View Full Version : Watch your language!
General Tohmahawk
Oct 24th, 2003, 08:09:14 PM
"You got to be kidding me...?"
"Sorry sir, it's the rules"
Tohmahawk nailed the trooper with a glare that spoke wxactly what he was thinking of the suggestion. "You know where you can shove the rules, peckerhead. I run senate secuity and I used to run it here. Now, tell me to hand my gun over again, you get it as an enema"
The troopers, new faces by the looks if it, looked nervously at each other. In the NR, who hadnt heard of General Tohmahawk and the vicious temper? A bitter tyrant when he was angry, the troopers had no doubt that he would do exactly as he said. They glanced nervously, tryign to get some courage up to speak, but the General took the option away - he went straight through. Damn greenhorns.... I'm allowed in this dump.
His temper didnt improve looking around. There were far too many Jedi around here for his liking. Annoyed that the frelling droog had arranged a meeting within the type f beings Tohmahawk hated the most, Force Users.
But, maybe there was some wisdom settign a meetign here in a bar full of peacekeepers. It meant that Tohmahawk would be less likely to slam that being's teeth so far down it's throat, they could eat breakfast with its bum. Still.....
At least the barman was normal. "Corellian fire water. Straight" Tohmahawk growled. Now to wait for the idiot. And hopefully not die with the Force User stench
Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 24th, 2003, 08:44:58 PM
It had been a very trying morning already as Quay'Na Rakai entered the Bar and Grill. First thing that morning, her roommates dog, George seemingly chewed up one of her best pair of boots and then the Wildside Animal Refuge called and informed her that Urma and one of her friends had called in. Which in turn, would make she and Mylia have to stay later and probably miss Jacali's visitation at the med center.
The day was not going well at all for the young Padawan as she passed the guards and walked up to the bar and took a seat by a rather tough looking man she'd never seen.
Corellian Firewater, Straight.
"Stuff'll kill ya." She told him with a slight smile. It wasn't her normal way of beginning a conversation, but what was lately? And anyway, who really cared at this point?
General Tohmahawk
Oct 24th, 2003, 09:38:31 PM
What the......?!?!
He slowly put the glass down, before turning his head and nailing the young woman with a flat stare.
"I didn't ask for your opinion." he snapped. "What, are you one of these retard Jedi, always sticking their nose in where they aint wanted?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 24th, 2003, 09:44:02 PM
Quay'Na smirked at his rudeness, but wasn't surprised. Nothing surprised her anymore. She merely shook her head and laughed. "Retard Jedi, hmpfft. So, little you know about us, Sir. And no I don't recall you asking my opinion, I just gave it."
General Tohmahawk
Oct 24th, 2003, 10:36:43 PM
"I know a lot more about you foul breed than you realise" Tohmahawk growled. "I've spend 10 years wasting my life dealing with your type of bottom feeding trash. Do you really think waving your hands about gives you some right to lord it over others?" He turned back to his drink, which frankly he was resisting the urge to throw it at the Jedi. But that would be waste of good booze.
Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 24th, 2003, 10:48:54 PM
Quay'na raised an eyebrow to his fierce comment. "Lord it over others? Who do you think we are?" Now, this was interesting.
"I assure you, Sir. I, for one do not Lord my powers over others, simply because it's not in good taste of being a Jedi. Even though, to some they may very well deserve it." She answered frankly, not faltering at all.
Sanis Prent
Oct 25th, 2003, 08:08:51 PM
"Quay'Na Rakai!"
My voice boomed from outside, audible from the interior of the B&G.
"You and I have unfinished business!"
In front of me, a young woman stood, terror frozen on her face, as the cold steel of a blaster barrel pressed against her temple. She stood in such a way as to prevent an attack from hitting me without hitting her. She remained motionless, fearful of the consequences of not doing so. In the meantime, I awaited the Jedi's response.
Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 25th, 2003, 09:59:25 PM
The Padawan groaned and shook her head. "I'll tell ya, that guy just doesn't give up! I'll be back, maybe." She told the general. Though, he probably could care less as she slid off her bar stool.
Adjusting her Jedi robe, she took a deep breath. Sanis was starting to get on her nerves.
This was it, she had to face him. There was no getting by it, though she wished there was some kind of backup for her, but not even Pierce was on duty tonight.
Quay'Na retrieved her lightsabre, Ira's sabre that she was now claiming, and walked out the door as she clipped it to her belt. She took notice of the situation and laughed. "Sanis, I would have thought that even you would have some kind of decency. Let the woman go, I'm right here, we can have a fair fight. No one else is around, I'm all yours."
Sanis Prent
Oct 26th, 2003, 07:41:50 AM
"Fair fight?"
I smiled.
"That's funny. I seem to recall offering that very thing to you, earlier."
