View Full Version : A rematch of Revenge (Rivin)
Zereth Lancer
Oct 30th, 2003, 03:43:20 PM
Zereth entered the training room, he was wearing his ninja garb with his black cloak over it, He stood in the middle of the room as he removed his cloak and threw it onto a nearby bench
He reached both hands behind his head and pulled out both of his long swords from his sheath, Zereth swung them at imaginary enemys
He had been defeated in a spar by a fellow sith named Rivin, He had sent Rivin a message chalenging him to a spar, Now he waited for the man to show up
Zereth swung the swords in very complicated attacks that moved them very close to his body and if he messed up a single part of it he could lose a limb, He continued this dance of steel until he heard foot steps aprouching Rivin must fall He though as he stoped his swords and looked toward where the foot steps where coming from.
Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 30th, 2003, 04:27:37 PM
Rivin walks into the room. And watches Zereth's sword dance for a little bit, the walks closer.
"Why is it you wished to meet me in here? I have a lot of things I could be doing."
Zereth Lancer
Oct 30th, 2003, 06:08:16 PM
Zereth looked at Rivin "I called you here because when we spared the last time you beat me" He walked up to Rivin "and I chellenge you to spar"
He extended one of the swords handle first to Rivin "just like last time" Zereth said "Swords not sabers."
Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 31st, 2003, 11:51:13 AM
Rivin nods and takes the Sword, then backs off 5 steps and hold the sword in a double handed chest level defencive position.
"Then get on with it. I don't have all day."
Zereth Lancer
Oct 31st, 2003, 02:38:19 PM
Zereth smiled "I hope this fight willbe a good one" He said as he twirled the sword around in his right hand
He gribed the sword with both hands while he dashed forward and jumped into the air slashing downward at Rivin's head.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 3rd, 2003, 10:44:39 AM
Rivin braces himself and lifts the sword above his head as if he was going to block, but gust before the blades contact Rivin steps off to his Right, avoiding the attack, as he then swings the flat of his blade at Zereth's back. Since he is in mid air right now, there is not much he can do to stop the blow.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 3rd, 2003, 01:57:31 PM
Zereth grited his teeth as he back was slaped by the flat of Rivin's sword, when he reached the ground he stabed his left toward Rivin's side.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 3rd, 2003, 03:51:41 PM
Rivin brings his sword down and sideways to deflect the stab, as he sends his right foot towards Zereth's Left knee.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 3rd, 2003, 04:58:51 PM
Zereth's left hand shot out and hit Rivin's foot to the side, He then backfliped away from rivin
when he landed and charged ar Rivin and thrusted his sword toward the man's stomach.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 5th, 2003, 10:47:52 AM
Rivin steps off to the side, and uses the force to pull Zereth forward and down, so that the momentum of his charge would be turned into a head first fall.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 5th, 2003, 04:47:07 PM
Zereth pulled himself into a ball before he hit the ground, He jumped to his feet and looked at Rivin
He held his sword infront of himself as he waited for Rivin to attack.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 7th, 2003, 12:15:46 PM
Rivin takes a few steps forward towards Zereth. When he is within range he preforma an upward slash aimed to travel from Zereth's left hip to Zereth's right shoulder.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 7th, 2003, 03:38:23 PM
Zereth swung his sword down, there was a clang as the swords collided, He forced Rivin's sword downward toward the ground
He lashed out his right elbow toward Rivin's chin.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 12th, 2003, 12:34:01 PM
Rivin lets his Left hand go of his sword and grabs Zereth's Elbow before it hits his face, and goes to bring his left knee up into Zereth's stomach.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 13th, 2003, 02:29:56 PM
Zereth saw Rivin's knee comging at him, He used the force to boost him into the air over Rivin
He slashed downward ar Rivin's head as he decended.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 17th, 2003, 10:56:27 AM
Rivin rolls of to his left letting Zereth's sword hit the floor beside him. Rivin then slashes at the back of Zereth legs.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 17th, 2003, 02:04:24 PM
Zereth saw Rivin coming backfliped over Rivin and slashed at his back.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 17th, 2003, 02:24:57 PM
Rivin Rolls off to his right on a slighty forward angle, he can feal Zereth's blade cut his shirt but barely miss his flesh. He rolls back to his feet and faces Zereth. He then uses the force to grab Zereth's nose and with his force grip on his opponets nose he pulls VERY hard.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 17th, 2003, 10:08:16 PM
Zereth led out a low growl as his nose was pulled, he took the force around him and threw it at Rivin and pushed him down stoping his grip
he then charged at Rivin's fallen form and slashed at him.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 18th, 2003, 12:00:02 PM
Rivin lets himself get pushed, dropping himself into a backwards roll from the pushes momentum, he ends his roll in a crouched position, bringing his sword up to block Zereth's attack. He then uses the force to throw Zereth away from him into the far wall of the room, and sets himself into another defencive position.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 18th, 2003, 02:23:13 PM
Zereth growled again as he move away from the wall, A beserker Rage was coming over him
He charged at Rivin throwing a volley of slashes at the mans chest.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 19th, 2003, 05:30:27 PM
Rivin dodges most of the attacks, and blocks a few more, but a few of the strikes graze his body, causing small cuts in his outfit, but only 2 of the glancing blows struck a small amount of blood.
