View Full Version : a warrior...

Oct 26th, 2003, 09:47:05 PM
The doors to the Roon Stone Inn slid open with a swoosh. It was raining this evening and the rain drops were now reaching inside of the vicinity. A lone figure emerged from the darkness that with held so many beings. The rain was dripping off of his armor that which he always wore, and his chisseld body that moved with gracious actions. He finally entered the establishment and looked around, to see what his surroundings looked like. He navigated his way over to the bar and took a seat. With a deep voice he spoke.

"Ill have a beer and some food."

The barkeep skurried away to fetch his orders. The bounty hunter stayed hunched over with his back showing to the occupants of the room. He did not want to be disturbed this evening...

Nov 16th, 2003, 10:02:25 AM
Kolarik sat at a table in the corner of the room. He watched with some interest, from beneath shaggy bangs that fell in his eyes as the man stepped inside and moved to the bar.

His words carried to the sensitive ears of the vampire, who to some degree admired the deep timbre of the man's voice.

The young vampire's fingers tapped idly on the chalice before him and he gave a quiet sigh of contentment. Or perhaps of hunger. His tongue traced over fangs hidden behind his full lips, and he swallowed back the desire he had to go in search of blood.

Something else beckoned to him this evening, something he could perhaps feel through the force. Or perhaps a connection to the one woman that he loved.


He could feel his heart beat just that one beat harder at the thought of her, and he allowed a smile that revealed full fangs. Yes, thoughts of Alana could always do such a thing. Even after so many years together. He did not tired of her. Could not image ever tiring of her. Eternity would not be long enough.

He raised the chalice to his lips and took a drink of the thick, crimson colored liquid that bubbled within. And then he set the chalice back on the table, his gaze still settled firmly on the figure at the bar.

Nov 16th, 2003, 04:05:40 PM
The Bounty Hunter recieved his food that he had orderd not long ago. Mathias began to eat and drink by himslef, but was disturbed when he felt as if he was being stared at by all of the occupants of the Inn. He did not turn around, he had just stayed where he was at and kept to himself.

He finished his plate and pushed it aside, and kept drinking his beer. Mathias was here for a specific reason, and that was to capture a specific person for a specific someone. The bounty on this person was very much in fact. The person he had come here to capture was the Lordess Alana Stormcloud.

Nov 18th, 2003, 08:40:12 AM
Kolarik would not follow this one this evening. In time, other things would draw him away. And he would deeply regret giving in to the call of blood over the call of something that should have had far more voice in his decision. The odd sensation of the force. Of the force trying to lead him in the correct direction.
But he was young, new to studying such ways, and while he trusted his instincts, sometimes, being such a young vampire, the thirst for blood was far too strong to deny.

It would be in the period of time that he was late – that small amount of time that would result in Alana’s downfall. Love could make you weak – could make anyone’s judgment falter just the slightest bit – and even that small amount could make all the difference.

But for the time being, dark eyes continued to gaze across the tavern at the newcomer. Studying him. For when you had as much time on your hands as Kolarik had – you did such things. For pure and simple amusement. To pass the time that sometimes, with eternity on your hands, seemed so vastly empty and without meaning.

Eventually, he stood from his seat at the table and walked over to the bar. His cheekbones were aristocratic by nature, but appeared far more easily in his blood deprived state. His face was pale, framed by shaggy locks that fell into his eyes as he lowered his head to gaze down upon the pattern along the wooden bar.

And then he lifted his head again, and his gaze continued to stare at the newcomer.

Nov 21st, 2003, 07:26:04 PM
The Bounty Hunter finished his drink and had asked for another one when a strange man had approached the bar. Mathias had never seen him before, but knew that there was something about him. Mathias recieved his drink and started to guzzle it down when he noticed the man staring at him.

"May I help you..."

Nov 25th, 2003, 03:06:07 PM
Hollow eyes showed perhaps a flicker of interest. Normally his eyes were bright – alive – or…as alive as one who was as eternally damned as he was could be. Tonight they were dull, made that way by a lack of blood and the thirst for it.

He was trying to go without for a while – was trying to build a tolerance for not needing it. And he did it only as part of his training to make himself stronger – for he had no aversion to killing. He had no particular lust for it either – but over the years he had lost the initial concern that comes with taking lives and given in to one simple fact – he needed blood to survive.

But now he was trying to teach himself to go for longer periods of time – for Alana had spoken with him of the future – and he knew that one day, this would perhaps be useful.

It was the single and only reason he was not out hunting now.

And he would be even more angry with himself later when his weakness – when giving in to the blood thirst made him late in meeting Alana.

“I don’t think so.” Kolarik replied easily, but with the arrogance that comes over the years with being a creature of the damned. Of knowing eternity.

“You’re not from around here.” He stated, his words perhaps spoken with the intent to provoke conversation.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Nov 25th, 2003, 10:48:15 PM
The transparasteel doors to the Roon Stone Inn open with a silent screach. The ran had stopped earlier this evening. A figure emerged from the shadow, wearing a night black cloak, which hid the beings face. The cloak russtleing around his feet as he walked through the threashhold. Removing his hood, and his cloak to hand to the barkeep so that he may place it behind the bar, Ambrose heard a fellow vampire say something, but to whome he did not know.

“You’re not from around here.”

The words spewed from Kolarik's mouth, like silk passin through the hand. Ambrose now could see clearly who it was that the Vampire Knight was talking to. It was a human male, bounty hunter by the looks of him. Ambrose walked over to the couple and took a seat next to his fellow vampire. The Dark Knight stared deeply into the eyes of the human, reading his mind the whole while as if it was an open book, for any to read its contents. Ambrose now knew that the man was at this particular place because he was looking for someone. That someone was the Lordess Alana Stormcloud. Ambrose had met with her a long time ago, but she still remained in his life. And the Dark Knight knew that Kolarik held her in reguard as a mother, and he had the utmost respect for her. He would kill any being in the galaxy for her.

