View Full Version : A Celebration, Friends, Family...What More Could You Ask For? (Closed)

Dante Imoralia
Nov 1st, 2003, 06:03:59 PM
Dante looked up from his desk where he sat with his daughter Epona and mortal friend Dorian. The three of them were done with the plans for Khar Sian's Lost Son, Dominik Korvinus' return to their arms. The celebration was to start the following night and last the weekend and Dante smiled proudly as Epona finalized one last issue. He was about to excuse Dorian and Epona when his servant Aaron came scuffling into the room.

"What is it, Aaron?" Dante asked, his red eyes narrowing at the veiled look on Aaron's face.

"News from Count Fulkrehm, Sir. His daughter and grandchildren have just arrived on Khar Sian."

A smile suddenly lit Dante's face and he immediately stood. He looked at Dorian and then at Epona, excusing himself to go greet his newfound friend, Kariss Darkmere. He and the turned daughter of his best friend became close when he made the trek with them to see the newborn Darkmere twins. Dante could not explain it, but he and Kariss shared something between them, maybe it was a pain that they both had in common, he did not know, but he was not questioning it. Kariss would be a breath of fresh air on Khar Sian.

"You may come along if you like, Children." Dante laughed, turning back to look at the two as they still sat there watching him with interest. Dante turned to look at Epona. "It would do you well to befriend Kariss. She's been turned for a hundred years and can help you with anything."

Epona's eyebrow raised in question and Dante just laughed, feeling carefree. Things were beginning to look up for the vampyres of Khar Sian.

'Yes, they were...finally.'

Dorian Gray
Nov 1st, 2003, 07:29:59 PM
Dorian moved his arms back behind him to stretch out his tired limbs when the three of them turned to see Aaron walking in. Still, to this day, the servant always looked upon Dorian as an intruder and he could not figure out why. Dorian merely shrugged and quietly watched the interactions between Master and Servant.

Dorian was surprised at the change in Dante when this Kariss was mentioned and turned surprised eyes onto Epona...who wore the same look of surprise. Dante seemed to have a more lively 'step' in him with this news as Dorian watched him head out of the library. At his invitation to join him at the Darkmere's, Dorian's eyebrows rose even more. He turned to look at Epona and shook his head in wonderment.

"I know I have not met Kariss before, right?" He asked, running a hand through his short hair. "What is with her that is making Dante act like that?"

Dorian turned back and watched the vampyre strut out of the library. If he hadn't known better, Dorian would have sworn Dante had a thing for his best friend's daughter.

'Naaaaah....well...noooo.' Dorian thought to himself in amusement.

Epona Rhi
Nov 1st, 2003, 08:24:08 PM
"No you haven't, I have...very briefly though. We were sent to make sure she didn't try to run when Fulkrehm and Dante went to test her.....she's Fulkrehm's son Ezra's lifemate, they just had twins I heard. And have come here to raise the children....I think we should follow along...this is interesting to see why Da has a definate change in him. "

She stood up and took Dorian's hand and they followed suit. Going with Dante to meet kariss and find out what went on with the two.

Nov 1st, 2003, 08:43:32 PM
As she finished unpacking her things, her mind completely on Ezra, Lady Danae, Ezra's mother, came sailing into the room with a big smile on her face. Kariss groaned inwardly but pasted a smile on her full lips as his mother pulled her into a hug.

"So good to see you again, My Dear! I am so glad you will be living here with us."

"Thank you for having me, Lady Danae." Kariss smiled, looking past the elder woman's shoulder for any sign of a rescue. She was about to say something when Danae walked past her to the twins.

"Oh, I have missed them so. Have you fed them already? You have? Oh gracious, I must take them to see Izabell. She will be delighted! Welcome home, Kariss! You make yourself at home, rest up while we look after these precious two!"

Kariss' eyes went wide in amazement as Ezra's mother took Draven and Alexi into her arms and chattered all the way out of the huge room. She stood there staring at the empty doorway shaking her head in disbelief. A soft laugh suddenly escaped when it dawned on her that this is what she would need during this time when Ezra was not with her, going through what he was.

She looked around the room for a moment, taking everything in. She had been only briefly filled in on Redeemer's absence and what else was going on within their families and she made a mental note to seek out Dante when she could to find out more.

Dante. That name brought an even bigger smile to her lips as she thought of her friend. She was so eager to find him and see how he was doing. Kariss had been told that the Darkling she had briefly met when the Bloodpack paid a visit to her and Ezra's home had been turned by her own request to help in both Epona's and Dante's loneliness. That touched a place in her and the Darkling had Kariss' respect for doing something so noble.

Epona Rhi
Nov 1st, 2003, 08:53:29 PM
Epona had caught up with Dante and she walked alongside him with Dorian in close tow. She watched her father with a close interest. He was indeed acting "funny". When he finally looked at her, she gave him the expression of.."hmm?? oh nothing"

She looked over at Dorian and gave him a slight shrug.

' what are you up to Da? '

She thought to herself as she again, watched him closely.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 1st, 2003, 09:04:47 PM
Dante looked at Epona, shaking his head. Her thoughts clear in her mind as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and brought her close to him.

"I am up to nothing, My Daughter." He whispered, walking up the steps of the Darkmere mansion.

The doors swung open and the maid, Syria, stood there smiling at them. Dante turned to face her, giving the young maid his most charming smile.

"Syria...nice to see you again." Dante grinned. "Is the Count in?"

"Yes, M'Lord. He's in his study. Go right on in."

"Thank you, Syria. Might I say you are looking lovely tonight?" Dante asked, winking at her. She giggled and gave them a small curtsy before running off.

Dante looked at Dorian to find the mortal giving him the cheesiest of grins and matched it with one of his own. When he offered his arm for Epona to take, he noticed the look of annoyance on her face and immediately wiped the grin off.

"I cannot help it, Epona. I am in a good mood and want others to be as well." He whispered, moving into the foyer. "His study is that way."

Dante pointed to the left and the three of them entered to find Fulkrehm and his wife sitting on a couch with a baby in their laps. He slyly looked around the library for any sign of Kariss, but could not find her. He tried not to look disappointed, but had a feeling he was failing.

Nov 4th, 2003, 05:38:35 PM
Kariss walked around the top floor of the mansion when she felt an all too familiar presence and suddenly smiled, her full red lips pulling back to reveal her incisors and she turned around and ran down the stairs, following the echoing voices that led her into the library.

She immediately recognized the Darkling Epona and grinned at her, stopping as she noted the handsome stranger whom she could gather from what Fulkrehm told her was Dorian. She ran an appreciative eye over him before turning her brown eyes upon her friend, Dante. Kariss did not have to say a word for he turned around and grinned at her.

"Dante!" Kariss laughed, running to him to hug him. "So good to see you again!"

She placed a kiss on his cheek and hugged him tightly, hearing a discreet cough come from the direction of the Count and Countess sitting on the couch. Kariss laughed and pulled away, turning to greet Epona and Dorian.

Epona Rhi
Nov 4th, 2003, 05:52:22 PM
Epona arched an eyebrow and then looked at Dorian. With a look that spoke of "Hmmm interesting?" She then looked back at the two as they had a small yet exciting conversation on how they missed the company of each other and how good it was to see one another.

She smiled pleasantly at Kariss as the Darkmere lifemate graced her with a glance.

"Kariss....It's a pleasure to see you again, and to know you're here to live."

Dorian Gray
Nov 4th, 2003, 06:27:01 PM
Dorian watched as a vision of black hair and red vinyl walked past him to make her way to Dante. When she had stopped to acknowledge him, his eyes widened and he let out a low whistle. Turning to Epona, his eyebrows raised, he whispered,

"THAT'S Kariss??"

Epona slowly nodded at him and he turned back to watch as Dante happily wrapped his arms around the alluring creature and Dorian just laughed softly.

'Lucky bugger, that Ezra.' He thought to himself as his eyes roamed slowly over the backside of the dark haired vampyre. Was it just him or were all females of the vampyre race sexy as frell? What ever the answer, Dorian rocked back on his heels and watched as she turned around to grace himself and Epona with a brilliant smile.

Oh yeah, life on Khar Sian was good. Epona, Redeemer, Izabell...now Kariss...

Dorian could not help the cheshire grin that appeared on his face suddenly.

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 4th, 2003, 08:56:46 PM
The Count stood up and placed the baby in his arms with his daughter. He walked over to Kariss and held her tightly, a smile on his face......Kariss....a true Darkmere.... More so then his son, and he frowned a bit as he thought of his son. then breaking away, he looked at her with his hands on her shoulders.

"You look beautiful Kariss......How was your journey here? Comfortable?"

He was enjoying how everyone was happy..smiling...he hadnt seen this display in centuries.

Nov 4th, 2003, 09:04:16 PM
Izabell held Alexi and cooed at the little angel. She looked up and smiled to Kariss. It was good to see her brother's lifemate again. They would have long talks and walks. She wanted to build a bond between them, this was the only true sister she had, and She wouldn't waste time with anything else.

"Welcome to your new home my sister..... I hope your stay with us will be a most pleasurable one."

She moved closer to the group, still cooing at the baby. Her thoughts went to her brother, how she missed him. Even though thier father loathed him, she would always love him....he was always there for her and she would always be there for him.

' Be safe Ezra..... My thoughts are with you my brother.'

Nov 4th, 2003, 09:08:18 PM
"My journey was uneventful." Kariss smiled at him, placing her hands over his own on her shoulders. "I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone again. It has been ages since I last saw the Pack..." With a glance at Dorian, "And it's newest members I will enjoy acquaintancing myself with."

Kariss's eyes were drawn to Epona and she walked away from Fulkrehm, reaching out to gently bring her into an embrace. She could tell Epona was stunned and she smiled, pulling back to look at her.

"You have done the most unselfish act any being could do, Epona." Kariss whispered. "You have my utmost respect, Darkling."

Dante walked back up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She glanced back at him, smiling widely.

"You my friend, must show me around this place when you have the chance!"

Dante smiled at her and she turned back to check the twins in Izabell's arms and brought Epona and Dorian over to them.

"This is Draven and Alexi." Kariss announced proudly. She looked at Izabell, squeezing her shoulder softly to let her know she was missing Ezra as well. When the twins were asleep, she needed to talk to her sister, to let her know her fears. Blinking back tears, she sniffled a bit and then turned shining eyes upon Fulkrehm.

"So Father, where is the Lost Son I've heard so much about?"

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 4th, 2003, 09:22:18 PM
Fulkrehm gestured to a servant and that person went to fetch Dominik.

"He will be along shortly Kariss. He was told about your coming and looked forward to your arrival."

He went and took the baby from Izabel and walked to the doorway with Danae.

"We will see to the children's nap. Enjoy your time with the others Kariss."

The two elder Darkmeres left and Izabell had walked closer to Kariss.

Epona Rhi
Nov 4th, 2003, 09:34:24 PM
Epona stood there still shocked at the words of Kariss. And even more so was she shocked at the sight of the twins. How she wanted to have at least one like Kariss. To see Dante smile as Fulkrehm had.....She wanted to give him that. But all things come when they are supposed to....her old Master taught her that.

When the Count took the babies out she smiled at Kariss.

"They are adorable Kariss.....I can only wish one day to have that gift bestowed upon me."

Nov 4th, 2003, 09:53:54 PM
"Thank you, Epona." Kariss smiled at her. "I'm sure you will." She wrapped an arm around Izabell and hugged her close for a moment and then looked at Epona and Dorian.

She was going to offer them something to drink whem the Fulkrehm's maid walked in then with a carafe of blood wine and glasses for each of them. She noted the blush that crept up the maid's neck and cheeks as she looked at Dante. Kariss raised an eyebrow and looked at her friend. Dante just shrugged and reached for a glass, his fingers brushing her's. Kariss looked at him for a moment, then quickly grabbed her glass and moved to sit on the arm of the couch.

Her eyes focused in on the handsome Dorian and she remembered Izabell filling her in on his love for Redeemer and she smiled tenderly at him. She knew what it had been like to love someone and not have it returned. Her thoughts went to Ezra and Jazmina, remembering her pain as she had to stand by and watch the two of them together for centuries. Dropping her eyes to the floor, she listened quietly as Dante and Dorian exchanged banter, waiting for the Lost Son, Dominik to appear.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 4th, 2003, 09:59:23 PM
Dante felt his fingers brush against Kariss' and his eyes flew to her's as he felt something he knew he should not be feeling. Grabbing his glass, he turned and walked over to Dorian as the two men chuckled and watched the women covertly.

He could not keep his eyes from Kariss and steeled himself, turning his back to her to face Dorian. She was his friend, lifemate to his best friend's son, nothing more. He watched as Dorian lifted a curious eyebrow and Dante shook his head in warning.

Dante heard footsteps in the main hall and knew the maid was rushing to answer the door. He laughed softly, knowing the Khar Sian vampyres were keeping her busy this night.

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 4th, 2003, 10:07:53 PM
Dominik jogged up the steps of the Darkmere mansion, not in the least surprised when a messenger showed up at his door requesting his presence to meet the newest member of the Darkmere clan and her children. He smiled, knowing it was a good time for the Darkmeres. His thoughts went to Ezra and he prayed he was faring well. His forehead crinkled a bit, knowing that what ever was keeping him from his lifemate must be of the utmost importance, especially to have her sent, along with the twins, to Khar Sian.

He smiled when Syria opened the door for him and curtsied. He shook his head, having the feeling he would not get used to the treatment bestowed upon him being a Lord.

"Where are they, Syria?" He asked in a soft voice.

Before she could answer, Dominik heard Dante's deep laughter and smiled, nodding to Syria as he made his way into the library where he found Epona looking gorgeous as ever. He smiled at her, giving her a wink and then nodded to Izabell as she grinned at him. His eyes stopped at the black haired women perched on the arm of the couch and his eyebrows raised for a moment before he regained his composure. He cleared his throat and looked at Epona as he reached for a glass of the dark blood wine.

"A toast..." He began, a smile on his lips. "May the dark days of Khar Sian be a thing of the past. Let us look to the future and what it holds for us."

Epona Rhi
Nov 4th, 2003, 10:23:02 PM
Epona tried to keep herself in check, Dominik came walking through the entryway and she held her breath. Her lips parted slightly and she felt herself actually blush when he smiled at her. She returned his smile and followed his gaze when he seemed to faulter. She looked at Kariss and smirked, none of the men here could basically keep from looking at her, Epona didn't blame them....Kariss was indeed a georgous woman. She was wishing he would look back at her.

*Gasp* He did! Again she smiled, this time even bigger. She picked up a glass and held it off as he proposed a toast. Gods, those eyes.....she told herself....She could get lost in them ....then her eyes slowly averted to the left and she blushed even more when Dante was looking at her with a arched eyebrow and a smirk.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 4th, 2003, 11:39:05 PM
Dante second the toast, drinking from his glass slowly, watching the looks pass between Dominik and Epona.

'Well now.' He thought to himself, a smile playing on his lips.

He glanced over at Kariss and let out a sigh. He realized what was happening. He was lonely since Myriad left, was ready to move on with his life and a gorgeous creature like Kariss paid him the attention she had been, he was going to mistake it for something else. An eyebrow raised, the realization hitting him that if indeed anything did happen to Ezra, he would beat anyone else down who dared try to woo her and claim her as his own. She was a jewel to be worshipped.

Kariss caught him looking at her and he shrugged his shoulders, walking over to her and kissed her cheek. She raised an eyebrow at him and he leaned close, whispering,

"Welcome home, Kariss, where you truly belong."

Dante smiled at her settled on the arm of the couch next to her, watching the others quietly.

Dorian Gray
Nov 5th, 2003, 08:32:58 AM
Dorian leaned against the wall, watching Dante and his whole demeanor towards Kariss. Within the last few minutes it had seemed to change from what he would call lust to nothing more than friendship.

His glanced at Epona and grinned. The unshakable Darkling finally found someone who could shake her. Dominik Korvinus. He introduced himself and noted that Dominik looked upon him with an interested eye and Dorian sighed, knowing that the look meant he knew all about the mortal's feelings for Redeemer.

'Frelling vampies know everything.' Dorian muttered jokingly to himself.

Epona's comment the other night still haunted him and he found to wonder if being turned would make Redeemer notice him. If given the opportunity, he would take that chance in a heartbeat.

'Enough of this.' Dorian chided himself.

He grabbed his glass and filled it again, surprised that he had taken a liking to the blood wine. When he turned around, five sets of eyes were watching him closely. He gave them all a lopsided grin and shrugged his shoulders, taking a sip of the wine.

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 5th, 2003, 08:39:19 AM
Dominik smiled at everyone in the room, bowing his head in respect when Kariss looked at him. He would speak to her when she was alone, get to know her. Meanwhile, Dominik laughed at Dorian's lopsided grin, truly feeling for the mortal. Shaking his head, he made his way closer to Epona and gave her a soft smile as he closed the distance between them.

"You look gorgeous tonight, Epona." He said, resting his shoulder against the wall, his eyes calling to her, daring her to look away from him. "I want to thank you for your help in planning this celebration for Khar Sian. We need something like this."

Dominik found himself wanting to run his free hand through her silky hair, but instead, shoved his hand into the pocket of his coat, keeping it in a tight fist.

Epona Rhi
Nov 5th, 2003, 09:29:22 AM
She almost dropped her glass of bloodwine and ran to him, throwing herself into his arms. But instead, she kept hersel steeled and returned his soft smile.

"You look gorgeous tonight, Epona."

"Thank you. You look......extremely handsome tonight as well."

She used her free hand to tuck her hair behind her ear as she looked down for a second to smile shyly, then glanced back up to look into his eyes.....mmmmm those eyes.

"I want to thank you for your help in planning this celebration for Khar Sian. We need something like this."

She kept that shy smile on.

"It was my pleasure Dominik. I'm glad you like it so far."

She found herself leaning against the same wall facing him.....and giving him an "inviting" stare.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 5th, 2003, 09:37:27 AM
The maid answered the front door and was shocked to him there. He was thought to have skipped the celebration, but as he sat in his ship, he knew what he wanted could wait several more hours. He hugged her and strode in. He walked through the entryway and made a beeline for Dominik.

Placing his hand on his friend's shoulder he spoke.

"Now, you didn't really think I'd let you celebrate this on your own did you?"

He laughed when Dominik turned and Quinlin embraced him and patted his back.

"I decided to leave after the celebration Dom."

Quinlin looked back and saw the eyes of everyone on him. They were happy he hadn't left just yet. He smiled and gave a curt nod to Kariss. She had finally arrived and he was sure the Darkmere's were happy. He also gave an apologetic smile to Epona, as it seemed he was intruding on her space due to the look she gave him...that warning look. He winked and left the two alone to talk. Grabbing his glass and standing by himself in usual fashion.

Dorian Gray
Nov 5th, 2003, 11:13:08 AM
Dorian looked around the room, smiling when he saw Quinlin walk in. He could tell right away Dominik was thrilled to have his best friend there. He looked at each person in the room, including himself in the mirror across the room.

The Bloodpack were together like they were meant to be. Well, except for Redeemer. He was afraid to even mention her name now in fear of getting his head bitten off. Her absence was a weight growing heavier and heavier on everyone there. Dorian guessed it would not have been so bad except for the fact that she was with that Soth vampyre.

'Come home, Redeemer....soon!' Dorian sent to her. 'Whether they realize it or not, the Pack needs you, My Vampyre. Hurry home.'

Nov 6th, 2003, 03:16:14 AM
Izabell walked over and greeted Quinlin. He was supposed to have gone on a solo jaunt as he sometimes does, but surprised them all by actually showing up for the celebration.

"It is good to see you here my friend."

She said as she left him to himself, walking over to Dante she hugged him too.

"I see Epona has taken to Dominik.....If he's not careful, she'll win his heart."

She shared a smile with Dante and then made her way to Dorian, he looked so downhearted....she hugged him.

"She will come home soon Dorian.....I feel she will."

Dante Imoralia
Nov 6th, 2003, 02:28:54 PM
Dante smiled at Izabell as his eyes traveled to his daughter standing there looking cozy with Dominik. He shook his head in amusement, knowing that he could not find a better match for either of them. He would just have to keep his fingers crossed things worked out.

He turned back to look at Kariss who was watching Izabell closely. He had a feeling something was on the beauty's mind.

"Kariss, is ther anything wrong?" He whispered, leaning closer to her.

Kariss had turned her brown eyes upon him and smiled sadly at him.

"Nothing a little time with my sister can't cure."

Dante nodded, letting the subject go. He knew it had to do with Ezra and would not pry. He kissed her cheek and then replied,

"Then take that time, Kariss. Go catch up with Izabell on the veranda. We're not going anywhere."

Dorian Gray
Nov 6th, 2003, 02:36:30 PM
"She will come home soon Dorian.....I feel she will."

"Thank you, Iz." Dorian whispered, hugging her back. "I'm truly worried about her...about all of us without her."

Before he could say anything else, Kariss approached and he smiled at her, nodding his head in respect.

"You look stunning, Kariss." He smiled, watching the looks pass between sisters. Taking a step back, he said, "I will leave the two of you to catch up."

He looked at Epona and grinned, watching her and Dominik interact. They were definately interested in each other. That was too obvious. Glancing at the brooding Quin in the corner, he knew he was not one of the vampyre's favorites, so he decided to take up residence on the couch in which Dante was still perched on.

"When you have the time, Dante, I would like to speak with you." Dorian said, watching as the elder vampyre noted the serious tone in his voice and turned to look at him. Dorian did not turn away this time. He held his head high and Dante narrowed his eyes, knowing what it was the mortal wanted to speak to him about.

"After the celebration, Dorian." Dante answered.

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 7th, 2003, 02:41:39 PM
Dominik ignored everyone else in the room as he talked with Epona. He could not believe his luck in coming back home, regaining his memory and finding a gorgeous woman like Epona. He was surprised to find that she had not already been claimed a lifemate to someone, even just recently turned. She was absolutely stunning. He could not get past her lavendar eyes. They haunted him.

Dominik finally gave in and reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. As he pulled his hand away, he intentionally let the tips of his fingers stroke her jawline. He sighed silently, her skin soft and begging to be touched more. His eyes caught Dante's knowing stare and he nodded at him, recieving an approving smile from Epona's father.

Epona Rhi
Nov 8th, 2003, 01:36:51 AM
Her eyes widened a bit as he reached over and tucked the stray strands of her raven colored hair behind her ear. Then her eyes closed as he let his fingertips run gently across her jawline. She tilted her head toward his hand and brushed her lips against his hand as it passed.

