View Full Version : Building a Lightsaber (Open)

Ace McCloud
Oct 29th, 2003, 08:05:58 PM
Ace sat at one of the state-of-the-art computers in the Jedi Archives. It was time for him to make his lightsaber. He had had a few close calls when it would have been nice to have a lightsaber, after he had thrown his old one out a few months ago. He had made this decision on his own because he was tired of waiting for his master all the time. He had learned hardly anything since he joined the order. He decided that he would train himself, just like always.

Lightsabers, was slowly typed into the query search bar and the computer began to search through the massive amounts of files. He didn't exactly know how it worked, nor did he care, just as long as it did.

Over the past 2 months he had been in the Archives almost everyday, reading about jedi history and learning to type and use the computers. He still was not that good at searching and reading but efficient enough.

The search brought up many results and he scrolled through them until he found what he was looking for.

Building a Lightsaber, stuck out about 1/5th of the way down. After selected it he began reading through the huge page of instructions, memorizing each one. It would take about an hour or so to read through everything that would be needed, but hopefully there wasn't another entry he had to read.

Ace McCloud
Oct 31st, 2003, 03:14:58 PM
He finally finished at the 2 hour mark. It had taken longer than he thought, but there were 2 other pages he had to read. One was about Ilum, the place where the crystals for lightsabers are mined. He would have to make a trip there to get a crystal, and that excited him. He hadn't been off Curosant since he joined the order, and it would be a thrill to leave and go to a planet he had never been to. But now he had to get the council's approval. He sighed. Maybe he should just go? Not like anyone would notice.

"Eh, I'll just ask Kelt," he said quietly to himself, as he got up from the desk with a piece of paper with a few notes on it. He would spend the next few days building his saber in his quarters, he would make the trip to Ilum later.

Ace McCloud
Nov 1st, 2003, 06:42:27 PM
Over the past day, Ace had made some trips to the armory and the stores to get what he needed. It didn't take long to get all the supplies, it wasn't that much actually. But now he had to decide on a design for the hilt...

About 15 hours later...

It was late, but a few sketches of what the hilt might look like lay out on the table. It was important decision for him, though he wouldn't pay much attention to the design of the hilt when he fought, it had greater meaning.

One week later...

It was finally done. It looked marvelous. It had taken him much longer than expected, but he wanted to spend alot of time making it look good and putting alot of effort into it. THe wiring and other such things had only taken a day or so, but he still needed the crystal. For without the crystal, it wouldn't even work and have no use.

He stood up from the workshop, the hilt in his hand. It felt a little light, but obvisioly that would change. He spun it around in his hand quickly, then slipped it on his belt like a cowooy would do in an old black and white western. He had made his lightsaber, for the first time, by himself without problems.

Now it was time to address the council about transportation to Ilum, if he could go that is. Maybe he had better not ask them, its not like he would be noticed.