View Full Version : The Night Will Reveal Your Secrets...(Damien Vosh/Invited)

Wylde Krymsin
Oct 22nd, 2003, 11:00:57 AM
Wylde walked out of the Watcher compound, looking up into the night sky with a soft smile on her dark tinted lips. She and her master, Uziel, had taken to staying up late into the night lately and while Uziel slept in his chair at his desk, she decided to take a solitary stroll through the gardens, taking a break from their tasks and let the old man get some needed rest.

Only once or twice had she ventured outside of the compound by herself. But she had felt the over whelming urge to come out by the lake that was just on the other side of the eight foot iron fence that surrounded the vast property of the compound. Uziel knew of her little excursions and kept mum about them, knowing the young Watcher needed time on her own. She was moving fast up into the ranks of the Watcher society with the help of Uziel’s teachings.

Being a ‘Seer’ in the community had its ups and downs. She was both feared and respected at the same time, something which confused her by all means. She could touch a person, or even something that someone had touched and find out their inner most secrets. The majority of the time, she could see what has happened in the past, what happened in present and more so, what will happen in the future. The only downfall to being a Seer was that she could ‘read’ anything for herself.

Wylde let out a sigh and ran a hand through her short pink hair. She found her way to the rocks she loved to sit on by the lake and perched herself there, bringing her knees up to wrap her arms around them. She watched the soft ripples of the water, letting her mind wander. A lot has happened within the Khar Sian community of vampyres. The untimely death of one beloved son, while another of ancient blood returned to them alive and well. There were still a few more of Khar Sian blood missing and she hoped they would be found soon enough. The vampyres she loved dearly, that she ‘watched’ and kept track of their history for, needed to rebuild their numbers soon or they would die out. That was something she did not want to see.

She closed her green eyes, rolling her neck to ease the tension out of it and leaned her back against the bigger rock behind her, opening her eyes to stare up at the bright moon. A wave of loneliness washed over her as she thought of her personal life and lack there of it. She found herself sometimes not fitting in with the Watcher’s at times, but Uziel had always picked up on that and eased her concerns, knowing something else was troubling her more than she was letting on, something she would not speak of.

’Uziel was right on that.’ Wylde thought to herself. A noise behind her caught her attention and she whirled around on the rock to look into the surrounding forest.

“Who’s there?” She called out.

Damien Vosh
Oct 22nd, 2003, 08:49:15 PM
With careful calculated steps, silent as the tamest whisper, Damien approached Wylde from behind. His every footfall hesitant before it touched the ground fully. He could see her basking undisturbed beneath the star lit sky as he methodically closed the short gap between himself and the Watcher. This wasn’t the first nor by far the last time he had snuck up on the Watcher with the bright pink hair. In some odd way it all seemed demented of him. Perhaps it was the simple fascination that drove him or the lack of better things to do. Still, the pure blood found great pleasure in scaring her when the chance arose, however. That was rarely the case though.

“Who’s there?” The 'Seer' called out firmly as she spun around on the rock, her keen eye’s darting back and forth as silence greeted her ears. After a brief moment, Damien finally emerged from the shadowy recess about the lake. He figured her acknowledging response was close enough to beat him this time at his subtle game of cat and mouse he loved to play.

“I think the more important question to ask is,…Who did you want it to be?” Damien replied coolly as a cocky smile etched its way across his handsome face. Pointing an index finger at Wylde, Damien let out a hearty laugh at her expense, his other hand covering his stomach as he tried to contain himself further.

“Ok,...I’ll admit. Maybe that wasn’t too nice of me, but I couldn’t resist the temptation of you laying there all by your lonesome Wylde.” Damien snickered again before he could get his hand to his mouth to stop himself from digging a deeper hole.

