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Alexei Nabokov
Oct 29th, 2003, 09:26:15 AM
They really hadnt spoken about it – yet. In fact, after the entire plot had unfolded around them on his yacht, the journey had rather come to a bit of an end. The boat had turned on its course for home, short one of Alexei’s best men. Dobbs hadnt made it. But he had been the one to signal for assistance. In his last breath, as a loyal employee of Alexei’s, he had managed to call for assistance.

It had cast a bit of a pall over what had been intended to be several days of bliss. And it had started out that way. If only…it could be salvaged.

From the yacht, in the late afternoon sun, he led Ileya through the docks of the port and through the alley that led to the establishment where they had met. Once there, he continued to lead her, tracing their original steps, back down through the hallways to his suite beneath the Golden Crescent. And when they walked in, there on the front hall table were two com units, Ileya’s blaster, and several knives – all of it seeming to mock the two of them.

Daring them to begin the conversation that both had put off.

It would not be a pretty one. Alexei was on edge over the death of a man he cared very much for. On edge over the fact that Ileya had threatened to shoot one of his men, and that she was angry with him, he knew, for the fact that he’d allowed his men to follow them. Ileya was on edge over her sister’s assassination of one of Alexei’s employees, and her attempted assassination on Alexei himself. Among so many other issues. Like the fact that he had lied to her. That he had agreed to leave all weapons and forms of communication behind. And he hadnt.

And both were rather stubborn and used to getting their way.

He gave a quiet sigh and reached for his wrist, removing the chrono he wore and tossing it on the table beside his and Ileya’s coms and the assortment of weapons. He half expected her to grab her things and turn on her heel and go back from wherever she had come.

Expected her to try it – but he wasn’t planning on letting her go that easily. There was something between them that could not be denied – and he had experienced enough of a taste of it that he knew he couldn’t let her go. To do so would be the biggest mistake of his life.

“Can I get you a drink…?” He offered, thinking that he could use one himself right about now.

“And then maybe we can…talk about things?” His accent was perhaps a bit more noticible as he suggested this - not by choice, but by the emotions that attached itself to it.

To suggest such a thing was a big step. Alexei wasn’t the emotionally accessible sort of guy who would typically suggest this. In fact, he couldn’t ever remember caring enough about a woman to want to work things out.

Green eyes gazed at her from behind long, semi lowered eyelids. He was exhausted and somewhat emotionally drained. He hadnt realized he was so capable of feeling the emotions he had felt over the past forty eight hours or so – he’d thought himself so in control of those sots of things. Prided himself on it. His cheeks still had the healty glow of hours spent relaxing in the sun, and as he had when she had met him, he still held his head at a proud, confident sort of angle.

But there was something in his expression that was more accessible than it had been on their first interaction with one another. There was something in it to indicate that he did truly care about the outcome in this situation.

Ileya Simone
Oct 29th, 2003, 02:47:27 PM
The two of them were silent all the way back to Alexei's place and Ileya could not help but think he was furious with her...with her sister. Frell, it wasn't Ileya's fault that Raevin killed a few of his men. She glanced slyly at him a few times, noticing his features set in stone. She cast her head downward for a minute, her eyes watching the tile floor of his club as they made their to his private living quarters.

As they entered, Ileya's eyes immediately went to her weapons and comm link. Her first instinct was to reach for them and gear up, since this was the longest she had ever been without them, but she also thought that Alexei may think that she wanted to leave and leaving was the last thing she wanted to do then. They had to have this talk, whether either of them liked it or not. If they were to continue on with what they had, they needed to clear the air.

Her eyes widened for a moment when Alexei threw his chrono onto the table along side her stuff. A soft smile played on her lips, that was a good sign for her. The men though, that was another thing. She could not get over the feeling of having no privacy with them around, but...once again, that was something she would have to get over when she was a crime lord's girlfriend...

'Wait...am I?' She thought to herself and she nibbled on her bottom lip.

“Can I get you a drink…? And then maybe we can…talk about things?”

Ileya turned to look at him, noting his accent thicker than usual. She gave him a lopsided smile and nodded her agreement for a drink. She watched as he went to the bar and she followed quietly, her eyes watching his every move. She could tell by his eyes, by his movements, he was feeling just as she was.

She let out a sigh and closed the distance between them, walking up to his back and wrapped her arms around his waist. She laid her forehead against his back and said in a soft voice,

"I know we are both upset at each other, Alexei. But let's get past this all, let us have that talk we desperately need to have and get on with our lives...together...if that is what you want."

Alexei Nabokov
Oct 29th, 2003, 03:05:59 PM
At her agreement to a drink, she had offered him a smile. It was a small, lopsided one – a smile that in only a short time he had learned was a good sign. And so he had moved to the bar, reaching for an imported bottle of whiskey and pouring it into crystal tumblers full of ice.

It was such a comforting feeling to realize her body so close to his. He could feel her head against his back, and her arms wrapped about his waist. He set the bottle of whiskey down then and turned around to face her, his arms settling about her, holding her close to him.

He could smell her perfume. It was a subtle scent, one that drifted to his nose only when he was this close to her. It was exactly the way he liked it – a surprise every time he held her in his arms, or bent to kiss her.

His own sigh mirrored hers as they stood there.

"I know we are both upset at each other, Alexei. But let's get past this all, let us have that talk we desperately need to have and get on with our lives...together...if that is what you want."
Of course that was what he wanted. His hand raised to gently massage the back of her neck, lifting her hair without tugging it or catching anything on it before his hand came to cup her chin and lift her lips to his.

The kiss was searching, as if this physical touch between them could dissolve all concerns. But he knew it wouldn’t. Knew it couldn’t. The only thing it could perhaps do, was let her know that yes, it was what he wanted. He wanted to be with her, to continue his life with her as a part of it.

And so as the kiss ended, he nodded and turned to grab the glasses of whiskey. He handed hers to her and they moved into the living room to sit on the couch. As they sunk into the leather of it, he offered a hand to pull her into his embrace.

He didn’t want this to be an argument – he wanted it to be a discussion. And he wanted it to be one in which she would know that he cared. And this was his effort to make it known.

He took a drink of the whiskey, the liquid slowly warming him from the inside out as it traveled. And then his green eyes met hers and he forced himself to begin the conversation he really didn’t want to have.

“Im sorry.” He stated, his tone of voice sincere. He didn’t state specifically what he was sorry for – there were several things for which he was and for which he was not – but they would get into those things as the conversation continued.

Ileya Simone
Oct 29th, 2003, 04:22:40 PM
“Im sorry.”

Ileya's eyes searched his, finding that he was indeed sorry, about what...she would find out. She looked down at their joined hands, letting her thumb stroke the skin of his hand.

She would not turn this into a yelling match. Things were two fresh between them and they were walking on thin lines trying to know each other and she did not want to break those lines. If she was the kind of woman who could over look lies and deceit, she would throw it all out and never think twice about it. But she was not.

Ileya was the type who wanted to know, make that demanded to know everything about her partner, even if it meant hearing the worst. In this case, she prayed what she was about to hear was not the worst.

She brought her gaze up from their hands and looked at him, her eyes roaming over his handsome face, wondering what secrets lay behind those gorgeous green eyes of his. She would be patient, in time she would learn everything about 'her' crime boss. A sudden smile lit her face up as she repeated that in her mind and she blushed a little as realized Alexei was watching her carefully. She cleared her throat and fought to keep the smile off of her face as she brought the whiskey up to her lips to down a good portion of it, the warmth of the liquid soothing her.

"Care to elaborate on what exactly you are sorry for?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Alexei Nabokov
Oct 29th, 2003, 04:33:52 PM
"Care to elaborate on what exactly you are sorry for?"

If this had not been Ileya asking it, it would have been the end of it. He’d offered an apology, afterall. Why did he have to expand on it?


Because it was Ileya. And the beginnings of their relationship had been based upon a lie or two. And it was something that needed to be corrected.

He sighed softly and set his drink down on the table beside where they sat on the couch. His hand came to rest protectively, perhaps somewhat possessively, as any male laying claim to their territory, on her thigh.

“Im sorry that I lied to you.” He elaborated, in this moment sounding almost like a child apologizing for something they had done wrong. But it was only there briefly in those green eyes of his, and in the expression on his face before the expression of a man returned. A man with much at stake, and none of it that he was willing to lose.

“The blasters….they’re always there. They’re all over the place. They’re all over the place in here as well.” He watched her give a glance about the room, as if she were now taking in all of the possible places for weapons to exist.

“I didn’t have them placed there. I just…forgot to have them removed.” And forgot was the truth. He hadnt purposefully deceived her on this.

“My chrono has a com unit on it.” He admitted. “It was given to me as a gift after a particularly harrowing incident.” He added, his voice somewhat quiet.

“I should have asked my men not to follow….but…” His expression broke just a bit, somewhat pleading with her t understand, “It wasn’t that I didn’t trust you, Ileya Its that I just…I have to be cautious.”

He continued to look to her then, trying to decipher the expression on her face.

Ileya Simone
Oct 29th, 2003, 05:35:38 PM
Ileya bit back another smile. She could tell Alexei was not used to people asking him questions like that. He was used to people following his orders or never questioning what he said.

She sat there listening to him quietly explain and she realized that she could not blame Alexei for feeling the way he did about her at first. She went off with him on this trip without her beloved weapons and that shocked her. She had never put down her weapons for anyone like that before.

