View Full Version : Late-Evening Rendezvous (open)

Barton Henning
Oct 19th, 2003, 06:10:11 AM
I’ve had some pretty awful days since loosing my job, but this was the first time I’d woken up in a morgue. It all started a couple of months ago. I was working as your regular detective under the command of Zemil Vymes. The Watch had been my only home for a couple of years and I had settled in with the boys nicely.

That is, until one fateful evening. I worked crime scene with one of the Corporals, a blundering vet who’d probably been in the force longer than I’d been alive. We had been called out to the latest in the monumental string of break-ins that had been plaguing Coruscant lately. So far there didn’t seem like there was any real connection, but I wasn’t convinced. Nobei and I headed out to a little diner after we’d made a small sweep of the scene, vowing to return in the morning to make a more comprehensive search. It would be the last night I would spend as a Watch officer.

In the morning I arrived to find a missed call from the Commander and headed down to his office to see what was going on and why I was getting all of those pitiful post-funeral side glances. He sat me down and told me straight that another officer, on beat, had witnessed me taking a bribe. There was a wallet of photographs of me and Shifty Jim Twofingers laid out on his desk, and his hand lay open waiting for my badge.

There were no questions asked as to the validity of my expulsion. Shifty Jim was one of the prime suspects in the break-ins and from these pictures; it really did look like we were up to something. Zemil said I would just be off the Watch until things cleared up, but I never did get that call.

So there I was, back in that diner. Someway, somehow, I figured that if I could just piece together this case I could flush out the real story and relinquish my fall-guy title. So far pickings had been slim – I couldn’t find any clues, any connections. All of my sources were tapped out, or refusing to help me. The barrel was well and truly scraped.

“Refill, Mister?”

I looked down into the dregs of my caff, “Yeah, make it a double.”

I looked back down into the newspaper in front of me and sighed. There was one last contact I had to meet, and they were going to turn up soon. It wasn’t anyone I knew particularly well, but they seemed to know me. Maybe it was a rookie from the Watch, or some con looking to polish up his halo. Either way, the clock said it was ten minutes until they walked through the door, and for me those ten minutes couldn’t pass any slower.

Oct 20th, 2003, 12:58:43 AM
The door to the diner opened, the chime from the bell tinkiling gently as a gentleman ventured in. The dark green trench coat and short hair with flecks of mature grey within the brown was well known within the eaterie.

'Heya' suga'how is Troy today?'

' Not bad thanks Marie, just here for a bit of breakfast before im out doing a bit of buisnuiss.' Troy said, his huffy voice so common to Seans early mornings.

'Caff Troy?'

' Yeah Marie, and one of your sausage buns anall'

'Brown sauce with that?

' You got it' Sean said sitting on one of the bar stools close to the counter. Troy gave the once over of the bar, take a quick peek at its occupants, seemed noone special was here,bloody monday mornings...typical. Man reading a newspaper caught his eye for a split moment, but he was back around at the bar and sipping from his caff moments after.

Barton Henning
Oct 22nd, 2003, 02:12:44 PM
Evidently I was attracting attention. Perhaps this was my contact. I flipped my newspaper out, folding it neatly in two – a silent sign that I was done with it and ready to move onto more pressing matters. This guy looked like the type who was in some sort of dubious business. Only a shifty man (or a man trying purposefully to look shifty) would wear a trench coat. When his gaze idly drifted to mine again I touched the brim of my hat, something I guessed would do for a greeting. The offer for him to join me was open – whether or not he’d take it was another matter entirely.

Oct 25th, 2003, 10:50:25 AM
OOC: Sorry im late dude :)

Troy frownd slightly in question towards the man. The without saying anything, picked up his caf and roll and went to sit with the man who had addressed him.

Taking a seat, he nodded towards the man while sitrring his caf.

' Can i help you?

Barton Henning
Oct 27th, 2003, 06:31:16 AM
“I don’t know,”

I replied in my most vague and mysterious tone, reserved for these touch and go liaisons. My eyes lifted up, barely visible beneath my hat as I studied the face across the table.

“Can you?”