She opened her eyes and looked at him, a mixture of longing and fear within her lavender pools. She couldnt do much more than whisper his name.


Dominik Korvinus
Nov 8th, 2003, 01:48:46 PM
Dominik smiled down at her, suddenly wanting to me alone with her, away from her father's watchful eyes. He grabbed her hand and leaned closer.

"Let's get out of here for a few." He whispered, his eyes going to Dante. The elder vampyre nodded his head, as if knowing Dominik's intentions.

'Do not hurt her.' Came the curt warning in Dominik's mind.

Dominik returned Dante's nod and then pulled gently on Epona's hand as he turned to walk out of the library with her. The two of them walked in silence for a bit, making their way out to the garden at the back of the mansion. Dominik looked down at their still joined hands and smiled, bringing his head up to look at the raven haired creature next to him.

He steered them to a stone bench by a pond and waited for Epona to sit down before he did. They smiled at each other for a few moments and then he softly laughed, breaking the silence.

"Kind of awkward, isn't it?" He chuckled.

The silence continued to hang between the two of them and Dominik let out a sigh, turning around on the bench to face her, his legs on either side. Epona looked at him and he brought up a hand to cup her cheek as he stared into those lavendar eyes that he could not get out of his head.

"With your permission?" Dominik asked in a husky voice, leaning closer to her. There was a moment's pause before he claimed her lips with his own in a gentle, almost searching kiss.

Epona Rhi
Nov 9th, 2003, 05:02:42 AM
Her eyes widened once more at the action Dominik took. She didn't say a word...she wanted to say "yes" but fear froze her. She wanted to smile, but she couldnt......it was when his lips did touch hers that she gave in. Her arms came up around his neck and she pushed herself into that kiss, turning it more into a "needful" one. She even growled a bit as she kissed him deeply. Her fingers now tangling themselves in his hair.

She was afraid at first because of the hurt Ranx had done to her, but Dominik seemed to take it all away from her...she felt stronger with him in her arms. She broke from the kiss to look into his eyes, her lavender pools telling him she wanted to be kissed again.

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 9th, 2003, 02:29:12 PM
Dominik turned his grey eyes upon her and smiled, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs on either side. He took in everything about her lovely face, as if memorizing it.

"You are an amazing woman, Epona Imoralia." He whispered, kissing her again as her arms tightened around him.

Every instinct in him told him to take Epona and claim her as his own, to bind her to him as the lifemate ritual calls for, but he knew Epona was not the type to be claimed like that. She demanded the utmost respect and it would be by her permission if he or anyone were to do that.

Dominik suddenly pulled away from Epona, his eyes wide as he stared at her. It hit him that he did not recognize the signs earlier. She was his lifemate. The feelings he was feeling for her, the protectiveness that came to him when she was around...
Dominik let out a shaky breath and laughed softly, reaching for her to kiss her fully again. Some lifemates were decided when young by the Elders, some were destined...and Dominik was one of the lucky few who were to find their lifemate by destiny.

Things seemed to be rushing to him quickly when it came to Epona. She was a breath of fresh air and he did not want any other man laying claim to her. She was his and he would see to it that she saw it in time.

Nov 9th, 2003, 05:23:37 PM
Izabell had taken Kariss by the arm and steered her to another part of the huge room. She smiled and then her smile faded. She took on a more serious look as she looked at her sister.

"What is bothering you sister? Is it because of my brother?"

She asked as she also had a nagging feeling about Ezra....like something bad was about to happen.

"Are you feeling what I'm feeling?"

Nov 9th, 2003, 05:32:29 PM
Kariss looked around the room at the others and then motioned for Izabell to join her outside on the veranda. Once there, Kariss looked out at the bright moon, feeling the gentle breeze on her face, memories of time with Ezra flooding her vision. Without looking at Izabell, she spoke.

"Something horrible is going to happen, Izabell." She whispered. "He spoke of it back home and I nor any of you can help him. He will not seek out Father's help, either."

Kariss took a deep breath and turned her dark brown eyes upon her sister.

"I am afraid what is going to happen will make Father send the Bloodpack out after him...and you know what that means, Izabell. His death." Kariss shuddered, suddenly cold against the cool breeze. "I am also afraid that in sending out the Pack, he will send me out as well."

Kariss turned away from her sister, blinking back tears that threatened to fall.

"I could not live bringing my lifemate to his death." She whispered softly

Nov 9th, 2003, 05:41:18 PM
Izabell hugged her brother's lifemate. She felt that too last time they had seen him. Something forboding and forbidden would be wrought by him and by the looks of the state he was in back then, it wouldnt have been his fault.

"I know Kariss.....I know what father would do....and not only would you be going after him, but me as well. And I love my brother too much to take his life. I dont know why he hates him so much....Ezra is just ......different from the others."

She took a couple steps from Kariss and turned to face her.

"When the time comes, we need to work together....to stall the hunt. I will go to this Shadow Faene and speak with this....Hera is it? I need you to stall father....for some strange reason, he seems to value your words over mine or my mother's."

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"We have to do that to give Ezra time to go where he must....because Father wouldnt help him even if he did come for it."

Nov 9th, 2003, 05:48:54 PM
"Shadow Faene.." Kariss bit the words out with the hatred she felt for that place. "Hera caused what Ezra is going through. Do not think that mortal will help you."

Kariss turned now black eyes upon her sister, her anger, her distaste for the place that Ezra resides visible to Izabell.

"If it had not been for her and the use of the Force upon Ezra, he would not be going through this hell he is. If you go to Shadow Faene, may it be to bring it down." Kariss smiled at the thought of Shadow Faene falling and then whirled away from Izabell and walked across the veranda, hugging herself with her arms.

"I need you to stall father....for some strange reason, he seems to value your words over mine or my mother's."

"I wish I knew the answer to that." She replied, puzzled at the fact that Fulkrehm did treat her differently than the rest of the family. "I will do what I can, Izabell."

Kariss turned back to face her sister and crossed the distance between them, taking her into her arms to hug her close.

Nov 9th, 2003, 05:58:40 PM
"Somehow Kariss, I feel your enemy will be more a help for Ezra than our father would ever be. But I will be cautious when I go there."

She thought about why her father would treat her differently and she couldnt figoure it out. Her father would have to explain that one.

"I dont know what to tell you on that Kariss....Father is a strange one indeed. He would have to explain that to you."

Nov 9th, 2003, 06:02:53 PM
Kariss ignored her comment about Shadow Faene and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, Father is indeed a strange one, isn't he?" She said, suddenly laughing, feeling some of the tension drain away. It was good to have someone she loved, she trusted on her side when it came to talking about Ezra.

Kariss hugged Izabell one last time and then turned her to take her back inside, realizing the perfect distraction to use with Fulkrehm when it came time.

"Come on, I need to get my mind off of things. Let's go have some fun, let's see how much we can get the men riled up in there. That's always fun." Kariss laughed with a cheeky grin, keeping her arm around her sister's shoulders as they walked back into the library.

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 12th, 2003, 02:46:08 PM
The twins were now sleeping, and the head vampyre strode in with his lifemate at his side. The festivities were going good, the families werre all gathered, council members....the children....everyone. This made him happy. This was how it should be....it was.......His eyes narrowed....something just struck him..... a feeling.....he searched the room.....nothing out of the ordinary....only Quinlin's icey stare....one the count grew to accept ever since the sentence he carried out on his lovemate.

In time the young one would forget about it....but this.....this was different....he let his feelings reach out through the force and.......no....not him...not that. He looked to see Danae looking at him with a surprised look and even Izabell had a strange look to her......but she hid it well....only the eyes of worry gave her away.....he looked to Kariss to see what she would give off to confirm this ..... tragic episode from far away.

Nov 12th, 2003, 04:36:23 PM
Kariss smiled as the elder vampyre walked in with Danae. Her smile faultered when she saw the disturbed look on his face and then when his troubled eyes turned on her, that's when she felt the connection to Ezra open and she gasped, whirling around to hide her shocked expression from everyone.

Images of bodies laying everywhere drained of their blood hit her and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. Hot tears welled her eyes and she tried to blink them back, but failed. They fell down her cheeks as she closed her eyes, the images assaulting her again and again.

She then saw Ezra, dazed and confused as he leaned against the wall, blood staining his mouth, his neck and his shirt. He had crossed the line that they swore they would never do. He had turned his back on all that he was taught about innocents and bloodletting.

"Ezra...no." Kariss whispered sadly, slowly turning around to look straight at Dante and then regretfully at Fulkrehm. She shook her head in denial as Izabell reached out for her. Kariss waved her off, her horrofied eyes pleading with Fulkrehm as she ran out of the room into the front gardens, leaving everyone speechless.

Kariss collapsed against the gate, letting her tears flow freely as she cried out Ezra's name over and over, knowing his fate was now sealed, that the Bloodpack would indeed be sent for him and deep down, she knew Fulkrehm would send her after him.

Nov 12th, 2003, 04:43:30 PM
Arms fell over Kariss and soft hair cascaded over her shoulders and part of her head, Izabell was there hugging her sister. She too cried along with her. Her brother, the one who had always been there for her was now in trouble and she would have to be there for him, even at the knowledge her father would be extremely upset and could even harm her for that.

"Im sorry my sister.....we'll help him."

She said in between sobs.

"I wont allow him to be hurt.... I wont"

She held Kariss tighter as they both leaned against the gate of the garden.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 12th, 2003, 05:01:24 PM
Dante slowly stood from his perch on the couch and walked over to his friend, his hand grasping his arm. Fulkrehm turned his head to look at him and the two old friends stood there.

'Fulkrehm, what has happened? Obviously it has something to do with Ezra...what is it?' Dante sent to him, still in shock from seeing Kariss run out of the room like she did.

Dante looked around the room to find everyone quiet and looking at one another, almost as if too scared to say one word. Frell, he could not blame them. He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his fingers as he looked back at Fulkrehm.

"My friend, what has happened?"

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 12th, 2003, 06:12:02 PM
The Count looked at Dante with narrow eyes. He will know what has happened. What must be done. The laws were strict and binding on planet as well as off.

' My son.....has broken the most sacred of our laws my friend.....you know what must be done.'

He sent to him, his mind's voice hard and precise.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 13th, 2003, 08:26:27 AM
Dante narrowed his eyes, not believing what Fulkrehm had told him.

'It cannot be..Ezra?' He sent back, turning to look at the direction Kariss went running out of and then shook his head sadly. It was true. Dante then realized all eyes in the room were resting on them and he turned around and offered them all a smile.

"Do not let this ruin this party. Please, continue on, enjoy yourselves. Excuse us."

Dante, his hand still on his friend's arm, directed him out onto the veranda, making sure to close the doors behind them.

"Much to my sadness, Fulkrehm, it will be done. Such laws were made for a reason and the one Ezra broke is unforgivable. I am so sorry, My Friend. To have lost one son already, now a second. I know your pain." Dante whispered. "What of Kariss, is she expected to run with the Pack this time?"

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 13th, 2003, 09:39:19 AM
He looked at Dante with hard eyes, then averted them to Kariss. Watching the beautiful Darkmere. Dante's expression changed when the response came.

"Under normal circumstances I would say yes, But as of now she does not. Her place is with the twins, here....but my daughter is to go."

But the thought of sending his lifemate for him did in a sick demented way sound good to him....he might change his mind about it after all.

"On second thought.....have her on ready status...she may end up going after all."

He looked back at the others trying to enjoy themselves.

"We have a celebration to attend first....they will set out after him in two days time."

Dante Imoralia
Nov 13th, 2003, 11:50:42 AM
"Have Kariss on ready status? Have you gone mad, Fulkrehm?" Dante hissed, stepping to his side to get a closer look at him. "That is madness for Ezra and Kariss both if you send her. You know what that will do to her, don't you? Do you even care?"

Dante took a long look at his friend, noting the coldness in his eyes. He shook his head and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Fine, it is your call since it is Ezra." Dante muttered, turning to follow Fulkrehm's gaze off the veranda to the front garden where Kariss leaned against the gate with Izabell next to her.

In two nights, the Bloodpack will be sent out to bring Ezra back to Khar Sian to face the Council of Nine and then most likely his death. In two nights....Dante raised his red eyes skyward and sent out a silent prayer that Redeemer made it back in time. The Pack will need her more than ever now.

Nov 13th, 2003, 06:39:43 PM
Kariss hugged Izabell back and then wiped her tears, sniffling at the same time.

"To send me after Ezra would be to end all that he and I have." Kariss whispered, her eyes going to the veranda where the two elder vampyres stood, watching her. Her eyes locked with Fulkrehm's and the two of them stood there, staring down each other in a silent battle. In that moment, she knew he would be sending her. It was only a matter of time.

Kariss tore her gaze from Fulkrehm and looked upon Dante with as much strength as she could. She could see the tenderness in his eyes as he watched her and knew he did not like what was going on any more than she or Izabell did.

Turning away from tha handsome vampyre, Kariss sighed and pulled Izabell into her arms for another hug. The sisters clung to each other, thriving on one another's strength to get through this.

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 13th, 2003, 10:02:39 PM
He turned his hard eyes to Dante, His friend was always undermining when it came to Ezra.

"What....you do not approve of my judgement on Ezra? Think I am too harsh? "

Then he fully faced his friend and confidant.

"You always were partial to that embarrassment of a son. Tell me ......Why would you be?"

Dante Imoralia
Nov 13th, 2003, 10:17:46 PM
"How can I approve or not when I would be forced to do the same thing in my situation, Fulkrehm." Dante hissed, tearing his gaze from Kariss. "These rules were made by us to be upheld by us. Ezra broke them, he must pay the price."

Dante walked away from his friend and looked out over the veranda to the other side of the mansion and shook his head.

"Ezra an embarrassment? Only in your eyes, Fulkrehm." Dante said, his voice low. "If you do not see the good he has done with his life...then that is your problem. That 'embarrassment of a son' provided you with a mother to your grandchildren, both of which I may add, you love so dearly. I know your take on turned one's joining with our pure one's, Fulkrehm...why has Kariss wound herself around your heart like she has? If Ezra had not of taken her as his lifemate, you would not have her in your life nor would you have those two gorgeous babies in there!"

Dante pulled his hair away from his face and turned to look at Fulkrehm.

"You are my oldest friend, my confidant...I would walk into the daylight for you, Fulkrehm, but seriously think about what you are about to do by sending Kariss out there. If not for Ezra...then do it for her."

Dante walked back over to Fulkrehm and by the Count's surprise, he hugged him tightly for a moment before turning on his heel to head back into the library where the other's awaited them. Grabbing a glass of blood wine, he downed it quickly and turned to look at Dorian.

"Are you sure you want this?" Dante asked in a whisper, not waiting for the mortal to answer before he turned away and walked outside to Kariss and Izabell, leaving Quinlin and Dorian alone, looking at each other in wonderment.

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 13th, 2003, 10:36:19 PM
The Count looked at Kariss, then back to Dante.....damn that man for being so reasonable and offering the voice of reason. If he does send her she would lose all control and there went his perfect daughter.

He walked to Dante and softly spoke.

"Once again you are right my friend....she stays with the children."

Nov 13th, 2003, 10:43:02 PM
At his words, Kariss turned from where she stood next to Dante and looked at Fulkrehm. Her anger at him melted as he stood before them with his disheveled hair and his forehead scrunched.

Kariss took a step towards him and then quickly closed the distance between them, hugging him tightly. Somehow she would get him to change his mind about Ezra's life, she just had to. With wide, soulful eyes, she moved her head up to look into his hard ones and whispered,

"I love you, Father."

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 14th, 2003, 09:29:40 AM
He simply grinned and smoothed her hair. He nodded slowly to her and closed his eyes briefly as he exhaled. To send her would ruin who she was..... and he didnt want that.

"Yes, I know Kariss. Now please, let's all forget this little episode and go inside to enjoy the rest of the celebration.....Poor Dominik is must be surprised at all this."

He said, not knowing Dominik had escaped to the other gardens to spend time with Epona alone.

Epona Rhi
Nov 14th, 2003, 09:34:33 AM
They had stopped thier kissing, and she was now leaning against him with his arms around her. Both watching the Khar Sian moons. Her one hand held his biscep of his right arm, while her left hand gently caressed his left forearm. She was smiling and much happier then she has ever been.

If only Ree could see her now.

" Dominik, did you ever have a lovemate before? you know.... just someone special."

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 14th, 2003, 01:19:55 PM
Dominik's eyebrows rose at her question, his earlier revelation still had him stunned. He looked down the ground and let out a soft laugh.

"I've had women I've dated, but none seriously, if that is what you mean." Dominik answered truthfully. If he was to prove to her that she was his lifemate, he would only be truthful to her about everything she wanted to hear.

Another revelation hit him and he realized he would have to speak to Dante about his intentions and for some reason, facing the ever quiet vampyre put him on edge. Once a lifemate was discovered in their kind, it was not disputed, no matter who tried to dispute it.

"And you, Epona? Have you had anyone special in your life?" He asked, turning back around to place a kiss on her temple and then her cheek.

Epona Rhi
Nov 14th, 2003, 09:03:18 PM
She closed her eyes and smiled, at his attention. She was surprised at her reaction to him from day one, since that one time when her old flame had brought her world down around her she had hated the male species. But when she had laid eyes upon Dominik all of it went out the window.

She brought a hand up to caress his cheek.

"Yes, Ive had someone special before.....his name was Ranxor. He.....taught me to hate. I was like how I am now years ago...then he, the one I had given my heart to had killed my master....and tried to kill me. Ever since then, Ive hated all men....but you come along, and everything Ive known since then is forgotten."

She smiles and snuggles deeper into his embrace.

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 14th, 2003, 09:27:50 PM
Dominik wrapped his arms tight around her, smiling to himself as he let his thoughts wonder off that maybe, just maybe she was starting to deal with her own realization that she was meant for him.

"I am sorry to hear of your pain, Epona." He whispered, his lips caressing her temple. "I will not do that to you, if you give me the chance."

They looked at each other in silence before he leaned down and kissed her again. He felt her arms wrap around his waist and Dominik pulled her as close to him as he could and as they broke the kiss, he tucked her head under his chin and closed his eyes as he thanked what ever it was that brought this woman into his life.

'Dominik, bring my daughter back inside.'

Dominik's eyes snapped open, catching the uneasiness in Dante's voice. Pulling away from Epona, he looked down at her and smiled.

"Come on, let's go back and join the others. I'm sure they are waiting on us." Dominik captured her lips with his one last time in a breathless kiss before standing up, holding out his hands for her to take.

'We are on our way.' Dominik replied regretfully. He could have spent the rest of the night together out in the garden with Epona in his arms.

Epona Rhi
Nov 14th, 2003, 10:23:14 PM
"I am sorry to hear of your pain, Epona. I will not do that to you, if you give me the chance."

She smiled at him and touched his face.

"Dominik, I believe Ive already given you that chance the moment I kissed you."

She saw the look on his face and felt her father call from inside. She took Dominik's hand and walked with him back inside.

Wonder whats got Da all ruffled? She thought to herself.

Nov 14th, 2003, 11:19:01 PM
Redeemer walked the streets of Khar Sian, her trench coat trailing behind her and her head covered with a black shawl. She did not want anyone to recognize her right now as she made her way back to the mansion…her home. She kept her mind closed to everyone she loved. She had something she needed to do first before anyone knew of her return. The heavy satchel at her side thumped against her thigh as a constant reminder of what she and the Death Knight Lord Soth had just went through. The head of her lifemate’s killer rest in the satchel and a sadistic smile played on her lips as she ran up the steps to the front door of the mansion.

She walked through the front door, quickly closing it behind her .Unwrapping the shawl from her head, her blonde hair spilled around her shoulders as her green eyes moved slowly around the foyer, stopping at the entrance to the family room where she had last saw Ice…where she found him dead. Closing her eyes for a moment, she took a deep breath and began to move towards the set of stairs that lead to the chamber she had shared with Ice, where he now rested in eternal peace, sealed by the magic of their kind. Reaching for the door, she heard foot steps behind her and a soft smile appeared as she turned around to face the butler, Royce.

“Royce.” She said, reaching out to hug him.

“Mistress Redeemer!” He exclaimed, hugging her tightly, a grin on his weathered old face. “The place has not been the same without you! Wait…do the others know –“

“No, they do not, Royce and I would prefer that they do not right now.” Redeemer sighed, hugging him again.

Royce’s eyes went to the satchel and then flew back up to meet her’s, the question dying to be asked. She smiled and nodded slowly as his hands flew up to cover his gaping mouth. She placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently.

“I could use some blood wine, Royce, if you do not mind?” She asked, her eyes darting back to the door. “Could you get me some? I have something I need to do.”

“Of course, Mistress, right away.” Royce quickly turned and scurried down the hall to the kitchen.

Redeemer let out a sigh and opened the door, her eyes glued to the stairs. Taking a deep breath, she began to step down them one by one until she stood in front of the chamber. Closing her eyes, she began to chant softly and the invisible seals began to illuminate and as her voice grew, she stopped suddenly and a gush of air blew by her and the door opened on its own.

Her eyes were immediately drawn to the casket in the middle of the room and the candles she had lit around it in a circle were still ignited and her blood she smeared on the lid was still in evidence. She walked to the casket, her hands reaching to fan out on the lid as she knelt beside it. She placed a soft kiss on the lid and felt her eyes well with tears. Not bothering with them, she let them fall and took a shuddering breath.

“I did it, Icilian.” She whispered proudly. “I got the bastard that did this to you.”

She sniffled, placing another kiss on the lid.

“I miss you so much, Ice.” Redeemer closed her eyes, leaning her head against the cool wood and let the sobs out as she hugged the casket. Her fingers clenched, her nails digging into the wood. Her hands clenched into fists and she angrily beat on the casket, her pain of being alone finally coming to the surface.

“I don’t want to be alone, Ice.” She whispered, admitting her deepest fear. The sobs starting to subside, she hiccupped a few times and then turned to rest her back against the casket, wiping her eyes. Redeemer glanced at the satchel and knew what she had to do.

Getting up, she quickly changed from her tattered clothing and into some fresh low riding leather pants and tank top and quickly brushed her hair. Keeping it down, she bent to pick up the satchel and took one last look at the casket, closing her eyes in silent prayer that where ever Ice was, he was ok.

