View Full Version : The new season of 24

Ace McCloud
Oct 28th, 2003, 08:19:56 PM
The 3rd season of 24 started tonight 20 minutes ago, for those of you who don't know and might wanna catch the last half hour. I haven't started watching yet, its recording but it should be great. I believe Jacks daughter is now working with him, or something of the sort.

Personally I can't get enough of the show and am going to watch it right now.

Ace McCloud
Oct 28th, 2003, 10:00:16 PM
Finished a few minutes ago and man I'm hooked already. I sometimes wish they would just show them all at once. Anybody else watch?

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 28th, 2003, 11:32:05 PM
I watched it, it was great nothing really surprising yet but that is because I read too many spoilers about this episode :p Still I am hooked as well, can't wait for next week.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 28th, 2003, 11:32:49 PM
Also if type any spoilers use spoiler tag we don't spoil are European friends who won't see it until next year.

Figrin D'an
Oct 28th, 2003, 11:40:47 PM
There had better be some type of carry over from last season's storyline, beyond just Palmer's health problems.

So far... ehh. Decent start. Was a bit surprised to see that among the "horrible things" that happened to Jack in his year undercover in Salazar's organization was an addiction to heroin.

I hope Kim doesn't get annoying this season. Nice eye candy, but good lord, was her involvement last season completed forced and uninteresting.

Ace McCloud
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:01:47 AM
yea it was forced but not all that uninteresting, but already im getting annoyed at some characters like that fruity guy kim has problems with.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:03:44 AM
Well about Kim I liked how she is being used, at least she has a point in the story now. About last season I think they don't want to reveal too much yet, they will do it slowly what I don't get is who is the guy they caught that his brother said was the one who tried to kill him last season?? My guess that person was a patsy. As we know Mandy was the one who ineffected him and she escaped. Also I think we will learn who is behind everything and their motivations. I am postive season one and Season two are connected. It is Nina's people who ever they are. Its a mystery but I don't think they will give it way until towards the end of this season

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:05:30 AM
yea it was forced but not all that uninteresting, but already im getting annoyed at some characters like that fruity guy kim has problems with

Wanna bet he gets it very early in the show :p I am betting Kate Warner gets it soon. I heard somewhere she will find out what here sister meant when she told her, "Do you think you are safe out there."

Rognan Dar
Oct 29th, 2003, 02:31:24 PM
I love the 24 series. the last two I thought were great. BUt at the start of this one I was lost at every turn. Some things just blew by me that I should have noticed. But all in all I can't wait till the next week.

I dont like that guy, Adam, I think was his name. He just makes me want to slap him for being a dumb male that hates females. And Kim for that matter.

Ace McCloud
Oct 30th, 2003, 05:21:11 PM
Well as for the guy thats in jail, he was caught between those 3 years that we didn't get to see. He wasn't in season 1 or 2. And his brother is that guy with the mexican chick in columbia that we saw. I'm pretty sure its not Nina's people, but I'm not really sure.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 30th, 2003, 05:34:56 PM
Well I could be wrong but I didn't think he was the one they were refering to, I thought he was just a drug dealer who had ties to terrorists but they could have left something out. Maybe that is why Jack went after him. I am certain its not Nina's people or is it Max (he is the guy that we saw talking to Mandy. Maybe they will reveal this in the next episode.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 30th, 2003, 05:46:59 PM
For those who missed it they are reshowing Episode 2 tonight.

Ace McCloud
Oct 30th, 2003, 06:30:45 PM
you mean ep 1?

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 30th, 2003, 08:21:14 PM
Heh yeah I wish they one show Episode 2 early.

Oct 30th, 2003, 09:54:51 PM
There is not much shows on fox that are not good anymore but this show I never miss it is so good!I just wish darkangel would go back on I have the first season of the show all I need is the second one to come out!Anyway to go back to the subject that show is great!I give it all five stars1JM:D :angel Goodnight everyone got to get some sleep for Halloween!

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 4th, 2003, 11:41:25 PM
Tonight's episode was great, first I liked it when Kim told Jack about her and Chase that was nice I liked how Jack reacted. Second I want to know what is that secert about the doctor? Also the ending was great was a doozy shocker, another mole at least we know who it is. Man CTU sure don't check out there people :p Seriously I think that shows there is somebody high up in the government involved in all of this

Ace McCloud
Nov 5th, 2003, 12:09:29 AM
Crap, missed it. Forgot it was on tonight. Think I have it on tivo though. If not Ill catch re-run.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 5th, 2003, 12:23:51 AM
They might reshow it like the did last weeks episode. They will defintely reshow it on FX if you have that.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 11th, 2003, 11:17:13 PM
Wow great episode

first that DA gets killed I didn't see that coming. Second we find out that Kyle kid is ineffected the heroin was a smoke screen. And then when Tony is about to bring him in, he gets shot in the neck that is a huge shocker. I hope he is okay. Also I am certain the girl in infected she had sex with him in the second episode so they both have the disease.

Ace McCloud
Nov 12th, 2003, 05:29:41 PM
Yea good thinking about the girl.

Yea, I really do hope he is ok. Chase really should have gone but nooooo lol.

I think Chase is a pretty cool guy. I hate how the leave us hanging like that every episode -_- I hate 24 in a way sometimes but i can't stop watching it. Sigh.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 12th, 2003, 10:22:49 PM
Is Jack going to regreat not sending him is what I am wondering.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 18th, 2003, 11:23:57 PM
Great episode Jack had to make a tough choice, but I agree with him it was the only way. I am curious how this is going to go. Also the whole virus thing is a smoke screen that is clear to me, that will be resolved soon, and then maybe we will find out who the real bad guys are and what they are up to, maybe Nina will show up and help explain it

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 15th, 2004, 01:59:16 PM
Haven't posted on this in a while. Who saw Tuesday's episode? It was a nightfull of shockers first Nina is back and then her and Jack kiss that was shocking. Second Claudia gets killed helping chase escape, didn't see that coming. And then Sherry is backing helping Palmer. Overall I like how the show is going. I am still not sure about the Virus I think there is more to things than we see.

Figrin D'an
Jan 15th, 2004, 02:44:52 PM
I quit watching back in November. This season has been completely uninteresting to me. The gimics that the show has to offer are now old hat, and the weekly "new slap-across-the-face plot twist" is becoming rather weak. The show has sold itself on turning the story on a dime so much that, frankly, it's easier to predict now then ever.

And the whole drug czar angle has been done before, and better. Loved the first season, liked the second, third doesn't do it for me.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 15th, 2004, 11:06:17 PM
I actually like this season better I haven't been able to predict much, IMO. I love all of it but hey that is my opinion.