View Full Version : Kanji never Forgets (open)

Oct 24th, 2003, 09:27:13 PM
The morning was somber, quiet and calm. Very well a pleasing atmosphere for one to idly relax and work upon small enjoyable tasks. Kanji tended to a small collection of multi-colored Dantooine-bred flowers that morning, moving onwards in the afternoon to the studies inside the Archives. Isolated off in a corner, he read with some difficulty upon the history of Jedi conflict begining with the Jedi Purge and moving on through to the Clone Wars.

Eventually, he grew tired of reading the small and complex print and returned the texts to their places before retreating to his room. Two beds rested there, one obviously used frequently, the sheets ruffled yet made up, and another much smaller bed which collected a fine coating of dust over the months. A single chest lay at the foot, a rather child-sized Jedi uniform resting just below the rump which served as the pillow. 'Chance' pearled into the fabric with a fine thread.

Kanji sat for the longest time, just gazing upon the setting.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 24th, 2003, 09:52:00 PM
It was Quay'Na's second day with Jacoby and she'd run out of milk! He was throwing a fit!

"Hold on, Jacoby." She tried to soothe, but it wasn't helping much. She decided to go ask some of the rooms around her if she could borrow a bottleful.

With a bottle in one hand and Jacoby screaming in the other. Quay made her way down the corridor knocking on a few doors with no luck. Finally, she came to Kanji's room and knocked. She was beginning to wonder if anyone on the floor was home...

Oct 24th, 2003, 10:04:16 PM

Kanji blinked, brought suddenly out of the malfortuned trance he had slipped into. Turning his body quickly and fluidly, he shifted down into his human shape with ease. Two quick paces and he was upon the door, opening it slowly and smiling in a friendly gesture.

"Good afternoon, Ma'am!" He spoke cheerfully, "What purpose has called you to grace my doorstep with your presence, if I may inquire?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 24th, 2003, 10:07:19 PM
"Oh, Kanji you're home. You are a lifesaver." She greeted him and bouced gently with her other arm. Quay'Na held the bottle up. "You wouldn't happen to have any milk, by chance? I've run out and Jacoby is in no mood to wait."

Oct 24th, 2003, 10:15:58 PM
Kanji tilted his head to the side for a moment, he took a questionive glance over his shoulder before returning to posture. "I may. Please do come in while I rummage for it, shouldn't take more than a minute."

He stepped out of the way enough for her to enter, then retreated past the smaller bed and into a backroom. After a heartbeat or two, he remerged with a half-filled carton of normal store-bought milk.

"Um... Will this do for little Jacoby?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 24th, 2003, 10:23:06 PM
"That is great," she sighed as she carefully opened the bottle and let Kanji fill it. After the lid was screwed on tight, she gave it to Jacoby who willingly began sucking away in a frenzy.

Quay'Na sighed. "Oh, thank you, Kanji." Now, that the small child was once again quiet and happy, she looked at her friend. "So, how've you been? It's been a while since we've talked. Probably since....Jacali's accident?"

Oct 24th, 2003, 10:33:28 PM
Kanji choked then, his hand hovering over the milk jug's mouth with the top firmly between his index, middle, and thumb. If one had been paying acute attention to him, it would've seemed that his shape had rippled as he quickly jerked his eyes away from the spare bed.

"In.. indeed," He muttered out, slowly capping the jug. They said Jacali was slowly bleeding out her life, and to loose a life so dear to his comrades and thus to himself had a devistating effect on his emotion. "Indeed it has been, I've been doing well lately. Catching up on studies and complicated things like that..." He replaced the jug quickly, "How about yourself, and little Jakoby?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 24th, 2003, 10:42:11 PM
"It's been very interesting to say the least. But, I'm only allowed one week to be with him. I've contacted my aunt and uncle and they will be arriving in a few days. I really think they are going to take him and I'm very grateful for that. At least this way I'll be able to see him every once in a while." She smiled gently.

"I've heard good news on Jacali, Mylia called me this morning. They believe that the bleeding has been stopped and that she'll be okay. But, it'll be a long haul with her spinal injury. So, that is very good news."

Oct 25th, 2003, 10:44:13 AM
"Great news, indeed!" Kanji nodded slowly once, feeling much lighter with the weight of worry of Jacali's condition off his mind.

After a moment, he mentally reprimanded himself for forgetting the manners so frequently drilled, "Now that little Jakoby is satisfied, would you like something? I have these lovely meat tips in the kitchen that should be finished cooking by now, Crot pots are wonderful devices!"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 25th, 2003, 10:54:06 AM
"I would love too, but...I'm a vegetarian. I can't seem to eat anything that I can communicate with." Quay'Na smiled. "But, I'd be more than happy to sit and chat with you."

