View Full Version : Dark Shadows: The Crying Game....Part 2

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 01:32:46 PM
Unknowing, how long unconsciousness had taken her, Padawan Learner Quay'Na Rakai began to stir.

The first thing she noticed was her head hurt tremendously and so did her shoulders. She groaned and moved her head slightly, she was still so tired.

The young Padawan called to the Force to help clear her head, but nothing happened, everything was so foggy. Where was she?

Slowly, she opened her eyes and winced as a bright light shone in them. Quay'Na tried to shield them with her hand, but it was...tied down at her wrists and both were stretched out to her sides. They ached from the strain.

Quay'Na tried to move her legs and they were both tied as well. A wave of fear swept over her for a mere second, but she pushed it away and tried to relax so she could figure out where she was.

Then it came to her, the man, the fight and no way to use the Force. She didn't see him at first as she struggled to get free.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 17th, 2003, 01:54:21 PM
Xel walked out of the shadows of a corner "I see you've woken up miss Rakai" He was wearing a white T-shirt ,baggy pants and half boots

"I hope you restraints are not too tight" he said with a little laugh, the creatures the lady had given him where hiding in a darkcorner under a black blanket so that Quay could not see them

Xel walked up to Quay "the force has left you miss Rakai" He said as he pulled out a syringe from his pocket an and moved it toward Quay "it had abandoned you because it is evil and does not care avout you"

He inserted the need of the syringe into her arm and and injected a small amount of truth serum into her body "you must beleive me miss Rakai, the force is nothing more then an illusion made to fool you."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 01:59:45 PM
Quay'Na struggled to get out of his grasp, but it was no use. She cringed as the needle went into her arm. "I don't believe you." She told him. "You've done something...it's been you all along. You won't get away with this. The Jedi will know I'm gone."

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 17th, 2003, 02:04:27 PM
Xel looked down at her with a look of sympathy "you have been misguided and tricked miss Rakai" He said sadly "you must come to your sences either by yourself or with my help."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 02:08:53 PM
She looked at him and felt the drug begin to take effect. All her thoughts were getting jumbled in her mind. "I don't understand, why do you think that I would allow that? Who is behind this? Someone is behind this, why would you care whether or not I use the Force?"

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 17th, 2003, 02:12:09 PM
Xel shook his head sadly "the force does not exist" He said as he walked over to a table that serveral trays of different objects on them "it has blinded you and it will not let you go without a fight and I intend to fight it until it lets you go"

He turned around and faced Quay "do you understand what I am trying to do miss Rakai?" he asked her.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 02:17:39 PM
Quay'Na was silent for a few moments, finally she answered. "You want to break me...but why? You're wrong, the Force does exist...it's just...gone ...right now."

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 17th, 2003, 02:20:45 PM
Xel picked up a small dagger and walked over to Quay "but if it is gone where has it gone to?" He said as he moved back to the table

He grabed a blow torch and started to heat up the blade of the knife with it "the force is gone and it will never come back miss Rakai" He said as the knife got hotter and hotter.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 02:26:35 PM
"I don't know...." She answered and then watched him heat up the blade. "What are you doing?" Though, she really didn't care to know. Her heart started thundering in her chest.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 17th, 2003, 02:31:09 PM
Xel walked over to her again with the hot knife in his hand 'I am going to save you soul will Rakai" he said with a look of concern "I will have to torture you until you come to the truth about the force"

He tore the sleeve off the right side of her shirt and moved the knife a few inches away from her arm "Im sorry I have to do this" He pressed the flat side of the knife against her arm, he held it there for a few seconds before he pulled it off revealing the burnt flesh.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 04:44:15 PM
Quay'Na's eyes widened as he ripped her sleeve off. "No," she begged and shook her head. "NOOOO!!!" She screamed as the blade was pressed onto her arm.

Quay'Na clamped her mouth shut as well as her eyes as the pain was excruitating. The Padawan shook as the man released his grasp on her arm and lifted the blade. But, even then the burning still didn't stop.

