View Full Version : Now, We Talk! (LV) [FINISHED]

Jade Doment
Oct 25th, 2003, 01:42:05 PM
(Continued from here (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32622)....prob a bad name for a title, but Im bad with titles...lol)

Sith Warrior Jade had followed Lady Vader and Iesis to the Palace, and now, they discuss the panthers.

Lady Vader
Oct 30th, 2003, 04:40:22 PM
(OOC: SORRY it took me so long to get to this. I've been feeling so unmotivated. :x But me back now. :D)

*LV led Jade into a plush room meant for guests, and sat herself on a cushioned chair, gesturing for Jade to join her.*

Would you like anythig to eat or drink before we get down to business?

Jade Doment
Oct 31st, 2003, 04:43:42 PM
(OOC: No worries. I know how you feel. Sometimes I take 2 or 3 days, even a week to get myself back in the mood. Tis a bitch when it happens, I tell yas. When I get that way, I feel like quitting, but I always come back...lol)

"Um, a glass of red wine and maybe some cheese (or whatever its called in SW...lol) to nibble on, please."

She follows suit and takes a seat in a nice cushioned chair, settling down a bit.

Lady Vader
Oct 31st, 2003, 07:21:28 PM
Very well.

*LV calles a servant and orders him to bring a bottle of red wine, two glasses, and a cracker & cheese platter. Once he is off to fill the order, she looks back at Jade.*

So, tell me, why have you come to Corellia? I received your message that you wished to visit, but not the reason why you wished to visit.

Jade Doment
Nov 1st, 2003, 05:56:57 PM
She smiles a bit and nods.

"I was wondering when you would get to that.

I am here to acquire a number of panthers from Corellia, and I heard you were the one to talk to about it."

Lady Vader
Nov 10th, 2003, 05:18:19 PM
*LV raised an eyebrow.*

Aquire a number...?

*She let out a low chuckle, causing Iesis to raise her head off of her paws and look in the direction of the two woman.*

First off, you were correct in coming to me about a matter such as this, as the Corellian Sand Panther has been placed under the Corellian Wildlife protection program.


*LV smiled.*

...one does not "aquire" a creature such as this, but rather it aquires them.

*She leaned against her seat as the refreshments were brought in and set on the coffee table between them.*

If it is a companion you are seeking, then it must be them who choose you, not you choosing them. Even I would not use the empathy I have with felines to gain such a companion. It would not be right.

*She shrugged slightly.*

As to finding a "number" of them... you'll be lucky if you come across one. The Sand Panther is a very very private creature, and ventures only where there are no other sentient beings about.

Jade Doment
Nov 10th, 2003, 05:54:34 PM
She takes a sip of her wine and nods again, more slowly.

"Yes, I am in need of an animal companion. Having a person to do it is no longer an option, with how my last husband treated me and my twin children. So now I choose animals to fill that void.

I understand about the panthers and control over their leaving Corellia, and I came here as a sign of respect to how you run things. I was not raised to come across something and run with it. I find out who allows things to come and go and speak to them about it, as I am doing now."

She realized she was rambling, and gets to the point, sipping more wine.

"I came for a rare companion indeed. A black panther, or perhaps a white one, even more rare. But I will even settle for a sandy one. Whichever one will choose me, I will accept it.

What of payment?"

Lady Vader
Nov 11th, 2003, 07:18:58 PM
*LV shook her head.*

There is no payment. The payment you owe is to the panther which may choose you. While he or she will protect you and your loved ones, you in turn will care for him or her. That is all the payment I ask for.

*She took some of the cold cuts that had been placed on the table and ate a few, reaching over and plucking a few sardines for Iesis, feeding it to the large cat.*

As to the color... that's really left up to the fates.

Jade Doment
Nov 12th, 2003, 12:21:18 PM
Taking a bite of cheese, she chews and swallows it, slowly.

"I would take the best care of my panther companion. They are my favorite animal, besides wolves, and I would always do what is best for them.

As for color, I understand that. Just because I prefer one color of panther over another does not mean I am destined to have that one. I will still care for it no matter the color.

Hopefully, I can find another own who is a companion to another person and breed them. Perhaps bring some here to help rebuild the panther population."

Lady Vader
Nov 24th, 2003, 04:52:23 PM
That would be a generous gesture indeed. It's hard enough to keep the pochures from wiping out the Sand Panther population completely.

*She took a glass and poured herself some wine, offering it to Jade, and then poured herself one.*

The best time to search for them is at night, as that is when they emerge.

Jade Doment
Nov 24th, 2003, 05:51:39 PM
She nods her thanks, sipping the wine slowly, then sets down the glass.