Royce met Redeemer at the top of the stairs with her blood wine, which she drank thirstily. She smiled appreciatively at him and then placed the glass back on the tray.

“You might want to know that the Pack has gathered at Master Darkmere’s for the night in celebration.”

“Celebration? Of what?” Redeemer asked with a raised eyebrow. Royce quickly filled her in on what has happened since she had left and Redeemer could not keep the smile from her face as he spoke Dominik’s name. She could not believe he was back home. And Kariss…she looked forward to seeing her again and catching up.

“I must go, Royce.” She said with a smile, turning to run out the door and the short distance to the Darkmere mansion.

Standing outside the mansion, Redeemer took a deep breath and opened the front door just as the made was rushing up to her. Redeemer placed a finger against her own lips to keep her quiet and the maid nodded her head in understanding, pointing to the library with a smile. Redeemer nodded her thanks to her and then walked slowly to the door. She did not know what kind of welcome she would receive and at that point, she did not care, all she wanted to see was the look of satisfaction on Dante’s face.

Grabbing the door knobs with both hands, she waited a minute, listening to the happy voices inside. She recognized Dorian’s husky laugh and she grinned, happy to know he was still on Khar Sian where he belonged. She could hear them, could feel them…Quinlin, Dorian, Dante, Fulkrehm, Izabell, Epona…oh, her sweet sister Epona, she had missed her dearly, Kariss and Dominik. She was home. With a smile, she reached out for her sister.

’Epona, my sister, open the door.’

Epona Rhi
Nov 15th, 2003, 05:57:54 PM
’Epona, my sister, open the door.’

She gasped loudly and her eyes got big. She looked around frantically and then did a double take at the door. She let go of Dominik's hand and ran to the door laughing like a little girl. She was home!!

As the rest looked on with weird looks as she seemed to have gone mad. The only one to show a sign of knowing what was going on was Quin...he was leaning against the wall with a glass of bloodwine wearing a smile.

She ran past him smiling hugely and reached for the doors which she flew open to reveal her sister she missed so much. She jumped at the blonde and hugged her tightly laughing out loud.

"You're HOME!!!"

She squealed with delight as she held Ree. Refusing to let her go from the embrace just yet.

Nov 15th, 2003, 06:17:32 PM
Redeemer laughed, being knocked back a few steps from the force of Epona's hug. Her own arms wrapped around her and held her tighlty, closing her eyes for a moment.

"I missed you, Sister." Redeemer whispered, opening her eyes to look around the room. She caught Quinlin's smile and answered him with one of her own. Still holding onto Epona, she walked into the library and smiled at everyone.

"I'm sorry for the lateness of my return. I was...delayed." Redeemer said cryptically, her eyes zeroing in on Dante and with the nod of her head, a tight smile appeared on his lips.

She nodded her head in respect at Fulkrehm then smiled at Kariss and Izabell. When she looked upon Dorian, her eyes widened at which he was returning her gaze with such intensity. They stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before she tore her gaze away from him and looked to Dominik, her face lighting up at seeing her childhood friend alive and well and back amongst his kin.

"Dominik." She whispered, looking at Epona as she released her and made her way to Dominik to hug him. "I have missed you so Dom. Glad you are home."

A discreet cough caught her attention and she turned to look back at Fulkrehm and Dante as they stood next to one another by the library desk. Redeemer's hand went to the satchel and she pulled out of Dominik's embrace to walk to them, stopping infront of the desk.

"I left here months ago to do something for you, Father." Redeemer whispered. "And it is done."

She pulled the satchel over her head and threw it on the desk top with a thud. The satchel fell open and Wraith's skeletonal-like head stared wide eyed up at them in a frozen look of shock.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 15th, 2003, 06:38:19 PM
Dante stared at the hideous creature's head on Fulkrehm's desk and a snarl slowly appeared on his lips. His body tensed and all he wanted to do was grab ahold of the head and toss it out of the window. He looked quickly at Fulkrehm to see his forehead creased and his eyes narrowed.

"So this is him?" Dante asked, his fists clencing at his sides.

"Yes, Father." Redeemer responded quietly.

Dante nodded his head and walked around the desk, pulling his daughter into his arms to hold her close. His body shook with unreleased sobs and he took a deep breath, controlling them. He kissed Redeemer's forehead and looked at her.

"Thank you, Ree." He whispered. "You do not know what this means to me."

Dante hugged her once again, kissed her cheek and then before she coud see his eyes shining with tears, turned her around to face her friends.

"Be amongst your friends, we will talk privately later."

Redeemer turned her big green eyes upon him and he nodded to her, watching her turn to walk back to Epona's side. He turned back and looked at Fulkrehm who was still staring at the head.

"If you are to punish anyone, Fulkrehm, for disobeying orders, punish me." Dante whispered, his voice breaking. "I am the one who asked this of her. She only did it out of love for me."

Dante lowered his eyes to the lifeless head, wishing he could bring his son back to him and his lifemate.

Epona Rhi
Nov 15th, 2003, 06:48:57 PM
While the whole fiasco with the private meeting went on, epona had found Dominik's embrace again and was softly talking to him. A smile played on her face as well as his. To Epona , whatever it was that Ree had brought back was important for the elders and not to her. Little did she remember what it was that Ree had set out for, Dominik had taken over her thinking.

When Ree was turned around, She caught the surprise Epona held back from her. Epona had caressed his face and tugged him down to steal a kiss.....not a peck....a real sensual one. That was when Epona looked her way and smiled at her sister.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 15th, 2003, 06:59:23 PM

Nov 15th, 2003, 07:01:54 PM
Redeemer's eyes widened in surprise as she faltered in her steps. Epona kissing Dominik?? Epona just kissing someone?? An eyebrow raised as she looked between her two friends and crossed her arms infront of her.

"What do we have here?" Redeemer asked, biting her lip to keep from grinning at the two of them. She had never seen Epona so happy in her life and she was not about to take that away from her. Her eyes searched their faces, their feelings for each other new and hard to hide. She grinned, laughing as she hugged the both of them.

"I'm happy for you both." She whispered, then glanced at Dominik. "You and I have much to catch up on."

Dominik grinned at her and kissed her cheek loudly, then his eyes drifted behind her.

"I think a certain mortal would like to say hi." Dominik murmured, winking at her.

Redeemer laughed and then turned around to find Dorian watching her every move.

Dorian Gray
Nov 15th, 2003, 07:12:03 PM
Dorian slowly stood from the couch, happy that his vampyre was home safe and sound, her mission obviously complete. All he wanted to do was take her in his arms and hold that luscious body against his. His eyes never left her since she walked into library and if it could be possible, she was even more beautiful than the last time he saw her.

He watched as Redeemer turned around to face him with a laughing smile on her face and he thought he would never see that again. Dorian could see the haunting pain hidden in her eyes and knew the laughter, the smiles, were all just a front for everone else's sake. It would take time for her to heal from this emotionally exhausting mission and he was going to make frelling sure he was there for her.

Without a word, he closed the distance between himself and Redeemer, took her in his arms and bent her backwards, capturing her full red lips with his in a kiss that knocked the breath out of him. The hand supporting her head tightened in her hair and his body shook as he felt her arms come up around his neck, her mouth responding to his.

Slowly breaking the kiss, he pulled her back up to a standing position and looked into her eyes, watching the glazed look that he knew he had in his own slowly disappear. That's when he heard the cat calls and whistles coming from everyone else in the library.

"Welcome home, Redeemer." He whispered before letting her go to walk to the bar for another glass of blood wine. With his back to her, he let out a shaky breath and quickly downed the sweet, dark liquid. His eyes drifted over to Quinlin to find him smiling at him with a raised eyebrow. Dorian gathered himself and then grinned cheekily at the vampyre.

Nov 15th, 2003, 08:28:17 PM
Redeemer stood there, a little dazed and a little confused at her reaction to Dorian's kiss. Her fingers touched her still tingling lips and she ignored the smiles and knowing glances of her friends to turn back to look at Dorian's back. She turned back around, catching the gaze of Dante and he leaned against the door jam, his arms crossed infront of his chest. His eyes went to Dorian and then back to her and he smiled lovingly at her.

'Your mortal just threw down the gauntlet, My Daughter. Are you going to take the challenge?' He sent to her with what she could have sworn was mischief in his eyes.

Redeemer cleared her throat and then turned back and flew into Quinlin's arms, placing quick kisses all over his face until she had him laughing.

"I missed you, Quin." She laughed, hugging him tight.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 15th, 2003, 08:33:35 PM
His hands came up and he squirmed under the playful attention. Laughing along with everyone else, Quinlin held her at bay.

"I've missed you too but......isnt this a bit much?"

He asked with an arched eyebrow. Then glanced over to Dorian, who if had seen Redeemer's little outburst would surely be giving him the "evil eye".

"But yes, you have been missed dearly."

He then hugged her tightly, glad to have her back and safe.

Dorian Gray
Nov 15th, 2003, 08:54:19 PM
Dorian watched with fueling jealousy how Redeemer greeted Quinlin and slammed his glass down on the counter. Everyone was right, he had no chance in hell with her unless he was like them. It was plain as day now.

He glanced at Redeemer and then to Quinlin, excusing himself from the room to go mope on the front steps of Fulkrehm's mansion. He wrapped his arms around his knees and looked up into the sky, thinking about that kiss just moments ago and Redeemer's reaction to it.

'She liked it, I could feel it.' He thought to himself, that small glimmer of hope still in him that maybe he can bring her around to love him the way he loved her or just at least find comfort in his arms when she was lonely...he would take either one..which ever she would allow of him.

Nov 15th, 2003, 09:11:32 PM
An arm settled on Dorian's shoulder as a figure sat next to him, the scent of Jasmine assaulted his nose. He turned to see Izabell there, looking at him.

"Dorian, what you saw in there was a friendly greeting.....nothing more. She and Quinlin are as old of friends as she and Dominik. They grew up together. You have absolutely nothing to worry about with Quinlin."

She glanced up at the sky then back to him.

"You see.....ever since the death of Sabina. Quinlin has never set eyes upon another woman. Not a one. He loved her so much, he has forsaken the rest or another chance at happiness....."

She looked sad, because it was a sad thing that her friend had chosen for himself.

Dorian Gray
Nov 15th, 2003, 09:17:55 PM
Dorian sighed and kissed Izabell's cheek. He brought his arm up to wrap around her waist as they looked up at the night sky together. After a few minutes, Dorian turned to look at Izabell and asked,

"Do I even have a chance, Iz? I mean, should I just forget about any chance with the one woman I have ever loved so completely in my life? I know I am mortal and I have expressed to Epona and Dante my desire to turn for Redeemer, but I know Dante does not want to take the chance of turning me and things not work out. I know that is what goes through his mind. I would do anything for her, Iz...anything!"

Dorian sighed again and tipped his head back, closing his eyes against the full moon.

"I just feel lost."

Nov 15th, 2003, 09:22:45 PM
She looked at him and ofered a small smile.

"All I can tell you is if that is what you want, dont give up hope....but on the other hand, don't turn a blind eye to other opportunities."

Her smile grew with the ending part of that sentence.

"Sometimes the thing you seek is not in the place you thought it'd be........Words of wisdom from my mother."

She said as she stood there and looked up at the sky once more, the wind playing with her hair.

Nov 15th, 2003, 09:32:54 PM
Redeemer leaned quietly against the pillar, listening to their conversation. For the first time since knowing Dorian, she had heard straight from him how he felt about her and it brought tears to her eyes. She had never known he felt that strongly for her, strongly enough to turn just for her in hopes of gaining her affection. Truth to the matter was, she did feel something for Dorian and what it was, she was not sure, but it started with that kiss he just laid upon her back in the library.

She lowered her eyes to the porch and let out a quiet sigh. She was more than attracted to Dorian but at the same time, was afraid to do anything about it, fearing any backlash from the Council because he was mortal and more importantly...she did not want to lose someone again.

Dante's words of taking Dorian's challenge echoed in her mind and making a decision, she straightened herself and made her presence known.

"Mind if I join the two of you or is this a private party?"

Nov 15th, 2003, 09:42:16 PM
Izabell tuirned to see Redeemer and smiled.

"No of course not, I was just giving Dorian some words to take to heart."

She moved away from Dorian and graciously excused herself. She made her way back into the Mansion.

"I will leave you two to talk privately."

Nov 15th, 2003, 09:48:07 PM
Redeemer laughed and reached out to grab Izabell's arm softly, motioning for her to sit back down. She walked between the two of them a few steps and turned around to stand infront of them.

"Your 'words of wisdom' also rang as a warning to me, Iz." Redeemer smiled, looking directly at Dorian. "A warning that I better not let a good thing slip between my fingers."

She stood there and watched Dorian's face, waiting for the affect her words would have on him. She quickly glanced at Izabell to find her smiling and when her green eyes turned back to Dorian, he wore of look of total disbelief.

Dorian Gray
Nov 15th, 2003, 09:52:48 PM
Dorian looked at Izabell and then back to his blonde goddess that stood before him, offering him what he had dreamed of since meeting her and he could not help the grin that came over his face. He bolted to his feet and drew her into his arms, holding her tight against him.

"Think a mortal/immortal relationship is going to work?" He asked, watching the smile creep onto her face and finally into those beautiful eyes of green. "I would turn for you, Ree." Dorian whispered before capturing her lips in a soft kiss.

Dorian pulled back and looked at her, as if she would change her mind. He grinned and looked at Izabell.

"You're a witness to this, Iz. She can't change her mind." He laughed, wrapping an arm around Redeemer's waist as he still could not believe she was now his.

Nov 15th, 2003, 09:57:05 PM
Izabell Smiled at the two.

"I'm glad I could help."

She said and leaned against the wall, She bit her lip as she thought of what was to come soon....the hunt for her brother.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 15th, 2003, 10:04:37 PM
Dante leaned against the veranda, watching the private moment between Redeemer and Dorian. Even though he was mortal, he knew he would be good for Redeemer. He would keep her grounded and she needed someone like that right now. How serious she would become with Dorian, he did not know, but right now, they did need each other and he gave them both his approval.

He smiled, laughing suddenly at the realization that both of his daughters had started new relationships at the same time. Redeemer and Dorian would be watched carefully by the Council, but knew they would not give the pair any trouble.

Dante looked one last time at Redeemer, Dorian and Izabell and then turned to head back in with the others, to enjoy what time they had before the next mission was to be set upon the Pack. The mission that would test everyone's mettle.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 15th, 2003, 10:49:52 PM
Quinlin walked up to Dominik and shook his hand then embraced him.

"It is good to have you back among us my friend.....my brother."

Then he looked to the floor.

"But the personal mission I must go on is calling to me. I must leave. I will explain it all when I return. "

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 15th, 2003, 10:54:28 PM
"There's no talking you into waiting is there?" Dominik asked, turning to face Quinlin, already knowing the answer. He placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it affectionately.

"What ever this mission is, may it bring you back safe and in one piece. I am glad we got to spend some time together before you left."

Dominik looked at his old friend for a moment and then pulled him into his arms for a brotherly hug.

"You know Vampie's not going to like this." He laughed, talking of Redeemer. "Be safe, Brother."

Nov 16th, 2003, 01:06:00 PM
Kariss leaned against the wall by the doors of the veranda watching everyone else have a good time. She tried her best to join in, but her mind was on her lifemate's sudden actions and his now sealed fate. She let out a sigh and crossed her arms infront of her in a defensive gesture.

Her mind still reeled at what she had seen, the death Ezra handed out to those poor mortals. She shuddered in response, feeling her stomach turn at such visciousness from him. From day one of her turning, Ezra had taught her never to take a life unless you were feeding and that was only on the scum of life. Innocents were just that...innocent and not to be touched by their kind. She had lived by that golden rule, even when she left Ezra to venture out on her own when he started up with Jazmina.

Kariss turned away from the others to look out into the night and then left, wanting to be near her children. She found them sleeping peacefully and reached down to pull Draven into her arms. Kariss stroked Alexi's soft cheek lovingly, placing a kiss on the top of her head while the baby let out a small sigh and promptly fell deeper into sleep.

Kariss looked at the sleeping Draven in her arms as she moved to the window and leaned against it, cradling Draven and watching the moons of Khar Sian.

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 16th, 2003, 02:06:37 PM
The count passed by the talking friends and looked at Quinlin.

"Youre going where?"

The young vampire explained a personal jaunt to the count who shook his head.

"No youre not.....youre to go on a "hunt" In two days....your excursion can wait.....do I make myself clear??"

He stared at him daring him to disobey, when he agreed he just turned away.


He searched Kariss out and found her with the babies. he place a hand upon her shoulder and sighed.

"My daughter......tell me what is troubling you so, is it the hunt they are about to conduct?"

Nov 16th, 2003, 02:18:46 PM
Kariss looked down at Draven's sleeping face and then at the hand on her shoulder.

"What do you think, Father." Kariss snapped at him, then immediately regretted it. "I am sorry, Father." She sighed. "You have to understand my feelings in this. I am torn."

Kariss moved away to put Draven back next to his sister and then turned back around to face Fulkrehm.

"I have adhered to the laws of Khar Sian since I was turned. Something that Ezra drilled in to me from the very beginning. Never once did I break it. Yes, I have been tempted, especially in the beginning when Jazmina came into the picture. All I wanted to do was take a life, to take my frustration out on some poor soul, but I never did. Yes, I almost crossed that line when Kragen came back into my life. The lust of killing him stayed with me for awhile, but thankfully, it went away."

Kariss sighed and ran her hands through her long hair.

"I am torn because though I love your son with every fiber in my being, I feel justice needs to be served for breaking the one law that he instilled in me, that he made me promise never to break."

She walked gracefully back to her spot by the window and drew the curtains tightly closed. She looked back to see the shocked look on Fulkrehm's face.

"I know you are expecting me to throw myself at your feet, beg for mercy, to give Ezra another chance...but I know you, Father. I know that would be useless."

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 16th, 2003, 02:25:38 PM
He stayed silent, taking in what she was saying. He knew she loved him wholeheartedly..... even Dante didnt like the idea of going after Ezra. He sighed and rubbed his temples with one of his hands.

"What, if any.....kind of advice would you give to me to consider Kariss......I know this was out of character for him, but as you stated, he did break the law......give me another avenue of approach and I may consider it"

Nov 16th, 2003, 02:39:45 PM
Kariss stared at him and then suddenly blinked, snapping out of her shocked state. She motioned for them to sit at the couch by the fireplace. Curling up on the cushion, she looked at Fulkrehm for a moment and then said,

"What happened...was not Ezra's fault, Father." She went on to tell Fulkrehm of her visit to Shadowfaene with the help of Daiquiri to tell Ezra in person the news of the twins and the resulting 'punishment' handed down to Ezra by Hera once she learned of Kariss' visit. She herself wanted to stay and help, but she had the lives of the twins to think about and did not want to risk anything to them.

"Hera used the Dark Force on him, Father, torturing him. That is what started his downward spiral that resulted in his massacre." Kariss sighed and reached out to take Fulkrehm's hand in her's. "He was trying to seek out help when it happened. He tried to fight it, he truly did...but I guess he was not strong enough." She added with a whisper.

"You asked me to come up with avenue of approach? Send out the Bloodpack, bring him back to face his actions...but do not sentence him to death. You might as well sentence me, too, Father. Bring him back and give him the option...punishment of death or to stay here on Khar Sian."

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 16th, 2003, 02:53:17 PM
He rubbed his chin, she was right.....it wasnt his fault. And the darkforce does affect one that way......but he wanted his embarrassing son out of the way, but to do that would mean losing his daughter which reminded him so much of Elijah....that wasnt an option either.

Hmmmm, things to think about.

"I will consider that......for now, my son is granted to live.....while I......ponder this new avenue youve given me."

He kissed her forehead and stood up, reaching out to her.

"Come my daughter, letys not worry the others....enjoy the festivities and we'll worry about this situation at an appropriate time."

Nov 16th, 2003, 03:03:18 PM
Kariss laughed happily, jumping up to hug Fulkrehm, knowing he was not used to such signs of affection. Still, that was how she was and he better get used to it. She kissed his cheek and took his hand, leading him out of the room to join the others downstairs.

She and Fulkrehm were heading back into the library when they both caught Dorian talking to Redeemer by Epona and Dominik. Dorian had brought his fingers up to trail Redeemer's jaw before he leaned over and kissed her cheek. Kariss' eyebrows rose and she turned to look at Fulkrehm.

"That was unexpected." She whispered with a sudden smile.

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 16th, 2003, 03:13:35 PM
Fulkrehm did a double take and arched his eyebrow.

"To say the least.....that one should really think about what he gets into.....the "tests" arent so easily passed."

He said as he looked to one of the very few who ever passed it. Then he thought of one who would be tested at a later date....all turned ones who had anything to do with Khar Sian went through it no matter whom it was......and that includes the new daughter of Dante......Fulkrehm looked to the petite female and then to Dante, that will be a most interesting day when he calls for her testing.....Dante would not be happy but it had to be done....Fulkrehm had feeling she would pass....but then again.

Nov 16th, 2003, 03:23:27 PM
"Oh Father, for once say something nice, will you?" Kariss lovingly chided him, squeezing his arm gently. "I for one think it is nice that Ree has someone like that..someone who adores her the way he does. And who said anything about Dorian turning? They could go on for centuries without the thought of him turning. That's one good thing about being a blood slave, your aging process slows to that of almost a vampyre. Right, Father?"

Kariss raised her eyebrow at him, finding any way to playfully argue his point. She suddenly tossed her head back and laughed, the musical sound of it echoing through the halls of the Darkmere mansion. She was going to have fun keeping Fulkrehm on his toes. She pulled on his arm, tugging him deeper into the library to join the others.

Count Fulkrehm
Nov 16th, 2003, 03:27:36 PM
He looked to her and shook his head, she reminded him so much of Elijah.....but also had the quick wit response of Ezra.....he sighed.

This one will be a handful ....... sigh.....Ezra did this on purpose

He thought to himself as he was pulled along with her.

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 16th, 2003, 07:34:49 PM
Dominik stood against the wall quietly, drawing Epona into his arms as he took in the conversation around him with only half an ear. He was marvelling at the changes Khar Sian had seemed to go through while he was away. His eyes went to Fulkrehm and Kariss and he smiled. He would never have allowed a turned one into his home before and now, look at him, trying to disguise the besotted look he wore when ever he looked upon his new daughter. She was starting to wind him around her gorgeous little pinky and Fulkrehm knew it and looked as if he did not care.