As Damien took a reluctant seat next to Wylde, he found his wondering gaze traveling out and over the beautiful lake in front of them. The dule moons glow over K'har Sian sculpted two shimmering paths towards the two visitors as they took in the cool night air. The lake tonight was like flawless glass, its smooth picturesque surface reflected the lush trees that stood majestically around its seamless borders. This area surrounding the Nehekara Keep was more like an oasis, yet on the forest outlining borders, there was nothing but desolate landscape. Endless barren sand dunes and rocky terrain stretching from there as far as the naked eye could see. To the lost soul and the unfortunate fool who challenged its most remote region’s by foot, the deserts wastes would mean curtain death. But to Damien, K'har Sian was his home...An abode he found himself strangely growing weary of with each passing day…

Wylde Krymsin
Oct 23rd, 2003, 07:37:09 AM
"Damien Vosh." Wylde said with a crooked smile as the vampyre walked out of the woods to sit beside her.

Damien seemed to plague her existence for some reason. Like he loved being a pain in her side. She looked at him for a moment, his long brown hair blowing in the wind and his baby blue eyes looking over the water. He was good looking, no doubt about that, but his cocky attitude made her want to slug him half the time.

The two of them, Watcher and Vampyre, had settled into some what of a routine over the past few years when ever he caught her alone. Get on each other's nerves for a bit, settle into some innocent flirting and then wind up having a heart to heart talk, knowing each other's secrets would never be revealed, but Damien, knowing her powers, never let her touch him. It was a weird friendship between the two of them, but a friendship indeed. He seemed to be growing anxious lately, like he needed something to keep his mind busy or else he would scream. She definately understood that.

"I have not seen you in awhile." Wylde said, looking back out over the water. She picked up a stone and tossed it, watching as it skipped across the water a few times before sinking forever, never to be found.

'I feel like that sometimes.' She thought to herself, sighing inwardly.

"What's going on, Damien?" She asked softly.

Damien Vosh
Oct 23rd, 2003, 01:13:50 PM
"I have not seen you in awhile." Wylde said as she glanced at him and palmed a small smooth stone near her. Her features grew soft as Damien’s gaze remained forward over the glassy lake. She could tell something was bothering him deeply. After a brief moment of silence, she questioned him again more forwardly…

"What's going on, Damien?" The pebble hit the surface of the pond with a thunking splash that sent ripples across Damien’s mind. Damien tried to smile inwardly at her attempt to reach him, but the warm feeling eluded him. He knew it was just Wylde’s way of getting him to open up to her as usual, when rare times like theses presented themselves. She was always good at that, a master in fact. A natural trait, a gift some would call it. Knowing intuitively when things weren’t quite right and when they were out of place. She didn’t need to touch him to know that much…After all, they were close friends.

Propping himself with his arms behind him, Damien leaned back slowly on the rock, stretching his legs out in front of him before he answered her back.

“Oh, not much you know…Just took some time off from the Khode classes I’ve been teaching…I figured I needed a good long break from it all.” Damien cringed inwardly as he heard his own lame words, knowing full well that’s not what he meant to say to her. And chances were she knew better herself. She deserved a better explanation that.

“I want to leave this place Wylde,...” Damien said in a somewhat subdued voice as he tuned to face her, his baby blue eye’s beginning to shimmer with an inner passion that he held back until now. ‘There, he had finally said it for once in his life.’ Damien thought to himself as he locked eyes with Wylde…

Knowing he had went this far and past the point of no return, Damien felt there was no better time then now to show his hand to her. Somehow he knew she’d listen to what he had to say, even if she didn’t agree completely with him.

“…My whole entire life has been spent here on K’har Sian…I’ve been everywhere on this rock, searching for the meaning to it all…And you know what?...I’ve found nothing that sooth’s my soul. I want to see what’s out there Wylde…I want to explore the possibilities that I know that’s beyond this,…This rock we live on!” The last of Damien’s sentence seemed heated as he angrily tossed a stone his hand had wandered across earlier. Seemingly defeated in spirit, Damien resumed the lounged position once again. His blue eye’s simmered then cooled as he thought of his predicament. Perhaps he was being a bit too selfish, but at the same time, he also felt justified by saying so.

“Look, I’m sorry for dumping on you like that. Just a lot of thing’s on my mind I suppose."