It hurt so bad, but Quay did nothing but clench her teeth. She wouldn't break that easily.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 17th, 2003, 05:57:01 PM
Xel smiled when he saw the look of pain on Quay's face "the pain will only grow more until you realize the force is nothing but a lie"

He moved the knife close to her arm again "I will only do this if I must" He said with a little grin "will you exept the truth or do I need to procede?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 09:07:44 PM
Through clenched teeth, she wanted to deny it...but her mind would not allow it. "I'll never believe it!" Her voice panted.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 17th, 2003, 09:11:54 PM
Xel shook his head sadly "I am sorry" was all he said before he pressed the knifes against her burnt flesh

he held it on there longer before he pulled it off "now what do you have to say?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 09:33:39 PM
Quay'Na would not scream, she would not let him have his cake and eat it too.

She concentrated on accepting it, but it was horrible. Once he ripped it off the second time, it took skin with it.

Her face cringed with agony, but she still couldn't deny the Force.

"You are wrong, the Force is my ally. I will never deny it."

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 17th, 2003, 11:43:37 PM
Xel smiled "im time you will miss Rakai" He said as he moved back to the table "you shall accept the truth" he said as he looked over the things on table

He picked a tazer up off the table and walked back over to Quay "I wish I didn't have to do this but I must" he pressed the end of the tazer against her stomach and activated it sending electricity into her body, after a few seconds he pulled it away.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 18th, 2003, 05:30:59 AM
Quay'Na tensed, but remained still. Of course, the chains on her wrists made sure of that anyway. The Padawan bit her lip as her torturer continued to flail her.
Fiery tendrils of pain crisscrossed throught her body as the evil man shocked her with the tazer. Oh, God! Oh, God!! Oh God!!!

Her mind screamed in pain and there was no way to summon the Force to help stop it.

Quay'Na stifled a cry, determined to take this in silence. The device being used on her was insidious. Once he pulled it away, Quay'Na panted heavily.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 18th, 2003, 02:51:15 PM
Xel watched her for a moment before walking back to the table again "your body can only take so much before it breaks" He said as he thought about his next move "but I am determined to get you to understand the truth before that happens"

He picked up a whip off the table and tuned toward Quay "this will only sting a little" he cracked the whip across her body ripping clothing and flesh.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 19th, 2003, 04:03:49 PM
Quay'Na jerked violently to the new array of pain that was forced on her. An open slash from the whip began to bleed. She still remained quiet, but she was afraid even then that it wasn't going to last much longer.

Quay'Na wouldn't allow him to break her, she wouldn't. The Force was there, it was just being driven away by the heartless evil of this man.

"You make me talk, but I will not be subdued by your menacing remark of the Force. I'd rather rot." Her eyes were squeezed close, with tears sliding out the corners of them. Her body shook uncontollably, but she still would not cry out. Quay'na wouldn't give him the pleasure of it.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 20th, 2003, 10:31:36 PM
Xel sighed as he put the whip back on the table, he pulled another syringe out of his pocket and injected Quay with a larger dose of Truth Serum into her system "you will accept the truth or you will die."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 21st, 2003, 04:24:16 AM
The Padawan panted as she felt her body take on the new dose of syrum. The new wave almost made her stomach sick.

Quay'Na concentrated on her breathing, she began to center herself around it.

She took her mimd to the good things her life had brought her, Sene, Valanya, the Order. Master Evanar, her best friends, her training. But, even the best training couldn't have prepared her for this.

What if she did die? No one would know, no one would ever find her here, wherever here was. The thought was menacing, so she pushed it away. "Why is my breaking so important to you? I'm nothing to you, someone has hired you. Who?" She asked weakly.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 22nd, 2003, 12:55:46 PM
Xel moved chis face close to her's "I am not hired" He said to her "I am just here to tell you the truth miss Rakai."

ooc: when is Mylia going to show up?:

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 23rd, 2003, 04:06:45 PM
"Some truth you give, you have no idea what you're talking about." She answered and finally calmed her breathing. "I am a Jedi, first last and always. You'll never break me."

OOC:After Homecoming!!