His gaze going to Redeemer, the blonde bombshell that had somehow grew more attractive since she was a teenager, was lethal in looks and in strength. For her to even consider being with a mortal, Dominik laughed at that. He never would have thought Redeemer would do such a thing, but then again, he never thought a lot of things would change. He watched the interactions between Dorian and Redeemer and his smile widened. It will be fun to watch those two.

Drifting over to Dante as he talked quietly with Izabell and Quinlin, his heart went out to him. Lost to him were all his children and his lifemate. From what he could remember of Myriad, she was not always the kindest tongued woman and was not sorry to see her gone. Dante deserved a new start in life, with someone who would stick by him through the toughest of times. Dante was getting a new start with the temptress in his arms as a daughter and his hold on her tightened as he placed a kiss to her temple. He must thank Redeemer for befriending the Darkling when they get a chance to be alone.

Quinlin, Dante sighed...he knew Sabina stayed forever in the vampyre's mind and he had a feeling this 'personal mission' had something to do with her. He hoped that someday Quinlin could get over her and move on with his life. Quinlin deserved happiness in his life.

His grey eyes went to Izabell and they softened. She was regal as well as dangerous, but you couldn't tell just by looking at her. She was the newbie in the Pack and from what he heard, was holding her own and making her own name within the ranks. Fulkrehm must be so very proud of her.

Bringing his attention back to Epona as she spoke to Redeemer, the love for her sister evident on her face, he laughed softly at something Dorian piped in with. He was glad to be home. Maybe he could find some way to help the vampyres of Khar Sian get back to being strong in numbers as they once were.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 17th, 2003, 04:28:07 AM
Quilin glared at Fulkrehm, how he wished he could dispatch him right now. It was his fault that Sabina died. And he was wanting to go back and if needs be...kill Fulkrehm before he can kill her.

"Your time will come."

He said softly as he leaned against a wall.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 17th, 2003, 08:41:23 AM
Dante stopped talking to Izabell for a moment to look at the brooding vampyre Quinlin. His obvious hatred for Fulkrehm was showing more and more as the years went by and Dante wondered if it would come to a head soon. He sighed, making a mental note to keep an eye on Quinlin when things died down around there. Maybe an ordered vacation would be good for the vampyre. A soft hand on his arm caught his attention and he turned back to see Izabell softly smiling at him.

"Something wrong, Dante?" She asked.

"No, I'm sorry, Izabell, please continue with what you were saying." Dante smiled at her, his eyes flickering one last time to Quinlin. His heart went out to him, maybe he could have a talk with him before the Pack was sent out.

Nov 17th, 2003, 11:14:03 PM
Redeemer herself took a few minutes to look at everyone in her own view and sighed sadly when her eyes rested on Quinlin. She placed a hand on Dorian's shoulder....Dorian...she smiled truly for the first time in awhile. Yes, it had only been a few months since Ice's passing, but she could not bear the thought of being alone and Dorian understood her, understood how she was and the Pack's ways...maybe, just maybe things could work out. She squeezed his shoudler gently, then whispered in his ear before moving to stand infront of Quinlin.

"My friend, please...can we talk?" She asked in a soft voice, holding out her hand for him to take. "I think we both need someone to talk to."

Quinlin Torr
Nov 18th, 2003, 12:35:06 AM
Quinlin looked at Redeemer and nodded. He took her hand and followed. He wondered at what she wanted to talk about. It could be his glaring which he took no effort in hiding.

He stopped when they were alone and looked at her, his arms crossing over his chest.

Nov 18th, 2003, 12:39:47 AM
They had left the library to walk down the long hallway and stopped at a more secluded spot. She turned around, seeing his crossed arms and stubborn look. She shook her head in amusement and then took a step closer to him so that she could speak to him in a quieter voice.

"Quinlin, I am not stupid...what is going on with you?" She asked, reaching up to place a soft hand on his cheek. "You know you can talk to me about anything."

She searched his eyes, his face for any sign of what might be causing his apparent mood and she sighed, shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm one of your oldest friends, Quin." Redeemer said. "Can't you come to me?"

Quinlin Torr
Nov 18th, 2003, 12:50:15 AM
He looked to the floor.

"I miss her so much Redeemer. And its all HIS fault!"

He said loudly pointing back at the room they had come from.

"I see everyone around me happy....everyone with whom theyre supposed to be with...and I have nothing! The one I wanted was taken from me!"

It seemed like all his frustration was coming out from all those years f being held in.

The tears formed and fell as he shook with anger that had been harbored deep down.

Nov 18th, 2003, 08:45:47 AM
"Not everyone is with who they are supposed to be with." Redeemer whispered sadly, her eyes lowering to the ground thinking of Ice. "I know some of the pain you are going through."

Redeemer looked back up at Quin, her heart breaking for her dear friend. She placed her hand back on his cheek and then leaned in to softly kiss him on the lips, not in a romantic way, but comforting.

Withough another word, Redeemer pulled Quinlin into her arms and held him tight until his own arms wrapped around her and she let him release all his anger, all his pain. She could not blame Quinlin for his hatred of Fulkrehm. It was the Count's fault his love was put to death. Those tests that the Council came up with...they were ridiculous.

"Any way I can help you, Quinlin, I will." She whispered against his cheek, her own tears of sadness falling down her cheeks.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 18th, 2003, 01:43:01 PM
He held her close and cried, letting it all out. Hi svoice came out in a broken tone from his cryig.

"Then bring her back Redeemer....bring her back."

He sobbed as he answered her offer of helping.

Nov 18th, 2003, 01:48:55 PM
"Then bring her back Redeemer....bring her back.

Redeemer's heart constricted as she felt and heard the pain of his words. She knew the pain, knew it all too well.

"If I could bring her back, Quinlin, then nothing would stop me from bringing Icilian back as well." She whispered. "I would do anything to bring them back to us."

Quinlin Torr
Nov 18th, 2003, 06:33:59 PM
"Its not fair Redeemer.....it was NEVER fair to me. How could he kill her and not Kariss? Or gods forbid he decides to test Epona."

He caught Redeemers expression at the mention of her adopted sister. Yes, she knew he could easily do the same to the darkling.

"What could Sabina have done to warrant that?? She never held those tendancies....she used to apologize to the ones she fed from, even though they were tainted souls. It doesnt make sense."

Nov 18th, 2003, 08:04:06 PM
Redeemer's eyes narrowed at the mention of Epona and the tests that they all knew she would have to endure. Difference between her and Quinlin...if Epona was to fail the tests, Redeemer would take her and leave Khar Sian for good. She would not let Fulkrehm or any of his clan lay one hand on her sister's head...even the rest of the Pack.

"You and I both know the main reason Kariss passed those tests and they are lying upstairs in the crib right now." Redeemer whispered. "Fulkrehm must have forseen their birth. Even he would not be monster enough to kill his unborn grandchildren. And for some reason, he is smitten with Kariss now, anyone can see that, even though he tries to hide it."

Redeemer stroked her hand over Quinlin's hair and she let out a heartfelt sigh, hugging him again.

"Sabina was the sweetest woman I had ever met, Quinlin. She truly was your lifemate. Fulkrehm...." Redeemer paused, trying to find the right words. "Fulkrehm has been getting harder over the years on turned one's mating with Pure bloods and I feel Sabina was the beginning of his angst over that. I wish I knew the reasons behind her failing those idiotic tests. I really wish I could bring her back for you Quinlin. I would do anything for you, you know that. "

Quinlin Torr
Nov 18th, 2003, 08:17:47 PM
His face grimaced to the words ' She truly was your lifemate.' If she was that just killed what rest he had left inside of him. He bowed his head and let more tears fall. If Sabina was indeed his true lifemate than it was a big injustice done to him. To know your lifemate and never got to spend one day with them as such. He had never known what Ezra and redeemer knows....what the Elders know..... He was robbed of his right.

He dropped to his knees and his hands went to his head where they ran halfway through his hair and stopped as he cried.

The feelings he held for all those years pouring forth.

Nov 18th, 2003, 08:25:50 PM
"Quin!" Redeemer cried out, going to her knees next to him. She could feel the other's alarm at his feelings of sadness and when she felt them wanting to come to his aid, she sent to them rather harshly,

'Do not even think about it.'

"We'll find a way through this, Quinlin." Redeemer whispered, placing a kiss on the top of his head, her hands caressing his back. "I am sorry, I should not have said that about Sabina. I should have kept my mouth shut."

The two of them sat on the floor, Redeemer cradling Quinlin in her arms as she let him finally mourn the loss of his love.

"If only there was some way to fix this...to go back in time and do what was supposed to be done, to keep Icilian and Sabina alive...I would give anything to do that." Redeemer said fiercely. "I know the unspoken rule around here is that things happen for a reason, that we grow strong from our losses...but that's fodder, Quinlin. You and I both know that."

Quinlin Torr
Nov 19th, 2003, 03:12:32 AM
He leaned back a bit to look at her.

"There is a way....I've done some research and I plan on looking for this ....thing."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. The Crystal he hadnt told about, no one knew....but he was going to try.

Nov 19th, 2003, 08:55:56 AM
Redeemer froze, taking in Quinlin's words. No, there was no possible way to go back in time. It was impossible. She shook her head and then looked at the serious expression on Quinlin's face. It was apparent he believed it could happen.


"Quinlin...what..what are you talking about?" Redeemer whispered, afraid to raise her voice to break the spell of what they were talking about. "Are you saying you know of a way to go back in time? How is that possible?"

Redeemer fell against the wall, her mind reeling from the miniscule possiblity that time travel could exist. If it did...fresh tears fell down her cheeks as she thought of the chance for the two people they loved the most, Sabina and Icilian, could be saved.

"This is the mission you are desperate to go on, isn't it?" She asked, turning to look at him. She wiped her eyes, bringing her knees up to wrap her arms around them. She looked at her purple fingernails, playing with them and then whispered in a small voice. "I miss him, Quinlin. I'm not the same without him. I feel like I am going to go over the edge if I have to live without him by my side."

Quinlin Torr
Nov 19th, 2003, 09:24:26 AM
"Are you saying you know of a way to go back in time? How is that possible?"

He kept silent for a while then let her in on his secret.

"There is a way....Its called the Eternity Crystal. There is a showing at a museum soon.... It will be the fake one of course, but to have a fake to show, you need the real one to follow.....I aim to find it and use it."

He said softly to her.......putting his trust in her.

"This is the mission you are desperate to go on, isn't it?"

He nodded. It was why he was so desperate to leave.

"It is.....I know it sounds far fetched.....but Redeemer...think, just what if....What if?? I cant afford not to try."

He looked at her, she could see he was serious of trying, if there was a remote chance this thing was real.

Nov 19th, 2003, 10:59:49 AM
She ran her hands through her blonde mane, soaking in all the information. She knew Quin was taking a big leap in confiding in her with what he knew and she reached out to place a hand on his shoulder.

"Do not let this chance slip by you, Quinlin." Redeemer smiled sadly. "Leave while you can, slip out of here if need be."

Redeemer looked down the hallway to the doors of the library and then turned her attention back to Quinlin.

"Every day I wish it was me instead of Icilian that Wraith had come after. I would give anything for him to be here with us...with me. Do not let this chance get away, Quin. Even if it turns out to be fake, at least you tried. At least you will get the chance to bring back the one you love." Redeemer sighed, taking his hand in her own.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 20th, 2003, 04:21:17 AM
He looked into her eyes.

"I would, but Fulkrehm has made it clear I am to go on this mission he has set up. You know I cannot go against the will of the council.....but once its done... I'll be going to find my chance."

He smiled and leaned forward, his forehead resting on hers. The smile lingered as he reached up and touched her cheek.

He kissed her gently on the lips.

"You have always been there for me......And I thank you dearly."

Nov 20th, 2003, 08:39:39 AM
She kissed him back and then wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding him tenderly.

"I'll always be there for you, Quin. Always." She replied, a soft smile on her lips. "And no, you musn't go against the Council." The last word was dripped with acid from her tongue.

On her journey with Lord Soth, she had found there was more to life than being in the Pack, that it felt carefree to run with him, to not have to think about rules and punishment for breaking those rules. How she admired the Death Knight for his freedom.

Redeemer sighed, looking at he friend.

"If you need me for anything during this, I mean it Quin, let me know and I will help you." She promised, another smile lighting her lips. "But do me a favor now, don't let Fulkrehm see you sulking, don't let him know what he's done upset you so. He thrives on that and you know it. Throw the Count for a loop when you go back in there and act like you don't have a care in the world."

Redeemer saw the look on his face and laughed.

"I know, I know. It will be tough, but won't it be worth it to know that you have one upped him? He will be puzzled the entire time and won't know what to do!" An impish grin appeared on her face and she wiggled her eyesbrows at him. "Come on..."

Quinlin Torr
Nov 20th, 2003, 10:56:45 AM
He glanced back into the room, he sighed and nodded. He stood up and dusted his knees off. Wiping his face, he looked at her.

"I will try.....but dont hold me to it."

He offered a small smile.

Nov 20th, 2003, 12:00:56 PM
"That's all I ask, Quin." Redeemer smiled, getting up from the floor with him.

She hugged him again and then the two of them walked hand in hand back into the library, pasting smiles on their faces like nothing happened. She looked back at Quinlin, squeezing his hand to give him strength.

'Remember Quin, not a care in the world.' She sent to him.

She could feel Fulkrehm's eyes watching them closely and she slowly turned her head to smile pleasantly at him, sticking close to Quinlin's side. Her eyes sought out Dorian to find him standing next to Epona and Dominik, watching her carefully.

Dorian Gray
Nov 20th, 2003, 02:32:45 PM
Dorian watched with narrowed eyes as Redeemer and Quinlin walked back into the library. His eyes lowered to their joined hands and he felt his body tense in jealousy. Izabell's earlier words came to him and he let out a breath, trying not to get jealous of the closeness the two vampyres shared. It was painfully obvious they adored each other and would go to the ends of the planet for one another, he could not fault either of them. They were good people.

Redeemer had turned to look at him and he noticed the haunting look back in her eyes. He knew what ever had transpired between she and Quin had something to do with the two loved one's they had lossed. Dorian had come to connect that look in her eyes to Ice shortly after he died. He ducked his head, wondering if he had pushed Redeemer, if it was too quick for her to be with someone new. Lord Soth came to mind and his eyes flew up to her's, wondering if anything had happened between the two of them while they were together. True, it was none of his business, but the curiosity was there nagging away at him.

Walking up to her, he reached out with a hand and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, smiling tenderly, lovingly at her. Quin had stepped away from her to give the two some privacy.

"Ree, I...I don't want to do this, but I think you need it." Dorian whispered, watching the confused look on her face. "I don't want you to feel like you have been pushed into anything with me. I know you still love Ice, that you still mourn for him."

"I won't lie to you about that, I still do." She answered him. Dorian felt as if someone grabbed his heart and squeezed it tightly. He knew she felt that way, but part of him hoped he was wrong.

"That is why I am letting you go. Take the time you need to heal and when you're ready to begin something with me, IF you want to start something with me then, I'll be there." Dorian said, his voice cracking from emotion.

Redeemer's eyes had grown wide in shock and he leaned in, kissing her softly on the lips.

"I'm not going anywhere unless you want me to. I just want you to have the time you need to properly grieve for Ice, something that was robbed from you."

Dorian looked at her a few moments longer, then looked at everyone else and excused himself from the party to go back to Dante's mansion for the night. He needed to be alone and think. It pained him to know in one night he won the woman he loved only to lose her to a ghost.

Dorian kicked at the rocks at his feet as he walked by himself back to the mansion. Taking one last look up at the night sky, he let out a deep breath and walked in, the memory of how she felt in his arms and how her lips felt on his burned into his memory until he could once again wrap his arms around Redeemer without her thinking of Ice.

Nov 20th, 2003, 04:22:56 PM
Redeemer stood there, shocked to the core with what just happened. Did Dorian just dump her?

'He's thinking of your feelings...he's right, you need time to mourn Icilian's passing. You love him too much.' Her mind yelled at her. She sighed, knowing Dorian was right in his decision.

She looked down to the floor, muttering an excuse to everyone as she ran out of the mansion home, somehow needing to be close to Ice as possible. Redeemer ran past a shocked Royce, pounding down the stairs to the door in which she had left unlocked. Yanking it open, she ran in and skidded to a halt, promptly fainting.

Ice's casket lay on it's side, the top splintered into a million pieces and the candles strewn across the room along with everything else, Ice's body no where to be found.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 21st, 2003, 08:11:32 AM
Quinlin moved to the opposite side side of the room. He had picked up another glass of bloodwine and sipped it. A look of content on his face. It changed when he watched the exchange between Dorian and Redeemer.

A look of concern came over him as he saw her expression after Dorian walked out. Then she did too. He wouldve ran after her had it not been for the scrutinizing eyes of Fulkrehm, and the promise he gave her of "leading them to believe something else.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 21st, 2003, 08:39:54 AM
Dante watched with interest the exchange between Redeemer and Dorian and raised an eyebrow when they both walked out at seperate times...and it wasn't good. He sighed, finishing his blood wine and turned his attention to Quinlin, noting the subtle change in his character. He smirked, watching the slightly puzzled look on Fulkrehm's face as he studied Quinlin. What ever it was that happened in the hallway, Redeemer was to thank.

He moved away from Izabell, softly excusing himself to walk to Fulkrehm's side when he felt Redeemer's shock and then nothing.

"Something's wrong." Dante hissed, bolting out of the room to his son's home. Inside, he ran into the foyer to be met by Royce.

"Where is she?"

"The Chamber, My Lord." Royce answered, pointing a shaky hand down the hall.

"Thank you." Dante smiled, then jogged the distance of the hallway and down the stairs. "Redeemer....what is...."

He stopped in mid sentence, finding Redeemer unconcious on the floor. He went to her side, placing her head in his lap and stroking her hair.

"What happened, Ree?" Dante whispered, turning his eyes to look around the room and that's when it hit him as to what she had changed her sleeping chamber into. If he couldn't love the blonde vampyre anymore, he did. It touched him deeply that she would do something like this for Icilian and that's when his eyes took in the casket and it's condition...the whole condition of the chamber.

"By the dark Force...." Dante breathed, his eyes going back to the shredded lid of the casket. "It cannot be."

Quinlin Torr
Nov 22nd, 2003, 04:57:27 PM
Quinlin came running in, looking at Redeemer on the loor and Dante with her. Then his eyes travelled to the busted up casket and the missing Bloodpack member who was laid to rest.

His eyes narrowed and he took off once more, searching the house for a "feeling" or trying to find someone....

Nov 22nd, 2003, 05:35:03 PM
Blinking her eyelids, Redeemer brought her hand up to place her palm on her forehead as she sat up with Dante's help. The shock of what she saw still reeled in her mind and she looked up to find Dante staring into the chamber with an equally shocked expression.

"Dante?" She whispered, watching as he turned to look at her. "How can it be?"

They looked at each other for a moment before turning at the same time to look back into the chamber. She reached up, grabbed his shirt collar as he moved to stand with her in his arms.
Redeemer took a tentative step in, Dante close behind her. As Dante went to examine the lid, Redeemer moved to stand over the upturned coffin. She stared at it for a few moments, then bent down to turn it rightside up and gasped when the silken inside was covered in blood...fresh blood. She ran her fingers over the stains, the tips of them coming away stained in crimson.

Redeemer looked over at Dante as he noticed what she found and he was by her side immediately. Her eyes going back to her fingers, she brought them to her lips and ran her tongue over her fingers, closing her eyes as the familiar taste made her senses reel.

"Redeemer?" Dante asked, placing his hands on her arms.

Redeemer opened her eyes and turned to look at Dante, a predatory smile playing on her lips.

"Icilian lives."

Dante Imoralia
Nov 22nd, 2003, 05:55:30 PM
"That cannot be." Dante hissed in a shocked breath, his eyes growing wide as he looked down upon the coffin in which his son had once lain. "Why would I not feel him? Why would you not?"

Dante stepped away from Redeemer, his hands coming up to run through his long hair. He looked around the chamber, taking in its shambled mess and he shook his head.

"He must have been under some kind of 'death' spell from that monster. Not truly dead, only appearing as he was." Dante whispered, growing angrier. "What kind of sick monster would do that to him?"

Dante reached down and grabbed one of the candles, looking at it for a moment before letting out a yell, throwing the candle across the room with such force it went through the other wall. He felt soft hands on his shoulders and turned to see Redeemer looking at him.

"When you killed Wraith, the spell must have come undone on Icilian." Dante said. "The hell he must have went through."

Quinlin Torr
Nov 22nd, 2003, 06:34:17 PM
Quinlin was walking slowly through the house.....room to room looking for him. his senses were on high gear. he heard something from above and his eyes narrowed. He then quickly made his way to the attic.

He crept in slowly, looking about...someone was here....there! A shadow was in the attic....his hair on the back of his neck stood up.

Nov 22nd, 2003, 06:45:19 PM
He stood there, looking out the window from the attic, looking down upon Khar Sian and it's nightly inhabitants. His bright blue eyes closed tightly as he turned away from the window to pace the length of the floor. His clothes were torn to shreds and hung in strips off of him, his body covered in gashes that were starting to heal. He needed to feed and needed to do it soon. He'd lost too much blood when he came out of that spell to find himself inside of the coffin. He'd lost his mind and went crazy clawing at everything before bursting through the lid.

Leaning against a support beam, he hung his head low, his brown hair spilling over his shoulders. He took a deep breath of air and closed his eyes again. He was free. Free of that hell that the monster had put him into. He'd only guessed that he must be dead now for him to be free once again.

Staggering away from the beam, he heard footsteps and whirled around to see who was coming up the stairs.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 22nd, 2003, 07:08:41 PM
Quinlin stepped forward.


He whispered, this was unbelievable. He was alive ......He stepped up to his friend.

" Wha.......how??"

He was totally confused, he was dead.......he was dead!!
He just held his hand out in a "explain" manner. This couldnt be......It just couldnt.

Nov 22nd, 2003, 07:17:35 PM
Ice blinked, taking in his friend Quinlin and then fell to his knees, emotionally and physically exhausted. He reached out for Quinlin, needing his strength to stand.

"I...I will explain later..." Ice whispered, turning his blue eyes to Quin's brown ones. "I need Ree...where is she?"