Wylde Krymsin
Oct 23rd, 2003, 01:51:16 PM
Wylde's eyes widened as she listened to Damien express his thoughts to her. She felt her throat constrict at time because whether she wanted to admit it or not, she could have been listening to her own thoughts.

She loved being a part of the Watchers, loved it from the first moment she laid foot on Khar Sian soil so many years ago. She grew to love everyone she was in contact with like her own family. But finally admitting it to herself, she was wanting to explore, to find out what else was out there.

It grew quiet between the two of them and Wylde opened her mouth to speak, then closed it and let out a sigh.

"You are not the only one to feel that way, Damien." She admittted softly, turning to look at him. "I have felt that way for some time as well. What would it be like to go off and explore other planets, meet other people...yeah, I know exactly what you are going through."

Wylde grew quiet again, her biggest secret weighing heavily on her mind. Her forehead crinkled in thought and leaned her head onto Damien's shoulder for a moment, then jerked back, not knowing if he was comfortable with that.

"Do you know what it is like to walk the halls of Nehekara with people whispering behind your back, feeling like a freak...not being able to touch someone without them cringing?" She glanced at Damien and then laughed. "I must sound absurd right now. You Vamps get that all the time."

Wylde moved off the rock that they shared and walked to the edge of the water only a few feet away. She looked down at the rippling water for a few moments and then, without looking at Damien, admitted her darkest desire.

"I have found myself fighting the urge more and more to become like you, Damien." She whispered. "It pulls at me so strongly that I do not know if I can fight it much longer."

Damien Vosh
Oct 23rd, 2003, 03:47:24 PM
"I have found myself fighting the urge more and more to become like you, Damien." She whispered soft as she glanced back up at him from the shore line.

"It pulls at me so strongly that I do not know if I can fight it much longer."

Leaning forward, Damien eyes narrowed somewhat when he heard the last of Wylde’s startling words. For a Watcher to say something like that was not only profound, it was just down right unheard of! It seemed that they both had a few deep dark secrets to share and it was also evident they had more in common then met the eye. He wanted to get away from the Blood Pack family while Wylde wanted to become part of its eternal linage. Nevertheless, the underlining issue still painfully remained. They were both searching for something more, something that would fill the gapping hole they both felt in their lives. But that was life, and its little ironic twist’s could be cruel at times. That was one thing for curtain Damien knew they both could agree upon…

A gentle wind blew in over the lake as Damien considered for a moment what she had just said to him. But what could he really say in response to this new revelation. Inwardly he found himself fumbling and struggling for the right words to say to her. Yet he knew at the same time she needed his support and understanding, even if she did say it. Indeed, it was a precarious situation that had no easy answers to.

Damien’s hand moved subconsciously to his face, brushing aside his thick sandy blonde hair before he piped up. As a close friend, he would try his best to make sense of Wylde’s dilemma he sympathized with…Of course, it would be from a man’s perspective that is…

“Damn Wylde,…That’s pretty heavy.” Damien eye’s closed tightly as he shook his head at what he had just said. He could have kicked himself right then and there for saying that. Quickly glanceing back to Wylde who was now facing the lake, Damien tried to recover from the pit he had just fallen into.

“I didn’t mean say it like that Wylde…Its just I never thought I’d hear something like that coming from you. I was only imagining what Uziel and the others would think if they knew.” Damien said softly as he stood to his feet and made his way down to her be the waters edge.

“Have you ever told this to anyone before?” He whispered as his hand slipped over her bare shoulder in a comforting gesture, hoping she would find it in herself to forgive his hasty and insensitive words.

Wylde Krymsin
Oct 23rd, 2003, 04:06:06 PM
Wylde laughed at his reaction, realizing she had just sent his mind reeling in shock. When she felt his cool hand upon her shoulder, she turned to look at him.

"Uziel may have an inkling of what is going on, Sat...well...I highly doubt it. Lately he's been too much into training. You know how he is. All work and no play?!" Wylde laughed softly and reached up with her hand to place it over Damien's, but stopped, a frown coming over her face as she dropped it to her side.

"You have been the only one I told, Damien." She whispered. "I knew you would not judge me, would not go off on some blithering speech about how wrong it would be and all that."