Lady Mylia
Oct 26th, 2003, 12:37:01 PM
Originally posted by Lady Mylia
Mylia walked out of hospital only several moments after Quay. She had stayed up with Jacali to speak with her in private. As she walked down to meet back with Quay, she felt something wrong. Quay's presence wasn't near by. But where could she have gone. A ripple went out in the force, Quay was in pain. She didn't know where, or how, but she knew that Quay had to be found.

Mylia used the force to guide her as the followed the path of the disturbance she felt. As she got closer and closer the force seemed to fade. Mylia knew she was close to whatever it was but she couldn't feel it anymore. She began very disoriented as she got closer and closer to a sleezy hotel in the lower parts of Corusant. This had to be the right place. Mylia pulled her Jedi robe closely around her body and walked into the hotel cautiously.

Mylia continued further into the hotel. Soon it seemed as if the force abanded her. A strange new since came over her though, nothing to deal with the force, but a stronger connection that she felt to Quay. There friendship has grown so strong that she could feel her presence. Mylia began to call out her name. "Quay? Quay?!" She said her voice growing louder as she spoke.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 26th, 2003, 06:11:47 PM
Xel could hear someone calling Quay's name, He grabed his sword and walked to the door and unlocked it, He then opened it a little

He pressed himself against the wall so if the door was opened he would be behind it.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 26th, 2003, 07:14:31 PM
"You're a fool!" Quay'Na yelled at Xel. "Mylia! No, it's a trap! IT'S A TRAP!!"

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 27th, 2003, 01:42:59 PM
Xel ran over to Quay and place his hand over her mouth "If you speak again I shall kill your freind" He said as he grabed a peice of tape and placed it over her mouth'

Then he walked back to hos hiding spot by the door.

Lady Mylia
Oct 27th, 2003, 02:10:48 PM
Mylia instantly turned once she heard muffled words: Quay. She knew it. She made her way cautiously to the slightly open door, she pushed it open ever so slowly and peered through it.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 27th, 2003, 03:55:11 PM
Xel pressed himself against the wall as the door swung open toward him, He could tell that Mylia was just barely inside the room

He shoved the door as hard as he could sending it into Mylia knocking her down

Xel reopened the door and looked down at her with his "special" sword in his hand "you should know better then coming here miss."

Lady Mylia
Oct 27th, 2003, 08:51:25 PM
OOC: I know it's just a minor detail, but you could word it so your intention is to knock me down, let me fall on my own. I'm very picky about that, I haven't RPed enough with you to feel comfortable doing that kinda thing. Thanks


Mylia stumbled back a few steps and glared at the man with the sword in hand. Though fear swept over her body, she didn't let it show. "I should yes, but does that matter? Not really... " She looked at him in the eyes, her friendship for Quay was much to strong to have some man with a sword scare her off.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 27th, 2003, 09:10:23 PM
Xel smiled and took a step closer to her "I am sorry but I cant let you leave" He said as he pointed the sword down toward her head "you can either surrender or Die."

Lady Mylia
Oct 27th, 2003, 09:15:13 PM
Mylia gave him a quizzical look. "Surrender or die? Who are you to claim my fate? I never tried to exscape, besides that." Mylia looked past him, trying to see if she could see Quay anywhere. "Quay?" She called again.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 27th, 2003, 09:17:31 PM
Xel looked over his shoulder and then back to Mylia "so, you are searching for your freind" He smiled evily "I can bring to to her but" He paused "you musr allow me to bind you hands"

He pulled out a a few feet of rope from his pocket and took another step toward Mylia.

Lady Mylia
Oct 27th, 2003, 09:19:13 PM
Mylia rolled her eyes, but knew that at this time it would be best to allow him to tie her hands. She'd figure a way out of it later. She held her hands out in front of him, allowing him to do what he wished to her hands.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 27th, 2003, 09:22:53 PM
Xel slowly tied her hands making sure they where not too tight "now follow me" He said as he walked into the room with his sword still in his hand

He stoped next to Quay and removed the tape from her mouth "your freind is foolish" He wispered into her ear

He looked at Mylia here is your freind who I found here" He lied as he walked back to the door and stood by it "go over and speak with her if you like."

