View Full Version : Enter a Child

Lorani T'sava
Oct 27th, 2003, 10:51:09 AM
Lorani, the 10 year old girl, recently accepted into TSO goes walking around the Palace, looking at everything there is to see, and poking her head into rooms, whether they're occupied or not. Ever curious, she enters a room that looks like it's lived in and starts to poke around, looking to see if there is anything of interest there. She starts to hum softly to herself, not caring if she's caught looking through someone elses stuff.

Ida Knoe
Oct 27th, 2003, 11:06:00 AM
The 7 year old girl, Ida comes out of her bathroom to see a older girl poking through her things...

"Hay! What do you think your doing! That's my stuff!!"

Lorani T'sava
Oct 27th, 2003, 11:44:51 AM
Lorani pauses in what she's doing as she looks up to see Ida.

"Looking at what's here. What does it look like?"

Ida Knoe
Oct 27th, 2003, 01:25:45 PM
"You can't just look through MY stuff!!"

Ida walks quickly over to Lorani and pushes her away from the dresser that she's looking in. then Idacloses the door to her dresser.

"This stuff is mine!! Go get your own room!! This is Mine!! Mine!!Mine!!! Mine!!!!Mine!!!!!MINE!!!!!"

Zatania Duvall
Oct 27th, 2003, 05:14:39 PM
Zatania shut her bedroom door, only to hear an outburst of screams from just down the hallway. She raised an eyebrow and proceeded to follow the string of "mines" to it's source. Two children were inside a room, the door left wide open for some apparent reason.

"Whats going on in here?"

Zatania looked from one girl to the next, curious to why they were fighting. TSO members were supposed to be a family, not enemies amongst eachother. But then again, kids could be cruel.

Lorani T'sava
Oct 27th, 2003, 05:38:57 PM
Lorani turns when she hears another voice and puts on an innocent who me look on her face.

"I thought this room was empty so I came and and looked around and then this kid here came and started yelling at me.

I'm just new here and I'm just trying to find myself a room which I can stay in and not worry about sharing with others."

Ida Knoe
Oct 27th, 2003, 05:50:14 PM
Ida points at Lorani

"You were looking through My stuff! you knew this was occupied! you weren't wanting to share! You were going to take my stuff! "

Zatania Duvall
Oct 27th, 2003, 06:02:52 PM
Zatania hadn't delt with children in years, not since her own and even then she wasn't a very good at handling little outbursts like this. Or at least that was her opinion. But her patience was wearing thin quickly.

"Silence!" She yelled.

When the two stopped bickering, she walked into the room and knelt beside them.

"Maybe she really didn't know the room was occupied, and was curious who did. Looking through your things might have given her a clue to that question." She looked to the other child. "But thats still no excuse to look through other people's belongings without permission. I'd say the two of you are even in these matters. I say that you get to know eachother better before passing judgement on eachother."

Zatania sat on the edge of the bed and motioned for them to sit down as well.

"You shouldn't argue, we're all a part of a family here. We're supposed to be united, not against eachother." She said, sounding much more relaxed and friendly now.

Lorani T'sava
Oct 28th, 2003, 11:10:45 AM
Lorani is about to respond to Ida when Zatania tells to be quiet. She looks from Ida back to Zatania.

"I didn't know this room was occupied. I thought that things were given to us that we need when we're here so I thought that every room had things in them."

Lorani goes and sits down beside Zatania. It looks like she's on the verge of tears as she looks at Ida.

"I'm sorry that I looked through your things. I didn't know that they belonged to anybody."

Lorani looks at Zatania to see if she approves of what she just did.

Ida Knoe
Oct 28th, 2003, 11:32:14 AM
At the mention that they all are Family at TSO, Ida quickly backs herself into a corner and draws a switch blade from her sleeve, and flicks it open.

"In that case keep away from me!"

The fear in Ida's eyes is plain to see by anybody.

Zatania Duvall
Oct 28th, 2003, 12:24:15 PM
Zatania nodded at the first child's response, approving how mature she was to accept that fighting wasn't the answer. But then the other cried out in fear against her.

Confused, Zatania looked at the child Ida impassively.

"Whatever you fear at this moment has nothing to do with what I mean. I don't know what has made you fear the thought of family, but you can trust anyone that is a fellow TSO member. They are your right and left hands, your eyes behind your head. Everyone in this building will watch after you to make sure you're not hurt. Thats the true meaning of family, or terms you'd probably prefer, strong loyalty and friendship."