'That's because you finally found someone other than Katya you could trust so explicably.' She told herself.

At the mention of the blasters on, she laughed, thinking to herself that she would not have asked him to sweep his yacht to rid himself of any protection for her. She would not even do that.

'But you did.' Her heart argued and she closed her eyes for a moment. That she did.

"Cautious." Ileya repeated...something she had not been in quite awhile since before Raevin. That's probably how she found her in the first place.

Shifting on the couch, Ileya rested her head on Alexei's shoulder and let out a sigh.

"I cannot blame you, Alexei. I cannot and will not expect you to go out in public without being armed. That would be ridiculous."

Ileya looked up at him and then raised an eyebrow.

"What bothered me the most was finding out that you had men tailing us when I thought we were alone. Anything private between us out on the deck or on that island was for any of them to see and I did not like finding that out." Ileya took a breath and then continued. "You've got to see where I am coming from on my end, don't you, Alexei? My privacy is just that...private."

Ileya looked at the hand on her thigh. She finished the whiskey, setting the glass on the table and with her free hand, traced his long fingers with her own.

"The only thing I ask of you, Alexei...is when we are alone...that we truly are alone." She turned wide, pleading eyes onto him, silent begging him to understand how she felt about this. "You know I am more than capable of protecting you if it came down to it. I just need to you to take the chance and trust me. Will you, Alexei?"

Alexei Nabokov
Oct 30th, 2003, 08:51:55 AM
"What bothered me the most was finding out that you had men tailing us when I thought we were alone. Anything private between us out on the deck or on that island was for any of them to see and I did not like finding that out. You've got to see where I am coming from on my end, don't you, Alexei? My privacy is just that...private."

It had been so long for him that he’d had privacy that it was perhaps difficult to understand at first. But instead of becoming defensive, he remained relaxed and open to having a productive conversation between the two of them. As her words sunk in, slowly, he nodded in a semblance of understanding.

He was so used to having his men around that it hadnt even occurred to him that the private things he did with Ileya on the deck or on the beach were being watched. And though it still didn’t bother him to be watched, he could understand how it would bother her.

"The only thing I ask of you, Alexei...is when we are alone...that we truly are alone. You know I am more than capable of protecting you if it came down to it. I just need you to take the chance and trust me. Will you, Alexei?"

Her eyes were almost pleading with him. He could see it and he’d given a soft sigh and looked away for a moment to consider her request.

“Ileya….” He began, and then paused. This was difficult for him. Never before had such an emotional attachment played such a role in his conversation. And he would have to explain himself well. He could allow some degree of privacy for the two of them, but there were some things that were the way they were for a reason.

“I understand how you feel. Im sorry that we were being watched. I’ve dealt with it for so long that it didn’t realty occur to me that the time considered private between us wasn’t as private as you might have believed. I need you to know that I didn’t consider anything that passed between us to be anything less than private and intimate.”

His hand moved the slightest bit to caress her thigh. The stakes really were high – they felt so much higher than any weapons deal he’d ever put together.

“I trust you, Ileya. I truly do trust you. And in some situations…yes, we can be completely alone. But….” His words broke off. He wanted to badly to give her anything that she asked. But he couldn’t – not just now he couldn’t. And to try to explain, he continued on, now providing for her more details that he had in their earlier conversations.

“Ileya, directly, the lives of about fifty men depend on my life. And more indirectly, the lives of quite a few others who work in the clubs I own, who work for me in other capacities also depend on my life. Some of these employees have families and they depend on the paychecks that I provide for them. My life, as much as I want it to be, as much as Im sure you’ll want it to be, isn’t my own. I’ve created an empire of sorts, and I need to continue to lead it. Which means that my private life cant always be as private as I want it to be.”

He could see it in her eyes – could see the disappointment, or perhaps she was questioning whether or not he was worth giving up privacy for a while. He couldn’t be sure, but he needed her to understand. He wouldn’t be able to bare watching her walk out that door on him – he needed her to understand.

Had it been several years ago, prior to the incident that had nearly cost him his life, he would have been able to give her what she asked. Would have done it in a heartbeat. But things had come a bit too close for comfort, and neither he, nor his men would be comfortable without the extensive network of guardians. It wasn’t that he didn’t think her capable of protecting him – it was rather that when they were together, he didn’t want her working. He wanted her all to himself – and there was no doubting she would be distracted – distracted enough that with the right opportunity, his enemies would make their move.

And all of this, he tried to exlpain to her. His voice was earnest as he told her these things, and there was nothing in it to indicate that he was being anything but one hundred percent honest with her. And he finished it all with a promise...

“I understand that its difficult for you to accept. And Ileya, I will do everything I can to be sure that you don’t feel that you’re being watched, and that we can have as much privacy as possible. I promise you that.”

His eyes searched hers, pleading with her as she had done with him. There had to be room for compromise somewhere…there just had to be.

"I know its not ideal..." He reached to caress her cheek as his green eyes continued to look to her.

"But if you can just bear with me for a while maybe....maybe later I'll be able to give you everything that you ask for. I'll try, Ileya, I promise I'll make it a priority."

Ileya Simone
Oct 30th, 2003, 01:09:08 PM
Her eyes moved away from his to the liquor cabinet for a moment before she abruptly got up and moved to it, grabbing the whiskey bottle and returning to the couch. Ileya refilled her glass and set the bottle down. Taking a quick sip of it, she sat on the edge of the couch, her elbows resting on her knees as her hair fell like a curtain on the side of her face.

Ileya took in everything he had said, thought it over and over in her mind. She was a private person and to have this man promise her some sort of privacy while they were together, well, she would have to try and work with that. Downing the whiskey in her glass, she placed it back on the table and then ran her hands through her hair.

"I'm sorry if it seems like I am asking the impossible from you." Ileya said, tucking her hair behind her ear so that she could turn to look sideways at him.

"I am just glad that you understand what my privacy means to me and for you to offer what you have...it means a lot to me, Alexei...but do not think for a moment if I find one of your men smirking at me from what they saw, I will not deck them, because I will." Dimples appeared and her eyes danced with laughter as she winked at him.

Ileya reached out with her hand to grasp his, squeezing it. She let out a sigh and turned back to look at the table. She took the glass in her hand and fiddled with it for a moment. Thoughts were running through her mind and she decided it was now or never.

"I think it is time I know everything about you, Alexei Nabokov." Ileya whispered, slowly turning her head to look at him. "Will you tell me?"

Alexei Nabokov
Oct 30th, 2003, 01:27:13 PM
The few moments that it took from her abrupt departure from the couch to when she sat back down, her hair falling like a curtain over the side of her beautiful face had felt like an eternity.

Just waiting for her response – his heart felt as if it were in his throat. A constriction so tight he wasn’t sure he’d be able to swallow ever again.

"I'm sorry if it seems like I am asking the impossible from you."

He reached for her then, tucking one of the stray hairs that had refused to be tucked behind her ear when she’d attempted it from her face.

“I don’t think you’re asking the impossible…just something Im not free to give to you at the moment….” He replied gently.

"I am just glad that you understand what my privacy means to me and for you to offer what you have...it means a lot to me, Alexei...but do not think for a moment if I find one of your men smirking at me from what they saw, I will not deck them, because I will."

He had offered a small laugh, but in all seriousness, he had replied.

“You let me know if one of them so much as looks at you in a way you don’t like and I’ll be sure it doesn’t happen again.” This, he was very serious about, and the expression on his face and the tone of his voice expressed as much.

She had reached then for his hand, squeezing it in hers. And then as she reached for fumbled with her glass, he reached for his, feeling a bit of relief pass over him. The worst, he was sure, was over.

"I think it is time I know everything about you, Alexei Nabokov. Will you tell me?"

Well…this he hadnt expected necessarily. And for a moment, his expression might have told this. He took another drink of his whiskey – not drinking his off as quickly as she had – and then continued to hold it in his hand. He was perhaps going to need it.

He cleared his throat and then finally, slowly, he nodded.

“Yes, Ileya, I’ll tell you. Whatever it is you want to know, I’ll tell you.”

He wasn’t the sort who would launch off into a story of his life – if she wanted it, she was going to have to get it out of him. It wouldn’t be like pulling teeth – he would willingly offer it to her, whatever it was she wanted to know – but he just wasn’t the type to go off like that that.

It had been quite some time since he’d revealed anything really personal. Perhaps he was just a bit out of practice.

“Is there something in particular that you had in mind?” He asked.

Ileya Simone
Oct 30th, 2003, 01:40:52 PM
Ileya watched with a smile as the look passed over his face at her last question. She knew he was not expecting that and she had to smile at him. She did not answer him right away, just sat there, watching him carefully, noting the shadows hidden in his eyes from something that probably happened so long ago. Something she wished with all of her being that she could go back and protect him from.

"You're going to make me work for this, aren't you?" She laughed, bringing his hand up to kiss the soft skin of his palm, biting at it gently, teasingly. "Tell me, Alexei...what were you like before you stepped into this all." She asked.

Ileya turned and moved to curl up next to his side, her hand resting on his chest, her fingers playing absently with his buttons. She then noticed the neatness of his hair and reached up to tousle it a bit, smiling at his expression.

"What happened to make you so cautious, Alexei...what changed you into the man I first met?"

