View Full Version : The Birth of Titian Snow (closed)

Lillian Snow
Oct 23rd, 2003, 04:42:14 PM
Lillian lies awake in the med bay, staring up at the ceiling with a heavy sigh. She doesn't like it here at all, but Logic won't let her leave. He's sitting outside the door no doubt, watching intently for her to leave. She's had an odd amount of energy as of late and just can't sit still. The nurses started fussing about her when she tried to get up and insisted she conserve that energy.

A sharp pain takes her by surprise. The Padawan girl cries out, and soon the nurses are there, clucking and fussing and talking encouragingly to her. Now she understands why they had her conserve it. She's about to have a baby.

Logic suddenly is by her side, holding her hand and supplying all the moral support he can. She squeezes his hand hard as another burst of the sharp pain hits her. Tears roll down her face as she tries to focus on what the nurse is saying. Push, breathe, hang in there, you're doing fine...all of it's running together. Soon, however, Logic makes a sound almost like a relieved laugh, and she's staring blankly at a newborn child...her newborn child.

The nurse gives the baby over to Lillian, showing her how to hold him and letting the young mother bond with her son. Logic takes the boy next to bathe him, and the nurses begin to check on Lillian's health.

"You weren't expected to live through that, you know," says a plump, kindly woman. "I'm so happy for you, dear."

Lillian just coughs in return, settling back against her pillows.

"I've...never felt so terrible in my life..." she confesses, referring to the pain and exhaustion that's filled her body. "But...I'm happy that we're both okay."

Logic brings the baby back, settling him into her arms.

Does he have a name? asks the droid. I recall you talking with that Te woman about it, but you never made a decision.

Lillian takes a long look at the baby settled against her chest, and after a moment's thought, replies.

"His name is Titian Snow."

And with that, her exhaustion overwhelms her and ushers her into a deep, dreamless sleep.

imported_Altered Beast
Oct 24th, 2003, 08:48:53 PM
The nurses have wandered from Lillian's bed, tending to the other patients. She is alone with the child, and now the alpha beast of Armaiil's horde can enter, undetected, through the windows of the med bay. It looms over her, gently scooping the sleeping baby from her arms.

"Teeshhhian, isss iht?" it comments quietly. "Let'sss sssee hhhow you're doing, ssshall we?"

Lillian Snow
Oct 26th, 2003, 08:40:30 PM
The baby sneezes as the beast's fur brushes over his little face. Titian opens his eyes and looks straight into the beast's own, not flinching at the sight of it's pupilless eyes or fangs. His mother sleeps peacefully, unaware of the beast.

imported_Altered Beast
Oct 28th, 2003, 01:55:19 PM
The beast chuckles.

"Whhhell nhhow...let'sss sssee about hyou...Eyessss blue, hhhair red..."

It cocks its head to the side, turning it almost upside down.

"Twhhhenty one inchhhessss tall..." it hisses, hefting Titian gently. "Ssseven poundssss, fhhifteen ouncessss...Blood tyhhpe..."

"Lillian? Are you alright?"

The nurse's call stops the beast short. It returns Titian to his place in Lillian's arms and goes back out the window like a phantom serpent, leaving no trace of it's presence. Titian cries loudly as the window snaps shut, beckoning the nurse and jerking Lillian awake.