View Full Version : Malcontent in the Heart (open)

imported_Arriana Rezner
Oct 26th, 2003, 10:03:31 AM
Her whole world was upside down.


Sat on the duraconcrete ceiling – the overhang roof of an open-air shelter - the Kalish Sith stared out across the docks into the slum beyond. Something vaguely resembling a sun had dipped beneath the horizon a quarter of an hour ago, and now all the light that remained came from the colossal cities buildings.

It really was an awful place, and Arriana didn’t know why she came here again and again. Perhaps it was because there was nothing else to do. Ennui had settled in and if she wasn’t careful, she was sure it would be the end of her. She needed to stay sharp, on her toes, but found she lacked the motivation to do so when her only driving forces – her master and her love – were so difficult to find.

It wasn’t even as if there were any street rats around for her to play with. Just she and the night, and even that – eventually – would give up on her to let the day through.

Oct 26th, 2003, 10:38:50 AM
The air was unusually frigid tonight, or so it seemed. I relished it. I let it wrap its damp arms around me, to embrace me like a woman never had, never could.

I was hungry. I had played with my prey far too long last night, gotten too deep into the game, and I eventually had let her walk away without drinking a drop. I didn't regret it then, but the dull ache in my stomach told me that I certainly regretted it now.

I still wanted to hunt; I wanted to kiss and promise, to wine and dine. I wanted to ****. I wanted to kill. But I was starved, and would have to keep the games short tonight.

As I drifted past it, the shelter was aglow. My stomach rumbled, as if trying to tell me that I could just scoop up any little urchin there and be done with it. It wouldn't have been the first time I'd done so, but my dignity would not allow me to stoop to such levels except in dire straights. Still, my eyes lingered for a moment.

Had I the feeble eyes of a human, I might not have noticed her. But I didn't, so I did. A woman, in casual defiance of gravity. It was too tempting to turn down.

I drew my cloak about me, as one might do to guard against the wind, and entered the shelter. Several greedy eyes leveled on me as I entered, hoping I had something to steal. When they saw only my simple, weathered cloak, they turned away again. I worked my way up until I was behind the girl, myself ignoring the effects of gravity. She hadn't heard me approach, as few ever did, and I very much doubted that she expected company where she was seated.

"The nights here really are quite extraordinary," I said quietly.

imported_Arriana Rezner
Oct 26th, 2003, 10:50:09 AM
Despite the fact that the voice seemed to be coming from behind her, Arriana looked downwards on instinct, expecting to see someone looking up at her. No one. Perplexed, she looked over her shoulder and that she was not alone in her position. How peculiar.

“Do you think so?”

She shifted on her knees, and for a moment the whole shelter held its breath as they watched with fleeting interest to see if she would fall (deep down hoping she would). No such luck, of course.

“I haven’t seen anything extraordinary tonight,” she continued, eyes narrowing very slightly.

“Aside from you.”

Oct 26th, 2003, 11:15:50 AM
My lips pressed together into a gentle smile. I lifted my arms to my chest, crossing them and pushing back the cloak from my shoulders. At my side, Mournblade was silent. It knew it would get its turn soon enough.

"And now you've left me quite speechless: That was my line. And if you are as deft of hand as you are quick of wit, then I fear you have me completely outclassed."

I studied her features carefully. Her hair was as bright as flame, and nearly as wild. Indeed, it is said in some places that to have hair that color is to have been kissed by fire. Tonight, I would show her what it was to be kissed by ice.

"I'm hungry," I pronounced. "And I was about to get dinner. Would you care to join me, Ms... ?"

imported_Arriana Rezner
Oct 27th, 2003, 06:27:40 AM
“Rezner... Arriana Rezner.”

It was a good job that the roof was as high as it was. Arriana could stand quite comfortably, being short as she was, but a taller being much have been prone to bumping their head against things on the ground below. She turned and hid the small smile that was growing on her lips as she began to walk down the surface of the walk, finally stepping down onto the dusty ground.

Turning, she looked to see that Mortaniuss was following.

“I’d be delighted to join you for dinner. You can tell me how you managed to sneak up on me like that, Mister…?”

Oct 27th, 2003, 09:39:21 AM
"Mortaniuss, no mister", I replied. As I did so, I bent forward at the waist, folding one arm behind my back. To some, it might have been a ludicrous sight, but I heard nary a snicker from her.