Alexei Nabokov
Oct 30th, 2003, 02:35:56 PM
He reached to massage one of his temples, not because he was developing a headache, but perhaps out of an idle habit he had acquired over the years. He did it often while he was in meetings, before he would fix whoever he was speaking to with a pensive sort of gaze.

And that was the same gaze he now gave to Ileya. Not because he felt this as a business meeting – it certainly wasn’t – but because this was something he did was he was deep in thought.

What had made him the man that he was?

Certainly, there were so many factors.

“Im the middle child of seven.” He stated with a small smile.

“I have two older brothers and one older sister, and two younger sisters and one younger brother. They’re all alive and well and I actually keep in close contact with all of them. And with my mother, who is getting on in her years and living now with my oldest brother Vanya.”

He smiled at her raised eyebrow. Seven children was quite a few.

“Vanya, Alexander, Katya, me, Vyasha, Elizaveta, and Sergei. None of whom have anything to do with what Ive gotten myself into.”

He gave a small shrug.

“My father, I told you earlier used to do the same thing, but was caught and arrested during the holidays. They killed him just prior to his trial. I was twelve at the time…and while my father loved all of his children, I was the most like him. And I was the one who struggled to keep our family together. My older brothers and sister were off at school during those years, and I was the one helping my mother deal with the finances and take care of my younger siblings.”

He didn’t sound resentful or angry about it. And there was nothing in his body language to suggest he might be.

“Those few years, I think, played a big part in shaping who I am now. I was hellbent on getting into the business like my father had and outsmarting those who caught him.”

He gave her a small smile and knocked on the wood of the coffee table.

“So far, so good.” He added, his green eyes carrying a proud sort of glitter in them.

“Ive never been married. I don’t have any kids…that I know of.” He added this last part with a grin and grimaced the slightest bit as she gave him a gentle punch on the arm.

He gave a small shrug and shook his head. His cheeks were perhaps a tint of pink – he wasn’t used to talking about himself like this and it showed. He was actually a humble sort of guy – despite the sometimes flashy clothes that he wore for business. It was all image – and when dealing with the guys he dealt with – image could go a long way.

His expression sobered just a bit.

“Im cautious, Ileya, because I have to be. I’ve seen firsthand what it means to get caught running something like I do. I’ve also seen what greed does to men in this particular line of work – and I’ve learned that I have to watch m back.”

He reached for her, his hands tracing over her skin.

“I used to be so foolish about it.” He reflected, “Until my lack of caution cost Dobbs his kneecap a few years ago, and almost cost me my life.”

He looked away for a moment, recalling the fact that Dobbs was no longer with them.

“I suppose even last night, throwing caution to the wind like I did and taking you with me…cost Dobb’s his life.”

He looked guilt stricken about this and clearly rather out of sorts. Dobbs had been a loyal man, and ultimately, had paid for it with his own life. That kind of loyalty couldn’t be bought. That kind of loyalty was something brought from a sincere respect for one another.

Ileya Simone
Oct 30th, 2003, 04:48:57 PM
Ileya once again sat quietly, listening to him talk about his life, opening up in a way she knew he was uncomfortable with. She could tell by the look on his face that he was not used to it and every so often, she would reach out to either cup his cheek or stroke his arm with her hand in a comforting gesture. She could not help but laugh knowing he had a sister with the same name as her best friend.

She envied his big family, something she had wished for all her life. Knowing now she had a sister, that seemed to help the slight loneliness she felt in her life. Now if only she could bring Raevin in closer to her, show her the love that a real family could give her...at least her sister could give her.

Ileya was more than impressed by his background and she smiled at him, letting him know she was. He came from a strong family and built up this 'empire' into his own. He was a man among few and she was glad he wanted to be with her.

“...until my lack of caution cost Dobbs his kneecap a few years ago, and almost cost me my life.”

Ileya's eyebrows shot up in surprise at this and she became immediately alarmed. Then he spoke of Dobbs and Ileya felt an over whelming sense of guilt at Alexei's loss of an obvious friend and she stiffened in his arms, wondering if he blamed her for it all.

“I suppose even last night, throwing caution to the wind like I did and taking you with me…cost Dobb’s his life.”

Ileya pulled away a bit, feeling lower than ever at this point and turned to look at the carpeted floor.

"Do you blame me for what happened to Dobbs?" She asked quietly, too ashamed to look at him in fear that he did.

Ileya told herself right then that if Alexei did, she would do him the biggest favor by grabbing her gear and walking out that door, out of his life forever. She did not want to cause him anymore grief than he already felt.

Alexei Nabokov
Oct 31st, 2003, 11:22:20 AM
He realized as she pulled away from him that his words could possibly have been taken the wrong way. They were words of grief and had not been thought out so carefully as perhaps his other thoughts had been.

"Do you blame me for what happened to Dobbs?"

Alexei sat up then and reached for her, beckoning her to return to his arms.

“No. Ileya, no. I don’t blame you at all.” He gave a sigh that clearly expressed his frustration with himself for having said such a thing, and his sadness at having to be talking about this at all.

“No, I don’t blame you for a thing. I don’t blame your sister, either. Its just…what happened was…exactly that. It was something that happened. And Im sad that it did, because Dobbs was good man, but no, I don’t blame you for it.”

He did look exhausted at this point. The events of the past few days had truly caught up to him, and what he needed was just to relax a bit. Maybe even get some sleep – with Ileya there beside him.

“That was stupid of me to say. I spoke out of grief and just…wanting you to understand why sometimes I cant be as carefree as I’d like to be. Just wanting you to understand me, and perhaps…maybe learn to tolerate these things….”

He bent to kiss her, this beautiful woman of his. Had he known she’d even considered walking out that door, he would have let her know that to do so would have killed him.

His gaze flickered away. Clearly this was not territory on which Alexei was used to treading. This land of caring about someone the way he had come to care about her.

“Do you remember what you said to me the other night – before you got upset and ran off on me to the upper deck? About….falling in love?”

A soft sigh was released and then the man turned back to her, his hair falling disobediently into his eyes the slightest bit, and a bit of scruff visible on his chin.

“Well, you’ve done it to me. You’ve made me…” He shifted just a bit and again, his gaze flickered away and then back to her.

“You’ve made me fall in love with you and Im so damn afraid that Im going to go to sleep tonight and wake up in the morning to find that you’ve changed your mind about all of this. That you’ll decide its not worth it, or that you just cant deal with it….and it frelling terrifies me.”

His gaze upon her now was intense, his accent was more defined, and his tone of voice so serious and earnest that it was clear that Alexei wasn’t telling her anything but the truth. And the truth scared the hell out of him. As did the fact that he was actually saying any of this – that he was admitting it to her.

Ileya Simone
Oct 31st, 2003, 11:54:20 AM
Ileya relaxed some as Alexei pulled her back to him, calming her fears about being the one to blame for Dobbs' death. She did not want to walk away from him, but if he had felt that way, she would have.

“Do you remember what you said to me the other night – before you got upset and ran off on me to the upper deck? About….falling in love?”

Ileya started to laugh softly of his rememberance of their first little 'spat'. Then she realized exactly what he was talking about and the laugh died off as she pulled away to be able to look at him fully.

“You’ve made me fall in love with you and I'm so damn afraid that I'm going to go to sleep tonight and wake up in the morning to find that you’ve changed your mind about all of this. That you’ll decide its not worth it, or that you just can't deal with it….and it frelling terrifies me.”

Ileya sat there, shocked to the core that Alexei was admitting this to her and she could tell he was just as shocked and scared. She looked deep into his green eyes, marvelling in the truth of his words as they were mirrored there.

She got up from the couch rather quickly, her hands flying to cover her opened mouth from shock. She turned around to face Alexei for a few seconds before turning back around to pace the length of the room. Ileya knew Alexei was probably on edge and she could tell he was watching every move she was making, waiting for her to say something. A smile slowly appeared on her full lips as she walked back over to Alexei, coming to stand infront of him with her hand out for him to take. As he did so, Ileya yanked him up from the couch and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well, Mr. Nabakov, you've fallen in love with a professional assasin, do you honestly think I could not deal with it?" She whispered. Ileya turned a brilliant smile on him before placing her hands on the back of his head, bringing him down so that she could kiss him.

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 3rd, 2003, 01:20:57 PM
Why oh why had she needed to stand up like that and step away from him. With her mouth covered like that he as sure she was going to bolt. His heart, it truly felt, jumped into his throat. Ad it seemed like an eternity before she’d come to him, beckoning him to stand and to hug her.

Her words were such a relief that he released the breath he hadnt realized he had been holding. He could breathe again. What a wonderous feeling it was.

“I honestly wasn’t sure….” He replied quite frankly. Because, truly, he hadnt been. And for a man who was typically so sure of everything he did, it had been very difficult to take. Very difficult to fathom.

He let himself be taken by her kiss, away to a place where nothing existed but the two of them. Where doubts and fears were things of another world – another dimension entirely. Where they were so foreign, no one would let them in.

And when their kiss ended, he found that he held her tightly to him. Her chest was pressed to him and he could feel every subtle difference in what it felt to be holding this woman in his arms – as a man who had admitted to her that he had fallen. It felt entirely different to have told her and to still have her here.

Perhaps he was ready to actually enter into a relationship such as this – perhaps he finally was. It had only taken a woman like Ileya to prove that to him. A feat no other could ever have done.

“Might I suggest celebrating out to dinner somewhere….” He began as his lips nuzzled her neck, teasing her and inviting her to do what she wished with him.

