View Full Version : End Of The World: Prelude

Zasz Grimm
Oct 23rd, 2003, 11:15:24 PM
Man: "I won't do it! I can't do it! They've done so much good... I can't sell them out!"

Figure: "You can. You will."

Man: "No! You don't understand! They helped me, they saved my family!"

Figure: "Your point? I will kill your family."

Man: "No! You can't! I won't give you any of the information I have-aAA!"

The man's voice seemed to be cut off, as did the rest of his body. It seemed the man was frozen- In stasis. He lived, he blinked, sounds of struggle could be heard as Zasz walked forward.

"I don't need you anymore."

The grip was released from the man, and he started to run immediately. However, he was taken aback by a quick thrust from the side of a hand to his adams apple. It was hard, and sharp. It cut off the flow of oxygen that he had been receiving, and immediately he collapsed, choking, asphyxiating.

He reached up for the black, cleric like robes Zasz wore. The Dark Jedi watched him choke. The man finally grabbed hold of the robes, his face pleading for help, for oxygen.

Stepping back, it caused the man to fall. He then proceeded to place a kick right in his chest, causing a sickening crack, and then the man was flung hard to the wall of the large structure they were facing. He coughed blood onto the walls, then died. His pain was ending.

The insolent fool found release in death.

Blood was shed on a building mere meters from the Jedi Temple.

He turned from the corpse; his would be traitor to the Jedi Order. He moved, the end of his garb lightly hitting the wind, causing it to furl a bit. His hands were held behind his back as he turned, and walked out of the large alleyway, right into the bright daylight.

The glasses he wore; dark frames, kept he sun from his eyes, and kept those dark brown orbs hidden from anyone's view. He passed by several bystanders before a woman, seeing the body in the alley, screamed. She rushed over, so did several others.

Immediately there was a call for help.

A Jedi in the temple, perhaps?

Pierce Tondry
Oct 23rd, 2003, 11:42:57 PM
There's an old law officer's saying: wherever there's a crowd, there's trouble.

It was something a person also learned doing military combat. No matter what happens, be it an assassination, an attack, or a train wreck, the natural response is to stop and gawk.

But in the military, they teach you not to do that. The situation might be a trap, and that half second a person hesitates might never be finished. A soldier's life depends on being able to keep their head in a tense situation.

For Intelligence operatives, this principle holds true on a higher level. Theirs is a world of intrigue and back-blading, of sneaking in one way and exiting another. If the operative can't recognize the deadly potential of a situation as they get into it, the likelihood is that they won't come out of it. Stopping and staring is a death sentence.

Jedi are trained to a level of prescience beyond what the military can teach. For them, trouble registers before it has a chance to become cataclysmic. The trained Jedi is already on the scene working to bring stability and order to events.

Catching sight of the crowd by the Temple entrance, Pierce Tondry went to go check it out.

"Step aside!" Pierce barked, quickly shouldering his way through the gathering crowd of onlookers. "I'm a Republic military official! Please step aside so I can get through."

He breached the gathering of people, spotted the body, and snatched his commlink from his belt. Even as he put in a medical emergency call, his eyes were scanning beyond the people who could not help but stop and stare, looking for the person who had committed the crime.

Zasz Grimm
Oct 24th, 2003, 09:23:42 AM
As people rushed over, to join the already massing crowd, he was walking in the opposite direction. He acted as if disinterested, he walked calmly, in no rush to get anywhere. That's how he was recently. Collected in all things.

However, one of the people rushing forward- a woman, bumped into him. He leaned into it, causing her to be cast down to the dura-crete rather hard. She groaned, and he looked down. He scoffed as he shook his head and began the light walk again.

It was interesting to see the large rush. The curiousity of all the bystanders were always a bad thing for the Jedi, and authorities.

A thorn in their side was welcome to Zasz.

Continuing his walk forward, he occasionally side-stepped someone in his way, his black robes ushering with his long steps.