All he could think about then was seeing Redeemer and the playful smile she always wore around him. That is what got him through the hell he went through, Redeemer and his love for her. He wanted, needed to see her before he fed to regain his strength.

"It is good to see you, my friend." Ice said, smiling at him.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 22nd, 2003, 07:41:29 PM
Quinlin helped him up then embraced him tightly. He was elated to see his friend proving them wrong and very much alive. He looked him up and down....he needed to feed and soon.

"Ice.....go feed first...then I will take you to see Redeemer."

He smiled, his brother was back among his people......Redeemer would be pleased to see him, ecstatic even.

He walked Ice downstairs and thought about it.

"Actually if you want, I'll take youo right now to see her....then you can feed."

Nov 22nd, 2003, 09:32:25 PM
"Thank you, my friend." Ice grimaced, feeling weak.

He walked down the stairs with the help of Quinlin and heard a gasp and then a crash behind him. The two turned around to see Royce standing there, his hands over his mouth and a tray on the floor.

"Master!" Royce exclaimed, his eyes tearing up.

"Hello Royce." Ice smiled, laughing as the old man walked over to him and hugged him, not caring about his tattered state. Ice patted him on the back and then pulled away to look at him. "Before you ask, I'll answer questions later, right now, I need to see my lifemate."

"She is down in the chamber...with your father. Oh, your father! He is going to be so happy to see you. Neither one of them have been the same since your dea - er, since you've been gone." Royce laughed, dabbing at his eyes.

"Please Royce, can you get them for me? I do not have the strength to go down there." Ice said, turning to look at Quinlin. "Can you help me to the library? I would really like to avoid the living room right now...for obvious reasons."

Quinlin nodded, helping Ice into the other room, letting him rest on a leather couch by the window. Ice looked outside for a moment, letting out a sigh.

"I never thought I would be back amongst you all." Ice whispered, his eyebrows scrunching. "Quinlin, what happened to the one who did this to me?"

Quinlin Torr
Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:06:02 PM
He was silent, he was still amazed at the miracle. Then he snapped out of it.

"The one who did this.....is dead....Redeemer killed it.....and brought its skeletal head home."

He said as he stood there.

"She exacted revenge upon the forsaken creature."

He smiled .....

" I cant wait to see thier faces?'

Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:17:20 PM
"And I would do it all over again." Redeemer said from the doorway, her eyes taking in her lifemate...Icilian alive and sitting on the couch. Her eyes welled up with tears and she let them fall as he turned his head to look at her.

"Ice...." She whispered, then sobbed as she ran to his side. She sat on the couch next to him, placing her hands on either side of his face, her eyes hungrily taking him in. "I cannot believe you are alive."

Redeemer laughed, leaning in to kiss him softly on the lips, then she noticed how translucent his skin was and how tired he looked.

"My love, you need to feed." She whispered, not being able to take her eyes off of her gorgeous lifemate. "I love you, Icilian."

Dante Imoralia
Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:28:04 PM
Dante stood against the door frame, his cheek wet with tears as he watched the exchange between Redeemer and Icilian. The rest of the Council and the Pack were going to be knocked off kilter by this event. He wanted to know how Ice was able to make it back to them, but he was sure they would get those answers in time. His thoughts suddenly drifted to Dorian and his shoulders hunched. How the mortal was going to be crushed at this news.

"You have been missed." Dante laughed happily, all the worry, all the stress he had been going through the past few months suddenly gone. He now had his son back and two of the most gorgeous daughters at his side.

He walked into the room, stopping by Quinlin to pat him on the back for finding him.

"No one knows of my son's return until tomorrow night. He needs time to recover and spend time with his lifemate." He said to Quinlin, squeezing his shoulder. He smiled at him and then walked to his son's side.

"Your lifemate is right, my Son. You need to feed." Dante said. "You will feel much better once you have."

Just at that time, Royce walked in with a carafe of blood wine for them all and he happily watched as Ice downed his glass and reached for another.

"You rest, I will bring you what you need, Icilian." Dante said, hugging Ice before he could argue. "Redeemer, make sure he doesn't lift a finger while I'm gone."

She grinned at him and then he left, a smile that told of his happiness plastered on his face.

Epona Rhi
Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:37:05 PM
A head poked out from under Dante's arm. The petite darksider had excused herself from Dominik's side and had followed her Father to Ice's MAnsion to look for her sister. Her eyes widened and a smile broke across her face. She pushed passed Dante causeing him to stumble and she squealed in excitement.


She was laughing as she ran across the short expanse and jumped unto his lap hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek with many little kisses.

She looked at him and he finally caught the new Epona....she was smiling and her fangs were bared to him.

" Youre alive!!....."

She said still in a state of shock.

Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:46:11 PM
"What the...." Ice laughed, placing his hands on her arms and pulling her away so he could get a good look at her. "Epona!" He gasped, looking at her fangs. "What the frell has happened while I was gone?"

"We'll fill you in when you fill us in, Lifemate." Redeemer grinned, taking Epona's hand in her own and squeezing it.

Ice narrowed his eyes at her, catching a subtle difference in her personality. Something changed her while he was gone and he was going to find out what it was.

"What ever the reason that made you turn, I just hope you're happy, Darkling." Ice laughed, pulling her into a hug. "I've missed you...I missed all of you."

Ice's eyes caught Redeemer's and held her gaze, letting her know he could not wait until they were alone. He was going to show her in many ways just how much he missed her!

Epona Rhi
Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:58:04 PM
"What ever the reason that made you turn, I just hope you're happy, Darkling."

"Ice....my brother......I did it for our father."

She smiled as Ree took her hand. She looked to her sister and shared the secret look.

"Go feed brother.....we'll be here when you return."

Nov 22nd, 2003, 11:05:13 PM
'My brother'? OUR Father?' Ice sent to Redeemer, as if she would clear it all up.

'My love, Epona asked Dante to turn her...to become his blood daughter to help his pain in losing you. The Council agreed to it. She is your sister. Redeemer supplied for him.

Ice sat there on the couch, totally bewildered that Epona would do such a thing for him...for his Father.

"I cannot believe you did that, Epona." He whispered, placing a soft kiss on her lips. "I thank you for wanting to help my Father. You truly are an Imoralia."

Ice hugged her again and then relunctantly agreed with everyone that he needed to feed. Slowly rising from the couch with Redeemer and Epona's help, he smiled at them and began to move towards the door when Dante reappeared.

"What you need is out back, my Son." Dante whispered.

Ice nodded, normally he would have fought his food being brought to him, but he knew as well as everyone else he was too weak to hunt.

"Thank you." Ice answered, turning to look at Redeemer, kissing her softly. "I shall return."

Nov 22nd, 2003, 11:23:55 PM
Redeemer wiped her cheeks as she watched Ice walk with his Father to the back. She could not help the smile on her face as it was still dawning on her that Icilian was there with them alive. She reached over and hugged Epona, letting the tears flow that she had pent up.

Epona hugged her tightly and after a moment, Redeemer pulled away and looked at her sister.

"Don't let it get out that you've seen me crying, I've got a rep to uphold around here...fear to install in our enemies." Redeemer laughed, wiping her eyes again. She took a deep, calming breath and added, "I cannot believe he is alive, Ep."

Thoughts scrambled in Redeemer's mind and for the millionth time, she was thankful she went after Wraith. She had a feeling his death was the one thing that brought Ice back to them.

Epona Rhi
Nov 23rd, 2003, 05:15:04 AM
Epona smiled back at her. She was just as happy to see her sister in this mood as Ree herself seemed to be. Epona reached up and helped her with the tears she let go.

"Don't let it get out that you've seen me crying, I've got a rep to uphold around here...fear to install in our enemies."

Epona laughed and shook her head.

"No of course not.....how can they fear you if they know you have a soft side?"

She said mockingly, yet in a playful manner.

"I cannot believe he is alive, Ep."

Epona looked to the door where her brother and father left.

"Neither can I Ree....neither can I."

Nov 23rd, 2003, 02:17:18 PM
Redeemer hugged Epona again, then moved to sit on the couch with her. Quinlin had left to keep up appearances with the others before retiring for the rest of the night.

She sat on the couch with her head leaning against the back of it, taking in everything that has happened since her return to Khar Sian. She laughed softly, shaking her head in wonderment. She reached over, taking Epona's hand in her's

"You now have a brother, a sister and a father, Epona." Redeemer smiled at her. "A true family."

She sighed, looking up at the ceiling, anxious herself to be alone with her lifemate, to feel his arms around her. She had missed him so much those past few months.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 23rd, 2003, 02:40:14 PM
Dante helped his son sit as he drank the last of the four he brought for him. He leaned against the fence in the back yard and looked at him for a moment.

"Much has changed, Ice." Dante said with a sigh.

Ice had turned his now shining blue eyes upon him and Dante smiled in relief to see the glow coming back to his son. He was looking healthier by the minute.

"As you have noticed, Epona turned for the sake of saving me anymore grief. I cannot love that Darkling anymore than I do right now." Dante laughed, shaking his head. "She's definately going to give Dominik a run for his money."

"Dominik?" Icilian asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You remember Dominik Korvinus? The 'Lost Son'?" Dante asked. "He has returned to us...just this past week. He had been taken from us and all this time he suffered amnesia and was traveling to who knows where when his ship crashed on Khar Sian. A wonderful mortal couple took care of him, nursed him back to health. One night, Quinlin ran into him and they went to see Wylde. She helped him regain his memory."

Dante moved away from the fence and went to sit with Icilian.

"After you had 'died', Redeemer went on a secret mission for me to find your killer. At first it lead her to Lord Soth - "

"The Death Knight?" Icilian asked, his eyes growing wide. Oh yeah, he had heard of Soth, who hadn't. He was a vicious warrior and quite the womanizer.

"Yes, him. Quinlin and Epona went with her, but it was found that someone else had done it, trying to frame Lord Soth. Quinlin and Epona returned by themselves, Redeemer went on with Lord Soth's help. It took awhile, she had even closed herself off from everyone here, not wanting to let anyone else know what she was doing. This night, she came home to us with Wraith Soul's head handed to me." Dante whispered, enjoying the memory of Redeemer tossing the head onto Fulkrehm's desk.

"That's my girl." Icilian laughed.

"Yes, I'm quite proud of her myself." Dante chuckled. "She risked punishment from Fulkrehm, from the Council to do this for me. I owe her everything."

Dante sighed, looking down to the ground. He knew it was going to get to Icilian about Dorian, so he might as well be the first to tell him.

"My Son...tonight...Dorian declared his love for Redeemer - "

"WHAT?" Icilian roared, standing up, his fists clenching at his sides.

"Icilian, control yourself!" Dante ordered, standing to face his son. "I'm telling you now so you do not hear of this later. Redeemer decided to give him a chance, but after she did, it was obvious she could not go on with it. She loved you too much to move on with someone right now. Dorian, as much as he loves her, realized it too and let her go. But he's hoping to win her back soon."

Dante watched his son closely, watching the anger mixed with jealousy in his eyes. He did not like that look.

Epona Rhi
Nov 23rd, 2003, 02:50:05 PM
"You now have a brother, a sister and a father, Epona." Redeemer smiled at her. "A true family."

Epona smiled and thought about that. Yes she did.....something she never had....being of the Crimson Fist on he rhome planet from an early age, she was kept from her family and never really knew them.....but here....she knew them well. And wouldnt give them up for anything.

"I am lucky to have you all Ree....and that makes me the richest being in this Galaxy."

Nov 23rd, 2003, 02:58:46 PM
All Icilian wanted to do was rip Dorian's head from his neck for what he did. No, he could not blame Redeemer, she thought him dead and was lonely, but Dorian...the mortal should have waited before moving in on her while she was mourning him.

His eyes glazed over with hatred for the man and his body tensed even more at the thought of Redeemer in Dorian's arms, Dorian kissing her. Looking at his father, he saw his eyes widen in surprise.

"I do not want that mortal any where near my lifemate." Icilian hissed through clenched teeth. "He touched another's lifemate in a way he should not have, if he does not leave, I will make him leave or kill him."

"Icilian!" Dante barked."We all thought you were dead. He was only - "

"I do not care what he was doing!" Icilian roared, his eyes glowed and his fangs began to drip with saliva. His chest heaved up and down from his short breaths and he took a step backwards. "That mortal will not touch nor speak to Redeemer again while I am around."

Icilian and Dante stood together, staring at each other for a few moments before Icilian whirled around to storm back into the mansion to change his clothes and clean up. He was going to make damn sure no one else was in Redeemer's mind that night.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 23rd, 2003, 07:16:06 PM
Dante watched his son storm off and he let out a deep sigh. Apparently he had changed these past few months.

'I guess anyone would change going through what he did.' He thought to himself, going about discarding the bodies.


Dante walked back into the house, finding Redeemer and Epona huddled together on the couch talking and giggling like school girls. He smiled at them, loving them both so much he couldn't stand it at times. They turned their laughing eyes upon him and his smile turned into a grin as he walked into the library.

"Epona, we should go. It will be time to sleep soon." Dante said, holding out his hand to her. As she took it, Dante hugged her to him and for a moment, looked at her. "I want you to know, Epona, just because Icilian has returned to us, you will not be cast out of this family. You are my daughter, just like Redeemer is and just like Icilian is my son. You are truly an Imoralia and will always be."

Placing a kiss on her forehead, he smiled and then laughed when Redeemer hugged him. His smile faltered a bit and he looked down to the floor for a second before looking back up at his blonde daughter.

"Icilian has changed, Redeemer. He's harsher, quick tempered now." He searched her eyes and continued. "I told him about Dorian and I now fear for the mortal's life with my son back amongst us."

Redeemer's eyes grew wide and she ducked her head and he realized she was embarrassed about the whole thing.

"Redeemer." Dante said, placing a hand under her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Do not be dishonest to him about all this. He needs you now more than anything. We are leaving to give the two of you the time you need together. I'll do what I can and I'm sure Epona will help in keeping Dorian far away from Ice right now."

Dorian Gray
Nov 23rd, 2003, 08:08:37 PM
Standing in his room, Dorian looked around for anything he had left behind while packing his things. He let out a sigh, running his hands through his hair as he sat on the bed, his head hung low, his elbows on his knees.

"Guess you were never meant to be mine." Dorian muttered to himself as he thought of Redeemer.

He came to the conclusion that he needed to leave Khar Sian, his home, for awhile, to clear his mind and let Redeemer mourn. Dorian had contacted his old partner and would go back to bounty hunting for awhile. Though he loved her, he was going to take Izabell's advice and not shut his eyes to other opportunities that may come his way.

Getting up from the bed, he checked his chrono to make sure he had time to say goodbye to Redeemer. He heard a noise behind him and he turned around to look at the shadowed entry way to his room, finding a shadowed figure standing there.

"Who is it?" Dorian called out, his hand slowly moving towards his blaster at his side. He narrowed his eyes, noticing the piercing blue eyes peering out at him from the shadows.

Icilian Imoralia
Nov 23rd, 2003, 08:14:13 PM
"Who is it?"

"Your worst nightmare." Icilian replied, stepping out of the shadows, freshly showered and changed.

He smiled in male satisfaction as Dorian seemed to pale a bit, taking a few steps back. Icilian moved into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Yes, I am alive, Dorian." Icilian supplied for him. "I am back among the Pack, my family...and most importantly, my lifemate." He hissed the last word out, curling his lips back to reveal his fangs. "I am going to say this once, Dorian, and one time only. Stay away from Redeemer. She is mine and no one else's. You so much as touch her, even look at her again...I will kill you."

Dorian Gray
Nov 23rd, 2003, 08:21:31 PM
Dorian could not believe what he was seeing...Ice alive and infront of him...threatening his life. He shook his head, his hand relaxing on his blaster.

"You do not have to worry anymore, Ice." Dorian sneered. "I am leaving Khar Sian tonight. Leaving the people I love."

Dorian watched with a grin as Ice seemed to react to his words and knew the vampyre wanted to slug him. Frell, he'd duke it out with him over Redeemer any day, even knowing he would die doing it. It would be worth it.

"I am going to see Redeemer before I leave. I will say goodbye to her. You cannot deny me that." Dorian said, his eyes narrowing at him. "I have never wished anything bad on you, Ice, you know that. I only claimed my love for Redeemer due to you being 'dead' as we all thought you were. I thought I had a chance with her, but I was wrong. She loves you like no woman has ever loved a man. If you feel threatened that someone else love's her, then maybe you do not love her as much as she loves you."

Dorian knew he struct a nerve in the vampyre and smirked at him. Grabbing his bags, he walked by Ice and turned back around to look at him.

"Try and stop me from saying good bye to the woman we love."

Icilian Imoralia
Nov 23rd, 2003, 08:29:13 PM
Icilian looked at him over his shoulder and hissed,

"If you value your life, Mortal, you will leave now."

Icilian turned around to look fully at him, his eyes turning hard and cold.

"You will not step one foot near Redeemer. I put up with your friendship because she liked you so much. I knew you fell in love with her and I also dealt with that because you kept your mouth shut about it. Now I hear that you have proclaimed it to everyone, including her and I will not stand for that. Redeemer is mine, my lifemate...the one I was meant for and I am the one she was meant for. You cannot step in between us, to do so would mean your death. That is the natural law around here. We cannot control our tendencies when it comes to our lifemates."

Icilian walked over to Dorian, coming face to face with him. His face only inches apart from Dorian's, he bared his fangs once again.

"Leave now, Mortal. Go away and do not come back for awhile. I cannot stop you from coming back, but I can make damn well sure that you give me the time I need with my lifemate. Find another woman to profess your love to, Redeemer's taken."

Icilian stood there, a snarl on his face and when it looked as if Dorian was going to argue, he let out a low, guttural growl that shut him up. With a disgusted snort, Icilian walked past him, throwing open the door to return home to his woman's arms in his bed.

Dorian Gray
Nov 23rd, 2003, 08:37:12 PM
Dorian looked to the floor, not wanting to admit that the furious vampyre was right. Letting out a deep breath, he turned the light out in the room and walked out of the mansion to his ship docked just outside of the little village.


Setting his things down, Dorian collapsed into the pilot's seat and closed his eyes for a moment. He wanted to say goodbye to everyone, but knew it was better that he just up and leave. The vampyres of Khar Sian had too much on their plate right now to deal with a lousy mortal.

He opened his connection to Redeemer, a trick he finally learned and found her receptive and surprised.

'I know Ice is alive, Redeemer. I just wanted to wish you happiness, something you deserve. I am leaving Khar Sian for awhile and when I return, hopefully it will be with someone I can introduce you to. Please tell the other's goodbye for me and thank Iz for her advice. I love you, Redeemer, don't ever forget that. You ever need me, do not hesitate to call for me. I will be there for you no matter what. Goodbye, My Vampie. I love you.'

With that said, he closed the link and fired up the engines to the Noriad. He would return someday, how long, he was not sure, but he would return to the only family he had ever known.

"Goodbye." He whispered to himself, looking out the window to the lights of the village below.

Nov 23rd, 2003, 08:47:44 PM
Redeemer sat on the couch, tears falling down her cheeks as Dorian's goodbye echoed in her mind. She would miss him dearly, for she did love him in a way she had never loved anyone, but Icilian was her life, her love, the one she was meant to be with.

Hearing the front door open, she quickly stood and walked to the entry way, seeing Icilian standing there, all male and all her's. She offered him a smile, opening her arms to him and he was there in a split second, capturing her mouth with his in a kiss that shook her to her toes.

"I gave Royce the night off. He's retired to his rooms with a promise not to come out till night fall." Redeemer whispered against his lips.

Icilian grinned at her, reaching down to pick her up in his arms, taking her into the living room. She looked hesitantly in and realized it was time to make new memories in there to take away the bad ones. Icilian lowered her onto the rug infront of the fireplace and she looked up at him, watching him in fascination as he moved cat-like to lay next to her.

She looked deep into his eyes, letting him know with her own eyes how much she loved him. She pulled her hair away from her beck and tilted her head, offering him the one thing he knew he wanted. She could feel his need for it and she too, needed him as much. Redeemer shivered, feeling his breath on her neck and closed her eyes when she felt his teeth sink into her skin and she let out a gasp of pleasure as her arms wrapped around him, drawing him closer to her.

Oh yes, this is how it was meant to be, Icilian in her arms and no one else.


Redeemer stretched lazily in the bed, not wanting to get up. Her eyes snapped open then as she bolted up, turning to look at Icilian, to make sure the previous night was not a dream, but yes, there he was, gloriously naked and sleeping peacefully next to her. She smiled, running a hand softly over his chest as he slept. Today they would all find out how he survived through it all. Today he would be reunited with everyone else. But right now, she would claim him once again as her mouth lowered to his neck, her fangs extended in anticipation of what was to come.

Nov 23rd, 2003, 11:07:02 PM
The lone figure stood with arms wrapped around herself. The wind tossled her long hair and her regal gown as she watched the ship take off and ascend to the Khar Sian heavens. A sad expression to her beautiful face as she closed her eyes and sent a Goodbye to the mortal leaving.

She knew Icilian had to have had a hand in this abrupt leaving. It was in his face as she watched him leave. She wished he'd have talked to her. She tried to help him at the party and things got.....out of hand there. She hoped he would remember her words of wisdom....dont lose hope....but dont be blind.

The flames of the thrusters became pinpoints in the sky and she turned to walk alone through the grounds of the town. Her arms around herself, her eyes looking to the ground.

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 24th, 2003, 08:46:17 AM
Dominik knew something was going on the next evening. He could not place his finger on it and it was beginning to drive him a little crazy. When Dante, Epona and Quinlin returned the previous night from checking on Redeemer, the three wore secretive smiles and their minds were closed to any inquisition.

He sighed, sitting at his desk by the fireplace in the family room. He threw down the datapads the Seer had given him, all interest in reading about his family's history gone for now. Curiosity about what went on the night before taking hold of him and not letting go.

Running his hands through his short hair, Dominik stood and reached for the shirt he had tossed over the chair and slid it over his bare skin. He would have preferred not to wear it, liking the feel of no clothing upon his skin, but knew he could not. Besides, he needed to continue to win Epona over and showing up at her father's house naked was no way to make a good impression.

'Dante, are you receptive to company?' He sent to his friend.

'Yes, but meet Epona and I in the Great Hall. Everyone else is gathering there as well. We shall see you then.'

"The Great Hall? Interesting." Dominik muttered to himself, finishing his glass of blood wine before turning to make his way through the village to the Great Hall.