Lady Mylia
Oct 27th, 2003, 09:28:13 PM
Mylia gave the man a suspsious look at she made her way over to Quay. "Are you doing okay?" She kept a close eye on Xel as she spoke with Quay.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 27th, 2003, 09:42:59 PM
Quay'Na shook her head 'no' and muffled some words through the tape on her mouth. She wanted to warn her about the threat behind her and couldn't. All the Padawan could do was try to pull on the chains that held her down.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 27th, 2003, 09:52:38 PM
Xel smiled as he slamed the door shut and slid a very heavy bolt in "you are foolish young lady" He said as he took a few steps closer to her with his sword at the ready "you will now pay for your foolishness."

Lady Mylia
Oct 30th, 2003, 01:10:55 PM
Mylia looked to the guy and rolled her eyes. He was really getting on her nerves. She kept her hands close to her and barely moved them. "What do you have against me? I thought you were just after my friend?"

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 30th, 2003, 04:00:12 PM
Xel laughed "I cant have you running around, you might try something and I cant let you rescue miss Rakai here" He took a few more steps "and I think you can help me with my goal" He pointed the sword at her throut "If you move I will kill you"

He walked to the side of the room to where an something was covered my a tarp, He pulled the tarp off to reveal another restraint table like the one that Quay was on "get on it" he instructed Mylia "Or I will kill your freind."

Ace McCloud
Oct 30th, 2003, 07:46:42 PM
Ace was making his way down the street when he felt a disturbance in the force. Something was wrong. He felt...fear and...anger. He couldn't really tell what the feelings were, but there was danger in the force, somebody was in trouble. For the next few minutes he ran around the city, trying to pinpoint the location where he had felt the disturbance.

A dark ally, how cliche, he thought as he came upon the empty ally. What had ever happened here was gone now, but there were still things left over - tracks and clues.

Ace knelt down on the black pavement, feeling the ground with his hands. There was a struggle and an injury, he solved as his fingers picked up a small puddle of blood. He looked at the disappearing tracks of footprints. One was clearly outmatched, judging by the shoe size the victim was about 1.6 meters in height and about 54 kilos. Sounded like a woman. Next he moved to the attackers tracks. He was wearing some sort of suit, perhaps of armor, so it was almost impossible to tell weight and height. But probably about 1.9 meters and perhaps 97 kilos, if he had to guess.

His fingers ran along the ground until they found a small piece of cloth. He examined it for a moment.

Ah!, he exlaimed. It was a piece from a jedi robe. A female jedi had been attacked. The attacker also had something with him. A cage. He didn't know what it was used for, perhaps to carry a creature, or the victim. He could tell the Attacker had picked up his victim and taken her somewhere. So the search was on.

It didn't take him long until he tracked them to the undercity of Curosant. He sighed as he looked around. They could be anywhere down here. No matter, he would find them, it would only be a matter of time.

Lady Mylia
Nov 1st, 2003, 10:25:24 AM
Mylia looked to her friend and back to the guy. She nodded and got up on the table as he commanded.

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 1st, 2003, 01:55:30 PM
Xel smiled as he tied her to the table just as Quay was, He then got close to Mylia face "I hope you are comfortable miss"

He walked over to his trays of torture idems "may I have you name miss?" He said to Mylia as he moved over to quay and pulled the tape off her mouth.

Lady Mylia
Nov 1st, 2003, 03:03:09 PM
Mylia looked up at him and with a mumble gave him her name. "Mylia..." Could barely be heard.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 3rd, 2003, 04:23:35 AM
Her mouth burned from her captor ripping off the tape. Quay'Na closed her eyes as her feelings began to rage in her. So many times had she simply pushed then away, but this time...she could not.

It was the effects of the truth syrum, it was making her see what she really felt. Anger, frustration...it burned in her. "You leave her alone!" Her voice seethed in a way that Mylia had never heard.

