View Full Version : Seeking Adult Guidance

Lorenzo Corleone
Oct 29th, 2003, 03:51:32 PM
Tiny footsteps could be heard echoing throughout the palace halls as a little boy crawled up the large steps with great effort. There didn't seem to be any adults around that he would call mommy or daddy, which was extremely odd since he was so young. Why would a four year old be around a place like this by himself?

He didn't look like he had been taken care of in days. In fact, it looked like he had been abandonned for the past few days since he was covered in dirt. But he was smiling none the less, almost glowing with all the darkness inside of him. Apparently, his parents probably couldn't handle him and he made his way here somehow, according to the note on his trousers.

Whoever finds Lorenzo,

We know that he is in touch with the force. There just is no other explaination! Why else would he be such trouble for us to take care of? We just couldn't take it anymore. Just train him, we don't care, as long as he's not here.

The letter was left unsigned and looked as though it were hastily written. Whoever wrote it didn't mind whether their son went to the darkside or not. But it was obvious that coming here instead of to the GJO was his choice. He knew exactly what he wanted.

Salem Ave
Oct 30th, 2003, 12:21:55 PM
A cloven hand plucked the boy up from his exploration, each claw curling around his tiny skull. He was lifted up to eye level with the towering Sith, whose white-hot eyes roamed over his form for a moment. With one last indignant glare he threw the child’s body like a rag doll, so that the tiny form went flying across the room – presumably on a direct collision course with either the marble floors or the stone walls. Salem stood watching to see if the child would make another move, like a predator with injured prey.

Lorenzo Corleone
Nov 4th, 2003, 12:51:52 PM
The child was startled when someone picked him up, but only angry when he was tossed aside. It hurt, but he didn't want to show it. He glared back at the Sith that had attacked him, getting back to his feet. The throbbing pain in his left leg screamed as he tried to stand on it, which caused him to wince involuntarily.

He wouldn't attack back, as long as he wasn't attacked again. But his gut feeling didn't feel so lucky right now. So he kept very alert. Attacking this big strong adult would be stupid for such a tiny boy. All he could do was either run or call out or just keep dodging... or..

"I wanna join! I wanna train!" He said, his childish voice ringing out throughout the hallways.

He didn't know if that would help, but it was better to try than not. Hopefully he had said the right thing to save himself from having to flee. He hated running away, but it seemed as though it would have to be necessary if no one stopped this guy.

Nov 7th, 2003, 12:25:08 PM
“Is that so,” a voice said, not questioning, but stating.

The click-click of Warlocks shoes and staff against the ground permeated the silence further, as the cloaked figure approached. He passed Salem and afforded the Knight a momentary glance, his expression and perhaps words to the vampire shrouded by his hood and the Force.

“Child, you are barely able to walk. Do you believe you possess the stamina and grace needed to learn what we teach?”

Lorenzo Corleone
Nov 10th, 2003, 01:55:54 PM
"I'm almost five. I can do it!" Lorenzo said, determined not to be turned down.

His eyes wandered over to Salem as he stuck his tongue out at him.

"I'm not scared! I can do it."

Nov 12th, 2003, 11:37:02 AM
“Can do what?” he asked, curious as to what the child perceived he was getting into by coming here.

Lorenzo Corleone
Nov 16th, 2003, 10:33:42 AM
"I can learn and train. I want to learn the Force." Lorenzo said, calming down somewhat.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 17th, 2003, 02:33:26 PM
Rivin says from the shadows, with his normal dislike for children...

"I say we just slit his neck and toss him in the nearest river"

Nov 20th, 2003, 03:12:34 PM
“Why, boy? Why do you want to learn to kill? What malice could a one so young as you possess?” Warlock asked, glancing a moments time at Rivin while in thought.