"Alright, I shall bring the panthers personally when it is time to leave their mother, if I have found someone to breed my companion with, that is."

She nibbles on cheese again, then narrows her eyes, something coming to her mind.

"I have done a great deal of reseach on Corellian Sand Panthers. It is said that their claws hold poison in them. Is that true for all Sand Panther colors, or just the sandy colored?"

Lady Vader
Dec 8th, 2003, 07:40:06 PM
*LV nodded her head.*

It is true for all Sand Panthers, regardless of their color.

*She leaned over and picked up one of Iesis' massive paws, the cat merely watching her mistress.*

The poinson is kept in tiny sacks within the paws...

*She spread the panther's toes, allowing the very long and sharp claws to emerge.*

...and they come out through several tony pores on the underside of the claw.

*She let the paw go, and Iesis once again reeled it in. LV scratched her behind the ears.*

The poison itself it created through several process of food digestion and natural nutrients in the panther.

*LV leaned back in her seat.*

Interestingly enough, though, the poison does not kill outright, unless in large quantities. It merely paralyzes, allowing the panther to do the actual killing.

*LV smiled coyly.*

Quite the definition of a Sith, wouldn't you agree?

Jade Doment
Dec 8th, 2003, 09:01:36 PM
"Yes I would. Which is one reason why I think Sand Panthers make perfect companions.

*she chuckles softly*

Its funny really. I never thought I would set about finding an animal companion, and I never had any true friends besides my one and only Blood Sister. And yet, I need a companion of sometype, as I do not wish to spend my time alone.

And animals make better companions than men do in some aspects."

She thinks for a moment, then narrows her eyes again, curious.

"Would it be too much to go out now and see if one finds me? I have just thought of something and am curious about it."

Lady Vader
Dec 12th, 2003, 12:35:28 PM

*LV looked out the window as the sun began to set.*

...it's still a bit early for them to start wandering, but we can certainly go for a walk.

*She stood and gestured for Jade to follow her. They walked down a long black marbled hallway that seemed to shift and turn. Without LV's guidence, Jade would have certainly gotten lost.*

*At last they reached a large glass door, interwoven with glissenting brass and black stones, leaving what looked like a vibe cralwing up the glass doors. beyond the doors was the garden, now bathed in a brilliant orange glow from the sunset.*

*Through here they walked, heading towards the back gate that would lead them into the wilderness. As they walked, LV explained about the infamous Sith Order gardens.*

Not many get to see the Order's gardens, and they, like the library, have come to have a bit of fame. The gardens here rival even those of the Jedi Orders gardens.

*She gestured back towards the Palace.*

Just as the library within the palace's walls rival that of the Jedi's.

*She gave Jade a sidelong glance.*

Though I doubt they have as much information on Sith, and ancient manuals on the acnient culture, as we do.

*She went back to talking about the garden.*

Within the garden, there lives a dragon. Another companion of mine, though he prefers to be spoken of as a protector to my well being. I rescued his life long ago from poachers, and since then he has taken it up upon himself to keep me from harm, for as long as his days permit.

He is a private creature, and seems to only be sociable during the day. At night he respectfully asks that those livign within the Order let him have his privacy. So far, we haven't had any mishaps.

*She looked about for the dragon, but didn't spy him. She smiled.*

He's no doubt already seen us and is watching us closely...

*She looked at Jade.*

...though in my company, there is nothing to fear from him.

*They finally reached the back gate, and LV swung the heavy stone doors aside to reveal the darkening landscape and woods beyond.*

This is where our treck will begin.

Jade Doment
Dec 13th, 2003, 07:46:05 AM
She gazed at the palace and even around the garden in pure amazement. It was wonderful, this garden, and perfect for a bit of reading of dark arts, or even a bit of meditation.

"Beautiful garden, I must say. Certainly holds a bit of inspiration of darkness, I must say. I mean, if I were a writer for the Sith, I would find inspiration here.

The palace is wonderful too from here. From just the right windows, you can see all of this."

As they trekked out into the woods beyond the garden, Jade remembers something Lady Vader just said.

"A dragon? Another magnificent creature. You are lucky to have one as a protector, but at least you know he will keep you safe. I have not come across any dragons, although the symbol for my own Empire is a Black Dragon, for Black Dragon Empire. It would be wonderful if one were to acquire me for the sake of the Empire.

But, I have a wolfcub that acquired me not too long ago on Meras. She is still young, and quite cute and funny when chasing things. I wish to find her a playmate, as well as another companion for myself."

By now, they are deep into the woods and she hears a soft whining sound.

"Is it possible that one is hurt? You mentioned pouchers....do they set traps here often?"

