symbol of the crime sindicate that belonged to the man that Killed my Son and Husband, and took my daughter away from me.
I pretended to be still stuned untill I was near the man that had my weapons. I then broke free of the two men that were holding me and grabed the man that had my gear, flipping him over my shoulder, and grabing one of my Sai as he flew past and broke his neck on the back bumper of the speder they were taking me to. I then slashed 4 more, kicked another off the landing pad and stabbed another. at which point the Dark cloked man that was buying me off the Bounty hunter cast his hand at me, sending large amounts of electricty into my body. I crumpled to the landing pad, and then everything went black.
The next time I Woke up, I found myself chained to a lab table. the dark man then told me that he wanted to know how my modifactions were done to me. I refuse to tell. But after 5 days of torture, i still had not said anything. But then he brought in my daughter, and started to send electricity into the metal cage that he had her in. 5 minituts of hearing her screem, I told him what he wanted, but left out some small but important details . he recorded it and then took my daughter and left, telling his men that they could do as the wanted to me.
The next day I was rescued, and brought here. Most of that day is a blur. But Jedi Kinght Wei Wu Wei *Nods towards Wei* Brought me back my daughter, after fighting the Dark man."
Neyasha Smiles down at her daughter...
Rognan Dar
Nov 6th, 2003, 03:15:21 PM
Seeing that Neyasha was, indeed, ready enough to talk to him, he pulled one of the chairs in the room to the bed and sat down. Next, he pulled out a datapad that he knew he was going to need. He type away at his datapad and listened carefully to Neyasha. Makeing sure that he got as much of the important stuff writen down.
"Do you know who this 'Dark man' was? Did you see his face, was there something that you can remember that might help to identify him?" He turned his head to look at Wei. "Or since you fought him, maybe you might have gotten a better glimps of him?"
Nov 6th, 2003, 03:26:27 PM
Neyasha Shakes her head...
"I do not know the man, but since was with the gang member, He ether works for Mr. Talzen or Mr. Talzen works for him."
She looks towards Wei to see what he has to say about the man he fought....
Valora Ashen
Nov 6th, 2003, 03:30:54 PM
Finaly Valora gets a chance to answer her mother now that she in no longer talking to the new man in the room.
"He make Bad man leek from face! Bad man get BIG Owow!"
She waves to Rognan
"Hi! Mr funny face!"
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 7th, 2003, 09:08:13 AM
Wei chuckled. "I threw the man against the wall. I think."
Wei couldn't remember the fight very well. It all became sort of a blur after Rivin had stolen his lightsaber.
"Rognan, I have not seen you in quite a while. How are you doing?"
Rognan Dar
Nov 7th, 2003, 02:12:07 PM
"Yes, it has been long. It is apparent that you have been busy. But I have been doing pretty good, thus far."
He smiles at the little kids comment.
"Well, thank-you. I have not had someone say that I have a funny face before. Thanks for pointing that out.
So you don't remember anything about him, Wei? Thats going to make things hard. Was there anything else, someone that might have been working for him that might have gotten away?"
Rena D'sor
Nov 7th, 2003, 02:20:10 PM
Rena waves a hand infront of Rognan's face..
"Umm Rognan... Remember... I was one of the people working for him. I got away. and I still can't give a good discription. But since Neyasha did not reconize him, that would have been The Master that Wei was fighting."
Rognan Dar
Nov 7th, 2003, 02:43:25 PM
"Yes, I know you where there. And I already asked you. I was just wondering if they might have gotten to see anything you might not have.
Anyway, did he have any close working partners...employies...anyone that worked close to him?"
Rena D'sor
Nov 7th, 2003, 02:54:38 PM
"The master ether works alone, or with The Boss. He may have some assistants that work with him at the main base... Whereever that way be... But I have never seen him working closely with anybody but the Boss....
Rena looks over at Neyasha
"Neyasha, The Boss is Also known as the person who killed you Husband, and Son. Do you know his Name?"
Nov 7th, 2003, 03:03:16 PM
Neyasha's body tences up, and she gets the look of being combat ready. She moves Valora off her lap, and with lightning fast speed she is at Rena her hand at her neck, and lifting her off the floor, slamming her to the wall.