Icilian Imoralia
Nov 24th, 2003, 01:13:47 PM
He stretched in the bed, pulling Redeemer closer to him with the arm that was wrapped around her waist. She felt good next to him, the place she belonged. He looked at her as she smiled up at him and his gaze was drawn to her neck, feeling a little guilty at how much he took from her last night. He was a rough with her and felt ashamed, but she had simply laughed and kissed him, accepting him. Icilian would let know other ever touch her again.

"Do we have to meet the others?" He queried, pulling his hair back into a ponytail as he sat up. He knew he could not dodge the others, they needed to know he was alive and well. He was thrilled Dominik was back and wanted to set eyes upon him.

Standing up, he walked naked to the closet and grabbed his clothes, turning to look at Redeemer lying in his bed, one arm propped over her head wearing nothing but the sheet that barely covered her.

"You're beautiful." Icilian whispered, walking back to her side. He knealt down, placing a soft kiss on her luscious red lips and then groaned, pulling away. "Get dressed, my Lifemate. If I have to go meet them, so do you."

Nov 24th, 2003, 05:46:02 PM
Redeemer laughed softly, reaching out with her hand to let her fingers trail over Icilian's body as he stood. Fire erupted through her and she sighed, wanting to stay there with him the rest of the night, but knew they would not be able to.

With a playful groan, she tossed the sheet aside and moved out of bed, reaching for the brush to run through her hair as she walked to the closet. They quickly dressed and were met at the top of the stairs by Royce holding two goblets of blood wine for them.

"Evening Master, Mistress...good to see you looking so well....rested." Royce said with a humerous glint in his eyes.

Redeemer laughed, taking the goblet and kissing him on the cheek, watching as his face turned a light shade of red.

"And I may I add, Mistress Ree...it is good to see you laughing like that again. It has been far too long."

"Thank you, Royce. You have Icilian to thank for that." She replied softly, her eyes gazing lovingly at Icilian as he turned back to smile at her. "If you need anything we'll be at the Great Hall."

Royce nodded his head and discreetly left, leaving the two alone to drain their goblets of wine and make their way to where everyone was there waiting to see what the big fuss was about.

"I cannot wait to see their faces!" Redeemer laughed.

Epona Rhi
Nov 24th, 2003, 09:53:30 PM
Epona waited with her father for Dominik to meet them. She was anxious to see him and watching the doorway. She was fidgiting and Dante had to at least once grab her hand and ask her to stop. She was once more fidgiting and stopped as her father looked to her once more. She smiled and he shook his head.

Epona, relax, he will be here."

Dante had laughed. His daughter was a riot at this, poor thing....her first real love and what she felt deep inside would be that Dominik would be her last. Her lavender eyes kept watch on the door, the keeper of her heart would soon enter and fly into his arms she would.

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 24th, 2003, 10:02:40 PM
Dominik nodded at the young butler who led him in and smiled to himself when he could hear Dante talking to Epona. His smile grew as he neared the doors to the Great Hall and opened them at once, the creaking noises of the hinges announcing his arrival. His grey eyes zeroed in on Epona and Epona only as he walked in, his eyes sending to her just how much he missed her.

A discreet cough caught his attention and he tore his gaze away from the beautiful Darkling to see Dante standing next to her with a bold smirk on his face. Dominik stopped for a moment, noticing the happiness lighting the elder vampyre's face. Something was definately going on. He was sure of it.

"Dante." He smiled, then slowly turned his eyes back upon Epona. "Epona, My Beauty, care to tell me what is going on? A few of you are acting a little strange since last night. Care to fill me in?"

Epona Rhi
Nov 24th, 2003, 10:10:01 PM
She wanted to bolt from where she stood and fly into his arms. She wanted to cover that angelic face with all the kisses she had waiting for him. But her duty with her father kept her from that, as hard as it was, she stayed where she was.

"We have great news to tell you Dominik. One more lost child has returned."

Sh esaid smiling then looked to Dante to inform the love of her life as to what the secret surprise was. She looked at Dominik and smiled shyly, then showed him with her eyes, the attention she would have for him after the talk.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 24th, 2003, 10:14:21 PM
Dante looked between his daughter and probably son in the future by the way things were looking and he had to cover his mouth to keep the grin from showing. He cleared his throat, moving his hair over his shoulders as he stepped down to meet Dominik.

"Yes, it is a miracle that we have another lost child amongst us." Dante said. He could feel Icilian and Redeemer's nearness and decided to wait for them to walk in than announce it. "But I will let you see who it is."

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 24th, 2003, 10:20:41 PM
Dominik stood there looking puzzled as he stared first at Dante and then at Epona wondering who the lost child could be and the two of them were acting like he was to know how this would be.

Letting out a sigh, he nodded to Dante, then walked to Epona as Dante turned his back to give them a little bit of privacy. Dominik placed his hands on either side of her face, tilting it up to capture her lips with his in a soft kiss, teasing her lips just barely.

"I couldn't wait to see you again, Epona." He whispered, hearing the doors creak open again. Dominik kissed her once more before wrapping his arms around her as they turned to see who it was that was coming in.

Dominik's eyes widened in shock as he saw Icilian walking holding Redeemer's hand posessively.

"This cannot be!" Dominik exclaimed, letting go of Epona to meet Icilian half way. "You were dead!" Dominik's eyes looked over Icilian and he reached out to grasp his shoulders with his hands, hauling him to him to hug his dear friend tightly. "What ever the reason you are back from the grave, I thank it. By the Dark Force this is incredible." Dominik breathed.

Epona Rhi
Nov 24th, 2003, 10:41:14 PM
Epona smiled and held her hands clasped together in a regal look. She looked at her sister and winked. Then kept loving eyes on Dominik.

"My Dominik."

She whispered to herself.....Finally someone to care for and to show her they cared back. Her eyes turned to the doorway as another figure appeared. And her smiled faltered as she seen the look on this person's face.

Nov 24th, 2003, 10:50:29 PM
The regal Izabell Darkmere walked through the foyer. Her flowing bloodred dress touching the prestine floor of the Council Hall. Her head held in a manner that spoke she wasnt tothrilled about something. She glided passed the gathered friends and her eyes shot to Icilian. A look that seemed to search his soul as they pierced his own and also gave the resemblance of the Count himself. The type of look that spoke "I'm watching you".

He had changed and she would find out just how much. This was a trait she inherited from her father....all Darkmeres did.

Her dark eyes narrowed a bit then they averted to Dante as she approached him.

"Dante......My father will arrive shortly. He sent me to relay the message to you personally."

She said with a elegant curtsy.

Icilian Imoralia
Nov 24th, 2003, 10:58:21 PM
Icilian returned Izabell's stare with a hard one of his own before she turned to speak to his father. Not giving her a second thought, he let his attention return back to Dominik and he smiled at him.

"It is good to see you, Dominik. Khar Sian is lucky to have you back." Icilian said, watching as his friend turned to smile at Redeemer. She moved to hug him and Icilian had to keep himself from ripping them apart. He shoved his hands in to the pockets of his leather pants, his nails digging into his palms.

"But you...how... how can it be - "

"In due time, Dominik. Believe me, I want to get this over with and get on with my life with Redeemer." Icilian replied, his eyes watching Redeemer with a predatory look as she walked to Epona's side.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 24th, 2003, 11:22:55 PM
"Dante......My father will arrive shortly. He sent me to relay the message to you personally."

"Very good, Izabell, thank you." Dante smiled at her, watching his son closely. His time in his personal hell did something to his son and he was intent on finding out what.

Icilian was not the care free vampyre everyone knew before. He was now quiet and watched what went on around him with a lethal look on his face. And Redeemer...he could see the fire in his eyes when ever any other male looked at her. He had been jealous before, but not to this extent. He suddenly worried for his daughter. As if knowing she was being thought about, Redeemer turned her green eyes on him and Dante turned to look at her.

'My Daughter, watch my son carefully, I urge you.' He sent, repeating his earlier warning from the night before.

Redeemer merely smiled at him and then went back to Icilian's side, as if she could not stand to be away from him for those few minutes. Dante raised his eyebrow, watching the two of them closely.

Nov 24th, 2003, 11:27:42 PM
She walked over to the group. Her eyes settled on Ice. She could feel it.....she shuddered. He was not the Icilian she knew. He was a complete stranger.

"Icilian......you look......well."

She said a she watched him. The others around could see her uneasiness and her weirdness towards him.

Icilian Imoralia
Nov 24th, 2003, 11:36:23 PM
"Thank you, Izabell. You look beautiful as ever." Icilian smiled tightly, returning the compliment. He did not like the way she was looking at him and continued to hold her gaze until Redeemer caught his attention.

He smiled at her, placing a kiss on her forehead. She had been the one thing to get him through what he had suffered and he would be damned if anyone was going to ever keep him away from Redeemer ever again. His arms tightened around her, wanting to be alone with her again, to make up for lost time, but no, they had to stay there among their family and friends.

'We make this quick, My Lifemate. I want to be alone with you.' Icilian sent to her, his eyes relaying the hunger he felt for her.

Nov 24th, 2003, 11:40:48 PM
Redeemer could not control the shudder his look caused and she answered him with a seductive smile. She knew Icilian had changed, who wouldn't going through that. It would take time for him to adjust being back among them all when he spent the last few months alone.

To be honest, she liked Icilian just the way he was. She liked the 'danger' he was exuding just standing there watching everyone. Chills went down her spine and she reached up to kiss his cheek, nipping at his jawline with a soft growl. His arms had tightened around her and she softly laughed, the promise of later in her eyes.

Nov 25th, 2003, 11:30:13 AM
Kariss walked into the hall after leaving the twins with Danae, who eagerly wanted to watch them. She saw a small gathering of her friends and she walked up to them, smiling at Izabell when she saw her. The smile faded a bit when she caught wind of the uneasiness about her. She followed her sister's watchful gaze to Dante, then she did a double take, finding Dante standing next to Epona and Redeemer standing next to...

"ICE?" Kariss whispered aloud, winning the attention of everyone in the room. This was only the second time she had seen him and even though he and his father looked exactly alike, except for eye color, there was something...menacing, dangerous, downright sexier about Ice, if that was even possible. "My, my my....." She murmured with a smile, walking up next to Izabell's side. "Icilian, glad to see your death was only a rumor." Kariss supplied, hoping to make light of the tension obvious in the room.

Kariss looked at Redeemer, who was watching her lifemate closely, protectively and that made her think of Dorian. She scanned the room, not finding the mortal anywhere.

"Where's Dorian?" She asked, her eyes moving to Ice just in time to see a predatory smile appear momentarily on his lips.

'Uh oh.' Kariss thought to herself, knowing that smile had something to do with Dorian.

Nov 26th, 2003, 09:14:21 AM
"He's gone."

Was all the sorceress would say. She eyed the one responsible for it and stepped closer to him. Speaking so just the surrounding members could hear.

" I will say this only once, whoever you are......you harm him or another of our team, and I will deal you a blow of darkside magic you wont forget.......do I make myself clear?"

Her eyes held his and she stood there, daring him to move against her..... already the words of a spell on her tongue waiting for her to utter.

Icilian Imoralia
Nov 26th, 2003, 10:54:23 AM
Icilian returned her stare, unblinking and taunting.

"Why Izabell, why would I hurt the mortal or anyone else in the Pack?" He asked, then sent to her, his eyes narrowing a bit.

'Believe me, Izabell, I've gone through a dark hell that no one should ever go through and have come back. I even learned a thing or two. Do not think you can scare me with your threats.'

Icilian held her gaze, letting her know just how deep his power had now reached, his eyes turning from their brilliant blue to a quick silver and back before she knew what she saw. Icilian had never used his Force abilities before, relying only on his vampyric talents. Now, he would no longer keep the Dark Force at bay, his time in that Hell taught him to embrace those powers and let them take over when needed. He broke her gaze and looked over at Kariss, who had spoken to him moments earlier.

"Ah yes, my death. Seems that my herione here rescued me when she killed the thing responsible for 'killing' me in the first place. What ever spell he held over me came undone with his death...and I will be forever thankful to Redeemer for that." Icilian's eyes softened as he looked at his lifemate, placing a kiss on her forehead. He inhaled her natural flowery scent, closing his eyes as images of her played in his mind. He opened is eyes and looked casully over to Izabell, a secretive smile haunting his lips.

Nov 26th, 2003, 08:54:02 PM
She sent back to this stranger in her friend's body.

" I dont make threats, imposter..... I make promises....and that which I have spoken I WILL make good on.... You may have been through a hell ,demonspawn.... but cross me and I will make sure you stay there permanently...... You are not our Icilian..... I pray you give me a reason soon to dispatch you...... although you may have gained control of your darkside....you are not a trained fighter in it...... and if youo think you can take me.....Then prove it....NOW!!"

She stepped back and a wind blew through the hall....her hair played in this strange breeze and her arms came up as a spell already was being mumbled. Her eyes changed and her fangs lengthened. It was time to get it on.

Icilian Imoralia
Nov 27th, 2003, 11:06:19 PM
Icilian stood there, staring down at the petite Darksider as she stood before him threatening him. He scoffed, shaking his head at her.

"I do not know why you call me an 'Imposter', Izabell. But if you want a lesson in messing with someone, I will be more than willing to supply you with it." Icilian hissed, his right hand opening up at his side, bolts of electricity arcing in the palm of his hand. "You know nothing of my power, Darkmere. Do not even think to preach to me on my abilities."

Izabell looked him in his eyes again and he suddenly grinned, his eyes the color of silver and fangs bared.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 27th, 2003, 11:21:33 PM
"Izabell! Icilian! That is enough!" Dante roared, making everyone jump in the room.

Dante moved from where he stood and moved himself in between his son and the Darkmere daughter. They stood there wanting to go at each other until one walked away, he was sure of it, but he would not, could not let that happen.

"You two will back off, that is an order!" Dante sniped, his eyes glowing in anger. "I mean it!"

He stood there, watching the two very closely. Yes, Izabell had been right on one part, he was not their Icilian, but that would change in time. He had a feeling his son would have to take some time away from everyone else except for Redeemer to gain his old self back, if that was even possible, but he would be there at his side no matter what.

"We are going through a very tense time right now, but we are supposed to be celebrating as well. I find that the two of you even look at each other wrong during the celebration, I will stick you BOTH out in the daylight and watch you suffer. Do I make myself clear?" Dante asked, raising an eyebrow at the two vampyres, feeling like a teacher scolding his students. He did not like to make that threat, but if it was what was going to make them listen, so be it.

"We are here to celebrate the return of loved ones, everyone." Dante spoke, turning to face everyone. "Khar Sian will once again be what it once was. We will have all that we have lost again. Let us celebrate that, shall we?"

Dante turned back to Izabell and Icilian, keeping a watchful eye on them as he moved closer to Kariss, placing a gentle hand at the small of her soft back.

"She is your sister, Kariss." He whispered. "Please keep an eye on her like I will keep on my son. I do not want anything to ruin tonight."

Kariss nodded to him and he smiled, placing a soft kiss on her silken cheek, closing his eyes for a brief moment. He opened them, quickly turning away from her before she could see the need in his eyes for company.

Nov 28th, 2003, 12:38:17 AM
She kept her eyes on what everyone thought was Icilian...she wasnt fooled. Whatever came back was not him....but a weak version of him. So transparant, so obvious but it seemed to onlyher and no one else.

"I will not stand by and allow this ....fake to bully my family and friends....you will be revealed braggart.....trust me on this."

She turned to Dante.

"You are all blind because of his return....because you missed him much....I missed him too, but I see the true being behind his eyes."

She looked at his hand which had erupted the force lightning and scoffed at it.

She turned away and dismissed Icilian as if he was but a mere irritant and exited the great hall.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 28th, 2003, 12:47:37 AM
Quinlin leaned back against the wall and watched everything....his eyes carefully taking in Ice and Iza.... His hand flexed against his elbow and his eyes narrowed.

Could she be right? He did act peculiar when he first saw him....but then again....it could have been because he was weak from not feeding. But to have Izabell face off and REALLY mean to take him out.....nothing can be discredited.

He was tense.....any wrong move by either of them and he'll be on them like cold was to winter.

Nov 28th, 2003, 01:02:36 AM
Redeemer watched everything unfold infront of her, tense like everyone else in the room was. There is no way Izabell could be telling the truth about Icilian. Next to his father, she would be able to tell if it truly was Icilian or not that had come back. Even taking his blood would have revealed something.

She clutched softly at her lifemate's arm, begging him with her eye's to back off and relax.

'My love, we will not stay long this night. I know the desire you have to be back at the house with me. It will happen.' She sent to him, reaching up to caress his cheek with the back of her hand.

Icilian Imoralia
Nov 28th, 2003, 01:26:29 AM
At the touch of his woman's hand on his cheek, Icilian visibly relaxed, pulling her closer to him as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply, a low growl eminating from his throat.

'I count the minutes until I am once again alone with you, Lifemate.' He hissed hungrily in her mind, opening his eyes to reveal to her their silver color before they returned back to their normal blue. He saw Redeemer gasp, her eyes grow wide and then a smile playing at her lips.

Icilian tore his gaze away from Redeemer to look at his father, bowing his head in respect to him.

"I am sorry, Father, it will not happen again, I can assure you." Icilian said as he looked around at everyone else. "My father is right, this is a night for celebration, not fighting."

Quinlin Torr
Nov 28th, 2003, 01:31:48 AM
His eyes once more narrowed....he had just caught something odd.....his eyes. They glinted a silver. He stood up and walked passed the group, heading to the library..... his being team leader, and a knack for making sure everything worked like clockwork made it imperative to seek an answer.

The brooding vampyre didnt look at any of them, just left and made his way down the great hall to where he would dive into the ancient tomes.

He needed to understand.

Nov 28th, 2003, 01:46:21 AM
Kariss watched everything quietly unfold infront of her and she shook her head with a sigh, agreeing with Dante that the two must be watched closely. She would hate for anything to happen. Her eyes drifted to Icilian, watching the way he reacted with her words, her touch...like she was his stability, something that would be wise to remember if the need came around.

She could not help but let her eyes roam over Icilian for a moment. She let out a hiss of approval at his new attitude. She looked over at Redeemer, finding her watching her intently. Kariss moved away from Dante to Redeemer's side and touched her arm with her hand.

"What ever it is that changed him, Redeemer, don't let it change him back...he's...well...he's...damn!" Kariss whispered with a cospirital smile and wink to the blonde vampyre. "He was sexy before, but I don't know how or why, but he is just oozing sexiness now. You lucky vamp, you."

Kariss laughed, winking at Redeemer and then at Icilian to go back to Dante's company as he talked with Dominik and Epona.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 28th, 2003, 01:56:56 AM
In the library, Quinlin scanned through the tomes....already a few were scattered over the table. He was not finding anything yet on the situation he was witnessing. Frustration built and he threw the book across the room which bounced off the huge doors.

"Dammit!! Why wont you help me!"

He said loudly as he looked up at the ceiling for any sign of the gods listening to his cry for help.

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 28th, 2003, 11:17:06 AM
Dominik placed a soft kiss on Epona's temple, excusing himself to follow Quinlin. Something about tonight's 'activities' got the vampyre thinking and Dom wanted to find out what he was up to.

Finding his friend in the library, he stood in the door way as Quinlin went after tome after tome looking for something.

"Dammit!! Why wont you help me!"

"Maybe we should seek the gifts of the Watchers, Quinlin, if you cannot find what you are looking for." Dominik stated softly, walking further into the library to sit across from Quinlin at the massive table. "What are you looking for?"

Epona Rhi
Nov 29th, 2003, 12:26:58 AM
She smiled as he placed his soft lips against her temple, her fingers gently squeezed his side as he turned to leave. She winked at him and turned to Kariss.

"So how are the twins?"

She sent to Dante seeing his indescreet "oogling".

' Da....behave'

Dante Imoralia
Nov 29th, 2003, 12:36:08 AM
Dante smirked at his daughter, shaking his head in silent laughter as she grinned at him.

'I can look, Epona, I can look.' He playfully sent back, watching a delicate eyebrow raise on her lovely face.

Dante's thoughts went back to his son and Izabell, a frown appearing on his handsome face. Making a decision, he walked back to Icilian's side, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Redeemer, take my son back home. It is obvious he feels uncomfortable here right now. He needs to rest and be with you. We will get what happened to him at a later time. What's most important now is his rest." He said to Redeemer, placing a kiss on her cheek.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 29th, 2003, 12:41:14 AM
He looked at Dominik, frustration set in his face. He tossed the tome he was about to open to the side and sighed loudly. He rubbed his face.

"It's what happened out there....Izabell would never harm any of us unless it was for good cause. And I mean GOOD cause.....I seen something that no vampyre has ever had with Ice earlier. His eyes.....they went silver.....something happened to him in that void...or dimension he was in.....something......He's more harsh. I also know he was angry with Dorian, and the mortal is one of us.....maybe she was defending him."

He shook his head.

"What do you think Dom....bring in Wylde? The Seer?"

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 29th, 2003, 12:55:57 AM
"I do agree with you that something does seem different about Icilian, but I am leaning to the idea it is from what he has had to endure the last couple of months. We have no idea what he went through. That kind of punishment would make anyone harsher...crueler." Dominik sighed, bringing up a booted foot to rest on the corner of the table. He brought his hands up to the back of his head, locking his fingers together.

"What caught my attention was the fact that he suddenly decided to embrace the dark force. The Icilian I knew wanted nothing to do with the force, just like Redeemer, frell, like a few of us. We've only wanted to rely on our vampyre powers and talents. He went through something in that void, something bad to have made him connect with the force once again."

Getting up from the table, he walked around the library, his mind going over and over the facts that were put before them.

"Icilian did what any one of us would have done, Quinlin, he protected his lifemate. But do we know if he chased Dorian off, no, we do not. Yes, Dorian is one of us and always will be, but right now, I believe it is best he not be here with Icilian in the state he is in. As for the Watchers, yes...the Seer...Wylde...we need her talents if we are to figure out what exactly is going on with our fellow brother."

Dominik turned to look at Quinlin, studying him for a moment.

"If Icilian balks at Wylde's presence, does not want her help, then we know there truly is a problem."

Quinlin Torr
Nov 29th, 2003, 01:07:57 AM
" Dom, I dont discount Icilian going through his own hell in there...but the signs he is showing.....If Fulkrehm catches wind of it...."