“Despite the fact that I don’t feel like sharing you with anyone else just yet…” He added with a his dangerous sort of smile. As far as he was concerned, so long as he could take her back home with him, he supposed he could share her for just a bit.

“Perhaps you'd invite Katya and Taz to join us….”

Ileya Simone
Nov 3rd, 2003, 01:36:20 PM
Ileya smiled at him, loving that dangerous type of smile he wore. It sent chills down her back every time she saw it. She shivered in his arms, running her fingers through his hair.

"Dinner sounds nice, my love, and I am sure Kat and Taz would love to join us, but I have plans for you right now." Ileya purred, kissing him again.

She pulled out of his arms, taking his hand in her own as she led him into his bedroom, looking back at him over his shoulder with a smile of her own to match his. Ileya pulled him down onto the bed with her, running her hands through his hair and then let her fingers travel over his face, memorizing his features.

Ileya never dreamed she would be involved with someone this deeply in her life and now that she was, knew what it felt like to have someone want to be with her as badly as she wanted to be with him, she was not letting it go.

"Think you can handle this? Handle me?" She whispered against his lips, her eyes looking deep into his, losing herself in the green pools. "Because you are stuck with me now, Alexei Nabokov."

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:30:49 PM
Now this was a woman he could really learn to love beyond any love he had ever imagined possible. A woman who wasn’t afraid to take charge from time to time and demand whatever it was that she wanted. It was nice, he thought, not having to be the one in charge all the time. It was enough that his job forced this – certainly it was nice to have a bit of a change every now and then…..

“Hardly would I consider it being ‘stuck’ with you…” He replied as she began to unbutton the buttons of his shirt. A brief expression of amusement flickered as he recalled their first night together – she hadnt bothered to unbutton them then. And he hadnt cared one bit.

“In fact…” He added, his hands slipping beneath her shirt and traveling now familiar territory, “I would consider myself most fortunate…”

His lips found hers now, traveling and tasting, and never tiring. While they had been away, someone had come to clean the room. The bedspread, once neatly in place was now wrinkled and in a grand state of disarray. Clothes dropped to the floor as they seemed to be doing so often while the two were together.

His fingers traced over her tattoo. He knew it to be a family crest of sorts, but did not know the story as to how, or when. Or even what she thought of it. There were so many things, he thought, that he still did not know about this woman.

And while he wanted to know everything all at once, he fully realized that it would be a wild ride – an amazing journey as they continued to learn all the little secrets of one another.

“I never thought I’d like a tattoo on a woman….” He commented, “But then perhaps I hadnt met the right woman before….” His words suggested that he did like it – did find it attractive. Particularly as his lips met hers again, everything about the kiss suggesting that he very much did like the tattoo on her….

Ileya Simone
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:44:17 PM
"I'll have to tell you the story behind it sometime." Ileya murmured against his neck as she grew impatient with the buttons and tore open his shirt...again. That elicited a soft chuckle from Alexei as she pulled away to pull her shirt slowly off...


Fresh out of the shower, Ileya smiled predatorily at Alexei as they dried off and dressed for dinner. Her eyes roamed over his body as he moved to his dresser to grab some clothes. If she had her way, he would be shackled to the bed, naked and ready for her at any given moment.

She turned hungry eyes away from him to the mirror she stood infront of and pulled her hair back from her face into a ponytail which she tied with a soft strand of silk at the nape of her neck. Her eyes kept drifting to Alexei's image in the mirror and she let out a silent sigh. Shaking her head and laughing to herself, she admonished herself for acting like a school girl and fixed her black dress, adjusting the sphagetti straps on her shoulders. Ileya looked at herself, knowing Kat was going to fall over from shock at what she was wearing. Never had Kat seen her in a dress. It was always a pair of leather or vinyl pants and her constant boots. The length of the dress came mid thigh on her and she suddenly felt a little uneasy wearing it, but wanted to look beautiful for Alexei.

"Do you approve?" She asked with a faltering smile, walking to Alexei, stopping just infront of him.

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:55:52 PM
She wasn’t the only one sneaking glances like a school kid. In fact, Alexei had had to turn away for a moment because of the smile that had found a permanent place on his face for the moment. The last time he remembered being this interested in a woman was probably back in high school when he’d had that young female teacher who always wore blouses with perhaps a button less than appropriate and skirts that revealed long legs that led to….led to something he caught a glimpse of every now and then when she’d moved to sit on her desk.

It was the only class in which he’d actually made it a point to sit in the front row. And it was the last time he remembered being so fascinated. For that was how Ileya made him feel – fascinated.

He’d been with plenty of women. But none of them had been more than a simple romp. They were beautiful, sure. They were intoxicating, yes. But they were not Ileya.

She was something entirely different.

For a moment, he wished he could recall his suggestion that they join anyone else for dinner. But Taz and Kat had been spoken to – and they were planning on being in attendance.

He watched as she tied her hair back. It accentuated her fine cheekbones, and he knew that later, he would be the one who would remove that silk tie, and her hair would fall about her shoulders then, and he would turn weak at the knees.

"Do you approve?"

He turned then from where he’d been looking into the mirror and adjusting his tie.

His expression said everything. Yes, he approved. He certainly did approve. And while he wanted every man in the galaxy to see him with this woman tonight, at the same time, he didn’t want any other eyes upon her. He selfishly wanted her all to himself.

Her legs were long and his eyes traveled them, stopping for a moment at the hemline of the dress she wore. He knew what she wore beneath that skirt, and he couldn’t wait until later to remove it.

And then his gaze continued, finally meeting her eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes.

“I’ve never seen a more enchanting woman.” He replied as he stepped forward and pulled her into his arms. With her heels on, she was much closer to him in height, he noticed.

“Are you sure we cant cancel…” He teased, knowing very well that they could not.

Ileya Simone
Nov 3rd, 2003, 04:08:20 PM
"We'll have to face them sooner or later, Alexei." She whispered, snuggling up next to him, inhaling his intoxicating cologne. She too, suddenly wished they could stay and be with one another.

Ileya sighed, smiling up at him. She placed a kiss on his lips and then ran her fingers over them.

"You look good enough...to eat." Ileya said, her voice deep and husky. The fire she was feeling for him reflected in her eyes and she pulled away from him with a groan.

"If we don't leave now, we never will." She laughed, reaching for her blaster, then thought better of it. Tonight would be a night where it was purely pleasure and no business.


Ileya watched the door of the fine resturaunt like a hawk, anxious for her two best friends to show up. She was nervous on how they were going to react to Alexei. She knew Katya would speak her mind if she did not like him and she worried her bottom lip with her teeth as she turned her attention away from the door to the gorgeous man sitting next to her.

Ileya's features softened as she looked at him, leaning in to kiss him on the mouth. It was a soft kiss, as if to claim him her own to the other women in the restuarant who had any designs on him. The 'hungry' looks on the faces of the other women did not go unnoticed by her as they had entered the restuarant. She only smiled a deadly smile at them, laughing inside when they turned away in shock and fear.

Alexei had dressed impeccably that night, like the night she first met him and she looked forward to uncovering the disheveled man she fell in love with during their trip. It was like unwrapping a present when ever they were together.

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 4th, 2003, 09:04:21 AM
He had not noticed any of the looks that other women might have been giving him. He had eyes for one woman only – and that woman was Ileya. As they had walked in, she had been there on his arm. Not as a trophy, but because that was, in his mind, exactly where she belonged. There beside him. And as the aisle between the tables had narrowed, she had gone just ahead of him, following the hostess to their seats. And he had watched her, as likely all the eyes of everyone else in the restaurant were doing as well.

Alexei was not a jealous sort of man, but when he had, perhaps, caught one man staring just a bit too long, he had fixed him with a steady green eyed gaze, challenge clearly written there in the jade depths. The man had not necessarily been afraid, but had realized his indiscretion and turned away, back to his date.

At the table, he had ordered the finest of wines. This was a restaurant that he did not own, but did often visit. And the table reserved for them had been in the back of the room, and perhaps just a bit more private than others. If his men were there watching him, it was not obvious. He had been sure to get that point across to them. And when he had made the reservation, he had explained the importance of the evening. As a faithful and well paying customer, Alexei and his company would be treated with the utmost of respect.

Her kiss, as he set down the wine he had just tasted, was somewhat unexpected – but entirely welcome. She could label him as hers all she wanted – he would have no objections. In fact, he rather liked it.

And he could not help but continue to look at her in appreciation. She was stunning. And he was in his element. Here, dressed as impeccably as he was, among the high rollers of society, he felt one hundred percent at ease. It was when Ileya took him home and tore away those layers, leaving him in love and vulnerable that he found himself constantly surprised. Constantly learning something new about her, and even about himself. Discovering feelings he had not ever known to exist within him.

It wasn’t that he lost his confidence – oh no, he was entirely too sure of himself for that sort of thing – but it was a different man, certainly. One that only Ileya could ever know.

He nodded then to the waiter, remembering that the man was there holding the bottle of wine and waiting for Alexei’s approval. He gave a nod of acceptance, and the glasses were then filled.

“You look amazing….” He stated quietly, complimenting her as he reached for his wine glass to perhaps raise in a small toast to the two of them.

Ileya Simone
Nov 4th, 2003, 12:20:14 PM
Ileya watched him quietly as he dealt with the waiter. She could not help but smile at him and how he was so smooth, he probably did not realize it.