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:01:00 PM
Xel smiled "this other woman must be a friend of yours" He said as he picked up the hot knife he had used before "if you will not come to the truth on your own perhaps your friend can help me teach you"

He reheated the knife and moved over to Mylia, Xel pulled up the sleeve of her shirt to expose her bare arm, he moved the knife close to her arm "are you ready to accept the truth miss Rakai?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 3rd, 2003, 07:33:51 PM
Quay'Na wanted to scream, she couldn't control her thoughts through the truth syrum.

"The..." she breathed heavily. "The Force lives in me as it does in Mylia." Oh, Force!! Help me!!!

Lady Mylia
Nov 4th, 2003, 04:44:17 PM
Mylia looked to Quay, things were beinning to fall into place. Mylia spoke up. "Quay, calm down. We'll get through this, no matter what he does, we'll make it through."

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 4th, 2003, 05:04:08 PM
Xel shook his head "this is most sad" He pressed the knife's hot flat side against Mylia's arm, He held it there for a few moment before he pulled it away

He bent down to Mylia's ear "the force has left you" He said if I can turn this girl maybe miss Rakai will turn also "because it never existed"

He pulled out another syringe and injected both Mylia with a dose of truth serium.

Lady Mylia
Nov 4th, 2003, 08:06:51 PM
Mylia controlled the pain as Xel placed the scolding piece of metal on her arm. She put it out of her head and concentrated on something much more important--trying to get away from this. As Mylia was injected with something she glared up at the man doing this what. "What was that?"

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 5th, 2003, 04:56:40 PM
"its to help you think right" Xel said as he moved back to the table to look over his devices "I must make sure you both see the truth"

He picked up the tazer again and moved back over to mylia, He set it to a higher setting then he had when he used it on Quay "if you two will not see the truth then I will make you" He pressed the tazer to Mylia's chest and activated it

He watched for a moment as the electricity when through Mylia's body before he pulled it away "the force is nothing more then a lie told to you by the so called jedi masters."

Lady Mylia
Nov 8th, 2003, 09:06:36 PM
OOC: You need to chill, we don't want to kill any chars.... just torture them

Mylia bit her bottom lip as the tazor hit her body. Electrical waves passed through her. "I can get through this, we will make it through." She kept telling herself. "There is a force. It will help me." She mumbled.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 9th, 2003, 07:40:22 AM
Quay'Na squeezed her eeys shut, seeing what Xel was doing to her friend. She prayed silently to the Force to help them.

Her frustration of the capture was beginning to wear on her, she had to get lose! The Padawan began to struggle with the chains that bound her.

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 10th, 2003, 02:15:57 PM
Xel looked over at Quay with a smile "you cant break those chains miss Rakai" He said as pushed a button on the table that mylia was on "the force does not exist"

metal plates under the chains that bound mylia started to move outward, slowly stretching mylai's legs and arms.

Lady Mylia
Nov 10th, 2003, 07:45:33 PM
OOC: This is so not even right. How did you get a stretching machine in a hotel for starters? For another think... stop controlling the freaking thread! Let us do something, with out every move, stop changing something or making it so impossible to get away. You can't kill us, just torture us... don't you think that'd be enough??

Ace McCloud
Nov 11th, 2003, 12:47:06 PM
OOC: just Chill Mylia =P Hes doing better than before. He's hardly done anything to you. :lol

For the next half hour or so, Ace asked around, getting closer to the hotel in which he was trapped. He asked about a man with a cage, or heavy equipment, and it had gotten him somewhere. Some people had seen a man transporting 2 large crates into an abandoned hotel earlier that day.

As he drew closer to the hotel, he could feel a disturbance in the force. It wasn't danger, or fear, or anything like that...it was just nothing. Just like before, but worse. As he moved in closer he could feel the force drawing away from him.

"What's going on...?" He asked himself quietly as he entered the lobby of the old hotel. Something was going on in here. Whoever had been kidnapped was probably in here, but where?

The feeling of emptiness lead up the stairs. But there were many rooms. Suddenly he heard a scream coming from down the hall, one of the doors on the right. Quickly he darted over there, not making a single sound on the hard floor. His feet were quiet, but fast and strong.

