View Full Version : Somewhere on Korriban...[Phantom]

Darth Imperios
Oct 20th, 2003, 12:25:49 AM
Pride knelt on his knees alone in the tomb of Ajunta Pall, the remorseful Sith Lord. The spirit of Pall rarely spoke to the former Republic Captain, when he did it was a mixture of Sith rhetoric and remorse, making it difficult for the young man to accept the path destiny seemed to be pushing him down.

Pall was feared and respected, if Sith are to be respected, Sith Lord who rose to power dynamically and fell in much the same way. He fell however not because once was stronger or wiser but out of remorse for the pain he had inflicted on the galaxy surrounding him in his remorse he was unable to call upon the very attributes he would have needed to defeat the challenge that all Sith Lords must face, replacement.

Today Pall was silent and Pride was left to his thoughts. He was a former Captain in the Republic Navy. His vessel had been ambushed while on reconnaissance over Korriban, he was the last man to abandon the ship and yet his escape pod was the only one to survive.

Why me...

Oct 27th, 2003, 05:37:06 PM
" I feel a great Power held deep within you ... "

:: A voice full of Malice and Hatred echoed from the shadows ::

" ... though you do not yet posses it. "

:: A figure slowly began to emerge from the darkness and shadows that surround and encase the entire tomb of the Sith Lord, the figure now stood in full light exposing himself to the man kneeled upon the floor. The figure wore a long and flowing Blood Red cloak, where on the back sat etched in gold the symbol of the Sith. Under his might cloak he was clad in a suit of ebony Sith Battle Armor, worn from the years of Battle ::

" The power and strength you posses now is but a fraction of what it could be. "

:: The Dark Lord seemed to glide across the floor more then actully walk, as he moved towards Imperios, his deadly gaze never straying. The Siths eyes glowed a dark crimson.

Phantom had increased greatly in power since his journey to Yavin IV and Korriban to study the under the spirits of the greatest of the Dark Lords of the Sith. Raw Darkside energy and power now surged openly from him, he had changed greatly and he was indeed most powerful ::