View Full Version : GJO please Respond...(OPEN)
Audrie X-4
Oct 22nd, 2003, 02:29:04 PM
OOC:Continued from HERE.... (
Audrie entered the GJO airspace at high veloicity. She angles herself towards the GJO hanger, slowing down to a fast docking speed. She transmits to the GJO with with a slightly panic tone in her voice....
"GJO! This is The Audrie X-4 requesting Emergency Landing Permistion at your hanger! My pasengers consist of A badly injured padawan, and a non force user that assisted in her rescue! GJO please respond..."
Oct 22nd, 2003, 02:45:42 PM
Neyasha lay in the cargo hold of Audrie, in pain and half alive. Her body has been sliced all over and she is suffering form masive internal and external bleeding. She feals bad that she can't help Wei get back her daughter, in fact the only thing keeping her will to live intact is the fact that she knows where her Daughter is, and know that Wei is going to try and get her back.
Her injurys got agravated in the move from the lab table to Audrie's hold, and she is now on the verge of passing out. She know that her modifaction that were done to her as a child are resistant to force healing without a certen hormone that shuts off her body's defences to external substances entering her body.
With out that drug force healing on her at this point could be the death of her.
So now Neyasha lies their on the floor of the cargo hold of her ship, trying to stay awake, and trying to stay alive.
Rena D'sor
Oct 22nd, 2003, 02:49:41 PM
On the trip over to the GJO Rena had found a small supply of bandages, and has spent her time since trying to use them to keep as much blood inside Neyasha as she can, but she is running out of bandages ans the bleeding is nowhere near stoped...
"Come on Neyasha, you can hold in there for one more hour! Stay with me!"
Rognan Dar
Oct 23rd, 2003, 02:34:30 PM
"This is the GJO hanger director. You are clear to enter the docking bay. I will be sending down a security team to your location once you are landed. And I will contact any Jedi in the area to asist you."
The huge docking bay doors open allowing the aircraft to enter. A section of the hanger lit up to show where they were to land.
The director turned to on of the other men in the room.
"Contact any Jedi that are near. If none, then send out a communication to anyone in the Order, ASAP.
The man turned back to his computer console and push a few bottons before speaking into his headset.
"Attention. We have a unknown craft landing in the hanger and would request any Jedi to investigate. There is a injured padawan on the ship, alone with some who is help but is unknown to us. Again, any Jedi please come to the Hanger."
Rognan just closed the door to his room when his communicator buzzed with the sound of a voice. It was asking for assistance with some injured padawan. So he ran looking for the hanger.
AS he was running he saw a map of the premisis. He ran past it. A second later he was back. He didn't know where the hanger was. He didn't know where much of anything was. After quick study of the map he head off, again, to the hanger.
Audrie X-4
Oct 23rd, 2003, 02:45:12 PM
Audrie responds "Understood... Comming in at Emergency landing speed and vector"
Audrie swoops down and within moments she has entered the hanger. She opens the plank as she lands letting anyone enter or exit. On her external speaker she says..
"Neyasha, Padawan Of Wei Wu Wei is in the main cargo hold, and in critical condition. Changing her postion at this point could Kill her. Any asstance I can offer will be supplied upon request."
Rognan Dar
Oct 23rd, 2003, 02:50:42 PM
The security team showed up and headed to the ship. Of the five that were there, three entered the ship and two stayed at the door.
"Where are the passangers?" Said the leader of the team. The three of them looked around a bit and held there guns at ready, just incase.
Rognan arived at the hanger out of breath. He was always out of breath. I needed to excercise more, he told himself.
He walked up to the ship, easy to find because of the guards watching the door. As he neared them they nodded at him seeing that he was a Jedi and was here, also, just uncase.
Rena D'sor
Oct 23rd, 2003, 02:58:40 PM
Rena Is still next to Neyasha, but at this time has no more bandages. She still is waring her black outfit that is the the uniform for the henchmen of the group that she defected from. Little does she know that the thugs have attcked the GJO and that there are people here that will see her as a threat. the fact that she still has her two blasters at her side, will most likely not help.
Rena looks up and stands as the guards and Rognan enter the ship. She waves over to them
"Over Here! I've bandaged her as much as I could, but she still neads some major help."
Oct 23rd, 2003, 03:04:34 PM
The pain in her body is great... more than she has ever felt. The world around her is a blur and is only hearing fragments of what is being said. but She will not quit. She must live in the event that Wei gets her daughter back. She must live, but her body is waring out.