“You look amazing….”

She blushed and kissed his cheek in thank you as her eyes drifted back to the entrance of the restaruant. The two of them should be there at any minute and she was looking forward to seeing Katya's reaction to Alexei. She had already seen him that one night, but knew nothing that had transpired since. Taz would like him right off the bat, she knew that for sure, especially when he found out Alexei's line of work.

Ileya turned her attention back to Alexei and smiled at him, running her fingers over his cheek as she did so. They looked silently at each other for a moment, basking in the glow of their new relationship when Ileya smelled an all too familiar perfume.

Katya Sabutai
Nov 4th, 2003, 12:37:40 PM
Walking up to them, Pushing a hoverchair Katya smiled at Rage. Then her face seemed to slack a bit as she recognized the man sitting with her. He was with Rage the night she was supposed to meet her and do a debriefing....the night they fought about the next day at the office. She took up her smile again and bent to kiss the cheek of her best friend, greeting her. She then looked at the man whom Rage had taken on as her "own" she gathered.

"You look beautiful as always Rage, and ummmm who is this gentleman here?"

She asked as she made a space at the table for Taz who was still quiet and not hiding the fact he was staring at the man too.

Taz Finch
Nov 4th, 2003, 12:42:56 PM
The teen hacker moved the hover chair to the spot made for him, and he kept looking at the man who was close...TOO close to his girl. Well, she wasn't exactly his but....one can dream couldn't they? He was still getting used to not walking and being restrained to the chair. Even around the office he was a little more reserved as not being his obnoxous self.

He just smirked and casually lifted his hand in a wave of greeting. No witty thought or snide remark.

Well...not exactly.....this was Taz.....it was expected.

"Rage....this guy.....he botherin' you?"

He said as he gestured to Alexei with a thumb.

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 4th, 2003, 01:25:11 PM
He had seen Katya before, across the somewhat crowded bar the night that he had met Ileya. Or…Rage as they called her. Rage. He had to remind himself of these things, for she had very clearly told him that no one called her that….except him.

And Taz….ahhhh…she had told him much about Taz. Enough that he was prepared for the rather off the cuff, protective sort of commentary as he arrived.

Alexei hadnt bristled at this. To do so would not only have been silly and childish and foolish, but it would have been insecure. And that was one thing that Alexei Nabokov was not.

Rather, he had come to his feet, as a gentleman would at the arrival of Katya. And at her question of who he was, he had introduced himself, adding that it was a pleasure to meet her and sounding sincere as he did so.

“Rage” He began, this name now sounding foreign on his tongue, for it was not ‘Ileya’, “Has spoken fondly of you.”

And then he turned to Taz. The kid with his thumb jerking in Alexei’s direction. Alexei had given a quick glance to Ileya and a subtle wink before he had turned back to look at Taz.

And he had actually offered a smile. One that might have been a mixture of a teacher telling his kid to put all four legs of the chair back on the floor and get his feet of the desk and an older brother finding amusement in the antics of one so much younger.

“I’d like to believe I am not bothering her, but should that be the case, I will refrain from such activities. You have my word on that.” He replied as he extended his hand to Taz.

“Alexei Nabokov.” He stated, his green eyes carrying not anger or a business sort of gleam, but rather one of subtle amusement.

Ileya Simone
Nov 4th, 2003, 01:46:27 PM
Ileya caught the faultering expression on Katya's face and would talk to her later about it, but she smiled genuinely as she quickly hugged her best friend and then looked lovingly at Taz. She had still not gotten used to seeing him in the hover chair and every time she saw him, it was a constant reminder that she was the one responsible for his placement in it.

"Rage....this guy.....he botherin' you?"

“I’d like to believe I am not bothering her, but should that be the case, I will refrain from such activities. You have my word on that.”

She watched as Alexei smoothly got up from his chair and introduced himself to her friends. The territorial look on Taz's face made a laugh catch in her throat and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Her eyes danced as Katya sat down and winked at her.

Ileya narrowed her eyes at Taz, waiting to catch his attention and when she did, she mouthed to him 'be nice!' with a loving, but warning look. He returned her look with a smirk of his own and she just shook her head with a smile as she reached up to touch Alexei's arm softly.

Katya Sabutai
Nov 4th, 2003, 02:24:18 PM
She leaned over and gently slapped Taz's arm. He looked at her with a face that asked "Why'd you do that?"

She just smiled as the lady she was and that soothed the teen over some.

"Please forgive him Mr.Nabokov, Taz here is rather......protective of the both of us you see. He really means no disrespect."

She said courteously.

"You have me at a disadvantage I believe. You have heard of me and I have surely never heard of you."

She said as she looked at Rage as if to say "Shame on you for not telling me!" Katya looked back to Alexei and offered another smile.

"Please, indulge a lady if you will.....I'd like to know more about you."

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 4th, 2003, 02:54:37 PM
There was no insult taken by the teen’s comments. Nor was there any insult taken that Katya had not heard of him. He much preferred it that way. Those who had heard of him knew his name either as the owner of several gambling establishments and bars, or they knew him a bit more intimately….or rather, they knew him as the man who could furnish them with smuggled weapons, illegal drugs, or prostitute rings. In short, they came to him because he ran a ring of criminals.

“You’ll find Im somewhat shy.” He replied to Katya’s suggestion that he tell her a bit about him.

“Talking about myself isn’t exactly one of my past times.” He added with a sincere and charming, perhaps, sort of smile. He had been seated now and took a drink of the wine in front of him. He did not find it rude to do so, as the others had full glasses at their disposal as well.

“The most important thing about myself that I could convey would be the fact that I care very much and respect to no end, this woman.” This he said as he gave a glance to Ileya.

He then turned back to Katya, and looked even to Taz, sharing time equally between the two of them. Katya was one who would voice her disapproval – he was sure. And he knew it was important not only to impress her, but to seem sincere and open. And so his words, as he spoke them, were not laced with sugar. Rather, they were entirely sincere, and his mannerisms conveyed as much. Taz, he knew, was equally important to impress. The boy was an enormous fan of Ileya – that much was clear from the protectiveness that exuded from him.

“Anything else I could tell you would be trivial. But I’d be more than happy to tell you whatever it is you’d like to know.”

Ileya Simone
Nov 4th, 2003, 04:21:08 PM
Ileya bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling as Alexei explained how 'shy' he was when it came to talking about himself. She knew first hand that it was like pulling teeth to get him to talk about himself. He was the one to always pull you into a conversation and before you knew it, you had spilled your guts to him.

She caught the 'shame on you' look that Katya sent her and she sat there next to Alexei, the smile finally breaking free as she glanced from Katya to Taz, who still sat there with a protective look on his face as he watched Alexei quietly.

“The most important thing about myself that I could convey would be the fact that I care very much and respect to no end, this woman.”

Ileya looked at Alexei then and she reached for his hand to clasp his fingers in her's, hoping he would not mind. She glanced sideways at Katya to see her eyes widen a bit, knowing that it was probably hitting her best friend then that she indeed was serious about him.

Katya Sabutai
Nov 5th, 2003, 09:45:25 AM
Kat read between the lines. He was a "business" man. His cryptic answer rang loud that he had to keep secrets, they all did. So she respected his position and "gracefully" gave the battleground to him. She smiled and took up her glass of water which she sipped from, giving him the well mannered signal she wouldn't pry any deeper.....for now.

"So, how long have you been ....."Seeing" each other?"

She asked as she placed the glass down and glanced at both. Taking notes that Taz, from the side of her eye, looked a little disappointed. Poor kid she thought, there goes his Babe. She reached over and lightly rubbed his shoulder. Which he shrugged off. And gave her a look of I'm ok....dont bug me. She looked back at the two waiting for one of them to answer.

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 6th, 2003, 01:40:05 PM
That question was not one he’d been looking forward to answering. He had never been one to believe in love at first sight – why should he expect anyone else to do the same? And so, as the question was asked as to how long they had been together, he was not entirely comfortable with having to answer it. How did he say, oh, only a few nights and have her take them seriously? Then again, lying did not suit him. And more, he wasn’t about to lie to one of her friends.

Then again, the answer ‘long enough’ did seem too entirely evasive.

How to answer such a question?

“Not long enough.” He replied, finally after a moment.

“Even a lifetime with her would be entirely too short.” There was something in his expression, in the smile that seemed to be in his eyes as he spoke to indicate that he was entirely serious.

“But then, as someone who knows her as well as both of you do, Im sure you already know such things.”

The conversation paused as the waiter came to give them menus and list the specials of the evening. And when he was gone, the conversation resumed.

“Taz,” He began, “Ileya….” He couldn’t help it. The familiar name for her that he used slipped out. Rage just didn’t suit her. At least, not in the capacity by which he was the most familiar with her.

“Mentioned that you’re very technologically talented….”

Ileya Simone
Nov 6th, 2003, 05:50:57 PM
"So, how long have you been ....."Seeing" each other?" Kat had asked.

Ileya had groaned inwardly, her eyes flying from her friend to Alexei sitting next to her. She softly squeezed his fingers with her's and smiled at him. Katya would roll over if she knew the extent of which the two lovers had been seeing each other. Ileya sneaked a glance at her friend, noting the raised eyebrow in question and sighed softly.

“Not long enough. Even a lifetime with her would be entirely too short.”