Reaching the door he knelt down beside it, putting his ear up to it. He was confused, for the force had left him, but it wasn't about to slow him down. He could hear the muffled words of 2, no, 3 people. Two were female and one male. The screams were coming from the two females so that meant he only had one person to deal with.

He stood up, relaxing his mind and honing in his senses of sight and hearing. He would need them more than ever before. He walked back, still focusing and letting the adreniline flow into his body. He turned around to face the door, and without another thought or word, he rushed towards it, jumping and slamming his foot into the handle knocking the door right off its hinges. Quickly he scanned the room to find Mylia and Quay strapped to tables, bloodied and tired. He wondered what he had done to them but they looked tough.

Before the man could even react, Ace reached through his cloak and drew out 2 daggers, hurling them at his enemy at great speed. One missed clearly, obvisioly because the lack of the force.

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 12th, 2003, 02:09:33 PM
Xel turned at the door was broken down and a man came in throwing knifes at his, Xel dived away from the knifes and when he got to his feet he darted for a large chest that was by the wall opposit of the door

He opened it and pulled out a short sword and turned to face Ace "you are foolish to fight me here" He said as he ran at Ace thrusting the blade toward the mans chest.

Ace McCloud
Nov 12th, 2003, 05:14:54 PM
Ace watched the man dart over to the chest. He was slow, slower than him but he failed to do anything. He was observing his enemy before acting.

His enemy came charging at him with his sword extended. But the attack would fail, for McCloud could see it coming. He slid to the side slightly, planting his right hand firmly on his enemies wrist (the one with the sword) and brought his knee up to block it. His wrist was pushing his arm down and his knee was pushing it up.

"Foolish? Doubtful. Insane? Possibly," Ace responded to his remark, then with the knee was that was up, he kicked the man in the side of the head. He tried to spin his wrist around, but the man's suit prevented it, so he had to use both hands to break down his elbow to the ground. He backed away, pulling the long sword from its sheath on his back. Spreading his legs shoulder length apart, he held the sword firmly at a 45 degree, facing his enemy.

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 12th, 2003, 06:26:38 PM
Xel backed away a few steps from the man "you are indeed foolish" He said with a evil grin "for I could attack either of my hostages"

He reached into into one of his pockets and pulled out a thermal detonator "move and we all die!"

ooc: I'm dont have my suit on Ace, but i still think it would be hard to twist Xel's hand, He is very strong.

Ace McCloud
Nov 15th, 2003, 03:00:01 PM
OOC: K, thanks.

Ace stood for several minutes, sword still infront of his body. He had to think. His eyes scanned over Quay and Mylia several times.

He growled softly, he didn't like this position. He would not be over powered by such a fiend. He had one shot, and if he missed, it was all over. He wouldn't miss...

His eyes locked on Xel's wrist, and in one quick snatch, he reached into his armor and drew a dagger and threw it straight at Xel's wrist in one quick movement. His action was quick, so quick that it could barely be followed. But the dagger was even faster, cutting into the wind towards its target.

His 4th dagger had another purpose, however. It's purpose was to free Mylia, as she looked the most able of the two. It flew through the air quickly, connecting with a link in the chains holding her down and splitting it open, freeing one hand.

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 15th, 2003, 03:34:45 PM
Xel moved his hand as fast as he could but he was slightly cut by the dagger, he threw the detonator at Ace

He turned and ran toward the only window in the room, He jumped through it shatering the glass and droped into the fire escape and rolled to his feet

"You'll all die now, that bomb will go off in a few seconds" Xel said as he ran down the stairs and out into the street and down a alley to bad that thermal detonator was never activated he thought as he pressed his uningured hand against the cut to stop the bleeding.

Lady Mylia
Nov 15th, 2003, 11:25:27 PM
Mylia struggled with getting her other hand free. As quickly as she could she got herself from the aweful bed where she was kept. She jumped off and went over to inspect the detonator. Nothing, not a thing. It had never been activated. She gave it a look of confusion before turning back to Ace and Quay. "Well it seems that our friend here didn't want us dead after all."

