Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 21st, 2003, 08:59:55 PM
Eight months ago, she returned. Eight months ago, she had said good-bye to a Master that she had loved as a mother.
Eight months seemed like a lifetime...so many things had happened since then. Some far worse than others. Some petty.
Many friends she had gained in those eight months and a few enemies along the way. But, one thing remained amongst it all...memories.
It was unexplainable, the dire need to be there.
In that room, that very room.
Quay'Na Rakai slid the key card into the locking mechanism, it clicked. The door slid open and she stood very still staring into the darkened quarters, the quarters she had shared with her late Master; Ira Valko.
With a deep breath, she walked in and flipped on the lights with her left hand. It was vacant still and the Padawan wondered if anyone would ever live in it again. Since she'd moved out, it had been freshly painted and recarpeted. To remove all the burn marks of her holo-projector incident.
Quay's thoughts wondered to that day, watching Master Sage come flying through the open door, lightsabre's in both hands ready to defend off any evil that had perpatrated her room...only to find a holo-projector and table she had lightsabered in two herself. That was the night, they actually got to know each other and he offered her a room in his quarters...so long ago that was. So, caring and generous. She missed him dearly, he still hadn't returned from wherever he went.
Within Sages' absence, many things had occured, many bad things. Things that she didn't want to think about, things that the Padawan didnt' care to remember. Things that she had forced herself to push aside to try and bring her back to a normal healthy way of life. Even now, as she was now under the charge of her newest master, Morgan Evanar, she felt somewhat preoccupied.
It had been hard and it still showed it's scars from time to time in her actions.
A Jedi's essence grows within the Force.
Your focus determines your reality.
Quay'Na smiled slightly as she remembered the two most recited passages Master Ira had ever told her.
My Focus. Did she even have a focus anymore? Quay'Na had been pondering on this thought for the past few days.
Eight months seemed like a lifetime...so many things had happened since then. Some far worse than others. Some petty.
Many friends she had gained in those eight months and a few enemies along the way. But, one thing remained amongst it all...memories.
It was unexplainable, the dire need to be there.
In that room, that very room.
Quay'Na Rakai slid the key card into the locking mechanism, it clicked. The door slid open and she stood very still staring into the darkened quarters, the quarters she had shared with her late Master; Ira Valko.
With a deep breath, she walked in and flipped on the lights with her left hand. It was vacant still and the Padawan wondered if anyone would ever live in it again. Since she'd moved out, it had been freshly painted and recarpeted. To remove all the burn marks of her holo-projector incident.
Quay's thoughts wondered to that day, watching Master Sage come flying through the open door, lightsabre's in both hands ready to defend off any evil that had perpatrated her room...only to find a holo-projector and table she had lightsabered in two herself. That was the night, they actually got to know each other and he offered her a room in his quarters...so long ago that was. So, caring and generous. She missed him dearly, he still hadn't returned from wherever he went.
Within Sages' absence, many things had occured, many bad things. Things that she didn't want to think about, things that the Padawan didnt' care to remember. Things that she had forced herself to push aside to try and bring her back to a normal healthy way of life. Even now, as she was now under the charge of her newest master, Morgan Evanar, she felt somewhat preoccupied.
It had been hard and it still showed it's scars from time to time in her actions.
A Jedi's essence grows within the Force.
Your focus determines your reality.
Quay'Na smiled slightly as she remembered the two most recited passages Master Ira had ever told her.
My Focus. Did she even have a focus anymore? Quay'Na had been pondering on this thought for the past few days.