If Ileya had not fallen in love with him before, she would have that night when he spoke those words. To have someone talk about her that way was all too new for her and she felt a blush creeping up her neck, staining her sun kissed cheeks a soft pink.

She watched as both Taz and Katya's eyebrows raised in reaction to Alexei's use of her birth name. Katya turned wide eyes her direction and Ileya just smiled at her, sending her a look of 'you'll know all about it later'.

“...mentioned that you’re very technologically talented….”

"That he is." Ileya smiled proudly, wishing Taz would snap out of what ever 'funk' he was in right now and enjoy the evening. Alexei meeting her closest friends tonight was extremely important to her.

Taz Finch
Nov 7th, 2003, 04:54:43 AM
He was silent for a while, then nodded.

"Yeah.....I'm a hacker."

He said while figiting with the control on his chair.

" I run the systems and get info that they need."

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 7th, 2003, 02:15:12 PM
Alexei got the distinct feeling that Taz was perhaps a little heartbroken. And he couldnt blame the kid Hell, he was having fantasies about the woman now – he couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be a teenager again and have to face the reality that the woman he adored was in love with someone else. He really wouldn’t have blamed Taz for hating him. Though, he did hope that they’d get by it, somehow.

The teenage hacker’s tone of voice, his fidgeting, and his slowness to respond did not signify to Alexei that the kid was stupid – rather, he was pretty sure that Taz was still busy sizing him up. And getting over the shock that Ileya had sprung upon him.

“It sounds like you’ve been gifted with some valuable skills.” He commented in return, speaking to Taz not as a child, as a teen, but man to man.

“And if you find any free time between these two ladies, and feel like making some money on the side, I could use a good consultant regarding some of the computer systems we’ve been using. They could use some updating and Ileya highly recommended you.”

He wasn’t trying to talk business, but he was sincere in his offer, and thought that perhaps that would help to ease a bit of the tension that seemed to exist. That maybe the kid would lighten up a bit at the prospect. Then again, who knew.

He gave a quick look to Katya and Ileya, “That is, if neither one of you would have any objections….”

Taz Finch
Nov 9th, 2003, 12:41:52 PM
The hacker smirked at the offer, at least he'd be kept busy. He never quite got out much, and this could be a chance to do something that would get his mind off of being in a chair.

"Sure, I'll check your system out if you'd like....just let me know when and where, I'll be there."

He knew the girls wouldnt keep him from doing that, they practically let him do what ever he wanted around the office. And this was an opportunity to gain a name for himself as well as meet some new people. Plus he wanted to know what kind of guy Rage or..Ileya....had gotten with.

Taz did have a huge crush on her, if you'd call it that....he didnt call it that, but he wasnt to stand in her way of being happy....even if it was to this man here. So working with Mr.Nabokov would give him the chance to know the man....and make sure he was good for her, to Taz standards.

Ileya Simone
Nov 9th, 2003, 06:21:50 PM
Ileya sat quietly next to Alexei watching the two men talk and exchange looks. She glanced at Katya to find her watching Taz and they both knew something was up with the teen. Ileya caught Katya's gaze and raised and an eyebrow in question, her eyes going to Taz and then back to her. Katya only shook her head and let out a sigh.

Ileya caught sight of a few couples coming out onto a dancefloor to the right of them a few tables away and she looked up at Alexei, turning on her million watt smile.

"Come on, Alexei, let's dance." She purred, leaning into him. When he turned questioning eyes upon her, she expressed with her eyes that yes, he better go dance with her then.

The two of them stood and Ileya looked at Taz and then Katya.

"If you'll excuse us? We'll be right back." Ileya laughed. Before walking to the dance floor, Ileya stopped and placed her hand on Taz's shoulder, then leaned down and kissed his cheek softly. Without saying a word, she turned back with Alexei and walked with him to the middle of the dancefloor where she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him close to her.

"You must forgive my rudeness back there, Alexei." Ileya whispered in his ear. "Something is wrong with Taz and I thought maybe a few minutes alone with Kat would change that."

She looked into his green eyes and smiled softly up at him, letting her finger nails rake softly against the skin of the back of his neck, letting him know she could not wait until they were alone back at his place again.

Katya Sabutai
Nov 9th, 2003, 06:44:28 PM
Once the couple was away from the table, Katya leaned over to Taz and tapped his shoulder for him to look at her. She could tell he was bothered by something and he wasnt himself. She wanted to get to the bottom of it all.

"Taz, whats the matter? You;re acting like I took away all your computer privledges and also your "stipulations"..... Talk to me sweetie, whats wrong?"

The look on his face when she called him sweetie was a shocker, it wasnt a hormonal filled grin or a toothy smile of mischief, but a look of "Im not in the mood".

He definately was in a mood of sorts. And part she knew was abou this predicament of his being confined to the chair....the next possibility was he was really bothered by Rage. But that was nonsence...he was only seventeen...or was it eighteen? No matter, he wasnt her type to begin with.....but he still looked bothered.

Taz Finch
Nov 9th, 2003, 10:47:24 PM
He looked at her and waved a hand in dismissal. He didnt know what was wrong. Maybe the whole "chair" thing wa begtinning to get to him, how his chances of meeting someone were now slim to none, because in all honesty to him, who wants a guy who cant do many things? It could also be the fact that the one woman he really cared for was now with a guy of her own.

"I dunno Kat. I'm just moody."

She gave him the "look".

"I guess everything is bothering me alright?? This kriffing chair! And .....and Ra.....ahhh forget it. I jus' want to go home."

Home.....his home was by himself at a small apartment Katya got for him. even though she suggested a more spacious place to live, he wanted the apartment. And right now he wanted to be there.

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 11th, 2003, 03:06:01 PM
She didn’t need to apologize for anything. She knew her friends, he was sure, and whatever she felt was best…he was willing to go along with.

“I think you might have broken a young heart.” Alexei commented quietly as they danced, their feet moving in tune across the floor. They had danced together once before – alone. But now they were out in public, and the mood was very different. Still, he was enjoying himself – every moment with her, he enjoyed.

He had given a subtle nod over in the direction of the table where Taz and Katya seemed to be having a bit of a discussion. Taz did not look all that much happier, the crime lord noticed.

“Ileya….” He began, and then released a soft sigh, “I don’t want you to be disappointed by tonight.”

He leaned in to brush a kiss over her lips.

“If they care for you as much as I do, I fully expect them to be a bit suspicious of me.”

His hand gently squeezed hers within his.

“I know I would be…”

Ileya Simone
Nov 11th, 2003, 03:15:31 PM
Ileya looked at Alexei as he kissed her and then glanced over at their table, Taz sitting there looking like someone took away his beloved Hot Pockets. She sighed, looked to the floor and then back up at the man in her arms.

“If they care for you as much as I do, I fully expect them to be a bit suspicious of me. I know I would be…”

She smiled at him, bringing a hand from his neck to brush her fingers over his cheek.

"Taz has been moody ever since Rae put him in that chair. I know he does not like it. Katya and I have tried everything to get him back to his old self...but nothing seems to work. As for me breaking his heart...I don' t know, Alexei. He gets a crush on every female that walks into the building." Ileya laughed softly, her brown eyes going back to her young friend as he talked with Kat. It was obvious he was not having a good time.

"So you think maybe we should cut this evening short?" Ileya asked, nibbling on her bottom lip with her teeth. "Taz looks like he would rather be somewhere else than here right now."

Ileya sighed again, leaning her forehead against Alexei's shoulder as they continued to move about the dancefloor in perfect time together.

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 12th, 2003, 03:13:31 PM
"So you think maybe we should cut this evening short? Taz looks like he would rather be somewhere else than here right now."

Everything about being this close to her felt right. Everything.

And while he would have wished for tonight to go better, he had not expected to be welcomed with open arms. In fact, he likely would have found it somewhat suspicious. He couldn’t blame her friends for caring as they did.

And he didn’t know Taz or his situation well enough to know what was irking the kid, and so he didn’t try to assume by making foolish uneducated guesses.

“You know the two of them….its entirely up to you.” He replied, his voice carrying no sense of disappointment with the suggestion or anger at the evening not turning out perfectly.

He was used to having to wait for things. And he knew that the best things often came to those who could wait for them.

He cast a subtle glance back at the table before he turned back to Ileya.

“We never talked about whether or not they should know what I do. I got the feeling you’d be fine with them knowing but when Katya asked about things….”

His voice trailed off just a bit.

“I don’t want to lie to your friends.”

Ileya Simone
Nov 12th, 2003, 05:23:28 PM
Ileya smiled at Alexei as he spoke, her eyes never leaving his face.

“We never talked about whether or not they should know what I do. I got the feeling you’d be fine with them knowing but when Katya asked about things. I don’t want to lie to your friends.”

"Then don't, Alexei." Ileya answered him. "I'm not ashamed of what you do for a living, obviously you are not...why hide it? IF they do not approve, then that is their problem, not your's."

Ileya pulled him closer to her, hugging him as they danced. She closed her eyes for a few moments, enjoying the feel of his strong arms wrapped around her, her body molded into his. Ileya basically purred against his neck as she brought her head back up to look at him.

"Let's go back to them, see how a few more minutes go. If things are the same, we'll give them an 'out' and you and I will continue on with our date." Ileya compromised, bringing his head down with her hand to kiss him softly, intamently there on the dancefloor infront of everyone.

