View Full Version : Our Framed Lives

Master Ahmrah
Oct 22nd, 2003, 03:09:59 PM
It was three three hours past midnight. Coruscant starts to wake up in two hours time and then the rush really kicks in three hours from now. But the capital never sleeps, flyways and spacelanes are always busy and the streets below are bustling with activity. From where he was sat, Loki could see the bright neon glows of bars and nightclubs down below, the sour spectrum of greens, reds and yellows brought a bitter frown to his face. His skin was slightly discoloured and his eyes were weary for his nights were rarely peaceful anymore and a decent sleep was a rare luxury. Nevertheless, he was happy to sit and wait for the arrival of his padawan's mother, his old friend, Loklorian s'Ilancy Millard.

Whisps of thick steam slithered into the air from the metal cup in his hands. The smell of strong, black coffee was revitalizing and cozy. He took a sip and looked up into the night sky, then at the landing platform outside. A faint smile. Loki wondered how long it had been since he had seen her last, in the flesh, it had been too long. There was a giddy feeling in his stomach, a childish buzzing in his head like he had overdosed on fizzy cola or something. The Jedi shook his head in thought. It was like when your favourite aunt or uncle were coming to visit; you just knew it was going to be fun.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Oct 22nd, 2003, 03:35:37 PM
She hadn't been to Coruscant in far too long - though the last time she'd visited the cityplanet had been more of a 'business venture' to say the least. She enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the lifestyle, but sometimes there were instances where she just wanted peace and solitude. Of course now was a different thing - now, she was on her way to see an old, and very dear friend. Loki Ahmrah. She could still remember seeing his face looking at her across the table, a book on hydrodynamics or some such open in front of him. Unfortunately that particular first meeting hadn't gone well, as the bar they were in had been attacked by dark jedi, but still. He had an innocence about him that struck her.

And ever since then, whenever she'd seen the boy, he'd always been a little older each time; but at the same time he retained that aura of undeniable curiosity that intrigued her every time she talked with him. It was always a joy to be around him and talk with him. And now, that he had taken on the task of training her daughter, Vera, in the ways of the Force,

Though that fact in itself, that her daughter possessed the force, had been a bit of a shock, and s'Il herself had once more had ysalimir brought into the Millard household - deathly afraid that her daughter would accidentally trigger a change without knowing. It had been enough that she and Millard had lost the first child they'd had - s'Il would probably have killed herself had anything happened to the younger two. Thankfully though, Vera had been discreet about her powers, taking the utmost care to not use them when around her mother.

That she was with the Jedi, under the tutelage of Loki, was something akin to a godsend for s'Il. If she was to choose anyone to train Vera, it would have been Loki.

Navigating through the skytraffic, s'Il spotted the landing pad she'd been givin directions to. It was off to the side of the Temple, and s'Il was thankful for that. She knew Loki had been able to pursuade the council to allow her even on the Temple Grounds, but she still didn't want to cause any trouble in the form of resentment during her stay.

Fingers moving methodically over the controls, the Lupine maneuvered The Rascal King over the pad before taking hold of the control throttles to either side of her seat and bring the craft down lightly. Landing struts extended, and the large ship descended softly, settling itself down easily on the tarmac before letting its full weight rest on the struts. She would let the ship shut itself down; there really was no need to do any as MMU took care of himself, and standing, she stratched.

Dressed casually, she began making her way from the bridge and towards the back of the ship.

Without waiting for the gangplank to hit the pad, she began the short trek to the bottom, glad to be on something other than her ship. Booted feet hitting the duracrete landing pad, s'Il turned to watch as MMU ran after her, his small form skipping and twirling as he came down the ramp.

Master Ahmrah
Oct 22nd, 2003, 03:52:06 PM
As the Rascal King descended, it was like stepping back in time and living a memory; it was the same, instantly recognisable vessel and although the alterations and upgrades were noticeable, making it look somewhat foreboding against the black night canvas, it was still the same ship. Fond memories flooded back to the Jedi upon seeing it land elegantly and immediatly he remembered where he would see the jets of exhaust spring forth. And there they were.

And there was Lok and unsuprisingly, MMU waltzing pleasantly behind. Loki's happiness was apparent and he quickly approached, casting aside Jedi formalities, his robes were back the temple and instead he slipped comfortably into a much more casual greeting. His arms wrapped themselves ruthlessly around Lok, giving her a tight hug. He laughed with relief.

