View Full Version : Little Baby Blues (open)

Valanya Belargic
Oct 28th, 2003, 06:13:01 AM
Valanya sat in her fathers lap, looking out at the world. It was a bright day so daddy had decided they would spend some time together. They had come to a café, which smelt funny – but not as funny as the furry man daddy sometimes left Valanya with. She pouted as she saw other little ones with their parents, and wondered where her mommy had gone. She was so distraught about this all, that she hadn’t even touched the big sundae her daddy had bought for her. Why wasn’t mommy here? Why didn’t daddy talk about her or see her now? :(

And who was the strange person coming towards her table? Suddenly the sundae seemed especially important and she began squirming and reaching out towards it, to guard it from the stranger. :mad

Syriande Blue
Oct 28th, 2003, 06:35:56 AM
The three cornered hat is probably what interested the little girl right away or the eye mask, it was difficult to tell. Today however Blue was quite uninterested in others perception upon him, in fact he was so oblivious to anyone looking at him, he tossed up his petty-coat and sat down at the table only a few away from the father and daughter flicking open the newspaper moments after.

He remained sitting like that for a few moments, reading the open page, then carefully and slowly peeked around the edge of the newspaper at the girl, she was still looking, grasping at her ice cream.

' You ave' a very inquisitive little girl there my friend' Blue said behind the rusting off his newspaper and a weak cockey accent as he turned the page, but not really reading any of it. It was simply to make him look slightly more unaware of his surroundings.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 28th, 2003, 06:44:04 AM
“She has a curious mind.”

Like her mother. Dasquian smiled slightly, and helped the scowling little Halfling scoop some of her ice-cream up.

“She seems to be drawn to peculiar people, and if you don’t mind me saying so, sir, you are one of the most eccentric looking people I have seen in a long while.”

Syriande Blue
Oct 28th, 2003, 06:56:56 AM
' No, that is quite alright...' The Highwayman said folding the newspaper away. It had been a while since someone had been quite so honest with him, and to be frank it was a breath of fresh air.

' I wear the hat and mask because i feel comfortable in them, and in my line of work, the mask always comes in hand-'. Well if that wasen't the biggest ever clue to your illegal job, i dunno' what is you stupid pratt. ' Er' yeah handy...im...im a stage performer...' He said leaning back defensively in his chair. Your still doing it you git . He sat back forward in his chair a little more naturally.

Changing the subject.

' My name is Syriande Blue, and you are?'

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 28th, 2003, 07:01:45 AM
“Dasquian Belargic, and this is Valanya. Say hello.”

The little girl, with a mouthful of sundae, said something along the lines of ‘hun-no’. Dasquian just smiled.

“A stage performer, that must be interesting. What exactly do you do? Feats of acrobatics or some such?”

Syriande Blue
Oct 28th, 2003, 07:14:38 AM
' Er, im a singer actually, yes' He sounded quite unsure if he should of choose that perfesson or not ever just before he said it. ' I sing within the Imperial Aladoran Hall just down the grand catwalk, it is quite a sight, have you ever been there?' He said, hopeing to god he had got his geography correct.

Just then the waitress came about to Blues' table tapping her data pad for a quick order. Clearly she had no intention of hanging around while Blue read the menu.

' Er, just a Caff please, and may i offer you both anything?' Blue said gesturing towards Dasquian and his little girl.

Yeah, he was a pirate, but he was a nice enough chap.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 28th, 2003, 07:16:15 AM
“No, no thanks you. As you can see, Vala already has her meal.”

The waitress bustled away once again, in a flurry of skirts and curls.

“As to the Imperial Hall… no, I can’t say I’ve ever been before. My job doesn’t afford me much time to get out and sight see, and I hadn’t seen a lot of new Coruscant up until a few months ago. Are you going to be performing there again soon? Perhaps we could drop by and watch.”

Syriande Blue
Oct 28th, 2003, 07:35:14 AM
Youuuuu Pratt

' Uh, yeah sure i think i can get tickets...'. Now you you've done it Really he thought the father and daughter looked so sweet together he did not want to down their hopes here and now...

' I shall have to bring them to you at a later date however, the exibition does not open till november' The Highwayman said, of course he hoped Dasquian would over time, forget and it would not upset him. Although the Highwayman was a priate and thief he did indeed take others feelings into concideration at times.

' What do you do in the line of work...' He said just as his coffe arrived, he took a sip.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 28th, 2003, 07:38:52 AM
“I’m a Jedi Knight. I act as recruitment officer… and hold a place on the current council.”

Valanya made a little gurgling noise, as if to say that she wanted something more to eat. She had such an appetite (something Dasquian thought she’d somehow inherited from his brother Aaron)!

“Perhaps I could bring some of the Padawans with me to the show. They need to learn to take breaks, in moderation, from training… to get out and see the world.”

Syriande Blue
Oct 28th, 2003, 08:12:19 AM

Blue slurped and coughed hard sending a hail of Caff from his mouth and all over a woman walking past the café. He simply gave a embarrased look.

'Well i NEVER!' She shouted, sounding totaly disgusted by Blues' actions. She promptly slapped him around the face. Sticking her nose up, she stalked off rubbing the brown marks.

' beh heh Jedi Knight huh? haha!' His laugh sounding totaly forced. ' Great, a Jedi Knight ' He said, through a number of small coughs.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 28th, 2003, 03:56:01 PM
Both of Dasquian’s brows raised and Valanya seemed highly amused. Holding back a small laugh, the Knight allowed himself the liberty of a smile, while little Vala chuckled away.

“Yes, I suppose you could say that being a Jedi is great… you could even go so far as to say that our professions are similar. We are both here to help people – in very different ways of course.”