View Full Version : A Jedi Never Fears...(Open to any Darksider)

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 20th, 2003, 07:28:20 PM
He had done it to himself, volunteered for patrol duty in the dregs during the graveyard shift. He had grown bored of training against drones and meditating; he wished to be a Jedi, not a monk. However, he may have gotten more than he could have asked for; already he had interuptted three violent crimes and stopped a few thieves, but something was nagging him that there would be more than petty thugs.

"This is Ka' el logging in, sectors three and four clear, moving on to sector five. We have a few people who need to be rounded up at the check-point at sector 4, one needs medical attention for a broken collarbone."

Ka' el checked in with patrol command, the thug with the broken collarbone was a victim of Ka' el's periodic fits of overaggressiveness. He was a Jedi of course, but sometimes in the heat of the moment he was more forceful than what was necessary.

Kaytor Surna
Oct 20th, 2003, 08:42:31 PM
As he finished his message to the command, a chill ran up his spine, causing him to shiver. A shadow moved to his left. The air slowly grew colder and colder. The shadows seemed to grow deeper and a sense came to him that something was not as it should be. This was more than a petty theif wandering around the coradores.

He hears a dark laugh behind him. The voice of a female. Looking behind him, he sees a wall of shadows with two glowing red eyes peering out of it at him. He hears the laughter again. A voice follows, a voice as soft as the petals of a rose but as painfull as the thorns that follow.

"I thought I smelled a jedi wandering around. Now what would a being like you be doing working the night shift when all kinds of evil beings wander. It's not safe you know. You could get killed... or worse."

A figure steps out of the shadows. A female with pale, nearly pearly white skin, light brown hair and a black cloak. Her blood red eyes and the sharp fangs coming from her grin reveil her as a being of the damned night. A vampyre from the shrine. Her eyes give away her soulless composure.

A black hilted saber hangs at her right hip and a blaster of black metal hangs at her left. A silver sword is on her back but hidden by the cloak. She reaches down and gently rests her hand on her saber. Her eyes seem entrancing like he could not take his eyes away from them.

"Come now jedi. Dance with the devil."

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 21st, 2003, 07:53:16 AM
Ka' el turned slowly barely acknowledging the woman, his saber sat on his hilt untouched.

"Why do you disturb me? You've done nothing wrong, I have no reason to strike at you." Ka' el replied to the girl.

He began to turn his back on her looking over his shoulder.
"You should go home get some sleep, drink off whatever it is that makes you think you're a vampire."

Ka' el motioned for her to go away with his left hand, while his right hand slipped ever closer to his hilt, there was no need in being unprepared.

Gav Mortis
Oct 21st, 2003, 02:11:54 PM
"The Devil, you say?" Came a voice from behind Kaytor, eloquent and crisp. Gav stood at an angle, leaning on the black cane in his gloved hand. He smiled and approached.

"My dear, you're not pretty enough to be a devil." His cane swung idly at his side until he stopped alongside the woman and surveyed the Jedi. "But your friend here, yes, he's a bit of a devil."

Gav shot Ka'el a wink. "If you don't mind my saying so, that is."

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 21st, 2003, 10:16:12 PM
"I suppose not," Ka' el said confused.

What strange characters come out in the dregs at night... Ka' el thought to himself. He was not concerned, the woman seemed a bit mentally unstable and was well-armed but he had not witnessed her commit a crime and it was not against the law to carry weapons on Coruscant and there was no point in him getting into a fight unless he absolutely had to.

"Well unless there is a problem I should probably be continuing on my patrol."

Something about the man was unsettling but Ka' el was not well-enough trained to sense intentions via the Force.

Gav Mortis
Oct 24th, 2003, 05:04:44 PM
"Then allow me to accompany you!" Gav said loftily. He approached Ka'el, tapping his cane against the ground with every other step. Once alongside the Jedi he turned on his heel and faced Kaytor.

"You see this young lady." He whispered, leaning in close to the Jedi's ear. "Well, let me tell you a little something about her; she's some kind of Dark Sider, frankly, I couldn't care less if she was a Dark Jedi, a Really Dark Jedi or a Dark Jedi with a gender identity crisis but let's be honest which of their kind don't have that problem. Have you seen the robes!"