Rena D'sor
Nov 7th, 2003, 03:05:36 PM
Rena is caught off gaurd by Neyasha's sudden movement, and next thing she knows she is off the floor and on the wall, no air is reaching her lungs, and her body is in pain... She can not talk in this state.
Rognan Dar
Nov 7th, 2003, 03:10:41 PM
Rognan was shocked at the speed the woman had. If he blinked he would have missed the whole thing. After he saw what was going on he jumped up from his chair and ran to the wall, trying to break the girls up.
"Hold on there! Neyasha, let her go! Now!" Using the Force, Rog telekenetically begins to pull away the hand around Rena's neck. Once her grip was off, he pushed her feet out from under her, but made sure that she did not hit the ground hard.
Nov 7th, 2003, 03:16:27 PM
Just at Rena is removed from her grip Neyasha was about to punch her in the head but instead of hitting Rena her fist hits the durasteal wall, denting it.
Neyasha turns to Rognan....
"Let! Me! Go! NOW!"
She looks down at Rena..
Rena D'sor
Nov 7th, 2003, 03:17:42 PM
Rena hits the ground and scurries away from Neyasha as fast as she can..
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 7th, 2003, 03:19:56 PM
Wei got up and pulled Neyasha away from Rognan and Rena. "Peace Padawan, Peace."
Wei sat down on the bed and sat Neyasha down next to him. "Neyasha, be not so quick to anger. I understand how you feel. Anger is a natural thing to have. But there is no need for vengeance. We fight the Darkside not because of what the Darkside has done to hurt us, but because of what the Darkside is capable of doing to other people."
Wei leaned in close to Neyasha's ear and said, "Watch your language around your daughter. It wouldn't bode well if she called one of the Knights or Masters a bastard. They'll be even more shocked to learn that she got that word from her mother."
Rognan Dar
Nov 7th, 2003, 03:25:58 PM
After Wei took Neyasha away, he turned around to see that a few medical atendents were poking there heads through the door.
"Everything is fine. Please, go about your business."
He then crouched down next to Rena and checked her throat.
"Are you alright?"
Nov 7th, 2003, 03:28:23 PM
Neyasha realisises that her emotional wall has broken again, and quickly goes to to repair it. giving her self the emotionless expresion again...
"I'm sorry master... I still have troubles containing the emotions when they come on so suddenly... It did not compute what was happening, and what I said was on impulse... It will take some time to get use to having children arround me again... Though I'm sure she has heard worse durring her captivity... I'm sorry Master"
Neyasha hangs her head as she pulls her daughter back on to her lap.
Valora Ashen
Nov 10th, 2003, 01:52:10 PM
Valora gets pulled up on to her mother's lap again, a little worried about what her mother just did. She slooks at Wei and with a questioning tone says....
"Mama Okay?"
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 10th, 2003, 04:28:05 PM
"Your mother will be just fine. She is learning, that's all."
Wei ruffled Valora's hair and placed a fatherly hand on Neyasha's shoulder. "No computing. Computing is for machines. People think. Computers never act without computing. But people sometimes act without thinking. It's part of your humanness. Do not fear it. Embrace it."
Wei patted her on the shoulder. "It will take time, but after a while, you will be able to express your emotions in less explosive ways. Remember that long discussion we had about talking things out? When we are angry, we tell the person we are angry with how we feel and why we feel that way."
Rena D'sor
Nov 12th, 2003, 10:39:34 AM
Rena looks up at Rognan, rubbing her neck...
"Yah... I'll be fine... everything seems to still be in the proper place."
Nov 12th, 2003, 11:40:16 AM
"Yes I remember... But as I said, I was not computing...*pauses for a moment*...Thinking of my actions...."
Neyasha looks over at Rena, her eyes narrow as she says...
"I could not control myself when she mentioned that she worked for Lord Talzen."
Rognan Dar
Nov 12th, 2003, 01:56:46 PM
Rognan pulls the chair he was sitting in, with the Force and helps Rena into it.
"Ok, everyone. Lets all just take a deep breath and try this again, ok?" He paused for affect. "Alright. Who is this Talzen guy?"
Nov 12th, 2003, 02:20:40 PM
Neyasha looks up at Rognan...
