View Full Version : Phone call, line 3! (Figrin D'An)

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 29th, 2003, 01:25:15 AM
On the other side of the galaxy.....

The castle was enormous. The planet deserted. Uncharted because of previous occupants, the planet was the perfect get away for a Jedi Master whom had decided Coruscant was no longer safe for the woman he was protecting. So, while she slept elsewhere, he was starting back up some equipment not used in over two years. He looked like he belonged in this huge place, the equipemnt (being computers and data terminals that were state of the art) was hugely out of place. And he even more so along them.

Yet, the speed at which he bought each module back on-line showed he was at home with them. Not 10 minutes had past when the Mitick slicing data parse was fired up, finalising the data bank. a few more adjustments and the bank was lit and alive. The glow lit up the room, the flashing status bars and tell tale displays, the screens and the routing unit that was now hacking its way into the Holonet. He hummed as fingers sped over a keypunch, changing circuits and starting programs that built this secure tunnel, hiding traces as he went so he cut a safe channel into a Kaut relay. Form there, the signal came traceable. Maybe his precautions were extreme, but given what was chasing Xazor, maybe not.

Better to be over cautious.

He used an old Council code to initiate the connection from Kuat to Coruscant. and there he paused. It would be deep night at the Temple and hopefully Figrin D'An would still be awake.



Far, far away, a comm desk recieved a signal a call was coming. The sender stated it was a Jedi whom wished to speak to Master Figrin. The screen noted the callers location (Grand Library, Kuat), plus a wish for full holo, not just voice. And then awaited someone in the Jedi's room to answer.

Figrin D'an
Oct 29th, 2003, 10:02:59 PM
It was late. Figrin stood in the small kitchen of his private quarters, slowly stirring sweetener into a mug of tea. He yawned, rubbed his brow, followed by his eyes, and thought of how nice it would feel to lay on his matress for a solid nights sleep. Before he could afford that luxury, though, he needed review a stack of profile records. Several padawans were approaching time for promotion, and he needed to be familiar with each before he could cast his vote for or against any of them. He sighed deeply, taking his tea into the main living room.

A beeping noise, audible but not annoyingly loud, came from the Jedi Master's desk, a few meters away in his study. A holonet call?, Figrin thought. Who would be calling at this hour? He looked at the holoterminal from a far for moment, wondering if he should even answer it. If it was important, after all, they would leave a message or try back later. Then again, he thought, chances are a call at this hour was something important.

He set his mug down and dropped into his desk chair rather uncerimoniously. Staring at the terminal, which was still beeping, Figrin shrugged to himself, reached out and activated the channel. The face that appeared was surprising, although not completely unexpected.

"Well well. Taking a break from saving the known universe, are we?"

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 30th, 2003, 02:23:43 AM
Damn that was good to hear another voice and see a friendly face. Marcus chuckled in appreciation, a rare grin on his face.

"Hey you old pirate. Yeah, just kicking back for a while, although I wish the weather was better. I dont really have a lot of time, so I'll get to the point first then maybe discuss somethign a bit more touchy, because... well...... it's to do about Xazor. But first, something cheerful. Last few months I've been able to view two Jedi Knights up close and I've liked what I have seen. First one is Estelle Russard. You know her well?"

Figrin D'an
Nov 1st, 2003, 01:16:17 AM
His eyebrow raised a bit. Xazor, huh?, he thought. I wonder what trouble she has gotten herself into now? He shook the thought for a moment, turning to Marcus' first question.

"Estelle? Yes, I know her," Figrin replied. "Not as well as I do some, of course, but I know her fairly well. She's been away for some time, on a personal mission. The council granted her sabatical leave to do as she needed. As far as I know, she hasn't reported in yet."

He could only wonder to what Marcus, in his usual enigmatic fashion, was referring.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 1st, 2003, 01:21:30 AM
"The mission was not personal. I sent her on it. I was testing her. She has seen me as I instructed and I find her.... more than deserving to be promoted. She will make a great Jedi Master and it should be voted so. Would you concur?"

Figrin D'an
Nov 16th, 2003, 10:28:39 PM
"Estelle is one that we have been watching for a while now," he agreed. "I know the other master's have been very high in their opinions of her, as have I."

"She is most definately worthy."

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 17th, 2003, 12:21:17 AM
"Excellent! I'll leave it in your capable hands then. Oh, while I think of this, Navaria Tarkin - I had the opportunity to have some time with not long ago, she handled herself well in a situation that was tricky and personally difficult for her. Again, I'd commend her to you"

Figrin D'an
Nov 18th, 2003, 12:14:13 AM
"I'm afraid I know little of Navaria's recent activities, so I don't know much of what she has had to face," he replied candidly. "However, she has been a Jedi of excellent character and ability in the past, and if you believe she is ready, I will bring it before the other masters for review. Perhaps they are better versed on her recent challenges than am I."