View Full Version : And then there was one (open to all)

Nikkiah Wintermoon
Oct 31st, 2003, 07:20:52 PM
"Fall back, fall back!"

The command came over the comlinks and syphoned down the chain of command. The small band that locals referred to as vigilante's had been ambushed and surrounded; holding their own for the past few hours, but its become apparent that they were going to lose.

The night skies lit up as flares rocketed into the air, illuminating the jungled-area nearly as bright as day. Clothed in all black, the remaining fighters scattered, working their way through the thick jungle foliage, making their way back to the rendezvous point.

Shouting is heard over the comms, shots fired and thuds - the sound of fallen comrades or enemies and the gurgling of their last drawn breaths.

Her heart racing and thudding fiercely deep within her chest, Nikkiah forces the limits of physical exertion, hoping to lose the two men hot on her tail.

Darting around thick, gnarled treetrunks and ducking beneath low-lying branches and jumping over fallen limbs. The two following are hard to shake; as if they know exactly what move will be made or what twist in the overgrown path she is going to take.

'They're herding me, forcing me to go where they want ...'

She thinks to herself just as her right cheek is cut by the sharp blade of a treeleaf.

Bruised, muddied and over-tired, she's hit the point of letting anger take control over her thoughts; adrenalin commanding her muscles.

Instead of taking the right branch in the road, Nik veers off course to the left, having no idea where this path will eventually lead but figuring it has to be better than ending up caged like an animal by the renegades still chasing her.

An intense flash of light blinds the young woman, as well as the two behind her; then there is nothing at all but total darkness ...


Three hours later...

A tremendous amount of jarring pain shoots up along the young woman's left leg and through her right arm, bringing her back to consciousness.

Dark eyes flutter and open, barely; just enough to notice the full moon in the skies above and tips of tall blade grass one would find in an open clearing waving in the wind.

Then it is dark once more as the injured young woman known to locals as Nikkiah Wintermoon succumbs to unconsciousness once more ....

Nov 1st, 2003, 04:18:36 PM
Rowan was taking his walk like he did every day to think when he saw a beautiful young woman laying unconcious on the ground.

Damn that war

He went to the woman and brought her to his small home. He layed her down and started to read a book while waiting for her to awake.

Nikkiah Wintermoon
Nov 3rd, 2003, 11:53:08 AM
Assuming that the man who carried her away from the battlefield had summoned a local doctor or medic, it'll be assumed that the injuries Nikkiah suffered during the bloody skirmish have been tended to.

A few groans escape parched lips as her dark eyes flutter open once more; the light filtering in through the window forces her to snap them shut once more, squinting them tightly. Once Nikkiah turns her head away from the light source, she slowly opens her eyes again, peering around the strange room from where she lays.

She doesn't recognize the room or its furnishings. 'Perhaps I've been taken captive...' is her initial thought. Just noticing something bearing a bit of weight wrapped around her right arm, she lifts it carefully and examines the bandaging; sliding her left hand gingerly over the wraps and knitting her brows deeply.

"Where am I? Where are the others?"

She voices in a whisper to the empty room. Using her left hand, she very slowly manages to get herself propped up some against the pillow behind her, dark eyes now looking over the injuries to her left leg for a few minutes.


She calls out, her voice scratchy due to her throat being rather dry and sore. 'My weapons! Where in the nine hells are my weapons!?' she panics mentally, looking around from where she lays for any of her weaponry.

"Great. Damn rebels."

[i]Nikkiah slumps back against the pillow and affixes her dark eyes on the door of the room, waiting and wondering if whomever brought her here would show up anytime soon.

Nov 3rd, 2003, 11:19:30 PM
Rowan walked through the door to find the girl awake.
"Good to see that you are alive." He said while sitting down on a chair at his table. "Your weapons are by the door. You took some pretty bad injurys. Im not sure which side you're on but when you get their I would suggest you get a proper medic to look at them. I only know enough to keep you alive. Here," He said offering her a cup of liquid that he had been holding," This will help the pain. So, tell me about yourself. Unless, of course, you feel like going back to fight allready."