Wylde looked down to the sand that had been kicked up on her boots and gently shook it off, glancing back up at Damien.

"I don't know what to do Damien. I feel as if I tell Uziel, I will be locked up in Nehekara and never let out...destined to walk the halls a recluse, ya know?" She chuckled a bit and looked back at Damien.

"Your problem is easy, Damien. You can take off if you want to. Go explore like you want." Wylde searched his face and then looked into his beautiful eyes. "How I even your freedom."

Damien Vosh
Oct 23rd, 2003, 05:20:11 PM
Once again, Damien felt himself lack for words after listening to her intently. She was right though, if he wanted permission from the hierarchy, they’d probably grant it to him if he argued the point. Wylde's case was entirely different however. She was truly locked into a role and position that demanded the highest quality of excellence and servitude. It was simply the Watchers way of things. He knew what she meant though, how she felt bound and chaste to a world that offered freedom at every turn, but from their perspective, only to observe and chronicle.

“Wylde, don’t be silly…What you have is unique and very special. It’s a wonderful gift I could only dream of having. Never be ashamed of that.” Damien replied quietly as he took her hand in his, knowing her gift he wanted Wylde to know he had nothing to hide by doing so.

“Maybe if you approached Uziel with your feelings on this stuff, he’d somehow understand how you truly felt ya know. I know the dude is old and set in his ways, but damn…I know he loves you dearly too. Surly he’d see where you’re coming from Wylde.” The last of Damien’s sentence was laced with a sincere compassion she sensed and felt completely. She knew he meant well, but being a Watcher was a little more complicated then that…And so was Uziel.

With her head still cast to the ground, Damien reached out slowly and lifted her gently by the chin with his other hand. As his gaze met with hers, he could see that Wylde’s green eyes were now damp with tears. Damien felt miserable for her, and somehow he knew in that brief moment, what he had just said to Wylde, mattered little in the scheme of things. All he could do now was pull her in and offer her a warm hug, hoping that it would somehow bring to her a little more comfort knowing he understood her.

“It’s worth a try girl.” The young vampire finished in a silky whisper as he placed a soft innocent kiss upon her forehead, a friendly token that seemed for now to deaden the stinging edge of reality she had always faced.

Wylde Krymsin
Oct 23rd, 2003, 08:32:13 PM
Wylde could have been knocked over with a feather when, after all this time, Damien took her hand in his. She willed herself not to see anything, a talent she was starting to master lately. As he pulled her into his arms, placing a kiss on her forehead, she sniffled, ignoring the single tear that fell down her cheek. She brought her arms up to wrap around his waist and laid her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes as Damien stroked her back. If anyone would have come upon them, they would have looked like young lovers out enjoying the night, but they were two friends consoling one another.

"I don't know if I could handle the look on Uziel's face if I told him, Damien." Wylde whispered. "He's like a father to me and no daughter likes to have her father disappointed in her."

Wylde took a deep breath and moved back a little to look at Damien, one of Khar Sian's most eligible vampyres. He was young, gorgeous and highly sought after by females...mortal and immortal.

"So tell me, Damien Vosh..." She grinned suddenly, hoping to change the subject for them both. "Why are you haunting me and not chasing some beautiful woman tonight? Don't you have anything better to do?"

Damien Vosh
Oct 23rd, 2003, 09:48:14 PM
"So tell me, Damien Vosh..." Wylde grinned playfully as she hesitating then tilted her head to one side. "Why are you haunting me and not chasing some beautiful woman tonight? Don't you have anything better to do?"

A smile curled at the one of the corners of his lips as he studied her for a moment. He had a feeling she probably already knew the answer to that question. But what was to happen next, even Wylde, ‘Seer-extraordinare’, could not foresee coming...

Taking a chance and a serious gamble, one that would more then likely get him killed for doing so, Damien snatched Wylde up with both arm’s and proceeded to toss her into the lake. Wylde squealed as she quickly left his grasp, clutching at him in vain before she felt herself sailing into the cool water a short distance away. Damien let out a laugh before he too followed her pursuit into the lake, yelling out to Wylde a partial answer to her question as he preformed a cannonball right next to her.