"It's so good to see you again, Lok. Now let's get inside, it's bloody freezing!"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Oct 22nd, 2003, 04:07:26 PM
Pulled into an embrace that threatened to squeeze the life out of her, s'Il returned the hug with just as much zest. Seeing Loki again was a breath of fresh air - an odd thing to say since many times over people had said the same thing about her. He looked the same as the last time they'd seen eachother in person, and Lok found she'd missed his company. Loki always seemed to have a way of making her feel at ease; even during the toughest of times - which he had... many years ago.

It was wonderful to see him again.

"You don't look any different," she started, looping her arm in his as he led the way back inside with MMU running at their heels and demanding to be picked up by his 'cousin' Loki.

Master Ahmrah
Oct 22nd, 2003, 04:32:15 PM
"Neither do you. You don't seem to age, Lok. It must be something they put in the water I think. I have to fork out a fortune in cosmetic creams to keep my wrinkles at bay!" He said with the utmost seriousness although Lok's look of amusement suggested she didn't believe him. Although he was fully aware that it would be her lupine blood which kept her in such great health. Loki grinned and MMU having caught up and now skipping along by his side, he tapped him gently on his metal head. Clink. Clink.

"And how are you, little fella?" He asked brightly as they left the cold of the late night behind them. The miniture mainframe's feet tinked against the floor as the three headed down a corridoor, all the while MMU attacked Loki with a verbal barrage of the most random questions. He and Lok laughed and it took some time to satisfy the small fellow.

"How was your journey? No fun and games on the way?" He asked with a mischievous look, giving Lok a gentle nudge in the side with his elbow. "What have you been up to? I want to know eeeeverything!"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Oct 23rd, 2003, 12:13:31 PM
s'Il grinned as they strode indoors, Loki doing his best to answer MMU's questions, and at the Jedi Master's last questions to her, she gave him a look of feigned indignity.

"Are you suggesting that I would do anything illegal?"

A raised eyebrow was the only reaction on his part, and s'Il broke down. "Ok, ok, so I would. But still - I haven't been out on 'business' in a while. Been taking care of other things at home."

At his insistance on wanting to know everything, s'Il only offered him another grin. "Loki, you should know better than to ask a loaded question like that.

"But... to sate your curiosity, I've been spending most of my time fixing up old speeders. I brought one with me, by the way; just finished it a few weeks ago. I haven't even test driven it yet, so I figured what better place to test drive a rebuilt speeder than Coruscant."

A smile as they continued on down the corridor.

"But what about you? How're your padawans... ? You're up to what, 12 now?" she joked, though her next words were more serious as a light sense of concern entered her tone. "I hope Vera's been adjusting well."

Master Ahmrah
Oct 24th, 2003, 10:26:38 AM
"I've only had two other padawans before Vera, actually." Loki confessed after a moments silence and upon seeing Lok's curiosity, he added. "By choice, that is. I also teach lessons to large groups of younger padawans."

Master Ahmrah's expertise was in high demand at the Order, when he was younger he'd decided to take a unique path of learning and what he now specialised in was resisting the Dark Side and defending one's self against the dark arts. This he chose not to reveal to Lok, not just yet at least, he knew it would throw into question his motives behind taking on Vera Millard as his padawan. And rightly so.

"You have nothing to fear for your daughter, Lok, I assure you. She's settled into the Jedi Order as comfortably as all the other padawans; it's not an easy road for anyone to take so no-one can expect her to be happy all the time. She will face some difficult trials in the future, that's all part of the Jedi way of life but she is perfectly safe under my charge."

They arrived at a waiting speeder and Loki motioned for them both to climb inside. "This will take us straight to the temple, just a couple of minutes in a cab. So what do you fancy doing tomorrow? I have to meet Vera in five hours time, we have two hours worth of theory and meditation to cover which should be a barrel of laughs. Vera is not a friend of theory and meditation."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Oct 29th, 2003, 10:09:42 AM
Ducking inside, she allowed MMU to climb up into her lap, and leaning back, rested her hands atop the small avatar's head - idly flicking at his antannae.

A sheepish look of semi-guilt crossed her features at Loki's last words, and s'Il afforded him a sidelong glance. "That's most likely my fault. I never really instilled in her that sort of patience; about the only sense of waiting she has is when it comes to watching guards to figure out their patrol patterns. If she hasn't told of all the outings I took her on, then eventually she will."