Gav laughed heartily, his cane swung like a pendulum in his hand and he stared intently at the young Jedi, his eyes not moving for a second. A grin become ever more apparent. "She wants to kill you too."

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 24th, 2003, 10:06:16 PM
"I suspected as much, but only a fool draws his blade when he doesn't know his enemy," Ka' el replied in a hushed tone.

He smiled slightly at Gav's words and yet something about the man made him trust him less than he trusted Kaytor. Keeping his hands away from his saber as to not provoke the man.

"So what do you suggest I do?"

Gav Mortis
Oct 26th, 2003, 01:16:27 PM
"I suggest you accept my offer and allow me to accompany you." Gav said immediatly, his pleased smile beaming as ever. He broke eye contact for a moment to glance back at their aggressive female company. "Come, come, my dear. There's no need to be so angry all the time. Take a break."

"Now--" He began intently, turning back to Ka'el he draped an arm around his shoulders casually. "What exactly are you up to out this late at night?"

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 29th, 2003, 09:24:06 AM
"Patrols, the Jedi generally send someone to work patrols with the City Watch. I grew bored of meditation and drone training and wanted to get some experience so I volunteered," You idiot... don't tell someone you grow bored with something if you are a Jedi! he thought to himself just as soon as the words slipped from his mouth. It was the late hours, he was unused to it and though his Jedi training had prepared him for such an occasion, it was still difficult for him to maintain absolute focus over all his functions.

Ka' el slowly took in the outfit of his companion; "And you sir what business have you in the dregs?" His tone of voice was non-confrontational and it was posed as a casual question, though Ka'el began immediately to scan Gav for subtle hints as to why such a finely dressed man would be nonchalantly strolling through the dregs at such a late hour.

Kaytor Surna
Oct 30th, 2003, 03:31:22 AM
A growl escaped Kaytor's lips. Her dark red eyes watched the two walk away and she slipped into the shadows to follow them. She had met Grev before and he annoyed her. To an extream extend. She crept through the shadows silently and keeping close enough to hear them.

Gav Mortis
Nov 4th, 2003, 12:15:58 PM
"I come here sometimes at night to meet people, interesting people quite like yourself and our friend back there. Oh, I don't know, call it odd, call it excentric but I find the company provided by the dregs to be far more entertaining than that one would find in the more upper class regions. Don't you think?"

They stolled onward, Gav watched with interest as the young Jedi struggled to maintain absolute focus and his narrow eyes studied their surroundings with scrutiny while he listened to Gav speak. Having removed his arm from Ka'el's shoulders, Gav plodded along with grace and dignity, his cane tapped against the floor in rythmn with his pace.

"And I think it's a good thing really, a young, developing Jedi out in the field as it were. I can understand that your training may be monotonous at times and it's no wonder you wanted to put your skills to good use but never neglect your studies, my friend. Keep to your training, I'm sure you'll make a fine Jedi." Suddenly, Gav stopped dead in his tracks and brought his cane up to Ka'el's chest bringing him to a halt likewise. Gav wore a look of mild shock.

"Oh I beg your pardon, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Gav." He smiled. "And who might you be, master jedi?"

Ka' el Darcverse
Nov 12th, 2003, 01:17:04 PM
"The name's Ka' el Darcverse and I'm just a padawan learner," Ka' el said blushing a bit. He had turned his attention completely away from the Dark-sider who was following them and kept his attention on Gav. The man seemed unconcerned with the world around him, as if there was no challenge he couldn't handle and this made the young Jedi uncomfortable, not even Jedi Master's were this confident.

"So you obviously aren't from the Dregs, at least not now, what do you do Mssr. Gav?"

Gav Mortis
Nov 12th, 2003, 02:07:59 PM
"Gav, please. Just Gav, my friend. I'm not your superior." Gav corrected the padawan politely. He grinned at the young man's question and resumed his walk once more beckoning for his company to join him. He took a deep breath and sighed happily.

"I am a fortune teller, Ka'el. I work on the planet Onderon with a small number of colleagues and we deal in the future; people come to us and we help them, give them advise and counselling." Gav chuckled. "I suppose you could say we're a bunch of regular good samaritans really - we strive to help those who come to us to become better people and through them we hope to make a brighter future."

Gav gave the padawan a sideways glance and caught his eye. "I bet you have a bright future ahead of you. What can you see for yourself, say, in three years time?"

