View Full Version : Mystic River

Ardath Bey
Oct 31st, 2003, 11:11:04 PM
Well Clint Eastwood really outdid himself with the creation of this emotionally charged, emotionally draining drama. Eastwood is an awesome and IMO often underrated director, I think Unforgiven is one of ten greatest films made in the 15-20 years BTW.

But what a riveting rollar coaster ride Mystic River was. Topnotch performances by Tim Robbins, Sean Penn, Kevin Bacon, Marcia Gay Harden, and the young Tom Guiry.

Under Eastwood's direction, these characters grabbed me by the nose and wretched painfully. Never before had a movie caused genuine tears to well in my eyes. The first half of the movie was the most emotionally pivoting I have seen in a long while.

The second half Mystic River transformed into a moving tale of vengeance, that had me screaming for criminal justice as it's cast of socially diverse characters. However the ending was a minor letdown but never did it dilute the power of the film overall. A fitting ending actually ... a maverick ending from a maverick director.

Master Yoghurt
Nov 1st, 2003, 06:16:57 AM
Hmm.. I am slightly curious about this one. Might check it out.

Ardath Bey
Nov 1st, 2003, 10:19:18 AM
I don't think you will be disappointed in it at all. One of Eastwood's darkest films to date dealing with sexual child abuse and murder. The sense of loss conveyed through the movie is incredible especially the first half. Half way through the movie, it's mood shifts, slightly alters to a different tone altogether.

I really like actors Kevin Bacon and Sean Penn, I think they are two high caliber actors. Larry Fishburne, whom I forgot to mention above also costars and puts forth a good performance too.

Nov 1st, 2003, 12:37:54 PM
I really liked this movie, it was one of those slow thrillers that just builds up and up leading to a really good ending. Kind of like the Godfather with less action.

Ardath Bey
Nov 1st, 2003, 09:27:55 PM
Personally, this is Director Eastwood's second greatest film ever. Sean Penn (Jimmy); Marcia Gay Harden (Celeste); Kevin Bacon (Sean); and Tom Guiry (Brandon) are outstanding. Great performances by Tim Robbins and Larry Fishburne too.

A Must See Movie!

Nov 20th, 2003, 06:49:23 PM
Saw it today....wonderful. Definitely one of the(if not THE) years best films. Great writing, terrific perfomances, awesome tension, etc...

A must see for my money. I was kinda blown away.

Nov 20th, 2003, 09:36:25 PM

Nov 20th, 2003, 10:53:46 PM
Nope no Oscars, the movie was not released at 11:59pm on December 31st to 3 screenings, so it can not possibly be considered for an Oscar/

Nov 21st, 2003, 08:23:09 AM

Nov 21st, 2003, 10:11:17 AM
This has an excellent shot at making the top 5. I would be rather surprised if it didn't.