Rivin Lets Zereth's rage die down, know that a rage such as that takes alot of energy from a person.
As The rage starts to die, Rivin slashes down at Zereth's shoulder, and sends a snap kick at Zereth's knee.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 19th, 2003, 06:00:20 PM
Zereth blocked the sword but his leg was hit causing a pain to go though his leg
His rage was dieing out so he decided to do as much damade as he could, He griped his sword handle with both hands and drew the sword behind his head and then down at Rivin with great speed and power with it.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 21st, 2003, 12:19:37 PM
Rivin drops down to one knee and rases his sword above his head, braceing for impact, and blocking the attack.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 21st, 2003, 02:29:00 PM
The the swords collided and sparks shot out as Zereth pressed harder against Rivin's sword.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 24th, 2003, 12:48:03 AM
Rivin uses the force to strengthen his muscles, and with his new found strength goes to push up and away from his body, trying to knock Zereth off balance.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 26th, 2003, 12:03:23 AM
Zereth lashed out his right foot at Rivin's right knee as he held the sword lock.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 27th, 2003, 11:18:30 AM
Rivin uses the force to push Zereth's left foot back as he sees his right foot starting to move, sending Zereth into the splits. Rivin takes a glancing blow to his right leg.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 27th, 2003, 02:53:50 PM
Zereth used the force and pushed Rivins body away from his and ending the lock, He was starting to weakin and he could see that Rivin was still going strong
He charged at Rivin and ducked down and thrusted his sword uo toward Rivin's stomach.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 27th, 2003, 03:20:13 PM
Rivin steps off to his right out of the way of the thrust, and Brings his sword to his left to guard it from attack, as he brings his right foot swiftly towards Zereth's head.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 29th, 2003, 02:36:54 PM
Zereth brought down his left arm to cover his head while his right still held his sword
Rivin's foot hit his hand while Zereth pulled his sword back and slashed at Rivin's stomach again.
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 1st, 2003, 11:03:55 AM
Rivin uses the force to grab Zereth's sword before it hits him, he quickly wrenches the sword backwards twisting zereth's wrist into a postion that it would not normaly bend into.
Zereth Lancer
Dec 1st, 2003, 02:06:59 PM
Zereth winced as pain shot through his wrist as it was bent, Zereth grabed the force and threw a force blast at Rivin's face.
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:43:43 AM
Rivin quickly ducks the force blast, with it skimming his hair by about a centimeter. He uses the force to try and pull Zereth's sword from his hand.
Zereth Lancer
Dec 2nd, 2003, 04:34:55 PM
Zereth growls as his sword is being pulled from his hand "you will never win" He said as he grabed the force and jumped into the air above Rivin
He aimed his sword down so it was pointing at Rivin as he decended he used the force to speed his fall.
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:49:05 AM
Rivin spins off to his left, getting out from under Zereth and his blade. With his spin Rivin goes to slap Zereth in the back, HARD, with the flat of his blade, just before Zereth hits the ground.
Zereth Lancer
Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:03:32 PM
Zereth turned as soon as he hit the ground and using the force to speed himself up he angled a slash to hit Rivin's right shoulder and travel to his left hip.
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 4th, 2003, 03:07:20 PM
Rivin steps backwards to avoid the attack, as he force pushes Zereth away from him.
"You may wish to calm down. This is only a spar, and you should not be TRYing to kill me! unlike lightsaber, swords do not have a training setting."
Zereth Lancer
Dec 27th, 2003, 12:21:34 PM
Zereth glowled "I will not lose to you again" He rushed at Rivin and kicked at his chest and swung his free hand to hit him in the face.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 5th, 2004, 11:10:31 AM
Rivin braces himself for the kick in such a way that it does minimal damage to him and allows the momentum from the kick to send him into a backwards roll, which he ends in a crouched position out of the range of the punch.
"A spar is not about winning or loosing. It is about learning. If you wish to continue in a manner that could kill one or both of us, I will be forced to treat this as a battlefield not a spar. I am warning you now, if this continues like this I am not liabile for the dammage that will ocurre to youir body."
Zereth Lancer
Jan 9th, 2004, 01:52:43 PM
Zereth closed his eyes and fell to his knees "I must have done something wrong, I should not be so easily beat" He looked up at Rivin "You must have cheated or used some sort of trickery" His eyes closed slowly and he slumped to the floor and into unconsciousness
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 12th, 2004, 02:32:25 PM
Rivin looks down at Zereth as he falls into unconsciousness, shakes his head, puts the sword down next to Zereth, and walks out of the room, picking up his cloke on his way out.
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