At the questioning look he gave her, the Lupine only looked away, out the window. "Let's just say that my husband was not happy at all to find out that his daughter had been a willing accomplice - and sometimes partner - in a few thefts... "

Master Ahmrah
Oct 30th, 2003, 04:01:10 PM
"That doesn't suprise me." Loki replied hesitantly. Lok was staring at him expecting the Jedi to divuldge what he was reluctant to talk about with her. He glanced across and gave her a curt smile to keep her instinctive mother's worrying at bay, her concern was etched into her face and in her metallic eyes, upon which the brilliant white from passing streetlights danced. He knew any attempt to pass on the subject would be an excercise in futility.

"Vera shares common traits with many of our older padawans. It is nothing to worry yourself about, Lok, that is unless you happen to be a Jedi. She is a good person, with a good heart and soul but she is also not too unlike her mother. You are a good woman and friend but I'm hoping that with your daughter's best interests at heart you will agree with me on something." He sat upright and sighed.

"Unless your daughter sheds her habits of old then I will be forced to bring her training to an end. I have been given three weeks."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Nov 3rd, 2003, 04:09:29 PM
There was no visible reaction at Loki's words, and usually, to many who knew her, such a reaction as that was a bad thing. Her daughter's training was being brought into question because of she herself, and also, sthe Lupine was willing to bet, because of her husband, Taylor Millard.

It was easy to see, however, a storm building in her metallic eyes. A storm that would not pass easily. She wasn't angry at Loki in the least - she knew he was only doing as he was told; most likely he was the one who asked the council for the time to help Vera, but still.

" 'Sheds her habits of old... ' " was her only reply, the tone of her voice low as she stared at the Jedi Master. MMU's antannae dropped immediately at the sound of her voice, and he instantly scrambled from her lap to Loki's. He knew when it wasn't safe to be in such close quarters when she used that voice.

"And what... habits... would we be talking about."

Master Ahmrah
Nov 18th, 2003, 06:48:36 PM
"Habits such as engaging in activities considered unlawful." Loki answered bluntly. It was a skill he had learned from his talks with Taylor, the ability to cut through the bantha dren and get straight to the point - quick and painless like tearing off a bandaid. Lok's expression hadn't changed much and he continued. "Vera is often hot-headed and confrontational, for a Jedi that is, she's hardly what I'd call a loose cannon but it's enough for the Council to consider her a threat."

"A threat, Lok, that is how they see her - do you understand what I mean by this?" His voice was burdened with guilt. Not to long ago he had guaranteed her husband and in front of Lok no less that there was no longer any corruption in the Jedi Order. Now here he was, back-tracking. "Vera was accused of starting a terrible brawl in a bar not too long ago. One of the patrons was seriously injured. You know your daughter, as do I, and that is not like her and I have her word that the accusations are unfounded. So--"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Nov 23rd, 2003, 12:35:29 PM
A single finger was held up, and Loki instantly stopped talking. Her features were stern and her tone taut with the beginnings of controlled anger. It was easy to see she didn't enjoy the emotion, but s'Il knew there were times when to be angry and times when it was in her best interests to stay neutral. Unfortunately, now was not a time for the latter.

"My daughter knows better than to start a barfight. She's smarter than that. She's the farthest thing from a threat to anyone - and as far as these "unlawful activities", I would have to hear from her own mouth before I base an opinion of my own on that matter. You know what I think of most laws, Loki, and you know that I circumvent them on almost a daily basis."

She was silent then, turning from Loki to glare out the window. The news was disturbing to say the least, and s'Il idly thought about simply taking Vera back home, but she knew that the situation betwee her husband and youngest child was a tense one, so with a sigh, she closed her eyes. Head dropping a little, the Lupine suddenly felt old. Her children were grown and going about their own lives, and even Loki had grown - to be a Jedi Master, no less. In a roundabout way she felt passed on, given up for the new generation and thrown out with the old. And in some ways, she felt like an antique.

"Loki, I honestly don't know what I can do," was her soft reply, and she leaned back, eyes still closed. "I may know a few of the masters around here, but I'm sure no one has ever forgotten that day."

She knew she hadn't forgotten it - and she was sure Loki hadn't forgotten either. After all, it wasn't an easy thing to forget.