To her this is just another fight, and as always she treats it like it will be her last fight, but this time it may acualy be her last fight.
Rognan Dar
Oct 23rd, 2003, 03:15:46 PM
The team leader walked over to the pair. He put his weapon strap over his shoulder and moved it out of the way as he looked over the injured body.
"This is bad. We need to get her out of here and to the Med bay."
As he entered the ship he looked around at its insides. It was a nice ship. But he would call a bad ship a nice one and never know the difference. His eye's came to the group that now surrounded Neyasha. He moved closer to see what was up. What he saw was cuts and bruises, slashes and gouges. Her body was a mess of torn flesh.
Then his eyes caught hold of something. The other female that, to what he could guess, was the other passanger. It wasn't her face that caught his attention it was...something. He couldn't figure it out. But something was familuar about her.
Rena D'sor
Oct 23rd, 2003, 03:30:36 PM
"I know it's bad! When we moved her on to the ship her injuries were opened even more than they were. She spent a number of days being beaten, cut, raped and who knows what. We found her tied to a lab table naked and being raped, we haven't wanted to move her enough to get her dressed but her things are in the broken storage locker sitting on the floor over there"
Rena points to the storage locker that they picked up as the left the skyhook. As she turn the gang symbol becomes visible on the back of her leather jacket.
Rognan Dar
Oct 23rd, 2003, 03:54:17 PM
"We can't just leave her here. And there is no way that we can treat her here in time to save her. We need some other means of healing her long enough to transport her."
The three guards turned around and looked at Rog.
"No, wait. I cant do that," Rog said, "I dont have the training. You'll need to find someone else."
There was a symbol on the back of the girls jacket. Something clicked inside his head. The, thugs. Thats what it was. Thats what I couldn't remember. Thats the same close that they were wearing when they tried to kill Garden.
Rognan's head was flowing with mixed thoughts and emotions. He couldn't deside on what to do.
"Command center, this is green leader, requesting aid of a Jedi healer. And tell the med bay to get ready.
Desiding to get some questions answered, he called out to woman. "Miss, if you would join me over here." He was standing down a few steps away from the group.
Ace McCloud
Oct 23rd, 2003, 04:02:44 PM
Ace had been nearby, touring the Academy himself when he heard the call for any nearby jedi to the hangar. He thought for a second.
Where was the hangar again? He turned around and started walking quickly down the hall. He made a few wrong turns but eventually he found some signs that lead the hangar.
As he arrived he looked around, noting all the ships. But one stood out in particular as it was foreign to this hangar and guards were surrounding it. It must be the ship that just landed.
He could feel the pain and the suffering. His own skin began to burn, calling him to the ship. He quickly sprinted over to it and moved through the door.
He looked around, and for the most part everything was taken care of. Except for the pilot.
Looking around he found his way into the cockpit and opened the door. There was a woman sitting in the pilots seat, preparing to get up.
Ace stepped forward, not knowing what kind of threat she might pose, but probably none, "Ma'am, please come with me." He grabbed her by the arm and lead her out of the cockpit into the hands of the Secruity Officers to lead her out of the ship. There was no doubt some questioning to be done.
Audrie X-4
Oct 23rd, 2003, 10:50:38 PM
When Ace goes to grab Audrie by the shoulder, his hand passes right through her. Audrie had put her holographic form into the pilot seat just so she wouldn't freak anybody out when they came in for a landing.
Audrie has her hologram stand and face Ace.
"I'm sorry sir but I can't go with you. I am Audrie, Experimental Military Strike Craft Number Four, Designation 02044A. I am this vessel's central computer, and thus can not leave this ship. I was given this form because some of my creators go a little squeamish talking to a disembodied voice, so they filled the ship with holoprojectors so I may interreact with the crew, and pasengers."
Rena D'sor
Oct 23rd, 2003, 10:57:37 PM
Rena sighs as the guards argue about what to do, then she hears Rognan call her over. She turns towards him and walks over there.
"Ya... what can I do for you?" The 15 year old lady says as she stops in front of Rognan.
Rognan Dar
Oct 24th, 2003, 01:36:30 PM
Rognan was going over questions in his head, but each on didn't sound right or might start something that would end up making things worse.
"Lets start with what happened. Who are you and what connection do you have with this padawan?"
As Rognan interigated Rena, the squad leader shouted to one of the men in the room with him.
"Go see if you can find anyone else to help. And look for any med packs you might find on the way."
Rena D'sor
Oct 24th, 2003, 01:42:13 PM
Rena leans up aganst the wall.