"Would you tell me why you search this place for the Lordess Alana Stormcloud. She is only to be taken to. She will not come here due to a pittiful mortal such as yourself."

Ambrose laughed at the man and the male realized that he had been discoverd in his operation to assasinate the Lordess of the Shrine. Ambrose knew that he had come upon some information that he was not supposed to. Maybe this would explain why he was so interested to speak with her very skilled apprentice, Kolarik.

Nov 26th, 2003, 12:12:03 PM
Mathias was dumbfounded when he heard the words utterd from the newest vampire that had approached him. He knew that he had been discovered in his operation to assasinate the Vampire Lordess Alana Stormcloud. The Bounty Hunter thrust his chair back and stood, poised looking at the two vampires. Slowly, Mathais reached over his righ shoulder and unsheathed his ancient two handed sword that he had inherited so long ago. The Bounty Hunter could weald the blade with no complications, but for any other human who was not used to its weight, they would have a very hard time to weild the weapon that Mathais now held firmly in his hands.

"You may have discoverd my plan, but i will not fail. I have too much money riding on this to just run away now. I will kill you both, and then I will finish off the Lordess myself. It will be a joy to hear her scream, when she knows that it is the end for her and for the rest of your pittiful kind."

Mathias stood back far enough so that the vampires could not easily get to them. He would put up a fight, and kill every one in the process if he had to.

Dec 1st, 2003, 09:46:55 AM
It was a low growl that escaped Kolarik’s throat at the mention of anyone looking for Alana, but it was a snarl as the young warrior was brought to his feet by the blade being wielded against him and threats being uttered. Fangs elongated, their stark whiteness a contrast to the lips stained blood red by his drink. The chalice he’d been holding that evening tipped as he set it so quickly upon the bar, and the crimson liquid dripped steadily to the floor, the sticky substance revealing the first bloodshed of the night.

“You’re a fool to threaten a vampire, but even more so the fool to threaten the life of a lordess so well protected…” His words came out almost cool and collected, but there was an alarming edge to them. Kolarik would protect Alana with his life.

She was more than the woman who had given birth to his life as an immortal. She was the woman with whom he intended to spend the rest of his time. The woman with whom he would spend eternity. And no one – no one, mortal or immortal was going to affect that – at least, not without taking his immortal life with them in the process.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 4th, 2003, 08:43:44 PM
"You may have discoverd my plan, but i will not fail. I have too much money riding on this to just run away now. I will kill you both, and then I will finish off the Lordess myself. It will be a joy to hear her scream, when she knows that it is the end for her and for the rest of your pittiful kind."

Ambrose stood immidiatley to the actions and words of the worthless bounty hunter. Along with his fellow Vamprie Kolarik, the both stared hard at the mortal and how foolish he was for taking a stand such as this. Ambrose knew that this man was no where near ready to fight a Vampire, not to mention two of them who are very well skilled in the Dark Side of the force. Ambrose smiled, bearing his stark white fangs to the pittiful human. Kolarik responded first to the challenge made by the worthless human.

“You’re a fool to threaten a vampire, but even more so the fool to threaten the life of a lordess so well protected…”

The Dark Knight agreed to Kolariks words and nodded his head only once to the statement made by the Sith Knight. Ambrose knew that the man was very nervous while he held the ancient two handed sword with ease in his hands. Ambrose did not speak, for he wanted to deal with this human as soon as possible, for he was hungry. Ambrose used his his Vampiric speed from which he had inhereted when he was given the Dark Gift by his master Lord Soth. Ambrose knew that the man could barely see the vampire's movements, which is the reason for the late reaction. Ambrose ran towards the human with speeds that no human could possibly posses and thrust his hands fully into the mans chest. Ambrose stoped suddenly, but Mathias did not.

The human was sent flying across the room, through tables and chairs until his movement was suddenly came to a hault by a beam that stretched from the celing to the floor. Mathias dropped his blade to the ground with a clang when he hit the beam with a sickening thud. Mathias's limp body fell to the ground. Ambrose stood to his full height and looked over at the body of Mathias. All of the patrons now held their focus upon the two vampires.

"No one comes to the Shrine looking to murder one of its own. For you will find it very hard to reach that person, when so many are dear to her and lover her. For she is a mother to some of us. You will die before you will ever see her white Vampiric face, you human scum".

Dec 6th, 2003, 03:05:24 PM
Mathias's limp body sank to the floor. Broken pieces of concrete fell to the gound along side him. The Bounty Hunter was weak, that that had suddenly struck his mind when he tried to stand to his feet. The damage that was inflicted by the Vampire Ambrose Braeden was taking its toll upon his human body. Mathias finally rose to his feet after a long moment of trying to lift himself with the aid of a nearby chair. While Mathias was rising to his feet, he grasped the ancient two handed sword that felt so right in his hand.

After a long momnet of silence, the Bounty Hunter finally reached his full height. The Smuggler had finally realized what he was up against. Mathias unsheathed a small dagger that was consealed in the back of his belt. The blade and hilt was ho bigger than the large man's hand. Mathias knew that he had to time this right for it to work and nothing go wrong.

The Bounty Hunter ran towards the two Vampires. Mathias slung his arm outward that was concealing the small dagger. The tiny blade was sent flying and the Vampire that is known by the name of Ambrose moves to one side. The action taken by the sith was enough to give Mathias enough time. With the small dagger distracting the Vampire, Mathias fell to his knees and slid across the floor. He pivots his sword to cut into the flesh of the dark being. The cut was deep, and Mathias gets to his feet and turns around to face his foes once more.