Oct 25th, 2003, 11:02:24 AM
Kanji chuckled softly, motioning to the small yet functional couch and chair, allowing Quay the choice of preference first. Dissapearing into the kitchen again, with only a moments glance back and question if she wanted a glass of anything.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 25th, 2003, 11:10:53 AM
Quay'na took a seat on the chair and looked down at the sweet face of Jacoby while Kanji went back into the kitchen. "Anything is fine, Kanji. I'm not picky." She answered.

A few moments later, Jacoby pulled the bottle out of his mouth and gave a good healthy burp.

"Well, I'm glad you feel better, young one." She told him gently as she sat him up and gave him a toy she had in her pocket.

Kanji returned momentarily.

Oct 25th, 2003, 03:53:27 PM
Traversing across the hardwood floor much like floating on air, he sat a tall glass of sweet smelling tea upon the small center table, sitting down into the chair across from Quay with a soft smile across his face.

"So, Ma'am Quay, the Council denied your keeping of little Jakoby?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 25th, 2003, 04:05:38 PM
Quay'Na thanked him for the drink and then nodded. "Yes, unfortunately so. I really wanted to keep him, but they thought it was for the best that he be taken into a more family oriented environment. I can't argue there and thankfully my aunt and uncle have agreed to take him on. So, everything will work out." She explained as she took a the drink he brought out to her and took a sip.

Jacoby reached for it. She placed it back on the tabel before he had a chance to grab it. "He's quite quick." She laughed.

Oct 25th, 2003, 04:10:24 PM
"So was Chance," slipped from Kanji...

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 25th, 2003, 04:12:40 PM
Quay'Na gave Jacoby back his toy and then looked at Kanji. He seemed sad. "If you don't mind me asking. Who was Chance?"

Oct 25th, 2003, 04:24:51 PM
Caught without an excuse.

"Chance was my adopted son, quite a small child when he came in. Strange too; blonde hair, unique white ears, and a tail with a tuft of fur upon the end. I rescued him from a planet on the outer rim, where he was feverish and near death from work in a," He growled softly, "Damned slave mine."

"Xazor Leo Dawnstrider took him as one of her students, even though she was overwhelmed with padawans already. I tended for his wounds and crafted the Jedi garments that were too big for his size, but fit him nevertheless," Kanji bowed his head, staring to the floor in soft memory, "After the two returned from a mission, Chance seemed to just begin to fade away. I haven't seen a trace of him in a long time, I hope he will return one day for the gift Xazor bestowed upon him."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 25th, 2003, 04:39:09 PM
"That's so sad, Kanji. I'm so sorry." She told him gently. "I hope he returns as well. Perhaps, then you can mend the gap between the two of you."

She could feel the hurt from him shimmering off in waves. "To have a child would mean the world to me. So, I will watch over Jacoby this week and cherish every moment of it. But, when the week is over, I'm sure it will hurt some to see him go."

Oct 25th, 2003, 05:11:55 PM
"Hopefully there wasn't any damage torward the other between Chance and I," Kanji rose his chin back up, "You should spend as much time as you can with little Jakoby, and visit him frequently as well so he's not to detach from your loving care."

Kanji nodded breifly, "A time will come when you are a knight and he will come to study under his mother, then you and he will be together and well!"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 25th, 2003, 05:26:08 PM
Quay'Na smiled gently as she looked down at Jacoby, in many ways Kanji was right, she was his mother and deep down she always would be. "Oh, I dont' think there will be a day I don't think of this little one, just as you think of your son, Kanji. I never knew that something like a child could change the way things look. The picture seems so much larger now."

"I wish there was something I could do to help you with your son, Kanji." She told him as Jacoby dropped his toy and found his bare feet and tried to get to them.

Oct 25th, 2003, 05:39:46 PM
Kanji smiled in response, "I believe that when the time comes, Chance will come back of his own will and I need not pressure him back to me."

He chuckled lightly as Jakoby dropped his toy and found his toes instead, with a quick focus and guidance of his hand, Kanji lofted the plaything and set it upon the table. "Yes, Chance will come back someday. Until then, I have my comrades such as yourself to care of. Who knows the next time someone needs a automatic furniture mover but can't fit one through their door!"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 25th, 2003, 06:11:55 PM
Quay'Na laughed. "Yes, that is true, Kanji. You are quite talented in that realm, much more than myself."

"I've never been a parent before and for the longest time never thought I would be, even if he's in my care only for a week. This little boy has brought so much happiness to my life and it's unreal how much he depends on me. He has so much to look forward to being with my aunt and uncle, they will love him as much as I do."

"I wish the council would see this the way I do. But, I guess they know best about such cases and at least I won't lose contact with him."

Oct 25th, 2003, 06:34:13 PM
"Usually the Council knows best," Kanji replied somberly, the shook his head to clear his thoughts. "I was never questioned with Chance, nor was Lady Xazor. But if he were still with me, and considering Xaz's defect and detention, they would subject the same upon my caretaking."