She didn't move towards the child, knowing that it was probably best not to make her nervous.

"You don't have anything to fear here because we're all bonded together by the darkside of the force. Lay trust in eachother.

If you doubt what I am telling you then maybe you're not strong enough to handle the darkside. But I know that just cannot be the case. You have so much fear and hate, you must be strong with the dark arts."

She stood up and looked from one child to the next.

"I'm Zatania by the way. I'm a few rooms away from here so if either of you ever need anything, I'll be there."

Her eyes turned back to Ida.

"Just don't be afraid to ask."

Ida Knoe
Oct 28th, 2003, 12:32:56 PM
"Family are the ones that lite your bed on fire! They pound on you when you speek without permision! They are the type that would hit you with a shovel till you can't move and throw you in a river to DIE! I had a family! and I want them DEAD!"

Ida is on the verge of tears by the time she finishes talking. She has many bad memories conected to the word family, and it is obvouse that Ida is being hurt by those memories now.

Zatania Duvall
Oct 28th, 2003, 12:41:22 PM
"They were not a true family. You may have been related to them by blood, but they were not loyal to you as they should have been. Do not let those experiences cause weakness in you. I have had my share of memories that frightened me at your age, but what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger."

Zatania felt strange talking to someone about a topic like this. She wasn't used to trying to help a child, since the last child she ever spoke to was her own tainted one.

"My mother went crazy and tried to kill me. But my father was loyal to me, as a true family member would be. He saved me from death. But in the end, wishing them dead doesn't solve anything. You'll still feel the pain because you allow yourself to. The blame should be placed on those who hurt you, not those you haven't given chance to trust yet."

Zatania tilted her head, not feeling as uncomfortable anymore. Maybe it was because she sympathized with what the child had been through.

"We may not be related by blood, but I or anyone else in TSO would be extremely angry with anyone who betrayed your trust. You don't have to think of us as family, all you have to do is believe in everyone that trains you, everyone that you know here, this girl" she motioned to Lorani." and myself. You don't have to think of us as family if it's too painful for you. Just think of everyone as a friend or ally."

Ida Knoe
Oct 28th, 2003, 12:55:21 PM
Ida slowly puts the switch blade away, but stays in the corner.

"My father killed my mother after I was born. He then only fed me once a week, and hit me when I cryed. when I got old enough to walk, He would put me in the yard, and forget about me for a week or two. My bed was a bail of straw in the back yard, and if he was fealing mean he would lite the straw on fire to wake me up. If he was nice he would just throw rocks at me. when I was five he had enough of me so he knocked me out with a shovel and threw me into the river.

I was pulled out by a young man who took care of me untill I was strong enough to fend for myself. He was and is the only person I can truly trust. Just your words will not get that from me."

Lorani T'sava
Oct 29th, 2003, 11:06:58 AM
Lorani, whenever Zatania isn't looking at her is making faces at Ida and using her hand to mimic talking. Other than that, she lets Zatania and Ida talk without interruptions.

"Words can be falsified, actions always speak louder than words."

Ida Knoe
Oct 29th, 2003, 11:59:27 AM
Ida sticks her tounge out at Lorani :p

Lorani T'sava
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:14:42 PM
Lorani sticks her tongue out at Ida in return before making a motion of walking towards Ida's things, though she doesn't actually move from where she is.

Ida Knoe
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:16:08 PM
Ida picks up a paper weight that is on a shelf near her and throws it at Lorani.

Lorani T'sava
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:17:44 PM
Lorani ducks the paper weight and it sails harmlessly over her and hits the wall behind her. She then sticks her tongue out at Ida with a smirk on her face.

Ida Knoe
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:21:03 PM
Ida gets an insulted look on her face and charges at Lorani. She jumps on Lorani and starts to slap her repeatedly.

Lorani T'sava
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:23:32 PM
Lorani starts to slap Ida as soon as Ida starts to slap here, though when she's jumped on, she falls over onto her back. She rolls so Ida's on the floor and starts to slap harder.

Ida Knoe
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:28:03 PM
Ida slaps back at Lorani as hard as she can.

Lorani T'sava
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:29:51 PM
Lorani takes the slap, but grabs a handful of Ida's hair and pulls as hard as she can, trying to pull the handful of hair out.

"I'll get you for that."

Ida Knoe
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:34:12 PM
Ida Grabs a hand full of Lorani's hair in each hand and pulls as hard as she can, trying to rip out both chunks.

