View Full Version : The Condesension of Youth

Alexi Hesith
Oct 26th, 2003, 04:00:41 PM
The Valorum College, University of Gall...

The auditorium is packed; two hundred academics (mostly students) are crammed into the tiered seating to hear the guest lecturer speaker: Alexi Hesith. He is sitting on the platform at the front with the Principal and the Chairs of the Galactic Studies, Politics, and History Faculties.

Alexi Hesith is lean, of medium height, with grey hair and blue eyes. He is emmaculately dressed in a black suit, accented by a white shirt and pocket square. In his hands he holds a data disc.

The Principal rises and moves to the lectern to address the audience. "Students, staff, allumni, and guests welcome to the first of a series of open lectures to be held this month. Tonight we our guest speaker is His Honour, Alexi Hesith: Gall's Senator in the New Republic. A graduate of this institute, Alexi Hesith..."

The Principal goes on to give a brief [sic] summary of Hesith's carreer. His academic credentials draw some distainful looks from one or two of the more eletist in the audience- his degree was only a 2:2- how dare he come to lecture us! Hesith sit through all this with a polite smile on his face, one he often uses in public to cover boredom- or nerves.

"... so it is with great pleasure that I invite Senator Hesith to take the lectern."

The audience claps politely as Hesith rises to shake hands with the Principal, before approaching the lectern. It is a slender affair bearing the University's seal, a small set on controls is built into it, as is a cup holder for a glass of water.

"Thank you, Principal Greiger. And thank you all for comming tonight," his voice is quiet but commanding, with the clipped tones of the upper classes, "Tonight I have been asked to talk about the events referred to as 'The Catarch Incident'. It began with a mining operation on the asteroid belt near Gall..."

Alexi Hesith
Oct 27th, 2003, 02:20:45 PM
A plush office in the Fremac Commercial District, Gall...

Sitting behind a desk is a man of immense proportions, a cigarra clutched in one chubby hand. He is bald, with pig like eyes under a heavy brow. Across from him stands an excitable young man whon gesticulates wildly as he speaks.

"This new deposit is the jackpot. Seventy million tons of burilliam just floating there, waiting to be taken."

"My dear friend, how can you hope to extract it all in time?"

"Beg pardon?" the young man stops moving and stares fixedly at his host.

"Well haven't you read the latest reports," The large man flings a hard copy of the latest news across the desk.

"No," the young man picks up the hard copy and reads the headlines.

Talks are a success! Territory dispute to be settled in weeks

"The disputed territory includes the asteroid belt. The President is likely to offer it to the Kileans in exchange for access to the Tibanna Gas on Zahr."

"But that will mean Kileans will have the burillium," the young man follows his train of thought to its conclusion, "I'll be ruined!"

"Oh..." the large man leans forward, eager to hear more.

"I put most of my money and the trust fund into the explorations. I'm relyng on this venture to make it back."

"Not to mention the others who have given you money on trust."

"Not to mention..." the young man puts his hand to his mouth, "Lews, you can't mean... I'm your friend..."

"Be that as it may you have some of my money."

"How can I pay you back if the field goes to Kile II? I won't have the mining rights"

"Then it mustnot go to Kile II."