"My Name is Rena D'sor, and I have no conection to this Padawan. A person named Wei came looking for her at the factory I was working at, and we all were locked in there by The Boss, and the air was being sucked out of the building. I aggreed to help Wei if he got me out alive."
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 24th, 2003, 02:04:47 PM
The Force worked in mysterious ways.
"Rognan!" He called out to the fellow Jedi, jogging towards the ship with hurried steps. Though it was not like Terran to spend much time in or around the hangar bay when it didn't concern traveling, he had scheduled a quick tutorial on hyperdrive installment with one of the garage supervisors, Giron. Meeting the gruffy old man by the check-in station, he followed his instructor to training table, where he got some hands on experience in tweaking the power couplings. Not five minutes into the session, Terran felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise to attention as his insides twisted. Of course, he recognized the feeling very well--it was the Force calling to him.
Grabbing his stachel--and apologizing to Giron--he rushed down the hall an into the hangar bay, where he spotted two Jedi he recognized and someone he didn't. Though he had not met Rognan Dar formally, he knew who the padawan was. They all lived together here at the GJO, and sooner or later, you got to know faces and names. Something urgent needed to be attended to--someone was hurt.
"Somethings wrong," he said, a certainty in his voice. "I'm Terran--I know we haven't formally met. Please forgive my speedy introduction, but something tells me there is little time to delay. I sense that someone is unconcious, perhaps severely injured. Is there something I can do?" Terran scanned the strange ship and could feel the source of his alert from within it. He looked back to Rognan, to see what he could do. He had spent some time training under Jedi Master Navaria Tarkin in the art of Jedi Healing, using the Force. Maybe his services could be put to use.
Oct 24th, 2003, 02:14:48 PM
Neyasha could feel the life draining from her body, and it seemed to her that people were more concerned about the unknown Non force user on the ship rather than the injured Padawan.
She painfuly moves her head to face the broken Storage locker that holds her belongings, and with what strength she has left she slowly reaches one of her arms towards the locker lying on the floor she squeeks out one word...
Rognan Dar
Oct 24th, 2003, 02:21:49 PM
Rognan turned around to see Starek run up behind him.
"Yes. Yes, over there." Rognan pointed to the the leader of the group who just put a blanket over Neyasha to keep her warm.
"She is losing blood and has many open cuts. I dont know what to do. We cant move her either because it could make things worse."
Rognan tried to keep his cool. But toward the end of telling Terran what happened hiw voice was more of a pleading and whine.
Rena D'sor
Oct 24th, 2003, 02:36:45 PM
Rena turns and walks back to Neyasha since it seems as if Rognan has been distracted. She gets over there, just in time to hear what Neyasha said. She looks over at the storage locker that Neyasha's arm is pointing at.
She stands beside Neyasha and starts to draw one of her blasters. She intends to shoot the lock off the Broken locker, but since she is under suspision, at least Rognan may misunderstand what her actions are for.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 24th, 2003, 04:00:44 PM
"Have you contacted the Medical Bay?" Terran's eyes met with Rognan's own as he began to make his way towards the injured woman. He didn't recognize her. . .though she was somehow familiar. He had little time to contemplate the issue. "They should be able to transport her safely."
Turning his attention down to Neyasha, he knelt beside the girl. She looked ravaged--wounds and bruises all over her body. Who would have done this to her? Why? Brushing away his questions, he reached out a soft, gentle hand to touch her head. He closed his eyes, allowing the Force to flow through him and guide him in his next actions. He would need it, if he was to help her. Slowly but surely, his mind connected with her own.
He winced a bit as he began to recieve simple emotions: pain, suffering, terror were among them. The one that stood out, however, was determination. This woman had a goal in mind, and even with death so close, she still clung to it. He would have liked to go further into her mind, but he did not have time, as he could feel her life force fading. His mind focused on her injuries, and the slow process of connecting to her body began.
Terran concentrated hard as he began to feel her own physical pain within him. He could feel the bruises, the wounds, and the trauma. He could feel the intense screams of her body to function, and it was there that he found the problem. These wounds needed brisk medical attention--something he was not yet capable of the Force. Instead, he decided to put her into a trance, like the trances the Jedi train to put themselves into. He could feel her heart as he strained to control her breathing. Steadily, he lowered her bodily functions as he allowed the Force to enter into her body.