Lady Vader
Feb 6th, 2004, 01:53:04 PM
We try to catch most pouchers, and we're very good at keeping these lands clean of traps.

*She went silent, listening.*

No, that is not a Corellian Panther. The panther does not wine... it makes more of a soft roaring sound, almost like a cough, when in pain.

That sounds like a common wolf or fox.

*Off in the distance, in the opposite direction of the whining, came a sound as LV had described. Even Iesis' head came up, listening intently.*

Now THAT is a Corellian panther. Come, we shall see if we can track it.

Jade Doment
May 25th, 2004, 05:42:34 PM
(Sorry for the wait. I had thought this thread was deleted, not to mention Im still recovering from health problems.)

Jade looked back towards the whining sound, then rectunatly (sp?) follows LV to track the panther. The roar was load alright, causingher inhuman hearing to perk up.

"Is it safe to leave a wounded animal without helping it?"

Lady Vader
Jun 20th, 2004, 03:40:30 PM
We won't leave it, no. If I can herlp it then I will, but the panther must be willing to accept help.

*She kept her pace steady, though her steps were quite, almost the way a cat would walk. A few minutes later, still following the sound, they came upon an area close with thickets and bushes, some quite thorny. It was evident that whatever had happened, the large cat had taken refuge within the safety of the underbrush. At their approach, the soft roaring had ceased as the large animal tried to conceal it's whereabouts.*

*LV bent down quietly, searching through the bushes, but it was dark, even for her. She placed a hand on Iesis shoulder, stroking it, before letting the cat slink it's way into the thick bushes. A few moments passed until some snapping of swigs and a rorar came from their right. LV stood and moved through the bushes, careful not to prick herself on the thorns.*

*Inside a large thicket, under the thirny branches where a small cave of branches had formed, lay a corellian panther, it's coat a lusterous golden color with some cream (http://server.panic.hopto.org/swf/rie/misc/gold-panther.jpg). Yet, on it's right forearm a large splotch of red marred it's otherwise beautiful coat, indication of something or someone that had attacked it.*

*Iesis was standing a few feet back from the snarling panther. When an animal was wounded, it was dangerous, more so than when it wasn't wounded. Iesis was sure to keep a respectful distance from it's brethren.*

*As for LV she moved in closer, on her knees. The golden panther snarled, showing it's sharp canines, hissing and spitting, ears laid back. All the while, LV did not remove her eyes from the panther, speaking to it softly with her voice and her mind. The panther began to calm down, though it's ears still laid flat against it's skull, and it breathed heavily.*

*Finally LV was in reach enough to extend her now ungloved hand towards the panther's snout. If the panther accepted her, then it would do nothing to her hand, but if it was disatisfied, it would lash out and she could lose some fingers. But she was patient, never having run across failure with felines before. So, she waited, very still.*

*Behind her Jade had taken a stance like a statue. The woman was smart and knew when it was time to go still. At last the panther extended it's head and sniffed LV's outstretched hand, and then turned it's attention back to the wounded leg, licking it a few times. The panther had accepted her. But in order for the panther to accept and cling to Jade, she must do the same.*

*Quietly so as not to startle the wounded creature, LV spoke to Jade.*

Move in like I did, Jade, slow and easy. Try not to stnap at twigs as it could startle goldie here.

You will have to do what I did with the hand. This is the first step in aquiring the trust of an animal.

Jade Doment
Jun 23rd, 2004, 03:07:23 PM
Not saying a word, Jade nodded back at LV, very slowly lowering herself to knees. Once the panther was fine with that, then Jade began to move in very slowly, as LV had demonstrated at instructed.

Only two words-one thought-ran through her head and she inched her way closer on her hands and knees.

It's beautiful! was all she said to herself. As a surface thought, it could be detected if anyone were looking.

It took her a few minutes, but she was finally the same about of space from the panther as the Sith Mistress was. If Jade werent a vampyre, she might have taken a deep breath right now.

using her left hand, Jade extended the bare flesh of her palm and fingers out to the wounded animal, letting it sniff her before deciding to accept her or reject her.

The Sith Knight knew that rejection would result in being mauled, but as this animal was wounded, she was not sure on that fact. So, she merely waited to see what the golden panther thought of her scent.

Lady Vader
Jun 23rd, 2004, 04:31:47 PM
*The panther snorted, no doubt sensing the death that lay around the vampyre, but after a moment, it looked away, apparently satisfied it would not be harmed further.*

*LV let out a quiet sigh she'd been holding, whispering slowly and softly.*

He seems to have accepted you. Now to make the bond, you must heal and bandage his wound. It will do you no good for me to do it.

I will stay here, but you must do the work.