“Because their all snob’s and your not!,…Whoo-Hoo!”

Wylde Krymsin
Oct 23rd, 2003, 10:39:43 PM
Wylde emerged from the water sputtering and laughing at the same time. She saw Damien leap through the air and moved out of the way just in time to avoid being dunked under by his cannon ball. Leave it to the playful vampyre to do something like this.

"Damien!" She laughed, splashing his face with water as he emerged from the water, his hair slicked back from his face. Wylde looked at him for a moment and then swam next to him. His blue eyes pierced her with a playfully stare and she raised an eyebrow before bringing her hands up to his head to dunk him completely under water.

Letting out another squeal, she quickly swam to shore, laughing as she made her way back the rock they had sat on before. She looked down at herself, her leather pants and halter top suddenly uncomfortable.

"Damien, you owe me a new outfit!" Wylde called back, watching as he swam back. He rose from the water, Wylde's eyebrows shooting up higher than they ever had, his clothes were sticking to his body and she let out a low whistle. She felt his eyes upon her and she matched his gaze, blowing him a kiss.

"It's too bad you're not my type." She grinned, looking to the sand as the two of them stood there dripping wet and laughing like children. "We can always count on each other, can't we, Damien?"

Damien Vosh
Oct 23rd, 2003, 11:37:27 PM
As Damien trudged up onto the bank of the lake, soaked to the bone, he ran both of his hands back over his head to wring out any the last remaining water in his blonde hair.

"It's too bad you're not my type." Wylde snickered as she blew him a kiss, her green eye’s dancing as she taunted him. "We can always count on each other, can't we, Damien?"

He shot Wylde a playful grin before he took a seat next to her on the rock. Stretching his leg’s out as he leaned back on his elbows and glanced back over the lake.

“Your damn right,…What kind of question is that silly butt.” Damien said jokingly as a light chuckle escaped him. Tilting his head towards Wylde, he caught her smiling at his words. In vain she ran both of her hands over her leather pants trying to flush the lake water from them, but to no avail.

“Oh, you mean counting on me to get you a new set of threads don’t you?...Well, aren't you the clever one tonight.” He knew what she meant by it, and Damien had no doubt Wylde did too. They had always been there for one another, however. Tonight was somehow different for them both…This night revealed secret’s that they had never shared before…And when Damien thought about it, his troubles didn’t seem all that bad knowing she cared too.

“Wylde, what’s it really like out there?…You know, when you go to other off-worlds to chronicle other darklings doing your thing. I mean,... Are things so different from here?” He asked the ‘Seer’ with a curious tone in his voice, gazing up to the dark fabric of space as he pondered its vastness.

Wylde Krymsin
Oct 25th, 2003, 06:03:51 PM
Wylde looked over at Damien and then up at the same stars he was gazing at. She let a soft smile play on her lips.

"It is amazing, Damien, to be able to go to other worlds and see their culture, to meet others." Wylde whispered, resting her head on his shoulder. This time she knew he would not mind. "All you know is a planet full of vampyres and the mortals that either respect or fear you. To go out and experience the differences...it is something you just have to do, Damien."

Wylde reached down and took his hand in her's, smiling happily when she was not assaulted with premonitions or images...she finally had her power under her complete control and felt a big weight lift off of her...but that still would not help her most darkest desire. One she feared would consume her until it was too late.

"Have you ever turned anyone, Damien?" Wylde asked, then quickly added, "Not that I am asking you to do it, I'm just curious about the whole thing."

Damien Vosh
Oct 27th, 2003, 04:43:36 PM
A thin smile crossed Damien lips as Wylde explained to him what it was like on other foreign worlds. How the people and other creatures interacted with one another, cultures and life styles that seemed similar to his own, but somehow different then he imagined. If Damien could leave tomorrow, he would. His true hunger for the unknown, his drive for new experiences burned within him like an unquenchable fire that had no end in sight.

"Have you ever turned anyone, Damien?" Wylde paused, then quickly added, "Not that I am asking you to do it, I'm just curious about the whole thing."