"He is a crime lord, the crime lord that killed my husband and son. He is also a force user. Not a skilled force user.. My guess would ne that he is an apprentice to somebody stronger."
Rognan Dar
Nov 12th, 2003, 02:27:39 PM
"And you said his name was 'Lord' Talzen." Rognan picked up his datapad and typed in the name. "What else do you know about him?"
Nov 12th, 2003, 02:35:02 PM
"He was a Lord of a province of a small world in Wild Space, and was using his power as a lord to hide the fact that he is a crime lord. But they found him out and he was forced to flee. Since then he has been hiding behind legit corperations and continuing his crime sindicate in the shadows.
On this planet he owns a shipping company on the upper floors and a salvage yard on the lower floors. I have tryed to sneek in to both but he has too may people trying to keep me away from him, that I can not come cloose to driving my sword into his back."
Rognan Dar
Nov 12th, 2003, 02:38:20 PM
"But he is does go to those spots, correct? Maybe he was watching for you, so that you couldn't get to him. But now that he thinks you dead, maybe he will have his guard down. I think these spots would be a good place to start looking for him."
Nov 12th, 2003, 02:44:52 PM
"If it was his master that held me, then he know that I am not dead. Though is he thinks that you don't know about the crime aspects of his life you may be able to get an apointment with him. His shiping company's head office would be the best to get an appointment with, since you could tell him that you wish to ask a few questions about the cost of using his services."
Rena D'sor
Nov 12th, 2003, 02:58:53 PM
Rena stands and looks at Rognan
"If your going after The Boss, it may bee a good Idea For me to go with you.... I could be a big help if it comes to trouble. I could act like a busness partner, and as long as I'm not in Tight Leather I doubt he will reconise me."
Rognan Dar
Nov 12th, 2003, 03:05:08 PM
"Whoa, hold on there, Rena. This is not a 'for sure' thing right now. I don't even have permision to try anything yet. And even if I do, I dont know if it would be the wisest thing. The fact that he does know who you are can still spoil whatever we hope to achieve. All he needs is the slightest look at your face and he could remember who you are and then get suspisious." He sighed, and then spoke quietly. "But I'll ask the Council. If they so no its no alright?"
Rena D'sor
Nov 12th, 2003, 03:19:58 PM
"He doesn't really know what I look like, since he hardly pays attention to his thugs. I was only saying that IF you go after him... I could help. I also know where his office is so I can show you the way. Also maybe this will prove to people here that I'm not working for them any more."
Rognan Dar
Nov 12th, 2003, 03:24:57 PM
"Ok, ok. Lets not get into that again. So far I trust you on the matter, ok? Lets just try not to eat eachothers heads off."
Rognan put away his datapad and bowed in the direction on the bed and said, "Thank-you for your time. I think that this will be all the questions for today. I'll keep you informed. I must now go to the Council and present what I have found out and see what they think."
Rena D'sor
Nov 12th, 2003, 03:27:43 PM
"I'll wait for you at the Bar and Grill Rognan. Please come and get me after you have talked to the council, Ok?"
Nov 12th, 2003, 03:30:06 PM
"If you wish for me to speek with the council about what I know as well please let me know. And thank you for taking an interest in bringing Talzen to justice."
Neyasha bows her head to Rognan
Rognan Dar
Nov 12th, 2003, 03:33:04 PM
"Alright. I'll try and make sure I do it all."
He walked over to the door and opened it. He stopped on his way out and turned his head around.
"May the Force be with you."
And then he left.
Nov 12th, 2003, 03:45:21 PM
Neyasha looks over to Wei after Rognan is gone....
"I'm sorry about my actions Master... I will try harder to control the in the future."
Rena D'sor
Nov 12th, 2003, 03:46:31 PM
Rena leaves going off to the Bar and Grill to wait for Rognan to be done with the council.
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 12th, 2003, 05:35:19 PM
"You're ok, Neyasha. These things happen. I would like for you to try harder to keep yourself calm. There is a difference between calm and emotionless. But that's a different lecture. But now I have to beat Rognan to the Council chambers. You sit and rest, and I'll catch up to you later, ok?"
Wei got up, patted his Padawan on the shoulder and ruffled Valora's hair before runnig out the door.
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