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 12th, 2003, 02:11:09 PM
please delete

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 15th, 2004, 03:36:55 PM
Ka' el smiled at the question. He often thought of his future with the Order. He knew he would make Knight sometime within the next year or so, his skills were progessing by leaps and bounds. After Knight he didn't know. He simply wanted to maintain the balance of the Force.

"Jedi Knight, probably will be assigned to a diplomatic post, Master D'an's students are generally well versed in handling volatile situations. Perhaps after my posting I may be made a Master, but that isn't that important. Just so long as I continue to perform my duties and do my part to maintain the balance of the Force."

Gav Mortis
Mar 15th, 2004, 04:10:22 PM
"Well, you seem like a very level-headed young man, Ka'el." Gav stopped again, this time he placed a hand on the youngster's shoulder to stop him in his stride, and he gently turned him until their eyes met. A grim look of seriousness was carved into his face.

"Listen carefully, my friend, because more often than not a young padawan like yourself will allow all this newly acquired power to go to his head and become careless and arrogant. And we both know where that leads but you're not like that and good for you!"

Gav beamed again and patted Ka'el on the shoulder with a hearty laugh. He walked on again and pointed up ahead.

"See down there, that neon sign? That's a bar called 'The Cocktail Lab', it's a place I frequent more often than not and I have a friend of mine, one of my fellow samaritans, waiting there for me. I'm sure she'd be interested in meeting you, she has a problem I think you could help her with too. Shall we?"

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 15th, 2004, 04:55:29 PM
Ka' el nodded politely.

"Thank you sir." He then listened to his invitation. Ka' el was still wary of this traveller but the man seemed unconcerned with Ka' el. That he had larger fish to fry.

And besides he might be telling the truth...

The boy let his hand slip by and brush against his robe, checking to make sure his saber was still there. It was hardly noticable and Ka' el made it seem as if he were dusting something from his robe.

"Lead the way good sir."

And Ka' el began to follow him.

Gav Mortis
Mar 15th, 2004, 06:24:45 PM
"Good sir?" Gav shot back at the padawan with a look of disbelief, then he shook his head, laughing. "No, no! Please call me Gav, we're all friends."

Then with a sigh, Gav waved his young friend into silence, adding:

"Let me guess? It makes you feel more comfortable referring to me as 'Sir', I can understand and even if I insisted you would still be just as formal, I admire that professionalism, Ka'el. Yes I do."

A short silence followed, in which Gav developed a slight skip to his step and he started whistling an upbeat tune, tapping his cane to the beat. A scantily clad lady escorting an elderly gentleman walked by and the Sith gave them a two fingered salute, tilting his head respectfully. Then under his breath, informed the young Jedi:

"You see a lot of that sort of thing around these parts; gold diggers and their dirty old men; but what can you do? Ah! Here we are." Coming to a stop outside the bar, Gav turned to Ka'el and after looking both ways up and down the street, said: "Are you sure I'm not putting you out of your way coming here? I'd hate to feel interfering or overbearing!"

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 15th, 2004, 06:38:01 PM
"Not at all," Ka' el replied. He was distracted by the woman. He shook his head.

"What seems to be the problem with your friend?" Ka' el asked politely.

"Shall we go inside?"

Gav Mortis
Mar 15th, 2004, 07:11:02 PM
"I'll let her be the one to indulge you with the details, it's not really my place to say." Gav answered appologetically, then headed inside.

It was an extravagant place for the lower levels, it still had that unshakeable sleaziness about it that was the trademark present in all such places in these regions of Coruscant. Gav blamed the regulars.

"I appologise in advance for some of the less tolerable patrons; some smell, some are bad mannered and rude, some are stinking drunk; so I would suggest you keep your lightsaber out of sight at all times. Don't want any trouble now."

Not losing the skip in his step, Gav headed through the bustling crowds, wafting away the thick cigar smoke as best he could and frowning in disapproval as a rather bald, burly turned away from the bar and practically belched in his face. Gav looked back to Ka'el and shook his head.

"See what I mean?"

On they trudged until they reached the rear of the club which was darker and even more seedy than the rest of the place and there, at a table sat the woman Gav was looking for, surrounded by men vainly trying to win her affection. He caught her eye.