I will not harm you, he spoke softly into her mind, yet loud enough for her to hear. I'm here to help. I am going to stabilize you with the Force, until you are able to recieve medical attention. Embrace its energy, friend, and you will find safety in it. The Jedi put all of his energy into Neyasha now, his strength flowing into her as she could feel her life returning. She would not be very functional, but she would be stable. That, for now was what mattered.
He just hoped she would trust him, for if her mind would not accept his own and turned away the Force, his help would be of no use.
Oct 24th, 2003, 04:23:13 PM
As the force flows into her body, her genitic alterations start to try to fend it off as if it was a drug put into her system. Instead of letting her fall into the trance her system starts to pump more adrenalin into her system, and her mucsles tence, but with the force trying to realx her and her genitc modifactions trying to fight it, the result comes as all her muscles going into convultions, and ripping the wounds open further, and causing the cells of her muscles to tear themselves apart...
Neyasha shreeks in pain, getting only a few comprehencable words out..
"Force....NO.... Drug....FIRST.....BRACELET"
Rognan Dar
Oct 24th, 2003, 11:00:08 PM
The leader looks at Starek as he asks about the Medical bay.
COLOR=blue]"We have contacted them yes, but by the time they get here it might be to late. We are trying to get all the help we can at the moment. But the hanger isn't the best spot for this insident."[/COLOR]
Rognan watches carefully as Terran does his meditation. He watched the movement of Neyasha. He saw her chest rise and fall with every breath, not knowing whether the next one will be her last. As the meditation went on, he saw her mucsles tence and subside. Something was going right.
"Wait! Stop whatever your doing. Somethings wrong." He looked at Rena. "Whats this drug she's talking about?!"
Rena D'sor
Oct 25th, 2003, 01:44:48 PM
Rena Shrugs.... As she finishes drawing her blaster
"I don't know but I saw her trying to reach for the Broken Locker over there and asking for a bracelet. I was going to blast off the lock when Tarran came over."
Rena fires her blaster at the lock blowing it cleen off...
"Audrie, do you know anything about a drug?"
Audrie X-4
Oct 25th, 2003, 02:08:28 PM
Audrie's voice comes from a speaker on the wall.
"I beleave the drug that she is refering to is accualy a hormone that must be injected into her system before she could be effected by other drugs such as knock out gas, or any sort of medicin that effects her heart rate, blood presure, or muscles.
From my records it shows that she has already had a similar reaction to the Force trying to effect her body, durring a training session. She told me that she would make as bracelet that would attach to her Bloodstreem Interface in her left wrist.
If she construted it, it would be with her things in the locker. Know her the bractlet would look like a normal bracelet, but with an injection rod near the clasp, and the button to inject would most likely be the decorative gem on the top. Her Bloodstreem Interface looks like a small metal hole in the underside of her left wrist, and is sometimes covered by a peice of synth flesh, but since was kidnaped I don't think the synth flesh will be covering it."
Sure enough, who ever looks into the locker, finds the braclet matching Audrie's discription.
Ace McCloud
Oct 26th, 2003, 03:14:41 PM
Ace's hand passed right through the pilots arm.
Hologram, he thought to himself as she explained.
"Right. Well, I would like to ask you some questions if you don't mind." Someone had to do it. Besides, the men and the other Jedi out there could tend to the hurt padawan. He wasn't much good at stuff like that but he helped out when he could. "What happened and how did the person out there get like this?"
As he listened he asked more specific questions like, What planet they were on and what part. Where Master Wei was. He also asked her where she came from and who the woman outside was.
As she finished explaining, he thanked her and left the cockpit to help tend to the hurt padawan. As he went out he saw Terran -- the first Jedi he had ever met. Terran greeted him at the recuitment center a few months ago. It hadn't gone that well, not enough for the two to have been friends. He wouldn't be surprised if Terran thought he didn't even get in.
He slowly walked and stood by Rognan. He didn't know him but he had seen him around.
But before he could say a word he collected that the medical team was not there yet. So he stepped outside of the ship to go find them and hurry them along, but before he could even head off he saw the running through the hangar.
"Hurry up! You guys are late!"
Rena D'sor
Oct 28th, 2003, 01:16:59 PM
Rena walks over to the locker and opens it, only to find the bracelet that Audrie mentioned. She picks it up and puts it on Neyasha's Left wrist. She then presses that button on the top of the Bracelet injecting the drug into Neyasha's system.
Oct 28th, 2003, 02:23:06 PM
As the drug is injected into her system, her body stops fighting the force trance. She gets put into a deep sleep and her heart rate slows to the point that almost no blood is leaking from her body.