He went silent and gave Dominik that look of "you know".

"Im doing this for not only the safety and sake of my team...but for my friend Icilian as well. And yes...If he gives the Watcher any trouble....we must be prepared to handle it."

He sighed once more.

"It's a curse being the leader Dom....you sure you dont want my job?"

He smiled at his best friend.

Dominik Korvinus
Nov 29th, 2003, 01:16:07 AM
"Oh sure, Quin, you would love to trade with me, wouldn't you? Be on the Council of Nine... I know you, my friend, you would go stir crazy within a few nights of not being out with the Pack." Dominik grinned at him, then it slowly faded.

"Fulkrehm would have a field day with this. I do not know why he is so...so...so cruel to everyone. But, that's another problem. Go to the Citadel, tell the Watcher's what has happened and bring the Seer back. We must get this solved quickly."

Quinlin Torr
Nov 29th, 2003, 01:29:25 AM
Quinlin walked out and into the grand hall. He was heading out to find Wylde when he passed the couple heading to the door. He stepped in front of them and shook his head.

"I'm afraid your rendezvous can wait a while longer....there is something I need to do and I wouold appreciate it if you cooperated Icilian."

The pack leader gave him a look which let him know he held no choice in the matter.

"This is for your safety as well as the team's Ice....It must be done."

He held his hand against his friend and gently held him from moving forward.


Icilian Imoralia
Nov 29th, 2003, 01:36:56 AM
Icilian looked at his friend for a moment, then let out a disappointed sigh, turning to kiss Redeemer's cheek.

"For you, I will, Quinlin." Icilian responded. "But I will wait with Redeemer in my Father's chambers here at the hall for you."

Icilian needed to be alone with Redeemer, if only for a few minutes and he nodded at his friend as he turned to walk down the short corridor to his Father's study, promptly closing the door behind him.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 29th, 2003, 07:01:47 AM
He smiled at Ice's willingness to cooperate.

"Its all I ask."

He exited and ran to the Citadel. The ones up was shocked to see him running through the halls. He approached the one door he needed to call upon. He knocked a few times and waited.

"Come on Wylde.....open up."

Wylde Krymsin
Nov 29th, 2003, 12:48:33 PM
Wylde sat at her desk studying a few of her students' reports when she heard a few knocks on her door. Raising an eyebrow, she looked at her chrono, noting the lateness of the hour and from her experience, she knew all too well it would either be vampyre or Uziel on the other side of the door.

People around the Citadel were beginning to talk about her closeness with the vampyres, that their job was to watch them, write their history, but lately Wylde had been getting a little too involved. She sighed, knowing that if there was a true problem, Uziel would have come to her, but he understood the importance of her friendship with the vampyres and would not interfere unless there was trouble. Letting out a chuckle, she quickly glanced at her attire, making sure she would not be caught off guard again and walked to the door to open it.

Swinging the door open, her eyes widened in surprise to see Quinlin standing before her with an urgent look in his eyes.

"Quinlin?! This is a surprise. What are you doing here?" She asked, stepping away from the door way to allow him in. She had a feeling she would be leaving with him and went to grab her trench coat.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 29th, 2003, 11:26:46 PM
He shook his head.

"No....thank you. We need you urgently. Soemthing has happened, something miraculous...Icilian...he's alive."

He said as she went for a coat.

"And we need you there to check him....he's acting peculiar and we want to see why before......well, before Fulkrehm gets wind of it."

Wylde Krymsin
Nov 29th, 2003, 11:38:11 PM
Wylde just about fainted when Quinlin spoke. Ice...alive? How could that be? She searched the vampyre's eyes and found that he indeed spoke the truth.

"Peculiar? As in how?" Wylde asked, then shaking her head. "Never mind, it's best I do not know anything before hand, Quinlin."

She slipped into her trench coat and ran her hands through her short hair, making sure she looked presentable as part of the Watcher Society, well, how could one really look presentable with short hot pink hair and clad in leather most of the time?

Reaching for her staff just in case, she nodded to Quinlin that she was ready and moved out of her room, coming face to face with some of the students and even a security guard.

"Ma'am, I cannot let you leave the compound with this gentleman." The guard spoke, trying to look important while Quinlin stared him down. A smirk played on Wylde's lips before she cleared her throat.

"Do you know who I am?" Wylde asked, tilting her head to the left just a fraction while she raised an eyebrow at him. "It would be wise of you to step aside and let us pass. If there is any question of my where abouts, Uziel can find me. Step aside before I really cause a scene."

Wylde and the guard stood there for a second staring at each other eye to eye and the guard finally nodded in agreement and stepped away, allowing Seer and Vampyre to leave the compound.

Her mind raced with all sorts of possiblities as to Ice's return as the two of them raced the Great Hall, a place she had never been inside of and she was sure she was going to get the chance to interact with the other members of the Bloodpack before her visit was over with. Well, she at least prayed she would.

Quinlin Torr
Nov 29th, 2003, 11:46:25 PM
Entering the grand hall once more Quinlin called out his friend's name.

"ICILIAN!! I have someone here to see you my friend!"

He looked at the rest who saw the Watcher with him. He gave them no explanation...only Dominik knew. The rest would lay witness to the outcome.

"He will be here in a second Wylde.....thank you for your help."

Wylde Krymsin
Nov 29th, 2003, 11:57:55 PM
Wylde nodded at Quinlin as he went to get Ice, or Icilian as everyone seemed to be calling him now and she tried not to look impressed as she stood before the Bloodpack and Lord Dante. She swallowed nervously, taking in everyone there. She immediately recognized Dominik and smiled at him, then her eyes went to the raven haired beauty standing next to him and she realized that was Epona. She would have to have a talk with the Watcher assigned to her, Wylde knew not of Epona's turning. That was not good news for the Watcher.

Her mouth opened slightly at the shock of seeing the Darkmere turned one there standing with Dante. Kariss Darkmere, the Watchers had been having a field day with her since learning of her acceptance by Count Fulkrehm. She also noted that Dorian nor Izabell were in sight and she gathered that Redeemer was where Icilian would be. Wylde suddenly gasped, she would finally get to meet Redeemer, the one Bloodpack member she had been in awe of since she could remember. She grew uncomfortable under the scrutinizing gazes of all the vampyres in there and threw them a brilliant smile, turning to where she heard movement next to her and there, in all his glory was Icilian walking out with the most beautiful blonde Wylde had ever seen.

"Redeemer." Wylde whispered, her eyes growing wide as the three approached her. Her eyes were drawn to that of Icilian, taking him in, astonished that he was alive and back among everyone. She noted the hard lines around his eyes and he seemed to be eminating power, a sexiness mind you, that called for everyone in the room to stop and look. This was not the Icilian who had befriended her on his visits to the Citadel. This was Ice, but with something new, something she would get to the bottom of.

"Hello Icilian." Wylde smiled.

Nov 30th, 2003, 12:32:41 AM
Redeemer pulled out of Icilian's arms as Quinlin walked in to gather them. Her lips still tingled at Icilian's demanding kiss and she sighed, taking her lifemate's hand in her's as they walked back into the Hall.

She really hadn't been paying attention when she heard her name gasped softly. Looking up, she saw a young woman standing before them with the brightest pink hair she had ever seen and a killer leather outfit. Redeemer's eyes narrowed a bit, thinking that the mortal female seemed somewhat familiar to her, although they had never met. Then it hit her. The female standing infront of her was the same one who had shared her grief over Icilian's death telepathically with her.

'I know you.' Redeemer sent to her, testing thier connection and smiled a bit when the pink haired woman nodded at her. Then Redeemer turned and looked at Quinlin.

"What is going on, Quinlin?" She asked, her eyes drifting back over the female. "And who is she?"

Quinlin Torr
Nov 30th, 2003, 12:39:28 AM
Quinlin pulled her aside. He was going to explain.

"Redeemer, Wylde here...is a Watcher. She is here by my request. We need to find out.....I ...need to find out what changes Icilin has gone through....for the safety of the team, as well as for Ice."

He held a hand up when she gave him the look of "how could you".

"Redeemer...think.....what would you think would happen if something bad has happened to him and Fulkrehm finds out?? ......exactly......Fulkrehm would put him to death in a heartbeat. Not only that....I dont want any of you hurt should he have an outburst.....Im doing this for him Redeemer....to protect him."

Nov 30th, 2003, 12:48:07 AM
Redeemer silenced any argument she had ready for Quinlin as he explained his fears. She nodded in response, knowing her friend was right. If Fulkrehm got wind of this...may the dark force help them all. She knew deep in her heart and her mind that Icilian was himself, he was just dealing with being with them again and any nightmares he was made to suffer through.

"You are right, Quinlin." Redeemer whispered, giving him a soft smile as she looked back at Wylde. "Pray she can get this straightened out before Izabell decides to tell her father."

Quinlin Torr
Nov 30th, 2003, 01:05:32 AM
"My point exactly."

He said to Redeemer.

He walked over to Ice and introduced the Watcher to him. He looked at his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You know I would never ask anything ofthis nature from you unless I had good cause. I do this to protect you Ice....if something did change you....we need to know now and deal with it quickly....for if Fulkrehm catches wind of this, you know as well as I that he would kill you in a heartbeat. And we cant have that. And deep down you also know you could very well have an outburst and Redeemer could get hurt....and we also knowyou dont want that either. So trust me on this.....as a friend."

He looked to Wylde.

"Very well.....lets proceed Wylde."

Icilian Imoralia
Nov 30th, 2003, 01:12:39 AM
When his friend mentioned Redeemer, his eyes went to her and knew all he said was said in caring and Icilian nodded his head. He looked at everyone else there and grew agitated at the thought of the others there witnessing what he was about to go through.

"I do not want the others here, Quinlin." Icilian whispered. "It is the only way I will do it. My father, Redeemer and you can stay. No one else...please, my friend."

Icilian looked at them again, then turned to look at Wylde.

"It is good to see you again, Wylde. You look wonderful." Icilian managed to smile at her. "If we are to do this, I want it done in my father's chamber, not out here." He looked at Quinlin. "Deal?"

Quinlin Torr
Nov 30th, 2003, 01:23:25 AM
Quinlin nodded.

"I understand my friend.....it will be done so."

He explained to the others and led the small group to the Imoralia household.

Dante Imoralia
Nov 30th, 2003, 07:45:19 PM
Dante stayed behind with the Redeemer and Icilian as they watched Wylde closely. Quinlin was to return at any moment and Dante sighed, running a hand through his hair as Redeemer finished explaining exactly why Wylde was brought in. He did not like the idea, but understood the reasoning behind it.

"Wylde, please make yourself comfortable." Dante smiled pleasantly, liking the Watcher.

He turned and looked at his son, taking in that he was not happy about this surprise visit, but Dante was pleased that he did not argue having the Watcher there. If he had, then there would be a problem. He himself could not wait to get to the bottom of Icilian's personality change.

Wylde Krymsin
Nov 30th, 2003, 07:50:48 PM
Wylde smiled back at the elder vampyre and then stole a glance to Redeemer, noting she was watching her closely. She looked around the chamber, her eyes zeroing in on the over stuffed couch by the wall and motioned for Icilian to take a seat.

"If you will, Icilian?" She asked with a soft smile. She still could believe he was alive and looked forward to what had changed about him and where he was.

Wylde moved to take her trench coat off and slung it on the back of Dante's chair, rubbing her bare arms as she let out a calming breath. Rotating her head, she cracked her neck and stretched her arms out.

"We shall wait for Quinlin to return, then we can get started." Wylde said, professionalism taking over. "Icilian, just sit back and relax while we wait."

Quinlin Torr
Nov 30th, 2003, 10:55:09 PM
Quinlin walked back in, He closed the great doors to the main chambers and faced them. He slowly made his way back to the group and gave an apologetic smile for being longer than expected.

"Sorry, But the darkling delayed me.....seems she did not like the idea of being sent away while her father and brother and sister were here. Im glad Dominik was there to help....he caught her arm as she was about to show me why I should not tell her next time to "just listen to what shes told"."

Icilian Imoralia
Dec 1st, 2003, 09:05:06 AM
"That's our Darkling all right." Icilian cracked, raising an eyebrow at him. "Someone is going to have to fill me in on what I have missed."

"As soon as we're done here." Dante replied, walking to his side.

Icilian nodded, letting out a heavy sigh, knowing things he wanted to forget were going to come back for the others to see. The exact reason he only wanted a few in there with them. His eyes went to Wylde and he sat up from leaning back on the couch, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Let's get this over with." Icilian snapped, his eyes changing to silver as he held Wylde's gaze.

Wylde Krymsin
Dec 1st, 2003, 09:12:12 AM
Wylde grabbed a chair and sat infront of Icilian, an eyebrow raising as she watched his eyes change color. She noted the bright silver they had turned to, her mind starting to think of possibilities. She placed her hands on her knees and leaned forward, returning Icilian's gaze with her own.

"Quit the scare tactics, Icilian." She whispered with a grin before turning to look at everyone else. "Since you are all here, you can link through me to see what I see within Icilian's mind."

She saw Icilian stiffen at her words and she nibbled on her bottom lip with her teeth. Apparently there was something he did not want the other's to see. If it was that bad, she would be the judge on letting the other's see.

"Are you ready, Icilian?" Wylde asked softly.

Icilian Imoralia
Dec 1st, 2003, 02:12:18 PM
His eyes drifted to the others in the room, looking at them one by one, taking his time as he let out a slow breath and then looked at Redeemer.

"I'm sorry, My Love." He whispered, "But I do not wish for you to see what I went through."

Icilian watched the shock register on Redeemer's beautiful face and immediately hated himself, but he did want to spare her anything she might see. He saw she was about to argue with him, but he closed his eyes, blocking her from his vision and turned away from her.

'Lifemate, please. Do as I ask of this.' He sent to her, feeling her pain and rejection wash over him.

Dec 1st, 2003, 02:18:44 PM
Redeemer stood there, rooted to the spot, staring at Icilian as he spoke to her. Her eyes grew wide, the hurt evident in the green pools. She wanted to argue with him, fight him on this, but when he turned away from her, she knew it was useless.

'Lifemate, please. Do as I ask of this.'

She blinked, the tears quietly falling down her cheeks as she looked at him one last time before turning on her heel to leave the room without a glance to anyone else. Deep down she could understand how he felt, but it hurt to be rejected like that.

Quinlin Torr
Dec 1st, 2003, 02:24:43 PM
Quinlin reached out and grasped her arm gently as she walked by, he gave her a slight shake of his head. Which spoke "Dont worry, it'll be ok".

He let her go with a smile showing for her.....

' He'll be fine....as you will as well.'

His voice echoed in her head.

Dec 1st, 2003, 02:32:02 PM
She looked at her oldest friend for a moment, not knowing what to say or do. She just let her arm drop from his grasp and continued to walk out of the chamber, her head ducked low as she passed everyone else.

Redeemer felt their shock at seeing her outside of the chamber and she ignored everyone else to go feed, needing to do something other than just sit around and wait for this experiment to be over with. She prayed what ever happened in there would be the end of everyone's speculation about his mental capacity.

Epona Rhi
Dec 1st, 2003, 02:52:17 PM
Pacing back and forth like a caged animal, Epona fumed. Ignoring Dominik's attentions as he was trying to calm her down. It was quite comical, he standing there, occasionally reaching out to stop her....only to have her bat his arm away.

She was a true Imoralia alright. Having a fit like Ice used to when they were younger..even though she was not of their bloodline...their traits were apparant in her.

"No! I wont calm down! I'm part of that family damn it! And I wont be told to "listen" like Im some little child!"

She again blocked his hand.

" No Dom! This kriffing sucks!"

She stopped finally and stood before him.

"I'm an Imoralia ! And they cant do that to me!"

Wylde Krymsin
Dec 1st, 2003, 02:52:22 PM
"That was a very brave thing you did for her, Icilian." Wylde softly said to him, smiling tenderly at the vampyre. "Let's show her there's nothing for her to worry about, shall we?"

Icilian looked up at her and she watched as he slowly nodded in agreement. Wylde motioned for Dante and Quinlin to take a seat near by, thier hovering was going to drive her crazy. She sighed in relief when they sat down and she reached over to place her fingers gently on the side of his head. Icilian closed his eyes, bowing his head slightly. Wylde could feel Dante and Quinlin wanting to connect within her mind and she blocked them for the moment.

"Not right now, Gentlemen. I need to probe first. It is imperative that I do this alone." Wylde stated softly, doing it mainly for Icilian's privacy.

She closed her eyes, letting everything about Icilian rush through her mind and she gasped at the vivid memories of his childhood and the moments of joining with Redeemer, claiming her his lifemate. Wylde blushed at the images of the two of them together and cleared her throat, quickly pushing those images aside, glad the other two were not witnessing Redeemer's private moments with him.

Wylde dug through his memories until she found what she was looking for, locked away in Icilian's mind.

"Relax Icilian, please." She whispered to him, feeling him relax even more under her care. The walls fell down and she smiled. "That's it."

As the final barrier fell away, the images of Icilian's brutal fight with Wraith broke through and she shuddered, the horror of it hitting her hard. She squeezed her eyelids closed tighter, feeling the burning of tears threatening to over come her.

Quinlin Torr
Dec 1st, 2003, 05:15:47 PM
His eyes narrowed as they began the check. She blocked them out and he leaned against the wall.....waiting.

Impatiently drumming his fingers on his elbow.

Dominik Korvinus
Dec 2nd, 2003, 08:57:35 AM
Dominik watched his Darkling pace back and forth and shook his head. She was extremely ticked off at not being allowed to be involved in Icilian's problem and he sighed, shaking his head.

"Epona, I know you are not happy about this, but if you were in there, you would probably see things you would not want to see." Dominik whispered, reaching to enfold her in his arms, but she moved away from him. "The woman Quinlin brought is Wylde, she's a Seer...a Watcher...you have heard of the Society, right? She is the one who helped me regain my memory when I first got here and now she is here to help Icilian with anything that may be going on."

Dominik continued to watch her a moment and was going to say more when he heard a door slam and saw Redeemer walk silently by them, her head low and arms wrapped around her waist.

"That's not good." Dominik muttered, wanting to reach out to her but without uttering a word, knew it would be a big mistake to talk to the blonde.

Icilian Imoralia
Dec 2nd, 2003, 04:52:35 PM
He could feel his father and best friend now linked, getting what Wylde was seeing as clear as day in their minds. Icilian closed his eyes, trying to block out the images that Wylde was bringing forth from the back of his mind that he had locked away. Visuals that Wraith Soul had taunted him with over and over again.

Images of his family, his friends laughing, toasting his departure from their company. Taunting him over and over with the death of his sisters. Information that Wraith could pick out of his brain, he used against Icilian in any way possible. That's how Wraith had gotten to him in the worst way. Wraith had taken Icilian's jealousy over Dorian's feelings for Redeemer and twisted them, slamming graphic visuals, like movies, of his lifemate and the mortal together in bed sharing what only she should be sharing with him, of Redeemer turning the mortal so that he could be with her forever.

Wraithe had kept him from feeding as well, adding to his already fractured mental state and that is when Icilian had finally reached out to the dark force to help him, if it even could. He had embraced the powerful force one hundred percent, but it still would not help the mental damage Wraith had already done on him, the images already stuck in his mind.

Icilian shuddered, not being able to control it as Wylde continued to soothe him with her soft voice. He felt tears falling down his cheeks as his chest tightened, having to relive what he tried to forget. With a low growl, Icilian pushed Wylde's hands away from his head and leapt from the couch, landing on the other side of Dante's desk, his hair free from its binding, falling freely over his shoulders, his eyes bright silver as they stared at Wylde.

"No more." He hissed, his shoulders hunched and body shaking as the images continued to hit him. "I cannot take it anymore." Icilian whispered in a hoarse voice.

Quinlin Torr
Dec 2nd, 2003, 06:34:12 PM
His eyes widened at the sights he was viewing....the lies Icilian had been shown...made to believe. He looked at Dante and gave the elder an "Im so sorry" look.

How could anyone do this to someone like Icilian? Why would the creature whom had never met any of them do this?? Then it hit him.....what were they working with the Watchers on? The Peace Accord with the Roon Vampyres.

Damn good way to sabotage the talks and process......almost caught them with their pants down.....He now knew the what...and the why.....now it was a matter of working on Ice to get him better....before Fulkrehm could know....and someone had better tell Izabell befor she goes half-cocked to her father.......or maybe not....she was never the type to go crying to daddy....always taking care of herself.....yeah, someone needed to go tell her....but who would she listen too?

Epona Rhi
Dec 2nd, 2003, 06:51:48 PM
Pacing once more as he started to explain, Epona was rolling her eyes and sighing every two seconds.

"I dont care what I'd see! It still isnt right!"

She was growling already as he kept going.

"Dom.....I dont care who she is......Thats still no reason to keep me away! Im his sister for kriffing sakes! And for Da to go along with it?? Thats...thats.....URGH!!"

She said as her hands curled into claw like appendages and she shook them near her head in her frustration.

"They are in SO much trouble when they get out of there...I mean it Dom...SO much trou..........Ree?"

She was still bitching and stopped in mid sentence when she heard the door and saw her sister exit. She slowly made her way to her.


Wylde Krymsin
Dec 3rd, 2003, 08:53:48 AM
Wylde sat where she had been, her head hung low and hot tears running down her cheeks at what she had to witness. Never had she seen such cruelty to another person. Taking a deep breath, she sat up straight and wiped her cheeks. She could not blame Icilian for reacting the way he did. He lasted longer than she ever would have.

Standing up, she looked at Icilian for a moment before dragging her eyes to Dante.

"He has hidden nothing. What I saw, you saw." Wylde whispered painfully. "I - if we're done here?"

Wylde gathered her coat, suddenly needing to get out of there and get some air. She stopped when she was close to Icilian. She placed a hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off and she smiled sadly at him.

"It is good to have you back, Ice." She said before turning to leave. As she walked to the door, she knew this night would stick forever in her mind.

Dec 3rd, 2003, 08:59:03 AM

Redeemer stopped a second when she heard Epona's soft voice. She turned around to see her standing there with Dominik and offered her a shaky smile. Epona took a step towards her and Redeemer stepped back, shaking her head as she turned back around.

"Not right now, Sister, I have to feed." Redeemer whispered to her, barely looking at her as she yanked open the door to fly into the night.

Dante Imoralia
Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:08:20 AM
Dante stood there, watching his son closely for a moment, his own eyes taking in the silver of Icilian's.