"Razielle, my dear, I have brought someone to see you!"

Razielle Shadana
Mar 15th, 2004, 07:40:25 PM
Speaking in her mind for only Gav to hear, Razielle commented on the leering, seedy drunkards. Odious swine, how I loathe them... Scooting around the table to make room for the newly arrived gentlemen, Razielle said sweetly. "Gav, be a dear and sit beside me. They'll most likely leave off if I have such a handsome escort."

Tucking an errant curl behind her ear, Razielle peered innocently up at the Jedi that Gav had brought along. "Have you come to help me..?" Taking a napkin from the table, she dabbed at her eyes and sniffed delicately. Appearing to have composed herself, she reached across the table and took the hands of the man. "I am sorry. Forgive me, I am Razielle." Her bottom lip trembled.. "I am so cold..."

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 16th, 2004, 08:33:01 AM
Ka' el had a strange look on his face when the woman took his hands. She was very beautiful but something bout this whole situation didn't seem right. It was driving him nuts that he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Would you like my cloak miss?" He asked in earnest.

Her hands clamped down on his like icy claws. He wondered why she felt so cold. He then looked at Gav.

"Is she ill?"

Gav Mortis
Mar 16th, 2004, 09:50:37 AM
"I'm not sure," Gav answered with a look of uncertainty. He took a seat next to Razielle and took her other hand in his own, rubbing it comfortingly. "She has been like this for sometime now and her health appears to be deteriorating, no modern medicine has helped her and the doctors are baffled, we believe she needs Jedi help. Jedi can heal people can't they? Won't you please help her?"

Razielle Shadana
Mar 16th, 2004, 01:23:16 PM
Razielle let Gav lead the converstion. She was enjoying the scenery, locking her jewel hued violet eyes on the Jedi she slowly began to charm him. She said nothing, did not speak to his mind or use any method he would be familiar with but still her very soul cried out to him: I need you Ka' el, please...Help me..

Turning his hand over in her own, she traced his strong blue veins with her fingertips. "Gav has been so good to me.. He finally found me someone who can help. I have been so scared.." She looked up at Gav and smiled sweetly, then turned her angelic smile back to the Jedi. "I can tell you will be good... for me. You have exactly what I need."

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 16th, 2004, 02:19:46 PM
"Yes there are healers at the order who specialize in that sort of thing. However I am not a healer, I am simply a padawan. One who specializes in combat and diplomacy at that," Ka' el responded.

He looked at Raz, he felt attracted to her for a moment, but then as if by instinct he broke his gaze with her and the Force began to build a barrier around his mind. He was letting himself be distracted and it could prove disaterous for the young man.

"What do I need to do?"

Gav Mortis
Mar 17th, 2004, 03:27:45 PM
"We know you're busy and we appreciate everything you have done for us but is there anyway you could take us to someone who could perhaps help my friend overcome this bizzare disorder?"

Razielle Shadana
Mar 17th, 2004, 07:38:15 PM
Razielle nodded and once again locked her beseeching eyes on the Jedi. "Yes, I can no longer suffer this way. Please, you can help me. Take me to someone that can cure me, if you can't." That was what her voice said.... her eyes communicated another matter entirely. Ka' el its you I need.. Take me with you, please...

Holding Gav's arm as if she needed the support, Razielle spoke softly. "Can we go now..?"

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 17th, 2004, 08:57:30 PM
Ka' el rose and offered his own arm as support as well. He fought off a feeling of responsibility, that he himself needed to assist this woman and no one else.

"Yes, I'll call in to the temple. They'll send a speeder to get us immediately."

Ka' el reached into his pocket and activated his communicator and began to raise it to his mouth.

Gav Mortis
Mar 17th, 2004, 09:05:28 PM
"Just a moment, kind sir." Gav interrupted, bringing his hand over the commlink mouthpiece, he frowned and leaning in closer, whispered:

"I think it's best if we go by foot, since her condition has grown worse she has grown extremely nauxious and suffers from severe travel sickness. A ride in a speeder would only make her worse besides, I think the fresh air would do her some good."

Then taking Shadana gently under the arm, helped her to her feet and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Come along, dear. It's time to bring your suffering to an end."