*LV backed up slowly out of the cave of branches, keeping a respectful distance for Jade to work.*

Jade Doment
Jun 24th, 2004, 12:32:43 PM
Jade nods again and slowly takes a few compression bandages, bacta bandages, and a roll of gauze from a pocket on her right sleeve.

Having once been a Jedi Master, Jade let a sense of calm flow around her, so the panther would sense that Jade still wouldnt harm it.

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Jade put her hands out above the wound, not touching it, and slowly heals it, just enough to stop blood from flowing. Having done that, she picks up the paw gently, eyes on the eyes of the panther, and cleans some of the blood from the fur with the compression bandages. Once the fur around the wound seems cleaner, Jade uses a few bacta patches to cover the wound, the winds the gauze around them to hold them in place, then ties it tightly, but gently and firmly, to the panthers leg.

Nodding at her finished work, Jade rocks back on heals, waiting again to see how the panther reacts.

Lady Vader
Jun 24th, 2004, 04:23:03 PM
*LV watched Jade work, quietly and effeiciently in mending the wound. It wasn't long before the Sith woman was done, sitting back and watching the panther expectantly.*

*It was no surprise to LV that once Jade had finished, the panther began to purr, a low rumbling sound comingfrom the depths of his throat. Purring for a feline could mean many things, but in this case it meant the cat was content. It was also speculated that purring for a feline helped to speed up their healing processes.*

*LV smiled.*

I think you just found yourself a new friend.

Jade Doment
Jun 24th, 2004, 05:48:44 PM
Jade had indeed heard the purr and smiles softly. It would seem that she too, had a way with animals.

"Yes, I think I have. I guess that means mission completed for us, then."

Ever so gently, lovingly, Jade runs her fingers through the thick fur of the big felines neck.

"How can anyone hurt something so beautiful? To wound or even kill an animal like this . . ."

She didnt finish the thought, but it was obvious that Lady Vader felt the same way, as she was working hard to preserve these panthers.

Jade backs out of the cave of bushes slowly, noting how her new wounded animal companion limps after her. It was moving slowly, its wounded paw still sore, but at least Jade had stopped the bleeding.

"He will be fine, now that I will be tending to him."

Lady Vader
Jun 27th, 2004, 05:19:12 PM
Yes, he will be just fine.

*LV led the way back to the Palace, followed by Jade, her new found companion, and lastly Iesis bringing up the rear. Once they'd gotten back to the Palace, LV led the small group back into the same room where Jade and she had first met that day.*

If you wish you may stay here the night before taking off back towards home.

As for me, I have some business to attand to in tracking the poachers and seeing they are brought to a quick end.

Jade Doment
Jun 28th, 2004, 03:42:13 PM
Jade nods deeply to the Sith Mistress.

"Then I will leave you to your work of brining justice to the poachers. I have my own royal business to attend to back home at my castle, so Semok and I will be returning tonight, as sunrise seems a few hours off yet.

Thank you, for assisting me in finding Semok. I guess tending to his wounds helped out a bit in the end in my favor.

No matter, though. Wounded or not, he will be treated very well now. As my companion, nothing will harm him."

Lady Vader
Jun 28th, 2004, 11:20:15 PM
*LV smiled as she walked with Jade and her new found companion to the great doors of the Palace.*

I hope you and Semok find much companionship and adventure together.

*She bent down near the golden cat, cradling it's massive head in between her hands, whispering something only she and the cat could hear. The cat's large ears twitched back and forth, an understanding coming over it's yellow eyes. It almost looked as though the large cat smiled before letting out a satisfied rumbled deep in it's throat.*

*Once LV had finished she stood, extending a hand to Jade.*

Take care and travel safely. You are welcome here any time you wish to visit.

Jade Doment
Jun 30th, 2004, 07:00:53 PM
Jade smiles softly, taking LV's hand for a moment.

"I am sure we will have tons of adventures, as well as become the best of friends. He is a beautiful animal, as they all are, no matter their color.

Thanks. I would like to come back from time to time. I am sure you would like to see how well Semok is doing in the future.

And I will arrange to begin a panther reserve back home, to help keep these animals alive. Poachers on Dameo will be begging for death long before I finish with them."

Lady Vader
Jun 30th, 2004, 08:57:36 PM
*LV smiled and exchanged the warm handshake.*

I'm sure they will be.

*Knowing Sith, and vampires in particular, the poor saps probably wouln't even have time to beg.*

*LV stood at the grand entrance way to the Palace until Jade was no longer visible over the slant of the road. She then stepped back inside. Iesis stood a moment longer where LV had been before she too went back in, following her Mistress. The doors slowly closed behind them.*