I tightened my grip on the blaster.
"You insult me, and my generosity. Now you expect me to be just as generous? I told you that if you didn't show, you wouldn't like the outcome."
Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 26th, 2003, 07:53:09 AM
Quay'Na sighed deeply. "You got what you want, I'm here. Just let her go. She has nothing to do with this, or must you hide behind someone all the time, Sanis? If you are so tough, be tough now! Face me alone!"
She raised an eyebrow, awaiting his response.
Sanis Prent
Oct 26th, 2003, 12:44:25 PM
"I'm not going to fight you today, Quay'Na. You lost that chance. No, you're going to give your saber up to the man at the door, and you're going to come with me. You're going to do this, or this pretty lady's gonna die."
I looked to her without any shred of humor in my expression.
Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 26th, 2003, 12:55:06 PM
Quay'Na sighed deeply as she nodded. There was no reason for the young woman to die for her, Quay wouldn't allow it.
"Very well, but I expect you to do your part of the bargain." Not sure whether to trust him or not, Quay'Na turned and walked back into the B&G. She handed her sabre over to one of the guards. "Make sure this gets into Jedi Master Morgan Evanar's hands and tell him that Quay is in the hands of Sanis Prent."
Quay'Na turned and walked back out, with her hands in the air. "My weapon is no longer on me, now I expect you to keep your end of the bargain. Let the woman go."
Lldian Sorve
Oct 26th, 2003, 01:56:16 PM
' What in frells name?' Sorve muttered, throwing down a newly lit cigrette to the floor. He just could not think this was actually going on, that bloody Prent guy just would not give up...the man was something of a pratt when it came down to picking the right moments.
' How in frecks name did you annoy the crap outta Sanis bloody Prent!' Lldian said to himself, perhaps almost to loud. But it was typical of one of Blues' friends to provoke the biggest bounty hunter in the galaxy...bloody frickin typical.
The cloaked figure leaned up against the wall of an ally way watching the confrontation, he would stay out of it for now, but if it went any further he would intervene, hell he wanted is money after all, her getting killed meant end of contract for Sorve.
Jacob Nives
Oct 26th, 2003, 02:06:08 PM
“I have a question.”
A voice to Lldian’s right spoke up, as it became apparent that there was another man in a cloak – face shrouded by the hood – stood watching the goings-on between Mr Prent and Miss Rakai.
Sanis Prent
Oct 26th, 2003, 02:20:32 PM
I squeezed the trigger, sending a corona of blue energy into the woman's skull. The stunning attack coarsed through her body, dropping her to the ground like a rag doll...unconcious, but undamaged. As the woman fell away, she revealed what she had been hiding. My other hand grasped my shell gun, which was previously hidden from view behind the small of her back. Now, it was squared at Quay. My blaster, I turned to her as well.
"On your knees."
Lldian Sorve
Oct 26th, 2003, 02:29:43 PM
' And i have an answer; bugger off' The black clad Assassin hissed looking from the silohette behind him to his target infront of him, lucky enough there was a speeder or two 10 or 15 feet away from where Sorve was starting, a good view point, and also a good area to attack.
The cloaked figure ducked down, still ignoring Jacob and sprinted, almost silently towards the two parked speeders ahead. The cloth sandles he was wearing were fect for silence, letting off no found in movement at all. The last few feet he ducked and rolled into position silently pushing his back against the speeder and poked the his eyes above its hood.
The shell gun was there.
' Oh, here we go...' He whispered to himself.
' Just what we needed next, the bloody shell gun'
Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 26th, 2003, 02:32:18 PM
The Padawan took a deep breath as she got to her knees. If the woman had been out of the picture she would've tried to do something, but she was still in harms way and she'd not chance it. She was a Jedi after all and she would think of a way out of this....somehow.
"Okay," Quay'Na nodded as she sighed deeply again. "Sanis, you won't get away with this. I promise you that." Her voice turned acidly.
Jacob Nives
Oct 26th, 2003, 02:35:55 PM
Watch your language, Jacob thought to himself, shaking his head, Bad answer.
The Lupine cleared his throat.
“Mr Prent,” he said, at the top of his voice.
“It appears you have a guest who intends to remove Miss Rakai from your possession. He is hiding rather badly behind the red ’78 model speeder and I imagine intends to spring upon you from behind it.”
Sanis Prent
Oct 26th, 2003, 02:38:55 PM
"Let him."
I shouted to the hooded man.
"If he wants to be a hero, he can clean up her corpse."
I then looked to Quay, and addressed her response.
"I know."
I said somberly, pacing around Quay until I stood behind her.
"Retirement's a rare thing in my line of work. Eventually, somebody will get my number. The only thing that separates me from all those other fatalists is that that day isn't today."