Wylde felt Damien hand run lovingly through her pink hair as he drew her in closer, his eyes still pondering the stars far above them. He knew instinctively what she was feeling, much as he did with his own curiosity concerning other worlds and races.

“Well, there was a gypsy girl I met once the other side of K’har Sian,...” Damien hesitated for a moment as he thought of her youthful face and the brief time they had spent together.

“Her name was Alonya…She was the closest I ever came to giving the Dark Gift too…But I couldn’t find it in myself to follow through with it…It wasn’t meant to be ya know…I,…” Damien’s words trailed off as the bitter scene of his and Alonya’s last parting rushed over his mind.

“I wasn’t ready to take from her the life she lived…She wanted it…She knew what I was…What it meant to do so…” Once again Damien paused as he found it more and more difficult to talk about. A moment of silence elapsed before he went on. Only the nightly sounds of the near by lake and the gentle lull of its waters slapping against the banks played in their ears. Wylde slowly turned to look up into his eyes, but she could already feel the anguish building inside of him by her gifted touch.

“She died before I made my mind up…Her small village was raided by desert marauders…Everything was destroyed…I never saw her again...I only wish I would have listened to her then.” Damien stood, breaking the friendly embrace he had with Wylde. His hands slipped into his back pockets as he narrowed his eyes at the duel luminous trails that shimmered across the lakes expanse from the moons above. Somehow they no longer looked the same…Like two sharp daggers they stabbed at his conscious, reminding him of two lovers that would never meet again…

“Sometimes, we never get a second chance Wylde,...” Damien said blankly before he finished the last of his sentence in low melancholy tones the Seer detected.

“…Sometimes we should listen to our hearts,…They never lie to us.”

Wylde Krymsin
Oct 28th, 2003, 09:21:09 PM
Wylde remained quiet as Damien told her his story. They had been close for many years, but this was the first time either of them had been this open with one another. She watched him as he stood by the water, how handsome he looked in the moonlight. She was reminded of a lost little boy from the sad look on his face as he talked of Aloyna.

'How sad.' She thought to herself as she looked down at her black nails.

“Sometimes, we never have get a second chance Wylde, sometimes we should listen to our hearts,…They never lie to us.”

Wylde laughed softly at this, shaking her head. Gettiing up from the rock, she walked over to him and kissed his cool cheek.

"Damien, if I listened to my heart, I would be a turned one now." She whispered, looking at him for a moment before turning her attention to the water. "You may have to listen to your heart, but your mind rules, as well. I would probably lose everything that I hold dear if I become like you. Uziel, Sat...my standing within the Watchers..."

Wylde stared sadly over the still water, her mind wandering off. Not only did she fear giving in to her darkest desire, but she was also lonely as frell. Sure, she had friends, but that was not what she sought. She wanted a close relationship with someone, but she found that way beyond her reach right now.

"Poor Uziel, I cannot understand how he puts up with me." She laughed. "And Sat as well. I think I have given the poor guy enough gray hairs to fill an eternity."

Satarel Castillon
Oct 29th, 2003, 12:49:43 AM
The eldest of the next generation of Watchers leaned against a nearby tree. Hearing all the two friends spoke of made him think. What do I have for myself? What desires do I hold inside? The thoughts echoed in his head as he knew the answer...Nothing.

That was the answer, He had nothing. All he had was the order he served with his whole being. Wylde, he knew always had a flare for being inquisitive, always wanting more.....While he was all duty, always stuck in his studies.....and where has it gotten him? Nowhere. Nothing......no personal life, no ambitions...no dreams....no life.

He pulled his hood further over his head and let the staff lean with him. Why was he so dedicated that he would gladly let life pass him by? Become a "monk" as Wylde had called him at one time during a little tiff they had. Hearing them talk, now made him wonder what he would like to do, or like to see. And this love they talk about, he had never experienced it before either, He sighed as he thought of what he was missing out on.

Damien Vosh
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:59:27 AM
"Damien, if I listened to my heart, I would be a turned one now.” Wylde replied softly before her eyes wondered out over the glassy water...

