View Full Version : A Trip of most inportance (finished)

Nov 1st, 2003, 04:34:40 PM
Rag was wearing his nighblack cloak as he sat in the space freighter he had hitch a ride on, He had just left his master and was pheading for Naboo to see his masters father

He knew Tony father would accept him and would happily help him or atleast Rag hoped he would, he sat there in the hold of the freighter with nothing but his weapons and his cloak and the credits he had from when Tony had given to him all that time ago

(after several hours)

Ragnarok walked down the ramp of the freighter, He looked around the green land of Naboo, He had never seen it before and now he was happy he was here

He had always liked plants especialy the ones in the GJO garden, Rag looked around the old space port he was in, walked over to a man who was just standing around "can you tell me where the Maxwell Industry factory is?" He asked the man

the man looked up at him "It about two miles that way" he said pionting a fat finger to the east of the space port "its s giant building colored a gray color, you cant miss it"

Ragnarock thanked the man and walked toward another man, the man had a speader that said TAXI on it "how much to take me to the Maxwell Industry factory?" the man looked up from the paper he was reading "just a couple bucks sir" he said

"very well" Rag said as he handed the man a few creds "lets go" they both got in the speader and drove out of the small space port and onto a street

after half and hour of silence they reached the building, Rag jumped out of the speader "thank you for your service" He said to the Taxi driver who just smiled and drove off

Rag walked to the front door of the factory and knocked on it, after a minute a small fat man opened it "can I help you" the man said ,"yes you can" rag said "I here to see Andrew Maxwell" He said to the man

"I'm sorry but Mr. maxwell dosnt see anyone right now" the man said as he started to close the door, Rag grabed it and reopned it "Andrew will see me" He said in an angry voice "tell Andrew that Ragnarok wants to see him."

Nov 1st, 2003, 04:52:25 PM
Rag was shown into a small office room, a tall man was getting out of his chair as rag entered "ahh, Ragnarok what a suprise to see you here" Andrew Maxwell said as he walked over to Rag

"I have come to you Andrew becuase I have a small request of you" Rag said in a polite voice

"hows Tony?" He said with a smiled "what request would that be?"

"Tony Is fine" Rag said with a pause "I have left him and decided that I should go one a quest to see more of the rest of the universe" He paused again "and I wanted to ask if you would lend me the money so that I could perchase my own ship"

Andrew stroked his small beard as he thought "sp you want to go on a quest, I guess I could lend you the money and I dont mind if you repay me or not because you are like family

and I know a man who sells ships and I could call him now and ask he what he wants and then perchase the ship for you"

"that would be very nice Andrew" Rag said as he brushed off a peice of dirt off his cloak

Andrew smiled and walked over to his commlink and punched in a few numbers "yes hello Nate, I have a freind who wishs to purchase a ship"

afte a few moments Andrew looked at Rag "he says he just has a Skipray Blastboat" Rag thought for a moment "I think it will work" he said to Andrew

"ok Nate we'll take it" Andrew said to the man he was talking to, after a few more minutes He hung up the comm "ok you can go pick it up when you want Rag, but a Blastboat would require more then one person to opperate it correctly

So I think I'll send some of my pilot droids to go along with you on this" Andrew said with a smile "they will listen to any order you give them, Im sure I can spare three at least" He said to Rag

"they would be most helpful Andrew" Rag said as he walked toward the door "if you ever need anything just ask me and I will repay you for all you given me today" He walked through the door

(The next day...)

Rag had spent the whole night working on the old ship, and now it was in perfect condition and ready to fly, the pilot droids where taking their postitions in the ship

they built almost exactly like a battle droid exept that they where alot smarted then one, Rag turned as Andrew walked up to him "I hope you have a safe Trip Ragnarok" He said to the droid " and please take good care of yourself"

Rag looked at him "I will be, and I will return here someday to tell you about my adventures" he said as he walked up the ramp into the ship and the door shut behind him

"lets go guys " he said to the droids that where there with him, they went to work and started up the engines as Rag sat down at the pilot controls "this is going to be one heck of a adventure"

the ship lifted off the ground and into space and away from the lovely planet of Naboo.