'The son is more powerful than the father when it comes to the force, it seems.' Dante thought to himself.

"Thank you, Wylde, you have been a great help. I am forever in your debt." He smiled to the Seer as she left.

His heart went out to his son, seeing what he had to endure time and time again by the hands of Wraith. He immediately wanted to find Redeemer and hug her to him, thank her again for exacting revenge on that vile creature. With the thought of his daughter, he now knew why Icilian sent her away. She could not have witnessed this.

Dante sighed, looking over to Quinlin to see him with an equally tragic look on his face. He knew what the younger vampyre was thinking and Dante raised an eyebrow.

'Quinlin, find Kariss immediately, tell her what has happened, show her if need be. She is the only one Izabel will listen to.' Dante sent to him with a sigh.

Quinlin Torr
Dec 4th, 2003, 09:55:11 AM
Quinlin nodded to Dante and headed out to look for Kariss. He was right, if anyone could get through to the Darkmere daughter, It was another Darkmere.

' Kariss.....where are you?? We need to talk...Its very important.

He sent to her as he searched the grounds.

Dec 4th, 2003, 02:04:44 PM
' Kariss.....where are you?? We need to talk...Its very important.'

Kariss haulted mid-step as she walked along the garden, wanting to give the Imoralia's some privacy. She had checked on the twins who were playing happily with their grandmother and then went to walk in the night and reflect on her life.

Quinlin's urgent message alarmed her and she turned around to face the building they were all in.

'Quinlin, I am out in the garden. What is wrong?'

Quinlin Torr
Dec 9th, 2003, 06:13:33 PM
He appeared there beside her in a matter of seconds. His face holding concern.

"It's the situation with Icilian. We found out he is dealing with things he had seen in that place he was kept prisoner....and Izabell ..... she could cause alot of unneccesary problems if not talked to. Youre the one she seems to listen too....and if she gets word to her father."

He gave her a "you know what I mean" kind of look.

"If you could help us and talk to her as soon as possible...youd be saving Ice another great incident to deal with."

Dec 10th, 2003, 08:46:40 AM
Kariss nibbled on her bottom lip with her teeth as she listened to Quinlin and let out a sigh. He was right, Izabel needed to be told of this and she would make her sister listen, forcefully if needed. It sounded like Dante's son needed a lot of help and her sister going to their father would make this worse for him, something she did not want to happen.

"I will talk to her, Quinlin. She will no speak with the Count." Kariss replied softy.

Quinlin Torr
Dec 10th, 2003, 09:17:31 PM
"Good. I hope you catch her in time."

He took a deep breath and sighed. So much drama unfolding...Dominik's return, Ice's miracle....Ezra's mistake.....And saving Sabina. He shook his head as he thought of it as too much even for a vampyre.

"Will it ever end?"

Dec 10th, 2003, 09:26:41 PM
Kariss took a step forward, placing a soft hand on Quinlin's shoulder. She squeezed it gently and looked into his eyes.

"You can count on it." She whispered before turning away from him to seek out her sister.

'Izabell, I must speak with you right now. It is of great importance. Meet with me in my chambers.' She sent, letting the urgency flow through her link.

Dec 10th, 2003, 09:40:26 PM
She was there in no time. A slender hand rapped the door to her chambers.

*knock knock knock*

She waited patiently , her hands now folded against her belly. Her lips pursed as she thought why Kariss would summon her this late and so urgently.

Dec 10th, 2003, 09:49:44 PM
Kariss yanked open the doors and grabbed Izabell by her slender wrist. Closing the door behind them, she turned her eyes upon her sister, walking with her further into the her chambers.

"Izabell, Quinlin just spoke with me about Icilian." Kariss whispered, as if someone was listening in to their conversation. She was not going to take chances with Icilian's welfare. Kariss had no idea to begin really, but she jumped in with both feet.

"You must not tell Father of your suspicions. Icilian literally went through hell when he was away. It's no wonder he survived mentally, but he did...just barely. He needs time to regain his strength, to come back to us one hundred percent. He can do it. Quinlin believes he can, I believe he can."

Kariss took a breath and walked to the end of her chamber and then back to Izabell's side, wringing her hands.

"Sister, please...do not tell Father. If not for Icilian's sake, for Dante, for Redeemer...please?"

Dec 10th, 2003, 11:32:01 PM
She stood there looking at Kariss for a few minutes in silence. She lowered her eyes and sighed. Taking a few steps passed her, she turned her head slightly to respond over her shoulder.

"I was not going to our father Kariss, I have never asked nor wanted his help before. I was going to handle Icilian myself."

She picked up where she left off and continued her walking, coming to stand at her window.

"Kariss, he threatened Dorian....although he still is a mortal, he is one of us. And we dont treat each other in that manner. It is simply not done, regardless of feelings."

She turned to face her.

"I will not do anything.... Not unless he moves against one of our own first. And I dont care if he does it out of misjudgment, My brother...your lifemate, did somehting out of misjudgement....and we'll be going after him soon. Icilian would deserve no less if he continues the way he is going where Dorian is concerned."

She walked passed her and to her door, pausing.

"I wonder if I am the only one who worries about the mortal. He didnt deserve what he was given."

She pursed her lips.

"But I promise to keep quiet.....for now. you have my word."

Dec 11th, 2003, 08:59:53 AM
Kariss nodded, breathing a sigh of relief as she hugged her sister. She kissed her cheek and then pulled back to look at her.

"Have you tried contacting Dorian?" She asked. Kariss only wished she could have gotten to know Dorian better. "Come, walk with me to check on the twins."

Sisters walked arm and arm down the long hallway to Lady Danae's chamber to find her there looking content with Alexi and Draven in her arms as she softly sang to them.

Kariss stood quietly there, watching the serene moment and tears of crimson came to her eyes at the thought of Ezra. She blinked them back, swallowing a lump in her throat as she looked at Izabell. She prayed the Count would not go back on his word on their agreement regarding Ezra's life. If she had to go track him down, she would. His life was at stake and Kariss would do what ever she could to protect him.

Dec 11th, 2003, 10:34:22 AM
Izabell walked with Kariss instead of leavinmg as she almost did. They stopped at the door and watched her mother singing to the content babies. Draven was smiling and cooing at the song, Alexi was busy minding something else that caught her attention, namely a tapestry on the wall.

She stiffled a laugh as she remembered stories her mother told them growing up how Ezra was the one child they had who's attention span needed working on, only it wasnt a bad thing.....he was more intuned to his surroundings and could care less of the trivial things that didnt interest him...like a song.

Alexi was like him, and to know that made her smile....that little girl would bring a definate thorn to the side of her father the Count. Draven definately took after his mother. You could see it in his eyes. So alert, so intuitive....beautiful to the very fiber of his being, yet deep down held a strength you could just see...if you looked.

She placed a hand on Kariss's arm and leaned in to rest her head against hers.

' Dont worry about my brother Kariss.....No harm will befall him, I promise you.'

She sent comfortingly.

Icilian Imoralia
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:10:46 PM
Icilian straightened himself, taking deep, calming breaths as looked around the room, his eyes finally resting on his father.

"Are you happy now, Father?" He asked, shaking his head to clear the horrific images in his mind. "I have been fighting those demons and what happens when I am reunited with my family, I have to go through it again."

Icilian walked away from his desk to the window over looking the garden, watching Kariss walk gracefully by herself. His eyes on her for a moment, they narrowed as Quinlin appeared next to her and the two seemed to have an urgent discussion before Kariss turned on her heel to head to the Darkmere mansion. Letting out a sigh, he turned back around.

"I want to get Redeemer and go back to my home." Icilian whispered.

Dante Imoralia
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:15:10 PM
"I am sorry, my Son." Dante breathed, heavy hearted. "It had to be done."

He kept a close eye on Icilian for a few minutes, letting out a sigh of his own.

"I want to get Redeemer and go back to my home."

"Do that, Icilian. Rest and be with your lifemate. You both need each other right now." Dante agreed, giving his son a small smile. He watched as Icilian left, then went to look out the window himself for a few minutes, leaning his forehead against the cool glass as he watched Quinlin.

"Be with you the dark force, Quinlin. I know you are going through your own hell as well." He whispered.

Quinlin Torr
Dec 11th, 2003, 10:15:06 PM
Quinlin stood in the gardens alone. His arms crossed over his chest as he looked up at the sky. Just a little while and I'll be there Sabina.....I promise."

He wanted to leave so bad, right there and then. But he had a mission to do soon. One that would be finding a needle in a haystack. Ezra wasnt stupid....he would have fled and gone into hiding. It would be a drawn out search.....one he wasnt in the mood for.

Looking up at the house, he saw a figure standing watching....he smiled and nodded to Dante, Then headed back in.

Dec 12th, 2003, 08:44:23 AM
Fresh from feeding, Redeemer walked back up the steps to the Council and stopped just outside the doors. She hesitated, her eyes going to the steps for just a moment. Taking a deep breath, she seeked out Epona to find her with Dominik and she smiled, happy her sister had found someone, especially since it was one of her oldest friends.

She found Icilian talking with his father and he felt her, reaching out on their private link to wrap her with love and regretfullness for kicking her out of the meeting.

'When you are done there, I will be with my sister.' She sent to him, reaching out to open the double doors.

Epona Rhi
Dec 13th, 2003, 12:01:25 AM
Standing in one of the gardens, Epona rested her head on Dominik's chest. Her hand gently caressing his shoulder. She smiled at her fortune of finding him. And her smile faded some as she just remembered her earlier outburst at him.

"I'm sorry Dom, for earlier....it wasnt your fault and I went off. "

She looked up and smiled, her lavender eyes glowing. She went on tip toes and kissed him softly.

"Forgive me?"

Dominik Korvinus
Dec 13th, 2003, 12:56:30 PM
Dominik chuckled, leaning down to kiss her lightly as he ran a hand over her silky hair.

"You are going to be quite the handful." He murmured against her lips. "And I am going to enjoy trying to tame you."

Dominik saw Epona open her mouth to argue and he smiled, placing a slender finger over her full lips, quieting her.

"I said 'try', Epona." He whispered with a grin.

Dominik kissed her once again, enjoying the feeling of her in his arms. He pulled back to look into her lavendar pools, then froze for a moment, lifting his head to search the area.

"What is it, Dom?" Epona asked. He looked at her, smiling, the edges of his eyes crinkling.

"Your sister approaches."

Dec 13th, 2003, 06:23:43 PM
Izabell smiled at Kariss.

"I must leave Khar Sian for a few days. I will try to find Dorian. We leave for my brother in a few days and I will need that time to find the mortal."

She looked at the children and smiled.

"I Will talk with you when I return, sister."

She kissed her cheek and left.

Dec 14th, 2003, 12:44:21 PM
Kariss hugged her sister goodbye, then watched her walk away.

'When you find Dorian, let me know.' She sent to her as Izabell left the chambers. Kariss knew it would tick off Icilian to know avail to have the mortal back, but her sister was right, Dorian was part of the Bloodpack, one of them and that meant he was family.

Kariss sighed, turning her thoughts back to Ezra, trying to reach out to him, to find him...but he did not want to be found and it hurt to know that he did not want her to know his where abouts. Lowering her head, she let out a deep breath, trying to calm her fears.

Squaring her shoulders, she gave Danae a smile and went to her side to take Draven into her arms, cuddling him close to her and his sister squealed happily in her grandmother's arms.

Dec 14th, 2003, 01:18:21 PM
Redeemer, with her arms wrapped around her leather clad body, walked quietly through the garden until she came upon Epona and Dominik. She smiled softly at the image the two made and it was indeed a perfect match. She could tell by the look in Dominik's eyes that he found Epona his lifemate, something that was not taken lightly amongst their people.

Her eyes drifted to Epona, searching her face thoroughly for any of the same signs and though she was mortal and turned, she was indeed Dominik's true other half...his lifemate...but she seemed confused by everything.

"Epona...Dominik." Redeemer said, coming to stand next to them. She wrapped her arms around her sister, kissing her cheek and then did the same to Dominik, whispering in his ear, "Congratulations on finding her."

She pulled back to see Dominik smiling secretively at her and she winked at him, turning her attention back to her sister.

"It is good to see you so happy, Sister."

Epona Rhi
Dec 14th, 2003, 01:37:17 PM
Epona smiled and leaned against Dominik. Her hand placed on his chest. Her lavender eyes glowed with more intensity as she looked at Redeemer.

"He makes me happy Ree.....I can trully say I found someone I love with all my heart."

She smiled up at Dominik and lovingly caressed his chest.

"And that is true Dom, Ree will tell you, Before you came along, I hated all men. But you showed me that it doesnt have to be so."

She looked Ree and laughed.

"Isnt that right Ree?"

Dec 14th, 2003, 01:47:14 PM
She laughed along with her sister, shaking her head at this 'new Epona' standing before her. She kinda missed the man-hating Epona she grew to know and love, but frell...she'd get used to her.

"That's right, Ep." She smiled, her mind going to her lifemate and the brooding he's been doing since he got back. She let out a small sigh and looked away from her friends.

"I'm going to go get Icilian and take him home. I just wanted to stop by and see the two of you for a few minutes and tell you how happy I was for the both of you." Redeemer whispered, looking out over the garden and then at the two of them. "Take care of each other, will you?"

Redeemer hugged them again and then turned to join Icilian at his side as he neared the front doors. She looked at him, the hurt evident in her eyes at his earlier rejection. She reached out, took his hand in her's and then silently led him back to their house.

Dec 14th, 2003, 07:57:33 PM
Through the expanse of space the thought traveled......all the way to Khar SIan where the recipiant resided. A tought meant only for her....the one he loved...the one he longed to hold once again.
The voice echoed in her head....

' Kariss......My love...... I am ok at the moment, all save that i miss you dearly.....I am getting the help I need..... I will be with you as soon as I can.'

Dec 14th, 2003, 08:14:47 PM
Kariss smiled at Danae as Ezra's mother sat happily on the bed with a sleeping Alexi in her arms. Kariss looked down at the Dark Angel and smiled tenderly. A yank of her black hair made her look down at Draven in her arms and she grinned at him, placing a loud kiss on his cheek, making the baby squeal happily in her arms. He reached out with chubby arms to grab more of her hair and Kariss laughed happily, smothering kisses on his cheeks over and over until Draven could not stand it anymore. She sighed and held her son close to her, stroking his black hair and humming softly to him.

' Kariss......My love...... I am ok at the moment, all save that I miss you dearly.....I am getting the help I need..... I will be with you as soon as I can.'

"Ezra." She whispered, her eyes immediately filling with tears of happiness and love for her lifemate. She turned away from Danae to look out the window as she wrapped him in waves of love.

'My love, I miss you so much.' She sent back, a hand coming up to cover her mouth to keep from crying aloud. 'Where are you, Ezra? Are you safe?'

Dec 14th, 2003, 08:20:41 PM
The waves were returned to her......enveloping her.

"I cannot tell you where I am, and when I do tell you ...you wont believe it, I still dont believe it....but the ones helping me are old aquaintences of ours......I am safe, and for the moment feeling much better than I have in recent months....especially now that I hear your voice.....I miss you sooooo much....you and the children........I cannot keep this connection for too long.....the distance drains me.'

Dec 14th, 2003, 08:26:03 PM
Kariss stomped her foot angrily at his words. She wished he would tell her. She hated the fact that he was keeping that from her...she, his lifemate. Draven, always in tune with his mother, picked up on her feelings and sent a near by vase sailing against the far wall, smashing it into pieces.

Kariss sighed, looking down at her son and shook her head with a sad smile.

'Ezra, my love, why won't you tell me?' She sent, sighing in resignation knowing he would not tell her. She smirked, picking up pieces in his mind to his surroundings. With those few images, she would find out. She had to. 'As long as you are safe, I guess that is all that matters.

Dec 14th, 2003, 08:30:57 PM
"You know I cannot tell you....If you knew, my father could very well take it from you and you know that......and the people I am with..... I dont want the pack setting foot here, it would jeopardize them.....so please....trust me enough to know I do this for safety sake.....theirs as well as mine.......I would tell you if I knew there wouldnt be so much at stake.....but you know me.....I wont place them in a position for trouble.....especially since they're helping me when they shouldn't.......please, trust me."

Dec 15th, 2003, 08:44:24 AM
Kariss smiled at the thought of his Father...their father. She had grown to love the tempermental vampyre like her own father and knew she had a way with him like no other.

'You do not know your father very well, My Love.' She sent with a smirk, then it slowly came off. 'Your father knows, Ezra. He felt it the same time I saw what you had done. Do not think for a moment he cannot find you. He can. You are his son, you two have a stronger link then you and I have.'

Kariss sighed and walked away from the window she was standing at and placed Draven into his crib as the baby yawned tiredly.

'Ezra, be safe. And if you are with who I think you are with, tell them I send my love and appreciation. I wish I could see her.' Kariss sent with a smile.

Dec 15th, 2003, 09:09:49 AM
She heard his soft laughter....he knew she knew whom he was with...who was helping him.

'I will.......She has also asked about you and the children. I told her you all were doing just fine.....I must go....Give the children a loving hug and kiss for me.....tell them I love and miss them.....as for you.....I love you with all that I am Kariss Darkmere......I pray I find a way to speed up time, because once I am done here.....in your arms is where I need to be......be well my love.....'

She felt more of the comforting waves.....felt how much he loved and missed her.....then one after the other, the babies smiled in their slumber....daddy had said hello.

Then as quickly as it came.....Kariss felt the link grow weak just enough for her to respond....then it broke.

Dec 15th, 2003, 08:18:56 PM
'I love you, Ezra...my lifemate...no matter what.' Kariss sent to him as she felt the connection fade.

"No matter what." She whispered to herself as she turned to look at Danae and then the children. She let out a sigh and walked back to the window, her thoughts on Ezra. She closed her eyes, sending out a silent prayer to give herself strength and Ezra the help he needed to get through this difficult time.

The Pack would find him and bring him back, that she was sure of. Kariss would just have to make sure Fulkrehm lived up to his word on his son's life.


Kariss walked quietly through the Darkmere house, taking in the soft sounds of the house and the night, a smile playing on her lips. She had felt Izabell leave Khar Sian and knew where she was going. She only prayed she would not find trouble there.

Bringing a hand up to the wall, she let her finger tips run lightly over the surface as she came upon Fulkrehm's study. She stopped for a moment, debating on whether or not to step in and say hello to him.

The two had a very odd sort of relationship between them and Kariss laughed quietly to herself, never imagining that he would accept her as one of his own, much less show so much affection towards her like he has.

Taking a deep breath, Kariss stepped through the doorway to find Fulkrehm sitting by the fireplace quietly reading a book. She smiled, taking another step forward.

"Father...am I disturbing you?" She asked, her fingers entwined together behind her back.

Count Fulkrehm
Dec 20th, 2003, 08:03:21 PM
He was relaxing and enjoying his solitary time. Reading one of the old tomes from the main library of books he had. It was a story of old about a rise of a great people, only to come to a crumbling end....such was the ways of things....he couldnt help but wonder if his people would meet such an end.

He heard the door open and slowly closed the book, keeping the page marked by a finger left between the pages.

A smiled met the person whom had entered his den, Kariss...his embarassment's lifemate. The one whom reminded him of his other son....Elijah....gods keep him where his spirit dwells now.

"Ahhhh daughter, nooo not at all...come on in. how fares you this evening? The children alright?"

He asked her....he was always worried about the Darkmere heirs. His continuance of his legacy...he needed them since his poor excuse of a son was doing such a poor job.

Dec 20th, 2003, 08:09:44 PM
Kariss smiled back, walking quickly to Fulkrehm, taking a place infront of him on the floor, her head resting gently on his knee. She took his hand and kissed the back of it, smiling up at him. She knew how the elder Darkmere felt about his surviving son, but she could not help but love him as much as she did.

"The children are resting and they are doing just fine, Father." Kariss replied. Her eyes cast downwards as she turned to look into the fire, watching the flames jump over each other. She sighed and then asked, "Father...why do you love me so? Why do you show me so much attention when you do not even show your true daughter or your lifemate as much?"

Count Fulkrehm
Dec 20th, 2003, 08:21:17 PM
"Ohhh now I do show my beloved Danae all the attention she deserves. As for Izabell, well.....she never did care for all that attention..."

Then his eyes got a bit colder...

"As for your lifemate......well......we all know why."

His eyes emptied of the hatred that crept upon them, and he smiled at her.

"I show you the affection because you remind me of my son......Elijah.....my eldest."

Kariss noticed he had not called Ezra by his name or even son....he gave him notice as Her lifemate.....Elijah he had graced him with the title Ezra deserved also.

Dec 20th, 2003, 08:25:28 PM
Kariss watched the coldness quickly seap into his eyes at the round about way he mentioned Ezra, then quickly left as he spoke of Elijah. She felt a great sadness for the lack of love between father and son. She would do what she could to repair what hopefully could be between the two. She loved them each so much and the one thing she wished for was to have a happy family around her.

"Tell me about him, Father. You rarely speak of him. What was he like?" Kariss asked, turning to face him completely.

Count Fulkrehm
Dec 20th, 2003, 08:31:38 PM
His face took on a sad expression.

"He was an obedient son. Always honored what I asked of him, always respectable....He did his duty for Khar Sian, she came first as it is with me.....He was a smart man, as compassionate as ....Ezra.....but not as trying of my patience."

He could see the grin being forced back down with her as he mentioned Ezra's name for the first time and also how trying that pureblood could be, Kariss knew first hand the rebellious side of the wayward son.

"I only wished you could have met him....."

Dec 20th, 2003, 08:36:33 PM
"So do I, Father." Kariss whispered, reaching up to touch his cheek with her finger tips. "It is obvious you loved him so. It is a shame that he is gone from you, us."

Kariss moved to her knees, leaning up to kiss Fulkrem's before she moved her arms around him to hug him lovingly.

"I am honored by your words, to remind you of him." Kariss smiled, her eyes shining at him. "Do you mind if I spend some time alone with you, Father? I won't be a nuisance like I have been. You and I have not been able to be alone and I would dearly like that. "

Count Fulkrehm
Dec 21st, 2003, 01:15:41 PM
He patted her back as she hugged him. He did miss his son alot, Elijah wouldve been a great leader of the people.

"It is I who am honored by the reminder of his ways in you."

Nodding his head at her other comment he smiled.

"Of course you can my dear, stay as long as you like. "