Quay could now feel the gentle pressure as I pressed the twin barrels of my shell gun against her head.
"How often to you think about death, Miss Rakai?"
Lldian Sorve
Oct 26th, 2003, 02:53:07 PM
' Thank you cloaked one, but i think i can introduce myself, in fact i doubt i have to since Prent and i have met before...' The Assassin said standing to his full height. As quickly as he said this the black clad assassin drew his E-11 from its holster across his back and pointed it towards Prent as he made his way around the car.
' You know i was going to let you get away with it this time, simply observe you, but that fool over there messed that up for you' Sorve said nodding in Nives direction. ' I have a job to do as you do Mr. Prent, i had no intention of intervening this eve, so i would congratulate him over there for this little predicament were in...' He said calmly.
' Let her go...'
General Tohmahawk
Oct 26th, 2003, 06:15:24 PM
There was now a very, very, very angry General coming out the door. Sidearms out, safeties off, and the glint in his eye when he was pissed. There were the two door guards following, blasters drawn. And the hint more were coming. What type of idiot would have the stupidity to start somethign here?!?!?
"If any of you dirtbags move or speak out of turn, your going to become splat marks. My name is Tohmahawk and you interrupted a discussion the lady and I were having. Now either you <smallfont color=#98271E>-Censored-</smallfont>wits drop em and <smallfont color=#98271E>-Censored-</smallfont> off, or I open up first and call out every <smallfont color=#98271E>-Censored-</smallfont>ing trooper and Jedi within 2 k's to scrape up the remains"
The barrel of one the MK IV Rail Guns came up and pointed directly at Prent's head. The other covered the general area, while the guards also gave cover.
"Pull the trigger or do anything more than drop the gun, your head becomes mince. Your under arrest dickless and anyone else who does more than fart without my permission"
Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 26th, 2003, 06:55:01 PM
Quay'Na grunted. "It won't be my death, Prent." She felt the barrel of his shell gun against her head. She relaxed and allowed the Force to flow around her.
It wasn't long before she heard a voice...a familiar voice yell from the alleyway beside the B&G. No, it couldn't be.... It sounded just like....Vega.
It distracted her for an instant, but not before she saw Lldian Sorve stand up from behind a nearby speeder. She wondered how he always seemed to be around at these untimely moments. Of course, she wasn't about to complain, he'd helped her out more than once. But, this time she wasn't even sure that he could help.
It was about that time that the General came out ranting and cussing, but she wasn't pointed in the right direction to see his weapon pointed at Prent's head. She couldn't believe it, that he was actually helping her. After all that was said inside.
This little interruption gave the Padawan the seconds she needed. With the Force already flowing around her, she locked the trigger to Prent's shell gun, there was no way he'd be able to use it.
Then, with an added effort, Quay'Na called telepathically to the nature around the area. Friends, come your help is needed!! I need you now!! Within seconds, the sound was heard, wings. Many wings of many birds and bats. Louder and louder it got as a dark mass suddenly burst into the street from all directions.
Quay'Na hit the ground and rolled as the mass swarmed around Prent, swooping, pecking and biting.
Quay'Na rolled far enough and then quickly stood, still keeping her mental lock on Prent's trigger as he flung his arms around in the mad frenzy of flying animals.
Sanis Prent
Oct 26th, 2003, 10:06:51 PM
OOC: Never RP my actions again, ever.
The winged creatures swooped down towards me, intent on striking at me. Unfortunately for them, they were going to be rudely cut short. Beak and claw alike dashed themselves on my personal shield, throwing disoriented animals here and there as they bounced off my defense.
"You're the dumbest Jedi I've ever seen. Learn to stay down."
I turned the Westar blaster on Quay, and unloaded an incapacitation bolt into her head, dropping her like a sack of potatoes. Kicking her body forward, I looked up, eyes shifting quickly between the old General, and the persistent bodyguard. The birds and bats previously under Quay's control now retreated, as their mistress lay unconcious at my feet.
If Tohmahawk or Lldian were thinking of advancing, I made them reconsider it by pointing my shell gun straight down, at Quay's now-defenseless body.
"This isn't what I want." I warned.
General Tohmahawk
Oct 26th, 2003, 10:22:44 PM
He took careful aim.....
The first shot hit the gun and knocked it away from where it was pointed. The fury was building, almost to the point where smoke was curling out his ears.
"I dont give a <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> what you want Prent. PUT THE <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>ING GUNS DOWN NOW <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> or by the powers up above, you better pray I get to you first"
From inside the bar, there was a snarl.
"Make you mind up Prent. You got 2 seconds. 1......"
Sanis Prent
Oct 26th, 2003, 10:31:12 PM
The General's warning shot glanced off my shield, careening into a duracrete edifice, 10 feet away. I returned my westar to its holster...