She pulled away slowly, coming out of his arms to take his hand in her's as the music ended and lead him back to the table, glancing over her shoulder every so often to offer him a seductive smile.

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 13th, 2003, 08:01:16 PM
"Sounds perfect." He replied with a small nod before he'd surrendered to her kiss. She had a way about her that captivated him - that made him a slave to her every whim.

As they headed back to the table, his gaze followed her appreciatively. He caught the seductive smiles that she sent his way, and there was no doubt in his mind that if Taz and Katya left, his restraint in not making Ileya leave immediately and return home with him would be tested immensely.

Back at the table, Ileya took a seat, as did Alexei after giving a warm nod to Ileya's friends.

"I wanted to thank the two of you for coming." He stated as he looked across the table to both of them.

"I know it means a lot to Ileya and I really appreciate getting the chance to get to know both of you. I apologize if it maybe seems a bit early, but I promise I have the best of intentions where your friend is concerned."

Katya Sabutai
Nov 14th, 2003, 03:39:34 AM
She smiled cordially. He really seemed like a good guy, bu tin her experiences....that was always never the case.

"Oh think nothing of it. Rage and I are close as sisters. I would do anything for her, I'm glad I got to meet you too. Even if you were kept from me."

She gave Rage that chastizing look. She was also worried for Taz, he seemed to lose some of the drama, but still sat sullen in his chair. Looking around like he wasn't interested in the table he was at.

" So, Alexei.....this job you offered Taz. When would you like fo rhim to come by?"

She asked in hopes of getting the teen into a more active role.

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 17th, 2003, 03:54:39 PM
…”Even if you were kept from me."

He noticed the chastising look she’d sent in Ileya’s direction and ad maybe bowed his head just a bit, showing some sense of sympathy.

“It wasn’t entirely her fault…” He admitted. “I somewhat insisted that she come away with me for a few days so that we might have a chance to get to know each other without all the distractions of everyday life….”

He offered a grin that might have seemed somewhat boyish. It did not seem innocent at all in its youthfulness, but perhaps it did add an element of charm.

" So, Alexei.....this job you offered Taz. When would you like fo rhim to come by?"

Alexei nodded at this and turned to look at Taz, who still seemed equally as disinterested as before.

“Well..” He began, turning back to Katya, “I believe there are a few things that perhaps you, and Taz should both know before he chooses, if he does choose…” This was added with another look over at Taz, “That the systems he would be working on are not…”

He paused, giving a glance to Ileya.

“They involve the operations for an organized crime ring.” He stated, his voice lowered, but clear enough for those at his table to hear. And confident as he stated this.

He was not ashamed of what he did – but he did recognize the importance of not broadcasting this to society. Not everyone else was so…forgiving or supportive of such things.

Katya Sabutai
Nov 18th, 2003, 02:33:32 PM
She held that 'uhhh huh' type of look. Organized crime.... wonderful. She sipped her wine and took a few minutes. Should she send Taz to help? She looked to the teen who sat there with a subtle hint of interest....he was good at that....seeming interested and at the same time...he didnt. She never taught him that trait, but it was good one.

"Well....I guess to each his own Mr. Nabokov. I'll leave it up to Taz to decide what he wants to do."

She looked over at Rage.....then back over to Taz .

Taz Finch
Nov 18th, 2003, 02:44:19 PM
Wow! A real crime lord! This will be cool!

He thought to himself. As he kept his depressed outlook. Only thing that gave it away was the tiny little tug at the corner of his mouth. And although the rest of the public couldnt tell....he was sure the present company at the table could.

" Well......I guess.......Do I get the run of the system??"

The question was shot at Alexei. As Taz's eyes slowly avertyed sideways to him.

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 18th, 2003, 03:39:08 PM
The tone of Katya’s voice sounded somewhat disapproving to him, but he couldn’t be sure. He was typically rather good at reading such responses, but perhaps on an evening like this, where so much rode on everything, on every response, it was difficult to remain indifferent and judge.

But she had directed him to Taz. When he’d run it by her, Ileya had told Alexei that Taz would be interested. And the crime lord might have actually looked for a hint of such a thing. It was difficult, for he didn’t know the teen all that well. But he might have caught the faintest hint of a grin – he coulnt be sure if it was that or simply a small twitch, for it was gone so quickly, and the tone of voice sounded equally as detached as before.

Except…the question asked by Taz, in itself was not removed. The question suggested initiative – and that, Alexei, believed, could be translated into interest.

Alexei turned now to Taz.

“I wouldn’t expect you to be able to competently evaluate the systems without it.” He replied, his tone bordering on businesslike. He hated to do it – but so many people’s lives depended upon it. Depended upon him to make wise decisions.

“The systems contain confidential information, but as a professional, I’d trust you were capable of understanding such things.” He added, his tone was perhaps a bit softer. It was not bullying or condescending – ever.

“We have the ability to import newer technology from a client in exchange for something they need. I need someone who can intelligently evaluate whether or not it would be worth ugrading our systems – and whether the cost would payoff in the future.”

He let this explanation sink in just a bit.

“You can take some time to think about whether or not youd be interested....” he began, "But I do need to think about making some decisions in the near future."

Taz Finch
Nov 18th, 2003, 05:20:39 PM
Taz sat and fooled with the rim of his glass of water. He didnt need to think it over, he would love ot do that job....tinker with a complete computer system.....right down his alley.

"Sure, I'll do it."

He said as he looked up at Alexei and smirked.

"I get full access, and I get what ever I need to do the job."

He said, always with his stipulations....Since Alexei had taken his main stipulation from his contract, he'd give him one of his own.

Ileya Simone
Nov 18th, 2003, 08:18:29 PM
Ileya suddenly grinned, she knew Taz and his "What ever I need to do the job" line. He had pulled that on herself and Katya numerous times. Her grinned suddenly softened as she gazed upon the teen, her eyes dancing with merriment at the memory of Taz telling Kat that one of his stipulations of working there was to have Ileya sit on his lap when she was at the office. Ileya laughed out loud, covering her mouth quickly with her hand as the other's turned to look questioningly at her.

"Forgive me, I was just remembering something." Ileya chuckled, turning to look lovingly at Alexei.

She had been impressed Katya did not question Alexei any further about his dealings in the crime world. The Dark Force only knows of his connections with weapons, they could use them to get what they needed if Alexei would allow it. She looked to her friend, grinning when it seemed like the lightbulb suddenly went on in her head. Alexei + Crime Lord = massive weapons. Katya glanced at her and Ileya winked at her.

Turning her attention back to Taz, she could not wait to her what he had in store for Alexei and what he would need...but would Alexei give it to him?

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 19th, 2003, 04:04:02 PM
”I get full access, and I get what ever I need to do the job.

Before he had a chance to respond, Ileya’s laugh had distracted him. He’d turned to her, the expression in his green eyes questioning, as if waiting for her to tell them all what exactly was so funny about this. Had he missed something?

”Forgive me, I was just remembering something." She had gazed at him so lovingly, amusement alight in her eyes, that he’d only been able to smile in return, finding amusement perhaps, despite the fact that he wasn’t familiar with whatever she was remembering.

“I can guarantee full access to the system.” He finally replied, turning back to Taz.

“But as to your second…demand, I must warn you that I am not a man who will guarantee anything that I am not 100 percent sure I can give. I’m not sure what you will need to complete the job, but I will promise that I will do everything within reason to comply with your requests.”

He reached for the glass of wine containing the crimson colored liquid. He would have preferred a scotch on the rocks, and intended to order one immediately upon there being an opportunity to do so.

“And I will also agree to adequately provide for the funding of such a project. There is nothing that I do half way. I either do it right or I don’t do it at all, and this project is no exception to that rule.”

He took a drink of the wine and then set the glass back on the table.

“I assure you, that you are not working with an amateur.”

Alexei was fair in his dealings. With his men, with the rest of his staff, with his business consorts. It was perhaps what had helped to gain him the reputation that he had. It was perhaps what had allowed him to be as successful as he was. Of course, he would never have taken the credit for himself – he would have given it to his staff, to his men, to those who did the grueling grunt work behind the deals themselves – not the wining and dining that Alexei handled.

But while he was fair, he was also ferocious. He did not take indiscretions or mistakes lightly. He gave credit where credit was due, and made sure that those who failed to perform got exactly what was due.

This was where he was the most comfortable – negotiating.

And while he slid into it, perhaps a bit too easily this evening, he was looking forward to slipping back out of it – was looking forward to relaxing just a bit and truly getting to know these two friends of Ileya’s.

He was ready to put business aside as soon as the opportunity arose – afterall, this dinner was not to conduct business, but to allow Taz and Katya to get to know him – and for him to do that same with them.

Taz Finch
Nov 20th, 2003, 04:28:51 AM
He leaned in his chair and eyed Alexei.

"Good, full access.....and what I request as in parts or system wise, should be available or at least got...I dont ask fo rthings I dont need. Oh, and I require hot pockets....any kind, as long as it's edible."

He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.

"And I assure you Alexei, I am no amature either......Oh yeah, this is my kung fu....and it is strong."

Ileya Simone
Nov 20th, 2003, 08:52:07 AM
Ileya suddenly grinned as she looked from Taz to Kat to find her smiling as well. It had been awhile since they saw Taz excited about something and finally, something got him going again. Ileya placed a hand on Alexei's thigh and squeezed it gently. When he turned to look at her, she mouthed 'thank you' to him and with her eyes, told him she would fill him in on what he probably wanted to know later.