Lorani T'sava
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:36:08 PM
Lorani allows her head to be brought down by Ida's pull, and hits her head against Ida's as she grabs another handful of hair in her other hand and starts to pull the hair that is in both her hands, a look of outrage on her face.

OOC: to those that are reading this, please keep in mind that Ida and Lorani are just children.

Zatania Duvall
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:42:50 PM
Zatania jumped up from where she sat and grabbed the two of them by the cuffs of their shirts. She held them away from eachother and shook her head.

"You didn't learn anything did you? Do I have to talk to your masters about teaching you more discipline?"

Lorani T'sava
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:45:12 PM
"She started it. And I don't have a Master."

Lorani squirms slightly as Zatania holds her away from Ida. She looks down at her hands and sees some of Ida's hair and smiles.

"I was just protecting myself. Honest, I was."

Ida Knoe
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:55:59 PM
"No! she started it!!"

Ida gets a who me look on her face after rubbing her head where her hair was ripped out...

"I would never start something like that..."

Zatania Duvall
Oct 29th, 2003, 02:49:20 PM
"Both of you stop it. It doesn't matter who started it. All that matters is that both of you are acting completely silly!"

She lifted Lorani to eye level and narrowed her eyes.

"Don't do that again."

She put the both of them down.

"I have an idea. I think the both of you need to get to know eachother better to find out that you've been too quick to judge. Why don't we go down to the cafeteria to get some ice cream and talk there?"

Ida Knoe
Oct 29th, 2003, 03:25:06 PM
Ida hangs her head..

"All right. I'll be good if She is good."

Oct 30th, 2003, 10:23:47 AM
"Ice cream!?!" yet another childish voice called from down the hall. "Who's getting ice cream?" Jorshal asked and walked to the door where two girls, his age, and another older woman were.

Lorani T'sava
Oct 30th, 2003, 11:45:24 AM
"I'll be good if she's good, but if she does anything to me, she's going to regret it."

Lorani says before looking to see a boy appear in the door and waves to him.

Zatania Duvall
Oct 30th, 2003, 05:00:31 PM
"Stop threatening eachother or I just might take up unspeakable things." Zatania said.

She turned her head to see yet another child come into the room. At this point she was regretting coming to see what was going on. Children made her slightly nervous. She was rusty on that aspect.

"Alright, you can come too. But if you two don't stop fighting it's straight to your master or soon to be master I go. We can't have a fight break out everytime you disagree or else this palace will be a circus and not a respectable establishment."

She motioned towards the door for the children to leave first, so she could keep an eye on them.

Ida Knoe
Oct 31st, 2003, 01:48:31 PM
Ida walks out of the room but just stands in the hall not knowing what way to go from there...

Lorani T'sava
Nov 4th, 2003, 11:17:58 AM
Lorani steps out of Ida's room before looking to Zatania on directions on where to go.

"Which way??"

Nov 4th, 2003, 03:22:24 PM
Jorshal thougth to himself, he really didn't know how to get to the cafeteria from here. "Uhh... I'm lost."

Zatania Duvall
Nov 4th, 2003, 04:12:50 PM
"No one's showed you where the cafeteria is yet?" Zatania asked, shocked. "This way then."

She walked ahead just a bit, but not too far that she couldn't see them from the corners of her eyes.

Ida Knoe
Nov 5th, 2003, 12:04:15 PM
Ida starts to walk behind Zatania, and folows her to the cafeteria.

Zatania Duvall
Nov 5th, 2003, 12:58:12 PM
"I hope you guys have enough room in your stomachs for dinner after I'm through with you. I have a major sweet tooth right now so that means lots of ice cream."

She smiled and looked back towards each of them.

"What flavors do you all want?"

Lorani T'sava
Nov 5th, 2003, 06:03:57 PM
"I'm a big girl. I make sure there's room for supper."

Lorani skips up to walk beside Zatania so she doesn't have to strain to keep an eye on her.

"Chocolate's my favorite flavour."

Ida Knoe
Nov 6th, 2003, 03:37:37 PM
"I will have room for supper! And want Strawberry!"

Nov 6th, 2003, 09:08:40 PM
Jorshal did his best to hide his ignorance on the location of the cafeteria. "I- I've been there, and I think I remember the way too. Jorshal said and ran to the head of the group.

"It's this way." He said and turned the opposite direction of the cafeteria.

Lorani T'sava
Nov 10th, 2003, 09:05:41 AM
Lorani pauses and looks at Zatania for confirmation of the direction since she's never been to the cafeteria before since she's new here.