Razielle Shadana
Mar 17th, 2004, 09:24:59 PM
Tucking herself against Gav's side, her arm also around his waist, Razielle kept her eyes on Ka' el. She blinked at him innocently and whispered "Yes please..? I think a walk would help to get.....my blood flowing and make me warm."

Although she still leaned on Gav, she took Ka' el's hand in her own and brushed a kiss across his knuckles "I shall never forget your kindness sir Jedi.." Lets go now, take me away from here Ka' el.. Her eyes just wouldn't leave his, she conveyed so much longing in a glance that it was damn near impossible to look away.

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 17th, 2004, 09:43:22 PM
Ka' el nodded.

"Ok a walk. There is a repulsor lift that will get us to the level the Temple is on, about 6 blocks from here."

He held Raz's hand and helped her out, locking eyes with her's and staring. He couldn't break the gaze with her until she blinked.

"Are you sure you're ok to walk?"

Gav Mortis
Mar 17th, 2004, 09:56:17 PM
"She still has some strength, bless her." Gav answered for Razielle, patting her hand comfortingly. Once they were outside of the bar, they turned and headed down the street, it was emptier than when he and Ka'el had last been in the open. Not being one to break character, Gav tapped his cane in time with his walking and hummed.

"Oh by the way, Master Jedi, would you mind if we made a quick detour up ahead?" Gav suddenly chirped, then shook his head in reprimand. "I'm such an idiot, Shadana, I need to drop of our keycard at the hotel reception for Jared."

"I'm terribly sorry about all this." He said, looking at Ka'el, then pointed up ahead. "If we take a right down the next sidestreet then we'll get there in no time. Could I borrow your commlink to call Jared and tell him where we're staying tonight? If you don't mind, of course."

Razielle Shadana
Mar 17th, 2004, 10:09:04 PM
Very trustingly Razielle nodded. "Its alright, Gav..." She clung to him and walked ahead but every so often peered at Ka' el keeping her eyes on him and smiling.

"Gav is such a gentleman.. very good to me. But we do need to make the arrangements for our friend, you don't mind the pitstop do you, Sir Jedi..? I assure you it will take moments only.." Smiling at him as if he were her very own guardian angel, Razielle stared into his eyes. Come with us...

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 18th, 2004, 12:01:31 PM
Things quit making sense at that moment. Ka' el slowly started becoming aware of the woman's attempts to manipulate him.

Why do they want me to go with them... If she is so sick shouldn't we get her to the Temple...

Ka' el smiled; "Of course you can use my communicator Gav. Let me just call in so they'll be ready for us when we arrive. It won't do us any good to get Razielle there and then have to wait for someone to let us in."

However he held his facade of trust and followed them. He activated the tracking option on his communicator with a simple flick of his thumb, it was inconspicous and if Gav didn't look hard he wouldn't notice.

"Hello.. yes, this is Padawan Darcverse. I've got a woman who isn't feeling well and I'm bringing her in... no no, she said she's fine and wants to walk in, we are only a few blocks away on level 25... Yes... that's fine...I'll see you then."

Ka' el nodded.

"They'll have a med team waiting on us with a healer as soon as we arrive. Here you go," Ka' el said as he tossed his communicator to Gav.

Gav Mortis
Mar 18th, 2004, 12:29:06 PM
There was a low hum and a flash of red light then with a clinking, the commlink fell to the floor in two halves. An outstretched hand and Ka'el was hurled through the air by an unseen force and sent crashing into a stack of old containers. Gav followed him into the alley, his cane on the floor from which he had pulled his lightsaber and with which he slowly stalked his young prey.

"Tell me you didn't see this coming." He said in a silken voice, his menacing eyes remained fixed on the padawan while his lips curled into a mischievous grin. "You promised to help my friend and now Jedi, it's time to make good on that promise."

Razielle Shadana
Mar 18th, 2004, 12:51:34 PM
As Gav stalked forward, Razielle was doing what she did best. Being a Vampyre. Unless one had enhanced vision capabilities, they wouldn't have seen how fast she moved. Not that Sir Jedi didn't have more important things to consider with the Sith rapidly advancing on him.

While Ka'el came to rest in a rumpled heap amidst the boxes, Razielle crawled vertically down the alley wall above his head. Such a thing was made possible by her talon-like nails, which normally were not extended but now she felt like having a bit of fun. Flipping off the wall, she landed astride her Jedi lover-boy's lap and took his face in her hands. "There, there sweet Jedi... You said you wanted to help me and it is you I need to feel better..." Licking her lips, she smiled baring her fangs and lowered her face slowly to his throat.