"And it wasn't my intention to 'sneak up on you', Miss Rezner. I've simply grown accustomed to walking where I wish, regardless if something as trivial as gravity disagrees with my ability to do so."

I smiled, to show her that I meant that only half in jest. I hooked my elbow outward, offering her my arm, if she wished to take it while we walked.

"Your turn: What is someone with your exceptional beauty and talent doing in this slum?"

imported_Arriana Rezner
Oct 27th, 2003, 12:47:02 PM
“Whiling away the hours.”

She could have gone on, to explain why she was here and not somewhere else; what it was that she was trying to avoid thinking about, but in the end it didn’t matter. Not too some stranger.

“Lucky for me you turned up, hmm, Mortaniuss?”

Arriana accepted the offered arm and smiled up at her pale acquaintance.

“Where will we be dining?”

Oct 27th, 2003, 06:00:23 PM
"I know of a fine restaurant in the heart of the city I think you may enjoy."

As we walked, I marvelled at how non-chalant Arriana was at my albinism. I saw only a flicker of curiosity in her eyes, and then it was gone. There was something peculiar about this woman, and I needn't have seen her lounging on a ceiling to determine that.

We exchanged idle banter as we walked through the streets. "Do you live near here?", I asked. And half a dozen other apparently useless questions. Soon enough, we were in front of the Red Dragon, the club I promised her. Its red and white sign glowed valiantly in the darkness, the same as a hundred others nearby.

The waiter by the door smiled instantly as soon as he saw us.

"Ah, Vladimir. So good of you to grace us with your patronage tonight. Shall I show you to your table?"

I nodded that he should, and the comely waiter lead us to a table at the side of the restaurant, propped against one of the vast windows which gave a spectacular view of the city by night. As befits a gentleman, I pulled out a chair for Arriana before seating myself. The menus were already on the table, waiting for our perusal.

"Have your pick," I offered. "Whatever you like from the menu. The Red Dragon has some of the finest food in the city. And it's on me."

imported_Arriana Rezner
Oct 29th, 2003, 08:35:15 AM
With a pleasant smile as she sat down, Arriana canted her head towards Mortaniuss as if in silent thanks. Her eyes roved over what was listed as she tried to find something. At first she thought something basic, but if this gentleman was willing to pay her way, it did seem a shame to waste her generosity. After all, it wasn’t often life presented you with little gems like these.

“I think I’ll have…Coslen Dantoinal, medium. Do you have any Celanon Semi-Dry?”

The waiter gave a small nod, and with that Arri clapped her menu shut.

A slight inclination of her head towards her companion for the evening and she asked, “And you, sir?”

Nov 5th, 2003, 03:54:19 PM
I said the words, even though the waiter knew exactly what I was going to order.

"Boiled Babasta skin, with a glass of Bantha Blood Fizz, please."

He took my menu as well, heading off to the kitchen to prepare our orders. I looked back to my guest, smiling once again. As I did, I reached out with the Force, lightly probing her person, hoping to find some some hint of who or what she was. Simultaneously, I performed the same task with my words.

"So tell me, truly: Where is it that you hail from? And where is it that you acquired your marvelous talent?"

imported_Arriana Rezner
Nov 7th, 2003, 12:43:33 PM
“Kalis is my home world, and as for my talent, I was born with it. My people have evolved to develop the talent over millions of years, to compensate for the fluctuating gravity on our planet. And you, sir? Is that the explanation in your case?”

Jan 25th, 2004, 03:54:47 PM
The edges of my mouth curved into something that was not quite a smile.

"Nothing so practical, I'm afraid. It's simply a parlor trick, performed to... catch your interest. Ah, here's the food", I announced as the waiter approached us with steaming trays.

"And I feel that we share something else in common, apart from our predilection for defying the laws of gravity. I sense something... darker, within you."

My lips parted fully as I pressed a piece of the Babasta skin into my mouth, elongated canines clearly visible as I pried the meat off of my utensil.

imported_Arriana Rezner
Feb 1st, 2004, 12:47:03 PM
Watching over the glass of wine, Arriana noted the impressive set of fangs that her company was sporting. Many species seemed to have developed such a trait, if for nothing more than quickening their glut. She was no so blessed, but she had other talents to compensate.

"Darker?" the Sith asked, carefully lifting her knife and fork to carve at her meal. A little pool of blood sept from the incision point.

"You could say that," Arriana conceded with a nod, lifting a small morsel but not yet eating it, "But then we all have a little darkness in us, don't you agree?"