Ida Knoe
Nov 14th, 2003, 12:18:22 PM
Ida Slaps Jorshal..

"Don't be stupid! you don't know where it is!"

Nov 16th, 2003, 05:31:29 PM
Severly irritated by this Jorshal looked at her wishing to kill her. In fact, he just might. "Don't ever touch me." He said through clenched teeth and grabbed her hair with one hand, the other doing its best to wrap around her throat. He pushed her as hard as he could, unaided by the Force.

Ida Knoe
Nov 17th, 2003, 12:18:17 PM
Ida starts to hit Jorshal repeatedly to try and get him to let go of her.

Lorani T'sava
Nov 17th, 2003, 07:41:24 PM
Lorani turns in time to see Jorshal pulling Ida's hair. By the time she manages to get over to the two of them, Ida's hitting Jorshal. She forms a fist in one hand and goes to deck Jorshal's cheek.

"You let her go. You don't pull her hair, that's my job."

Lorani then goes to start slapping Jorshal as hard as she can, repeating that it's her job to pull Ida's hair, not his.

Nov 17th, 2003, 10:42:35 PM
Jorshal's fists clenched tightly as he let go of Ida. Now Lorani was hitting him. Jorshal felt more pain than he expected from a girl, but he ignored it, she was only a girl.

He put both hands around her throat and squeezed tightly. He then began to shake her violently and she fell to the ground pulling him with her. Jorshal landed on top of her, but she rolled on top of him and he then threw her and sat on top of her squeezing tighter than ever. His maniacal eyes staring at her mouth gasping for breath.

Zatania Duvall
Nov 19th, 2003, 01:30:14 PM
Having forgotten how much trouble children can be within just one second, Zatania stopped and grabbed Jorshal and Lorani by the scruffs of their necks.

"Have you not been listening to me this whole time? There will be no fighting! Do you expect to become strong Sith when you act so foolishly to those you should be allied with? What was the point of joining TSO when you don't even have the patience to listen to your elders?"

She put them down and narrowed her eyes at all three of them. "You may be children but this is no place for childishness. You will learn to behave yourselfs or I will make sure that none of you gets any dessert for a week. Is that clear?"

Ida Knoe
Nov 19th, 2003, 01:46:14 PM
Ida Hangs her Head and nods...

"I understand..."

Lorani T'sava
Nov 20th, 2003, 08:58:07 AM
Lorani hangs her head as well.

"I'm sorry. I got angry when I saw somebody else pulling Ida's hair. I'll do my best not to let this happen again."

Lorani looks up at Zatania.

"I have been listening, honestly, I have been.

I'll behave, honestly, you won't have to take away my dessert for a week."

Nov 21st, 2003, 01:55:29 PM
"You can't tell me what to do." Jorshal said defiantly. "You're not my boss." He looked Zatania in the eye and clenched his teeth.

Zatania Duvall
Nov 21st, 2003, 05:28:56 PM
Zatania narrowed her eyes at Jorshal and spoke to him in the same matter, through gritted teeth. "You might as well go back to your room or something because I won't be getting any bratty 'I'll do what I want to do' children any ice cream. And believe you me, I'm serious about you not getting dessert for a week."

She turned and motioned towards Ida and Lorani. "Come. It's this way, he didn't know where the heck he was going."

Nov 24th, 2003, 04:03:04 PM
"Maybe I didn't even want ice cream." Jorshal lied, but he knew if he wanted it bad enough he could always steal it from the kitchen.

"And go ahead, take away my dessert for a week. In fact, take it away for a month." Jorshal paused for a moment. "I dare you."

Ida Knoe
Nov 24th, 2003, 04:16:04 PM
Ida goes to follow Zatania to the kitchen, snickering to herself about how stupid Jorshal's last comment was.

Lorani T'sava
Nov 25th, 2003, 12:59:14 PM
Lorani goes to follow Zatania towards the cafateria, walking beside Ida. She glances at Ida and grins while mouthing the words 'dumb boy.'

Zatania Duvall
Nov 25th, 2003, 07:27:15 PM
"Good, then I hope you're not too fond of ice cream because you won't be seeing any for the rest of the year." Zatania said, hurrying the girls along.

"And don't think you can outsmart me and steal any."

Lorani T'sava
Nov 29th, 2003, 11:01:00 AM
"So where abouts IS the cafeteria?"

Lorani questions as Zatania hurries her and Ida along.

Ida Knoe
Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:22:39 AM
"I think it is in the direction that we are moving in"

Ida laughs..