She knew Taz had probably thrown Alexei off a bit asking for his Hot Pockets. She and Katya had gotten used to the wrappers strewn across his office from those things. He could pack them away, that was for sure.

Ileya reached up with her hand and stroked her finger down his cheek, leaning over to place a kiss where her finger had been.

"Enough business, you two can talk tomorrow of this 'job'." Ileya exclaimed, reaching for her glass, wishing it was a whiskey.

Ileya suddenly realized she was going to have to talk to Katya about Raevin. She was not looking forward to it, being that she and Raevin were going to be leaving in a few weeks to seek out their parents. She let out a soft sigh, the amusement fading from her eyes as she looked at her glass, running the pad of her finger over the rim of it.

She still felt horribly bad for the loss of Dobs and the other men Alexei lost because of her. She knew Alexei did not blame her for it and she loved him immensely for that, but it did not stop her from blaming herself for it.

Alexei Nabokov
Nov 20th, 2003, 02:58:47 PM
Hotpockets? He was only in his thirties...but clearly there was some sort of generational gap that existed. He’d never in his life tasted a Hot Pocket, never mind know what one was. He was only able to grasp the concept that it was food by the fact that this Hot Pocket had to be edible.

He was sure that somehow they could be found. And he’d get someone on it right away.

He was pleased to see a smile finally come over the teen’s face. His offer had not been made out of kindness to Ileya – his offer to Taz had been made because Ileya had extolled on the young man’s talents.

”And I assure you Alexei, I am no amateur either......Oh yeah, this is my kung fu....and it is strong.”

He was maybe going to have to invest in a dictionary of Teenaged Terms….

“I wouldn’t be looking to hire you if I believed you were.” He replied with a smile of his own. He could feel Ileya squeeze his thigh and had turned to see her thank him. He’d merely shaken his head rather subtly in response, as if to say, ‘no, thank you – except, I’ll need your help translating what the heck he’s saying.’

”Enough business, you two can talk tomorrow of this 'job'”

He’d chuckled at this and given Taz a small look.

“Can’t really argue with her…” He stated. “We’ll talk more about this later.”

Just then the waiter had passed by and Alexei caught his attention.

“Whiskey on the rocks, please.” He’d asked, and then had turned to Ileya and the others to see if there was anything they wanted as well. And when Ileya had ordered her own whiskey, he’d had to lean back in his seat and smile a bit. She was an amazing woman. And he didn’t take forgranted how fortunate he was for them to have met.

“Ileya has told me quite a bit about the two of you, but I don’t think she’d mentioned whether or not either one of you was from here or another planet…?” It was a attempt at opening up the conversation – at getting to know Taz and Katya.

Katya Sabutai
Nov 26th, 2003, 09:22:54 AM
She smiled and nodded her head.

"I was born and raised on Corusant, Taz here the same. In fact, He found us..... Rage and I were on a job, and it had gone sour...well we're running through the ratty part of the city when he pops up and for no apparent reason helped us through the underground mazes of the city. Led us back to the populated areas safe and sound."

She looked at Taz who was now grinning to himself as he played with his napkin.

"It wasn't till later that we found out his special "talent" And the real reason he helped us....."

She smiled mischievously and Taz started to chuckle.

Ileya Simone
Dec 1st, 2003, 12:38:41 PM
Ileya smiled as it seemed Taz was coming out of his 'funk'. It was good to see the teen interested in something again since the shooting and she sighed, moving to lean her head against Alexei's shoulder for a few minutes, letting Kat talk of their beginnings. Her fingers came up to stroke Alexei's forearm lovingly, posessively.

"Do not forget that we had made up our minds to snag Taz's talent and it was just sooo difficult to get him to come work for us." Ileya supplied, a smirk on her lips as she remembered Taz agreeing to work with them before they could even finish offering him the job.

"Of course, little did I realize his stipulations that he wanted to come to work for us." Ileya slid a sideways glance towards Taz and smiled at him. "Taz is the best thing to have happened to Fatal Beauty and we'd be lost without him."

Ileya turned to look at Alexei and smiled.

"That's why I recommended him to you. He's the best in the business and knows the word discretion."

Alexei Nabokov
Dec 2nd, 2003, 01:44:03 PM
Alexei raised an eye at the story being told, but it was one of subtle amusement. Clearly Ileya had kept a few stories from him. And it was perfect, actually, because it left plenty of room for conversation.

He took a relaxed drink from the glass, the ice shifting a bit as it melted around the room temperature liquid.

“Im not sure Im entirely familiar with this story….” He commented, giving Ileya a sidelong glance. It was brief, but spoke volumes.

And she had perhaps elaborated just a bit.

“I trusted your judgment of him…” He replied, nodding in agreement with what Ileya had just said – her praise of Taz. “I don’t doubt he’ll be one of the better things to come by my organization as well.”

He turned to Katya, though a hand did reach to cover Ileya’s hand which still rested on his forearm. His fingers played absently with a ring that she wore.

“Should I be aware of his motives for helping two such beautiful women, or should I assume he was simply being as smart as any man and taking the chance to spend more time with the two of you….?”

Taz Finch
Dec 2nd, 2003, 06:41:22 PM
"My motives......you mean my stipulations."

He smirked at the memory. When he was a whole young man...not like now where it was no longer needed. Even if he wanted it.

"What any red blooded young man could or would want....Rage to sit on my lap and feed me hot pockets....along with placing kisses on me every fifteen minutes.....and for Kat to prance around the office in a very skimpy swimsuit. *sigh* A hacker's dream job......of course all I got was the "business"...they didnt even honor my stipulations, not a once!"

He looked disgruntled and then smirked once more.

"Well...there was that one time I did something cool for Rage and she did kiss me on the cheek."

He shrugged.

"So guess that counts."

Ileya Simone
Dec 5th, 2003, 09:03:23 AM
Ileya smiled at Taz, shaking her head in amusement as he 'bitched' about his stipulations. At first the teen kind of rubbed her the wrong way by calling her 'Babe' all the time, but she got used to it and grew extremely fond of him.

Taz had tried his hardest to win a date with either of them, but Katya and Ileya had always turned him down and she was surprised he had never given up. With a quick glance to Alexei, she knew Taz would give up on her now.

Ileya looked down at Alexei's fingers as he played with the small ring on her hand. She loved the feel of him touching her and suddenly wished they were alone together back at his place. She brought her eyes up to catch his gaze, what she was thinking obvious only to him in her eyes.

Alexei Nabokov
Dec 22nd, 2003, 09:48:11 AM
Ah yes. It was obvious. In the short time he had known her, he had come to know what so may of her expressions meant. He’d seen so many of them, all of them a broad range, and all of them speaking volumes. He could picture the look she’d given him during their first conversation, could easily recall the way she’d raised her eyebrow in challenge. He could picture her angry at him when she’d discovered that they had not been entirely alone upon his yacht. Could picture the fire that had been in her eyes, the stubborn set of her jaw. And now, he could see within those eyes of hers, something far warmer than fire. No, what he saw were smoldering coals, burning slowly, evenly.

He’d had the decency to avert his gaze upon seeing hers. One look from her was more than enough to distract him from having any sort of sensible conversation – and that was what he was supposed to be having at this moment. But the aversion of his gaze did nothing to hide the devilish sort of smirk that crossed his lips.

Oh, she was pure evil when she wanted to be, that Ileya. And later, he fully intended to make her pay the price.

But right now…..

“How cruel of the two of them…” Alexei replied, his words carrying a double meaning – cruel to Taz for not honoring his stipulations, and cruel to him for teasing him this way.

“You know, I do know a few good attorneys who might be able to make the two of them honor their promises.” He added, giving Ileya a quick glance that spoke of his own promise to make her live up to what her gaze was suggesting when they returned home for the evening.

(ooc: Im really sorry about taking so long to reply. My uncle passed away and so Ive been out of town for a while. I’ll be traveling for the holidays as well, but once the new year arrives, will be around more. Ileya, maybe we can start a new thread then, and Taz, maybe we can get one going as well....?)

Katya Sabutai
Dec 22nd, 2003, 09:58:49 PM
Kat laughed at his belly aching. Always the drama king with him. She tossed a rolled up napkin at him.

" You whine alot for someone who gets just about anything he asks for."

That brought a tongue sticking out of his mouth at her. She laughed again.

"Honestly Taz, did you really think we'd give you those stipulations?? Honey, you couldnt handle that if we did."

The teen rolled his eyes. And she smiled at Rage.

"Seriously though, when youre doing this job for Mr.Nabokov, you better keep your mind on that and not any secretary working there....you'll be representing Fatal Beauty and you know what I ask of you."

She pointed a finger at him as she talked and he just nodded.


Ileya Simone
Jan 4th, 2004, 03:16:30 PM
Ileya sat back, her fingers stroking Alexei's arm watching her two best friends talking back and forth about the 'job'...one she knew Taz would do his best at. She smiled absent mindedly, her mind drifting to her sister for a moment, wondering how she was doing and where she was at. She knew the two of them would be hunting their parents down, but when she was not sure of.

Reaching for her glass with her free hand, she caught Taz's attention and smiled at him. He returned it with a small one of her own and she silently sighed, casting a side ways glance to Alexei before leaning her head back onto his arm.

Things would never be the same between Taz and herself.