View Full Version : A simple man trying to make his way in the universe...

Oct 27th, 2003, 08:55:31 PM
The bounty hunter made his way into the Bar and Grill after some time spent on the planet. He glanced around the place, to get a good look for where he was at. He navigated his way to the bar. The non-jedi patrons of the bar did not know why the jedi were looking at the bounty hunter with suspicion. But Mathias knew very well why they looked upon him with such suspicion. For he held something in his pack that was strapped to his back. It was ysalamire, a type of creature that creates a bubble aroung the host and nothing of the force can penetrate it. So when Mathias had walked past a force user and they were in his bubble, they had lost all conection with the force and knew once again what it felt like to be purly human.

After taking a seat at the bar, the hunter orderd a drink and some food. He looked upon the patrons with curiosity, for he knew very well what they were capable of. He did not trust any force user in this galaxy.

He had stayed with his back facing the occupants of the bar and sat waiting for something to happen...It always did.

Dan the Man
Oct 27th, 2003, 10:36:07 PM
"You have the disposition of a man that wishes to have enemies."

An older man took a seat next to the bounty hunter, and ordered a beer. With the bartender occupied on the task, he glanced sideways to the man again.

"That's your first mistake."

Figrin D'an
Oct 27th, 2003, 10:37:31 PM
Originally posted by Mathias
For he held something in his pack that was strapped to his back. It was ysalamire, a type of creature that creates a bubble aroung the host and nothing of the force can penetrate it.

OOC: Was this approved by a staff member? Ysalamiri fall under the "No Weapons" clause of the Bar & Grill rules, meaning that all such things are checked at the door before a patron is allowed to enter, unless said person is a Jedi of Knight rank or higher.