"You may have to listen to your heart, but your mind rules, as well. I would probably lose everything that I hold dear if I become like you. Uziel Sat...My standing within the Watchers..."

Damien turned and held Wylde’s gaze for a moment. He shot her that curtain look she knew, the one that seeped with silent protest and a tinge of disbelief as their eyes met once more. Damien lips then curled into a smile before he came closer to her. Reaching out slowly, the vampire ran his hand over Wylde’s hair and down the side of her cheek, his mere gentle touch told her all she needed to know, however. Damien would confirm his thoughts out loud to her for the sake of his own certainty.

“Yes, both are closely connected Wylde,…Who we loved and whom we’ve served that matter’s most in the end…But that’s not such a terrible price to pay is it?” Again, he said the opposite of what he truly meant. Damien would have fought the alluring idea of such fundamental notions, but the Seer was right nonetheless. She was bound by her servitude and the mysterious gifts that were granted to her from birth. Heart, mind, body and soul…Each physical and mental facility endeared to the Watcher Order, a silent life of honor and prestige that she chose willingly and freely.

"Poor Uziel, I cannot understand how he puts up with me." Wylde chuckled as her hand subconsciously touched Damien’s own...

"And Sat as well,…I think I have given the poor guy enough gray hairs to fill an eternity."

“I doubt that…They both care for you greatly, that’s all…That’s plain to see.” Damien paused for a moment, tugging Wylde by the hand to set next to him on the rock.

“But let me pick your brain for a moment…I’m just curious as to how you think and feel about all of this. That’s if you don’t mind me asking that is.” Wylde shot Damien a knowing look, as if he should have already known the answer to that question.

“Go ahead, ask away.” She said coolly as her head tilted slightly towards him and a sarcastic smile played on her full lips.

“Well, I just want to know why you entertain such thoughts?...Why you would want to give that all up now? Everything you stand for and love? I mean,...Don’t take what I have to say the wrong way Wylde, but you have to seriously ask yourself the question beforehand…Would you willfully give Uziel and Sat up for it…Even if it meant you becoming an out cast to the Watcher order?...Would thier love for you be worth the price of eternity?...Because your right Wylde, you would loose it all if you did ya know.”

Wylde Krymsin
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:17:03 PM
Wylde looked down from Damien's knowing eyes for a moment. She let out a sigh and pondered his question quietly.

"I have known as far back as I can remember that I have always wanted to know the life of a vampyre, Damien." She whispered, turning back to look at him. "It has always haunted me. Every waking moment, every night I sleep. I cannot escape it. That is why I start feeling like I cannot fight the urge anymore. Like the next vampyre I run into I am going to beg them to make me one of their own...and I am scared, Damien."

Wylde wiped the hot tears that fell down her cheeks and glanced at Damien.

"If Sat found out, he would only give me a lecture on how bad that would be for me, for the Watchers. Sometimes it seems he does not care for me as a friend, but only my actions in the Society itself."

She saw Damien open his mouth to argue her words, but she waved him off.

"Oh, I know Sat cares for me. He just does not show it like you and I do. I had the biggest crush on him not too long ago, but he's too involved in his work to even think about anything like that." Wylde shrugged her shoulders, hearing movement behind her and knew Sat was there. Her eyes glanced at Damien and knew that he also had detected him.

'I'm in for it now.' She sent to Damien with a smirk on her face.

Satarel Castillon
Nov 4th, 2003, 04:17:18 AM
The Watcher walked passed them and leaned against another tree. They could see his face held emotions he was new to. He figited with his staff as he furrowed his eyebrows. Not speaking yet, though wanting too. He looked up at Wylde and pursed his lips.

" I have been listening to you both speak for a little while......and you both speak of things that make me wonder why I do what I do."

He pulled his hood over his head, he didn;t want them to see how this made him.....how weak he must seem.

"I now wonder why I involve most of my time in my teachings and lessons.....I dont have ambition, dreams.....love......I dont know anything of anything because I have foolishly shut myself off from those things, believing it was all so trivial. That I wouldn't need any of it."