Master Ahmrah
Nov 23rd, 2003, 01:07:33 PM
"We can't afford to dwell on the past, Lok. What's done is done and everyone makes mistakes." Loki saw his friend's eyes open and give him a sidelong glance as if to make sure he wasn't being patronising with her but his face was lined with sincerity and more importantly, concern. "We both know that it is Vera's dream to become a Jedi Knight and I'll be damned if I am left to stand idly by while that dream is shattered. She needs our help, Lok and she needs you."

Loki's breathing was somewhat erratic, his voice was wheezy, burdened with desperation and guilt. He needed Lok's help and hadn't admitted it yet, it wasn't a question of pride but in doing so was he admitting to failing her daughter? His stomach did a backflip at the thought and his jaw clenched tight with frustration. He ran a hand through his hair and brought it to a stop at the back of his neck which he started to rub, deep in thought. "I'm going to be brutally honest with you here, Lok, because we don't have time to discuss things over a nice cup of tea."

A heavy sigh. "The only way I can see your daughter getting through this is if we convince her to be someone else, at least until this trial period is over. I know, I know! I don't like it either and Vera definately wont like it but it's a question of her choosing her pride over her dream."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Dec 2nd, 2003, 03:23:31 PM
There was a silence as the Lupine mulled over his words, and she drew in a long breath before expelling it in an even longer sigh. She knew Loki was right - it was just that she'd always encouraged Vera to be her own person; to never let anyone tell her what she should be and how she should act. s'Il only hoped that Vera would listen and understand.

"I'll do what I can, but I won't be able to promise you anything. I always told my daughter to be who she wanted, and now that she's in this situation I don't know what her reaction will be. I know she's smart - scarily at times... " a pause, as s'Il looked down at her hands momentarily, "... she got that from Taylor - there's times when I've looked at her and seen him in her eyes.

"Loki, it's not my place to dictate anything over my daughter - she's a grown woman doing her own thing. She not living with me anymore - she's beyond that.

"What she does is ultimately her choice. I'm not about to force her to do something; all I'll do is give my advice and let you tell her about the ramifications of her current actions. After that, it's all up to her. I don't want to see her lose a lifelong dream, but I'm also not about to stuff her in a mold... "

Master Ahmrah
Dec 3rd, 2003, 02:36:27 PM
The hovercab came to a halt along with the rest of the traffic in their lane, they had come to another junction and the trip was taking longer than expected. It seems this cab driver likes taking the longer routes to his destinations, no doubt to squeeze as much money out of his customers as possible. Loki sighed and looked across to Lok again.

"I'm not asking you to force your daughter to do anything, I'd never ask that of you, Lok. Hopefully, if we both talk to her about the situation she will do whatever is best for her. It could boil down to principles - will she be prepared to be someone else for a period of time in order to ensure her future as a Jedi or would she rather be herself and not be a Jedi? And--"

"Excuse me, I'll be just a minute." The driver suddenly chimmed in, turning in his seat to address his passengers. He pointed to a sign saying "Public Toilets" and dashed out of his vehicle. The traffic wasn't moving yet but Loki had a feeling they'd be waiting here a while, knowing how the driver in question seems to con money out of his fare. He sighed.

"Three credits." Loki noted, looking at the meter. He frowned. "That's not too bad actually for the distance we've gone. Anyway, as I was saying, I'll support her in whichever decision Vera makes but I'd hate to lose her as a padawan. I've become quite attatched to her in our time together. What baffles me is why are the council being so unusually strict with one padawan? Somehow I don't think it's to test my skills as a mentor, either."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Dec 5th, 2003, 04:55:40 PM
His last words created a bit of unrest in the pit of her stomach, and s'Il couldn't her but feel the beginning pangs of uneasiness creep up on her. That apparently her daughter was being singled out in a sense wasn't a settling thought, and the Lupine found her eyes locking with Loki's. His observation of the cost of their fare was forgotten as she stared at him.

"They're treating a single padawan differently? That doesn't make any sense...

"... unless... "

Trailing off, s'Il found herself staring down at her hands as they rested in her lap. To even think that those in power were biased in their treatment of someone because of their parents wasn't anything easy to accept or even think of, and she sighed.

"You don't think it's because of - "

Master Ahmrah
Dec 5th, 2003, 05:10:48 PM
"No." Loki chimed in with sturdy resolve. He shook his head and closed his eyes, hoping his confidence in the matter will help Lok brush aside any concerns regarding what she was just about to say. "No Lok, as I said to Taylor, I'm certain there's no conspiracy or corruption within the Order; not anymore. Whatever it is I'm sure the council has a good intentions, they're just not going about seeing those intentions through in the best of ways."