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 18th, 2004, 01:06:50 PM
Ka' el leaned forward and whispered into her ear.

"Enjoy your last meal."

He then wrapped his left arm around her back pressing her to him and placed his saber under her left arm aiming hte emitter for her heart.

Mar 18th, 2004, 01:11:28 PM
Delete me.

Gav Mortis
Mar 18th, 2004, 01:14:44 PM
Instantaneously, the lightsaber changed colour and turned a ferocious white, becoming incinerating to the touch.

"You didn't think we'd make it that easy, did you?"

Razielle Shadana
Mar 18th, 2004, 01:23:11 PM
The Jedi lost his grip on her as his weapon was dropped from his hand. Looking down at the white-hot saber she narrowed her eyes and flung it down the alley via the Force. Locking her eyes on his once more she hissed. "Now where were we?" Clearly she was no longer in the mood to go easy on him. Had he been more submissive he may have enjoyed the attentions of a Vampyre, but now he had only brought down a world of suffering at the hands of the two Sith.

Grabbing his face and yanking it hard to the side, she sank her fangs in to his throat with a squish. He still may enjoy it yet. To be bitten by a Vampyre can be a very sensuous thing. As his blood flowed into her mouth and down her throat so too did his strength. Sounds of contentment left her as she drank deep. Sated, she flung herself back up to her feet beside her Master. "Mmmm Jedi. Nice vintage too..."

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 18th, 2004, 01:37:02 PM
Ka' el groaned. The blood from his neck flowed as did his strength. He was now unarmed and wounded. A very dangerous predicament to be sure, but he had activated the tracking device on his comm link before it had been destroyed, which doubled as a distress call.

He staggered to his feet and wiped some of the blood away from his neck. His hand stung from the burn. There was only one viable option for him at the moment. His study of malacia could yet give him the opportunity to escape.

A surge in the Force could be felt as he cleared his mind, then he raised his injured right hand to his face placing two fingers between his eyes, just above the bridge of his nose.

"Sith Spit!" He growled and then a vortex of Force flowed from him. Micro-vibrations on a frequency that would distort one's inner ear, causing them to lose their sense of balance. Mental attacks going after the point of ones mind that controlled the flow of blood to the head. He was attacking them both mentally and physically through this technique trying to incapacitate them.

Gav Mortis
Mar 18th, 2004, 01:51:51 PM
The ground beneath him rocked and then it seemed that the entire world had turned itself upside down. Light-headed and nauxious, Gav fell to the floor and closed his eyes in a vain attempt to shut out the effects of the padawans peculiar attack. He couldn't focus, it was a mental attack, this meant that Gav would have to simply rely on hand-eye co-ordination and keep the Jedi at bay with his lightsaber alone.

"Jedi cretin!" He hissed angrily, resting on one knee while his eyes desperately tried to focus, he held his weapon out in defense, anticipating a follow up attack. "In a contest of Force prowess there can be no victory up against me. Back down!"

Razielle Shadana
Mar 18th, 2004, 02:04:01 PM
The effects of the attack from the Jedi were somewhat altered on Razielle. She was Undead, and as such not susceptible to physical illness and the like, but she did experience a painful and sharp ringing in her ears that made her cover them protectively and squeeze her eyes shut. With a groan she opened her eyes to see Gav preparing to teach the ever foolish Jedi a lesson.

Razielle had anticipated the Jedi's little manuver in vibration had been less of an attack and more of a distraction, to provide him with an opportunity for escape. Lurching into the air, she flipped and landed on the other side of him effectively placing him in the middle of herself and Gav. With a look of superiority, she slid her own saber out from her boot and brought it to life with a hum that cast her features into a crimson glow.

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 18th, 2004, 02:12:03 PM
Ka' el grinned at Raz as she landed in front of him.

"Didn't know you liked me that much," Ka' el smiled. He looked back Gav was still trying to recover and that was all he needed.

A force push shot forward driving Raz backwards. She was a vampire and fast, but Ka' el's training was in combat, making his body faster, stronger, more durable than those he fought against. He turned the other direction, called his saber to his hand and ran at Gav, moving to his non-saber side and running by. He only had a brief window and wouldn't let it close without a fight.