He now tapped his staff against the ground.

" It seems I may have been wrong...and foolish to believe so."

He went silent once more, not knowing what to say.

Wylde Krymsin
Nov 8th, 2003, 07:16:19 PM
Wylde cast guilty eyes from Satarel to Damien and then back to Satarel as she watched him walk by. She was expecting to be lectured on what he had heard the two close friends speak about, but she was stunned when Satarel did not.

"Satarel," Wylde began, reaching out to place a hand on his robed arm. "What you are feeling is only natural. You have buried everything inside of you that did not have to do with the Watchers and focused only on that. You got caught up in it. It happens."

She watched as he pulled the hood lower onto his face and she glanced at Damien.

"Sat, since you are starting to question yourself...maybe it is time to let everything else free that you feel inside and well...get to know yourself all over again. There is more to our lives than the Watchers and the Citadel. Uziel would even tell you that."

Wylde squeezed his arm gently, giving him a soft smile that she knew he saw from underneath his hood.

Satarel Castillon
Nov 9th, 2003, 01:10:41 PM
His voice was a bit distant. This was a first for him as he faced the turmoil in his heart. This whole revalation thing had stirred up something from within and he didnt like it.....it wasnt order...it was chaos, and he loathed chaos.

"Is it natural? I thought we gave up things because this task which we were chosen to undertake was the most important thing we could be honored with. Now....... I feel empty, like I have acomplished nothing. Like I am nothing."

He got off from leaning against the tree and walked to the edge of the water. His gray eyes searched for something to ease his mind.... He rubbed the upper portion of his staff with his thumb. Feeling the smooth onyx surface.

Damien Vosh
Nov 11th, 2003, 01:11:46 AM
"Is it natural? I thought we gave up things because this task which we were chosen to undertake was the most important thing we could be honored with. Now....... I feel empty, like I have accomplished nothing. Like I am nothing."

Damien listened intently as the two Watchers spoke amongst themselves. It was obvious that all three of them desired more in life, as if they were searching for the very existence of their souls. Yet at the same time in turn, they felt as though there was a very important element missing, a tiny missing piece to the larger puzzle in the grand scheme of things. Indeed, it was a hell of a thing to come alone to ones own cross roads, only to figure out that he or she was completely lost once they arrived…

“Sat, many times in my own life, I too have felt what you speak of now…I'd say it’s very natural and normal to feel this way. Yet we all have our specific callings though, sacrifices we face and make...Even if it means facing things alone and we can’t figure out or understand the meaning of it all at times.” The young vampyre said in an almost whispered tone as he came to stand at Wylde’s side in front of Sat. Wylde shot Damien an odd glance as if he had all the sudden turned into some kind of oracle or guru. Returning her a pleasant smile, Damien continued while he was on a roll...

“The riddle of life is allusive as it is mysterious…Perhaps that’s what drives me now ya know…Knowing that tomorrow it will be a different day, and that in its self, just might produce the answers I seek and search for…Maybe, maybe not. ” Damien placed a comforting hand on Satarel shoulder, squeezing it slightly in a reassuring way.

“In all honesty though,…The funny thing is. I envy the both of you…You both lead a wonderful existence. What I’d give now just to have a piece of that.” Damien let out a slight chuckle, hoping it would lift the heavy spirits and the mood of both Watchers.

“But I assure you Sat,…You are no fool…That’s one thing I’m sure of. Everything the Watchers stand for amounts to something…Even if others are unaware or blind to your honorable works and accomplishments.”

Wylde Krymsin
Nov 13th, 2003, 12:33:50 PM
Wylde felt their eyes upon her and she looked at them, offering both of them a lopsided grin.

"What he said." Wylde echoed in a soft voice, her mind wandering back to her and Damien's previous conversation. She sighed and pulled away from her two friends, reaching out to touch Damien's shoulder as she walked to the edge of the water.

Wylde stuck her hands into her wet pockets and laughed a bit at the memory of Damien tossing her into the lake. She looked back over her shoulder at him, smiling softly a she turned back around and watched the small creatures of the water move effortlessly across the water's surface.