View Full Version : Dinner and talk (Cordell)

Tony Maxwell
Oct 24th, 2003, 12:58:23 PM
Tony walked through the door of Yolanda's fine restraunt, He was wearing his Jedi robes, He had reserved a table earlyer that day for himself and Cordell

He made his way to the table and sat down, Tony picked up a menu as he waited for Cordell to show up.

Cordell Le'Kray
Oct 24th, 2003, 02:19:35 PM
Cordell Le'Kray was shown to the table that Tony had reserved. The place was very nice and Cordell was dressed in a gray suit. He was quite used to places like this especially with his new job.

"Good evening, Tony." Cordell greeted teh young Jedi Padawan and took a seat.

Tony Maxwell
Oct 24th, 2003, 10:47:06 PM
Tony smiled "Its nice to see you again Cordell" He said as a waiter walked up tp their table "what will be your order gentlemen?" the waiter said to them

Tony turned back to the menu "I'll have a steak, meduim rare and a glass of water" He said as he handed the man his menu

the waiter turned to Cordell "and you sir?" the waiter said to Cordell.

Cordell Le'Kray
Oct 24th, 2003, 10:57:36 PM
"I'll take the same, but with a baked potato with sour cream and a side salad with Ranch...oh and a nice glass of red wine." He added with a smile. After the waiter walked off, Cordell looked at Tony. "So, I had a feeling that you were wanting to talk to me about something. Something very important."

Tony Maxwell
Oct 24th, 2003, 11:02:25 PM
Tony let out a small sigh as he thought about what he was about to say "well sir" He paused for a moment "I would like to....like to...to"He studered as he spoke "I would like to...to...ask you for the right ot marry you daughter Yasmin."

Cordell Le'Kray
Oct 24th, 2003, 11:07:11 PM
Had he taken a drink, he would've choked on it. Cordell merely stared at the young man for a few moments, while this registered clearly in his mind. "You want...to marry Yasmin." He finally said, he didn't realize that they had gotten that close.

Tony Maxwell
Oct 24th, 2003, 11:13:27 PM
Tony nodded his head "yes I would like to sir" He said hoping to win Cordell's trust in the matter.

Cordell Le'Kray
Oct 24th, 2003, 11:16:05 PM
Cordell pondered on this for a moment. "Do you realize what marriage involves? You are quite young to be pledging your life to another." He only said this out of concern for the two, nothing else.

Tony Maxwell
Oct 24th, 2003, 11:28:36 PM
"I love you daughter will all my heart and I would rather Die then be without her."

Cordell Le'Kray
Oct 24th, 2003, 11:41:04 PM
Cordell could see and hear the devotion this young man held towards his daughter, but still he wondered if the two were a bit young to be making this lifetime commentment to one another.

"Tony, I understand how you feel. I felt the same when I was your age and you can see the mess it got me into. You really need to think about this before jumping in head first. My daughter needs to think of this as well. I'm not saying you can't, I'm merely saying think about it a little more. Marriage is not always what it's cracked up to be, especially for two Padawan's in the Order. Yasmin told me that she was accepted and I think. that she really needs some time to adjust to this new way of life. For her, this is a big change." The waiter came back with their drinks, Cordell took a sip of his.

This conversation was difinitely not one he had expected.

Tony Maxwell
Oct 24th, 2003, 11:46:33 PM
Tony was quite for a moment as he siped his water "I know how Yasmin must feel right now since its what every new padawan gos through

and I wasnt going to ask her instantly after we met here" He said as he scractched his chin with his fingers "I just wanted you permission so that when the time is right I can ask her to marry me."

Cordell Le'Kray
Oct 25th, 2003, 06:09:36 AM
Cordell laughed. "I know, my boy and you have my blessing. I think my daughter is very lucky to have found such a nice decent young man. I'm sure she'll be over-joyed when you do ask her."

Tony Maxwell
Oct 25th, 2003, 04:22:40 PM
Tony smiled "I am gald you have given me this permision" He said as the waiter showed up with the rest of their orders "enjoy you meals gentlemen" the waiter said as he walked away

He took a bit of his steak and chewed it slowly, he took a sip of his water to wash it down "so whats happend in your life since we last met Cordell?"

Cordell Le'Kray
Oct 25th, 2003, 04:29:58 PM
"Well, the new job has been hectic, but it's getting better. Some of those private owners really think they can give you the run around. But, that's about as far as I let them get. The job has been interesting to say the least. How about you?" He asked as he took a bite of his own steak, it was perfect.

Tony Maxwell
Oct 25th, 2003, 08:59:22 PM
"I've been spending alot of my time building a new Droid" He said as he took another bite "I already finished one and im working on the secone one now" Tony said asfter he swollowed.

Cordell Le'Kray
Oct 26th, 2003, 04:24:05 AM
"Well, that is very interesting." Cordell answered as he began to mix up his salad. "What kind of droid?"

Tony Maxwell
Oct 26th, 2003, 04:11:33 PM
"well my first one was a Guardian droid made to protect curtain people and the one im working on now is a personal assistance droid" Tony said proudly.

Cordell Le'Kray
Oct 26th, 2003, 06:15:13 PM
"Very interesting, my boy. Ever think of marketing them? There is a lot of money to be had there. I could help you out if you'd like. I've got plenty of contacts."

Oct 27th, 2003, 05:06:29 AM
I walk into the bar wearing my black hooded robe i walk over to tony and Cordell and asks if i can join you

"sorry to disturb you but i have traveled many miles from doing a bounty and would but gratefull if i could sit with you.

While i wait for my reply i walk to the bar and order a drink"

Tony Maxwell
Oct 27th, 2003, 01:39:35 PM
Tony smiled "I dont think Ill sells the first one I make" He took another bite "its hard to build a droid by yourself, so If i did sell my droids I would be selling something that took me months to build."

Oct 28th, 2003, 03:32:46 AM
Tony dont be show rude i asked you a question and you ignore me

"i get up with my gun in hand and i ask again can i joni you"

Cordell Le'Kray
Oct 28th, 2003, 04:38:14 AM
Cordell had acknowledged the man, but had been unable to answer since he went to the bar. When he returned and presented his gun, Cordell put his hands up. "Sir, no need for that, of course you may join us. Please, sit. We've got plenty of room and the food here is excellent."

Cordell offered his hand to the man in a friendly gesture. "Cordell Le'Kray, it's nice to meet you."

Tony Maxwell
Oct 28th, 2003, 02:49:34 PM
Tony didnt like the man who had just sat down with them, and the comment about the gun had made Tony angry

He moved one of his hands under the table and into his pocket where he grabed a small device and pressed a button on it, he then brought his hand back up and set it down on the table "I dont mind if you join us" He said with a weak smile "the names Tony Maxwell."