Gav Mortis
Mar 23rd, 2004, 07:18:18 AM
After a clumsy swing at Ka'el as he ran by, Gav clamboured to his unsteady feet and with a wince rubbed his head. Then turning his frustration upon Razielle, glared.

"Don't just stand there, vampire. He's headed for the street; we can't afford to attract too much attention; hurry!"

He barked angrily before turning to a wall and rested his hand upon it, leaning forward while his stomach lurched.

"I'm going to eat him alive."

Razielle Shadana
Mar 23rd, 2004, 08:34:01 AM
Narrowing her eyes, Razielle refrained from pointing out that it was he the Jedi just barreled past. While Gav struggled to his feet, she dug her claws into the wall and climbed straight up. Gav had mentioned not drawing too much attention, so she was going to remain out of sight until she made her move.

Swinging around to the front of the building, she moved quickly. Rather like a spider across the wall, high enough that she was cast in shadow. Glancing down she spotted the fleeing Jedi. Ka' el was slowed when a group of people exited a building front, effectively blocking his path. Gotcha..

Dropping from the great height, her booted feet slammed into the pavement just in front of Ka' el. "Going somewhere, love..?" Without warning she grabbed the wrist of his weapon arm, and cruely twisted it up behind his back and out of harms way. Applying just enough strength to overcome his own, his wrist was snapped at an unnatural angle and his weapon hit the ground with a clatter. With a sweet grin, she kicked the saber off down the street.

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 29th, 2004, 01:12:31 AM
It was over. There was no use in struggling, the blood loss was making the world spin. He didn't even feel the pain of his shoulder being dislocated by Razielle's attack.

"doesn't... seem... that ... way..."

The young padawan then allowed himself to collapse, letting the Force sustain him.

Gav Mortis
Mar 31st, 2004, 02:28:08 PM
A landspeeder parked on the opposite side of the road exploded suddenly and was thrown skywards, fire billowing from it's engine and shattered glass pouring down onto the street below. A second speeder was torn apart by another roaring explosion, then another and another. The crowds in the street fled for their lives, screaming in panic, each presuming they were under some sort of attack.

"Excellent work, my dear." Came Gav's voice as he steadily approached, his face was pale and his eyes looked hazy yet slowly he was recovering from the effects of Ka'els attack. The Jedi before him looked physically drained which meant that he was of no immediate threat. Those who had innitially been attracted to the confrontation between the vampire mistress and the young padawan had now run off in fright. "We shouldn't find ourselves being bothered by anyone now thanks to my little diversion. Though, let's get him out of sight and keep him restrained."

Gav cast a curious gaze down at Razielle's catch. "This one has unusual powers."

Razielle Shadana
Apr 4th, 2004, 02:32:26 PM
"This one has unusual powers." That was somewhat understated, the Vampyre thought. The Jedi was formidable, even for a lower ranking one. The attack of his hadn't sickened her the way it had Gav, but the force of it still reverberated through her ultrasensitive ears. Her hearing perception was still a bit off as well. Then again, the explosions that had rampaged down the street on the whim of the Sith Master were not parlor tricks either. So the Jedi was not the only gifted one present....

However there was only so much his hypocratic lightside could do for him and now it seemed it had failed him altogether as the Jedi slumped in defeat. Wrapping her fingers around his wrist - the one she had already injured - in a vicelike grip she hauled him to his feet mercilessly. "Let's go, love.. Playtime is over." She draped his arm around her slender shoulders and dragged him along with her down into a basement.

Once she had descended the steps, she spotted what she was looking for, a rickety wooden door that from the smells coming from behind it led directly into the sewers. Kicking it open she proceeded within, although distastefully and muttered to Gav. "Oh this is truely lovely..."

Ka' el Darcverse
Apr 5th, 2004, 12:41:42 PM
"smells baaaad..." The dazed Jedi mumbled out. He wasn't really aware of his surroundings due to the shock, from the blood loss, that his body was in.

The young man couldn't even hold himself up, though the blood had quit pouring from his neck the wound was still open and could begin bleeding at the slightest agitation.

"need to go to the temple, people in trouble..."