He steepled his fingers in thought, but ushered it into the back of his mind. "Quite an conundrum!"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 25th, 2003, 06:43:49 PM
Quay'Na shifted slightly to a more comfortable position. "Kinda makes you wonder what they actually do think of us or at least it does me. I've been here for about nine months now and already on my second master in the Temple, not the mention the one I lost in the field that I had had for five years. Three masters already..." She shook her head with a smile. "Makes it sound as if I'm hopeless." She laughed.

Oct 25th, 2003, 06:53:20 PM
"It does, I agree. Dasquian is a exellent instructor and I am progressing well, that is fact, but I feel some of the Jedi here are purposely avoiding me while I am myself, which is to be expected from my structure. But it makes me ponder if the Council does not trust this dragon in it's halls," He shrugged heavily, "It is certainly a change in the normality of daily living, but I am trying to be as friendly and respectable as I can. Maybe they see a threat in my abilites if I was to turn rogue..."

He shook his head softly, taking a long drink from his glass. "No-one is hopeless, as I see it, but some do need more assistance than others. Like... Sir Sejah and his telepathic handicap for example."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 25th, 2003, 07:08:34 PM
"I see you as no threat, Kanji. In fact, I see you as a very dear friend. Any of us could become Rogues, heck I was just a step or two away from becoming a darksider, not to mention my near suicide attempt."

Quay shook her head as the thoughts of those days made her shudder slightly. "I was lucky that I had the friends that I did. Master Dasquian saved my life and I'll always be indebted to him for that. Those days pretty much ruined my reputation for quite a while."

She sighed. "But, my true friends stood behind me. You, one of them and I thank you for that. But, those days are gone now and I've come a long way from them. I'm once again gaining respect from those who looked down on me and that's a very good feeling."

"My new master, Master Evanar is an excellent teacher as well and even though I may not be able to learn some things from him, what he can teach me is about diplomatics and being calm, collected and refrain myself from emotional outbursts."

Oct 26th, 2003, 08:24:27 PM
"Diplomatics are much more a weapon than any lightsaber could be," Kanji nodded.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 26th, 2003, 08:40:22 PM
"Yes, I agree. I don't like to use my lightsabre unless I can't avoid it. I do my best to avoid it whenever possible. How is your training coming along?"

Oct 27th, 2003, 04:51:40 PM
"Swell so far," He replies, "I cannot decide on which path I should take to continue my training though... Illusions, combat, medical... they are all exellent to learn in, but I cannot choose!"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 27th, 2003, 07:36:16 PM
Yes, I agree. Those are all very cool and I would have quite a time choosing too. Animals will always be my thing, I can't think of anything better to do." Quay'Na smiled as she took another drink.

Jacoby had finally started to settle down again.

Oct 29th, 2003, 03:24:55 PM
"I see. An affinity like that could prove useful for counter-intellegence if the need arises, not a soul would imagine a bird being a spy who shows a danger to their illegal operation!"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 29th, 2003, 09:24:17 PM
Quay'Na nodded with a smile. "Yes, birds are the best spies, just ask your Master." She laughed a bit. "But, really soon I going to start a new training session with the animals. My former master Ira told me once that someday I would be able to see through an animals eyes and I'm ready to take on that challenge."

Oct 30th, 2003, 08:59:06 PM
Kanji pondered for a moment, thinking of the out of body experience that would allow her to accomplish it, "That would be a superb skill, I must say."

He steepled his fingers for a minute or two, "Let's predict something, Lady Quay, with your affinity for animals... what do you think Little Jacoby here will have a preference to work?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 30th, 2003, 09:39:38 PM
"I hope he has a love for animals, he'll be raised on Naboo in the care of my aunt and uncle. He'll have a grand new way of life, I wish for him to take on the Jedi way, but he may not want that. He may just want to be a 'normal' kid and hopefully stay out of trouble." She looked down now at his sleeping form.

"How about you? Any guesses on this little one?"

Nov 1st, 2003, 01:51:18 AM
Kanji leaned forward, propping his elbows upon knees.

"Well, he is quick - a good trait for any to have," he began to rub the center of his brow with two fingers, as if suppressing a slight headache, "But... I too sense that little Jacoby here will probally be as you speak, like his mother."

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 2nd, 2003, 10:06:17 AM
"I hope so, Kanji. I've only this week with him, I wish i could keep him, but the council more or less forbid it. So, I will accept their wishes and see him off to my aunt and uncle when they come to retrieve him. I will visit him though as often as I can. The whole thing seems very unfair, but who's to argue?" She sighed deeply as she looked down at the child.

Nov 10th, 2003, 09:31:23 PM
"Not us, for one."

He leaned back, "But if the Council deems it so, there has to be a very good reason for so. I mean, they wouldn't just take yours away from you unless it will hinder ye' from training or studies.." Kanji shrugged quickly, "They did not mind Chance being under my care, but that was long ago."

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 13th, 2003, 04:25:08 PM
Quay'Na nodded. "Yes, and I will do as they advise, even though I think it's wrong." She looked down at Jacoby. "I may never be able to have a child of my own and I was hoping that this little one would somehow fill that gap I have."