...and ducked down, pulling Quay upwards by her collar, so that her torso blocked the General's line of fire.
The trigger-happy geezer would have to try something more tactful now.
"Back down."
Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 27th, 2003, 05:29:04 AM
Lldian Sorve
Oct 27th, 2003, 05:53:45 AM
Sorve, along with Tohmahawk had his E-11 trained on Prent. The mans personal sheilding was up again, clearly the man was nothing more than a worthless thug, hiding behind not only sheilding, but a woman also.
' This is starting to get real boring...' The Assassin hissed. His eyes not leaving Prents. He automaticly guessed that the General and himself had the same objective concerning Quay'Na so he made no bother to defend himself from him quite yet.
He new that the shielding would hold out with projectiles, so another route had to be taken, the Assassin searched his surroundings, but kept an eye on Prent also, this mad ether way, had to be disposed off.
Jacob Nives
Oct 27th, 2003, 06:06:27 AM
The guards looked confused for a moment before turning and directing their guns at new targets, a newfound madness in their eyes. One trained his rifle on the General, and the other on Sorve. Jacob smiled to himself – his latest training with Dalethria had really paid off. He had total control of them and, most importantly, their trigger fingers.
“Sir,” the first said with a hollow voice, “Lower your weapons.”
Chris Raynark
Oct 27th, 2003, 06:15:19 AM
"Drop 'em yourself."
A very imposing barrel of a railgun pressed to the temple of Senor Guardo numbero uno with Chris Raynark on the other end..
Sanis Prent
Oct 27th, 2003, 09:46:15 AM
Originally posted by Quay'Na Rakai
The stun gun didn't keep the Padawan out for long, her eyes blinked open and quickly she realized where she went wrong.
Quay'Na closed her eyes and drew on the Force again, this time locking down both of Prent's weapons. Then with an abrupt force, she elbowed him right in the nose, she wasn't going down that easily.
She too, heard the snarl from inside the B&G, while keeping a firm lock on Prent's weapons.
OOC: No. Thats pretty blatant godmoding. You're down for a bit.
Eyes fixed on Tohmahawk, I raised my left wrist to my mouth.
"Marcus, I need an exit, pronto."
An artificial voice on the other end responded.
"Understood, Sanis."
Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 27th, 2003, 03:22:01 PM
Originally posted by Quay'Na Rakai
This little interruption gave the Padawan the seconds she needed. With the Force already flowing around her, she locked the trigger to Prent's shell gun, there was no way he'd be able to use it.
Then, with an added effort, Quay'Na called telepathically to the nature around the area. Friends, come your help is needed!! I need you now!! Within seconds, the sound was heard, wings. Many wings of many birds and bats. Louder and louder it got as a dark mass suddenly burst into the street from all directions.
Quay'Na hit the ground and rolled as the mass swarmed around Prent, swooping, pecking and biting.
Quay'Na rolled far enough and then quickly stood, still keeping her mental lock on Prent's trigger as he flung his arms around in the mad frenzy of flying animals.
OOC: Technically, I shouldn't even be don't even start...
Sanis Prent
Oct 27th, 2003, 03:28:41 PM
OOC: It was your choice to participate in an open RP. Don't blame me for it. Fix your post.
Also, any OOC from this point on, keep to PM. Lets not clutter the thread.
Helenias Evenstar
Oct 28th, 2003, 12:27:16 AM
The noise of gunfire drew my attention outside. I cursed the noise, before getting up off my stool and waddling to the door. Waddling was probably the correct description for the walk of a six month pregnant woman, what was it going to be like in another three? I felt fat and ungainly, no matter that in fact I was still fit from adjustments to the exercise routine. Much less body punishment, more low stress workout.
Another shot and I rolled my eyes. What type of fool started something outside of a bar? I made the door, then poked my head out to assess the situation - then ducked back again. Tohmahawk had someone I recognised at the end of one gun barrel, there were two troops pointing guns back and the other, another character pointing an assault gun at them, two others, one a Dark Sider by the feel, the other I had no idea. I poked my head out to see if my summation was right, which was wehn I noted it was Prent and he had a hostage. And what appeared to be a personal shield.
"Moron" I muttered. Closing my eyes I reached out, feeling with the Force for what I wanted. Then, with a small mental twist, pulled the power cell out of the shield generator. Not by much, but the cessation of power was enough. I heard the crack of rail guns and the howls of pain as Tohmahawk undoubtfully dealt with the situation.
"Will you shut up Lochabare?" I snapped to the snarling bouncer, who was unfolding himself. "I'm trying to listen. Ah screw it, I'll look" and that I did, poking my head out once again.
Jacob Nives
Oct 31st, 2003, 01:01:46 PM
OOC: Hellooooooo anybody out there?
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