Rena D'sor
Oct 30th, 2003, 02:54:20 PM
Since it looks like nobody is paying attention to her and things look under control here Rena walks out of the ship and starts to look around.
Rognan Dar
Oct 30th, 2003, 02:58:23 PM
Rognan was a little uneasy about how things were turning out. Everything outside of the main focus just went by him. But once it seemed like everything was going to be fine he relaxed.
He noticed that someone wasn't in the room any longer. He looked around and didn't see Rena. He walked to the door and looked out.
"Excuse me, where do you think your going. Your not going anywhere outside of this hanger until we know everything."
Rena D'sor
Oct 30th, 2003, 02:59:58 PM
Rena Shrugs
"I was just wanting to look around. I there any harm in looking?"
Rognan Dar
Oct 30th, 2003, 03:04:39 PM
Rognan was about to shout out a reason, but he held back.
"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you had or helped to do with the Padawan. And at this moment, I'm not sure that its even wise to let you walk around freely."
Rena D'sor
Oct 30th, 2003, 03:09:19 PM
Rena leans up agienst the wall of the hanger.
"I did nothing to hurt that padawan. I was only doing my job untill the boss thought he could kill the Jedi Knight by locking down the warehouse. I didn't want to die so I helped him get the padawan back to the GJO."
Rognan Dar
Oct 30th, 2003, 03:11:29 PM
"When you say Jedi Knight you mean Wei, correct? And who is this 'boss' that you were, or still are, working for,"
Rena D'sor
Oct 30th, 2003, 03:20:01 PM
"Yah.. his name is Wei, the Knight that is. As for The Boss, only the high ups know his name. He runs the group, but the Master runs him. Again I don't know the name of the Master...."
Rena nods to Rognan's lightsaber.
"....But the Boss carries one of those Light Blades, and The Master carries Two of them.... Also i have a tendency to stop working for people that try to kill me, so pleas trust me when I say I don't work for the bugger any more. "
Rognan Dar
Oct 30th, 2003, 03:27:16 PM
Listening quietly, Rog tried to put the puzzle together. The only problem was he was missing puzzle pieces.
"Ok, so you dont know any names..." he half said to himself. "...but there is someone higher on the list. And most likely a Force user. Meaning....a sith?" He then spoke to Rena directly.
"You ask me to trust you when you wear the hand of the group that almost took the life of a fiend! What makes you thing I can trust you!?"
Rena D'sor
Oct 30th, 2003, 03:33:15 PM
"Look! I have no other outfit to change into! I would if I had another to change into! I haven't harmed any of your friends! I have no reason to harm your friends! I don't even know who you or your friends ARE! so don't judge me just because I was BORN into this Gang!"
Rognan Dar
Oct 30th, 2003, 03:41:01 PM
"That doesn't mean you were not part of it or had something to do with it! And I don't know that you dont know who my friend is! This could very well be a spy mission for all I know! And its not my fault that you were born into the ga..."
Rognan stopped. What? Born into the gang? Changing his voice from the shouting, tempered, and angered to one that was a little more relaxed.
"What do you mean you were born into it?"
Rena D'sor
Oct 30th, 2003, 03:46:33 PM
"My mother was one of The Boss's Assistants, and My Father was one of the Unit Commanders. I grew up as a member of the gang in the Main Baracks. They started my fighting training when I could walk, and took away my childhood . And you know I'm not a spy because I was HELPING Neyasha! The Boss would have me skinned alive if he found out!"
Rognan Dar
Oct 30th, 2003, 03:49:27 PM
"And your parents never said what there bosses name was?"
Rena D'sor
Oct 30th, 2003, 04:00:35 PM
"My father never knew his name, and my mother was not aloud to tell. I guess the boss thought that it would be safer for him if no many people knew his name. Though I think Neyasha may know him, since The Boss was also the man that Killed Neyasha's family, and took her daughter. He said that he killed them out of self defence, and took the girl so her mother would not kill her. But over the years I've learned that the Boss couldn't tell the truth if he wanted to."
Rognan Dar
Oct 30th, 2003, 04:36:36 PM
"Ok. Did you ever get a look at either of the Lightsabre holders? Maybe we could get someone down here and get a facial drawn out."
Rena D'sor
Oct 30th, 2003, 04:42:30 PM
"Well I know I could point them out if I saw them, but most of the time they were covered in black clothing, Black cloke. The boss has long blond hair, and The Master has short dark hair and spoke with a deep raspy voice..."
Rena shifts her position so she is leaning on her other shoulder Agienst the hanger wall.