Gav Mortis
Apr 12th, 2004, 04:24:37 PM
The door slammed behind them, there Gav stood formidable and menacing, arms folded across his chest. He stared at the young padawan, the nodded at the shallow stream of sewage; no deeper than knee height; and said:

"Release him."

And Razielle, released the Jedi with vigour, pushing him aside and casting him into the pool of stinking waste. The Sith, whose wide eyes burned with manic longing, raised his hand and stared at the weakened padawan.

"Let me hear you scream."

Then the sewage in which Ka'el stood began to boil.

Razielle Shadana
Apr 13th, 2004, 08:08:06 AM
Sometimes heightened senses were damned annoying. If the stench of the sewer alone was not enough, set to boiling it was worse. The muck sizzled ontop - bubbles of nasty waste releasing their odor as they popped. Pulling an immaculate linen kerchief out from her sleeve, Razielle used it to alleviate the fumes from her face.

It was somewhat a shame to have such a pretty face as Ka' el's dumped into such unspeakable muck. She would much rather have tried her hand at seducing him to their cause. But its what Gav wanted, and so she had delivered. With a sneer she watched her Master as he tortured the padawan.. It was all far too amusing, soon he would begin to blister and peel. It was only a matter of time before the screams that Gav desired would echo through the tunnels. "Let it out, love. All the more sooner to end your suffering. On second thought..... go ahead be brave and prolong our pleasure."

Ka' el Darcverse
Apr 15th, 2004, 11:29:15 AM
Ka' el was proud and he was not a coward but he wasn't stupid either. He knew that if he screamed out the Sith would get bored, thinking that he had broken Ka' el's will.

"NOOOOO make it stop it-it-it burnsssss!"

He screamed and thrashed about in torment, as best he could with the amount of blood he'd lost. His skin was beginning to suffer from the heat and he knew he couldn't survive in the pit much longer.

"please, I just...just wanted... to help..."

And with that he quit thrashing and sunk under the sewage.

Gav Mortis
Apr 27th, 2004, 07:12:12 PM
Gav's amused face quickly contorted into a pained visage of disgust as not only did he fall victim to the same putrid stench as Razielle but the sight of the young Jedi sinking beneath that viscous, boiling river of filthy sewage simply turned his stomach and the snob in him cried out.

"I'm sorry, my dear, this will have to come to an abrupt end although I dare say you will be as thankful as I and, no doubt, our Jedi friend."

His hand still extended, Gav used the Force to lift Ka'el out of the cooling sewage and roughly cast him to the floor before them. He glanced up at Razielle, wearing a malicious grin.

"I would say ladies first but this is a free for all."

There was a crunch as the Sith's hefty boot impacted against the crumpled padawan's chest.

Razielle Shadana
Apr 29th, 2004, 07:35:15 AM
Normally she would immediately pounced upon the chance to sink her teeth into Jedi flesh to feast, but the thought of putting her mouth anywhere near the slime this Jedi was covered in... did not appeal to her in the least. In fact she was all for finishing up with their little plaything and leaving him to rot as soon as the situation presented itself. The stench was making her eyes water.

Razielle watched on with silent amusement as Gav unleashed upon the fallen Jedi, his anger. It could not have been easy to take, the fact that Ka' el had used that unusual attack of his and slowed the Sith Master down for a time. It appeared he would be paying highly for his little stunt however, beaten to a bloody pulp at least, if not outright killed.

But for her, it was enough that if the Jedi lived, he would long be reminded of her. The bite marks on his throat would take a very long time to heal completely, if they ever did. It was highly likely that they would scar to remind him of her attentions. Not always a good idea to be a Jedi, huh Ka' el? Remember me, if you live...

With distaste, she leveled a kick into his chin effectively snapping his head back. Wrinkling her nose, Razielle stepped back to allow Gav better acsess to the Jedi.

Ka' el Darcverse
Aug 9th, 2004, 01:21:13 PM
The pain would have been overwhelming if the boy had not already passed out. Sith were like animals, they liked to play with their prey. To taunt it, tease it, give it hope for escape and then rip it away.

A Jedi was aware of these things and Ka' el's only hope is that a Master Sith and his apprentice would grow bored of their new play thing and simply leave him to die. He knew that the Jedi would find him, he wasn't that far from the location where he had activated the homing beacon.