View Full Version : GJO Admin:...(A new request in this thread)

Audrie X-4
Oct 22nd, 2003, 11:23:30 AM
Can I get permision to post with the character Rena D'sor in the GJO Grounds? For those that don't know Audrie is Neyasha's ship and is flying back to The GJO to get Neyasha Medical attention.

Rena is a Defected member of the Gang of thugs that attacked Shandri and Garen in the GJO Living Quarters, and also infiltrated the GJO to allow the attacks in the LQ to happen.

Rena has been helping Wei rescue Neyasha since they met in a warehouse and Rena was left there by her boss to die.

I'm going to start the thread with Audrie X-4 calling into the GJO asking for a quick landing at the GJO hanger , and stating that she has and injured Padawan, and a non GJO member on board...

Can I do this?

Figrin D'an
Oct 22nd, 2003, 02:05:15 PM
Yes, you may do this.

Thank you for informing us of your plans. We appreciate it.

Audrie X-4
Oct 22nd, 2003, 02:17:01 PM
Thanks! *huggles Figrin*

And if anybody wants to join, go for it! it will be Open... If anybody that had anything to do with any of the threads where the Thugs were in the GJO, it may be fun for them to question Rena.

Matthias darkstone
Oct 23rd, 2003, 03:45:02 AM
Workin' with thugs sounds fun...if my Master approves... (shoots a glaring look at his Sister as she raises a disapproving eyebrow in the depths of his mind...)

Nov 5th, 2003, 11:41:40 AM
I am making a new Request!!

I have another Thread that requires Rena D'sor in the GJO Grounds, this time she is going to be at the GJO Med Bay, and she will be escorted by Rognan Dar.

Also Neyasha's Daughter (Valora Ashen) will be comming to live with Neyasha at the order, and I am Requesting that She be givin access as if she was a member of the GJO.

Figrin D'an
Nov 6th, 2003, 12:51:31 PM
Originally posted by Neyasha
I have another Thread that requires Rena D'sor in the GJO Grounds, this time she is going to be at the GJO Med Bay, and she will be escorted by Rognan Dar.

This is acceptable.

Also Neyasha's Daughter (Valora Ashen) will be comming to live with Neyasha at the order, and I am Requesting that She be givin access as if she was a member of the GJO.

The daughter character is viewed as an extention of the main character, and thusly will have access to the Jedi Only areas.

You may proceed with your plans.

Nov 6th, 2003, 12:59:36 PM
Thank you!