"Other than that I really couldn't tell you more."
Ace McCloud
Oct 30th, 2003, 05:15:32 PM
As the drugs began to take affect on the jedi, the medical team moved in and began to check her vital signs, hooking her up to an IV as they brought the stretcher over.
"We should move her to the medical center now," said one of the Doctors to his assistants and the nearby jedi.
They carefully lifted her onto a stretcher, after wrapping up some of her serious wounds. The sleep that Terran had put her in kept her wounds closed and the blood slowed down enough for the transport. After quickly checking things and strapping her down, the med team rolled her out of the ship and to the Med center.
Ace stepped up next to Terran as they began to leave the ship, "Perhaps you should go with them to heal her? I can't heal and I'm pretty sure he can't either."
imported_Terran Starek
Nov 1st, 2003, 02:19:42 PM
"Absolutely," Terran responded to Ace, his focus the girl right now. He needed to be there when she woke up, just to make sure she would be alright.
"Everyone here deserves praise--all of your efforts together have saved a peer's life." He made his way to the stretcher and accompanied the medical staff as they began to take her from the hangar and to better facilities.
Rena D'sor
Nov 3rd, 2003, 11:46:16 AM
Rena see if people will notice, as she goes to walk out of the hanger with the medics.
Rognan Dar
Nov 3rd, 2003, 01:53:54 PM
"Wait a second there, Rena. Your not going anywhere without a escort. You do not have permission to roam free here."
Letting this sink in he stopped next to her. He wanted it clear that she wasn't going anywhere by herself.
"I will go with you. And if you try anything funny, there going to have to restrain me. Got that?"
Without letting her answer, he followed the med team with her at his side.
Rena D'sor
Nov 3rd, 2003, 01:58:18 PM
Rena rolls her eyes, but doesn't contest...
"Allright... Whatever... I'll be a good Girl...Happy?"
Rena walks along side of Neyasha as Neyasha is taken off to the med bay.
Audrie X-4
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:16:51 PM
After everybody had left the hanger Audrie takes off again to go and see if Wei needed her help again..
imported_Terran Starek
Nov 9th, 2003, 12:53:49 AM
"What's her pulse?"
"Real low, sir."
"Heart rate?"
"Not much."
"Frell, she's dying right here in our stretcher!"
"Do not be troubled, friends," the voice was calm, a breeze of fresh, calm air over a turbulent storm that brewed with clicks and whirs of medical devices and the heavy breathing of stressing men and women. "She is in a trance, her mind nurtured by the Force. I put her there so that she could sustain her injuries longer than than the usual--"
"We know," one of the senior medical officers broke his speech, grabbing into a bag as the stretched hovered quickly along, nestled in between several medics and Terran. "We just needed your verification and a record of her vitals."
"I see," Terran said after a huffing sigh. "Well then, you have what you need."
"All except you to get her out of this when we get her onto the table. If we're gonna fix anything, we need that body pumping normal again before we can help." The medic spoke as they reached the Emergency Room. The stretcher, now connecting with the medical bay's central reciever, took an automatic course to the operating table, where Neyasha's body was gently laid to rest for the moment. A medical droid and the crew that had transported her descended upon the table, instruments shuffling and procedures enacted. "Ok, Jedi, you're up."
"Certainly," Terran spoke, his voice soft despite the chaos around him. He remained emotionless and centered, standing beside the girl as she lay. He closed his eyes, his breathing slowing. It was automatic now--clockwork--the Jedi connecting into the Force as though it was some sort of computer terminal. His mind the key, he called out to the energy for help. The room grew strangely calm to the attendents, who soon found themselves settled down by the presence of the Force Terran generated. He concentrated, his face relaxed as he took her hand gently in his own.
"Jedi, we need you to--"
"Shhhh!" Another attendant hushed the medical official. She had witnessed this transition before and was not going to allow it to be interrupted.
"Officer, please prepare the medical restraints," Terran said, his face taking on a bit of worry. "I sense that she will come out of this a bit rough. . .her spirit is fighting. . .always fighting. . .so desperate. . .struggling. . ." The attendant rolled his eyes as he began to restrain the woman. He felt that he didn't have time for this rhetoric, as Terran heard his thought.
Neyasha. . .
Neyasha. . .
His voice called to her softly, though growing in it's beckoning.
Neyasha: hear my call. Bring your mind back to me. Bring your mind back to your body and let the Force release you.
It was never a flawless process, even for a trained Jedi. Still, he hoped she would recover in some control. Regardless, she was in good hands now.
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