His arms went loose and his hands slapped down onto his knees which made MMU jump in Lok's lap, his large, green eyes suddenly glowing brighter than usual. He was deep in thought again, although he knew it was pointless, he'd pondered on the matter for quite some time and was still at a loss for the reason behind the council's decision. "I wish they would make themselves clear, especially to me being both on the damn council and Vera's master. Hopefully, after our talk with her we can perhaps clear a few things up, maybe she might have some light to--"

Loki found himself distracted, and he realised that he and Lok had been talking for long enough and their driver was still gone. Suddenly his eyes went wide as he saw that the meter indicated in bright red that their fare was now only one credit. The handles on the doors to either side of them moved, seemingly over their own accord and MMU was pulled out of Lok's lap by an invisible foce and into Loki's arms. He shouted. "Lok, move now! Run!"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Dec 5th, 2003, 09:28:30 PM
Her reaction was instantaneous - though it wasn't the reaction Loki had most likely been expecting or desiring even. And it was certainly not something that she had wished to happen either, but the fact of the matter remained: Loki had used the force. He had used it in the attempt to better ease the means of their escape, but as the first lances drove into her mind and hit home, the Lupine couldn't help the feeling of hurt and sorrow - not because of what he'd done, but what she knew was about to happen. Even in her old age, Lok s'Ilancy could be a force to be reckoned with.

She'd cried out in agony, leaning forward and clutching her head in her hands as strands of blonde/brunette hair fell forward into her face. All thoughts of what Loki had been so anxious about were driven from her mind, only to be replaced with the growing need to tear whatever had used the force limb from limb. And yet, even through the haze of building, mindless rage, one word issued forth from her lips - and even through the mangled, rasping voice, it was easy to tell what she was saying.

"hhLokii... "

And then the transformation overtook her, and Lok s'Ilancy began the metamorphosis into her other body - the body of a coldblooded killer.

Bones and muscles alike shifted,, joints dislocating and moving to new positions to accomodate a wholly new physical shape. Hands thickened, fingers becoming tipped with dangerous claws as paws began to take shape. With the absence of the Jedi Master, s'Il had fallen lengthwise across the backseat, affording her more room to facilitate the change. And change she did. A sheen of silver fur spread like wildfire over her body, and she lumbered up to all fours, standing in the backseat and very literally filling it as she stood, growling, tawny eyes glaring out the door at the retreating form of Master Ahmrah - illuminated in a blue-ish red aura that rolled from him in waves and stood out like a sore thumb from the rest of the monochromatic world surrounding her.

And then he stopped, turning to see how far back she was.

The vornskr saw the initial shock in his eyes, but it didn't register. The only thing her brain was able to take in was the fact that he was the one who'd used the force. And that she wanted to kill him.

Her growl became a snarl, exposing rows of razor sharp teeth.

She crouched, leg muscles bunching together for a leap as her whiplike tail lay still behind her.

And then the cab exploded

Master Ahmrah
Dec 10th, 2003, 07:58:46 AM
The explosion was stronger than he had anticipated and clutching MMU safely into his chest, Loki was thrown back by the blast and he crashed to floor behind him unscathed. The street had been illuminated in a white light which had no become a steady glowing of red and orange as fire and smoke billowed into the night sky. There were cries of fear from all around but no-one had been hurt, well almost no-one.

"Lok!" Loki cried in fright after jumping to his feet, an ice cold dagger punctured his chest and sank the bitterness of foreboding into his heart. Then he saw her, curled up against the strone road where traffic had come to a halt and drivers had gone to inspect the lifeless form. There were shrieks as she began reverting back to her human form and dashing over to his fallen friend, Loki pulled off his cloak and draped it over her. Shallow breathing slipped through her lips which relieved the Jedi a great deal but now human once again, she was covered in cuts and bruises, blood soaked through Loki's cloak and he picked her up. A Jedi Master he may be but he was no healer and couldn't help his friend.

"Excuse me, sir. I need your assistance." Loki says to a man sat in a hovercar, he nodded in agreement and opened the door behind him. Loki laid his friend down upon the back seat and sat up front with MMU, constantly looking in the mirror to check on Lok behind. "I need to get to the nearest hospital and fast. Thank you."