Ace McCloud
Nov 15th, 2003, 11:41:52 PM
"Perhaps, but that dagger to his wrist cut some tendons. He wouldn't have been able to squeeze the trigger anyhow..." Ace said, slipping the deonator into his cloak. He moved over to where Quay was strapped down and freed her, and if she needed it, he braced her.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 16th, 2003, 09:29:14 AM
Quay'Na sat up and swung her legs over the side of the table she was on. "It's a good thing you showed when you did, Ace." She breathed tiredly as she still felt the truth syrum run rampid through her body. Slowly standing she saw her lightsabre in a table nearby and got it, then clipped it to her belt.

Quay'Na turned and looked at them both. "How did you find this place?" Then her answer came to her before she even had out the entire question. No Force.

She quickly scanned around and saw a table, or what she thought was a table with a sheet over it. Crossing the room, she pulled away the sheet and saw a cage of some sort with....

"Just as I thought, Ysalamiri. That's why the Force is not in here." She looked at Ace and Mylia then detached her lightsabre.

Ysalamiri were very slow lizard type animals. With a deep breath, she flicked on her sabre. Closing her eyes, she swung in a downward motion right through the cage and halving the Ysalamiri in two. Once dead, the Force returned and Quay'Na put away her sabre. Ysalamiri were the only animal that Quay would willingly kill. "Let's get outta here." There was little emotion in her voice.

Lady Mylia
Nov 18th, 2003, 01:51:51 PM
Mylia nodded. She followed Quay and Ace out of the building. None of them dared to say anything until they reached outside. Mylia stayed as close as possible to Quay and Ace. She was still freaked out by the whole ordeal. "Thank goodness, that's over.... for now..." She mumbled the last two words under her breath. Hopefully nothing was more to come, hopefully...

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 19th, 2003, 01:59:35 PM
Xel watched from the roof of the building next to the one he had just exited, he held a high powered sniper rifle and it was pointing at Ace

He looked throught the scope and placed Ace's head inside the crosshairs time to die! he thought as he sqeazed the trigger i wonder if he's fast enough to dodge this

Ace McCloud
Nov 19th, 2003, 02:09:26 PM
Now that his senses were coming back to him, he could feel his surroundings. So well, infact, from the lack of them a few minutes ago, that everything was magnified. He sensed the immediate danger, and the aura of the assasin.

The trigger was pulled, but even before that he was reacting. His jedi senses created the action before it even happened. He twisted his body to avoid the shot. While doing so, he reached into his armor and hurled a dagger towards his target with precision aim, something Xel had not encountered yet.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 19th, 2003, 09:01:27 PM
Not really thinking, Quay'Na grabbed Mylia and pulled her out of the way as the shot went off. Her danger sensing skills still lacked a bit of timing, but they were both able to dodge the shot.

"Krasst! That was close!" She said as they hit the ground behind a trash dumpster and she pulled out her sabre.

Quick as she could, she got to her feet, but swayed as the drugs messed with her head. She needed to help, but the dizziness....

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 20th, 2003, 07:16:40 PM
Xel flattened himself agaist the roof as the dagger flew over his head, He jumped to his feet and looked over the edge of the roof "YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!" He shouted as he turned around and walked out of Ace's line of vision, into the night and awat from the three Jedi.

Ace McCloud
Nov 20th, 2003, 09:16:33 PM
"I don't think so..." Ace said, getting up from off the ground. He wasn't about to let him get away and then strick at another time, not after something like that. Quickly, he jumped up agaisnt the ajacent building, planting his feet on the wall, then launched himself up towards the rooftop were Xel made. He landed lightly, looking around, feeling for Xel's Aura. He could not hide it unless he was force sensitive, in which he wasn't.

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 20th, 2003, 09:27:37 PM
by the time Ace had searched the roof top Xel was going to down an old stair well that went from the roof to the ground, He heard Xel land on the roof so he reached into his pocket I prepared for everything he thought as he pulled out a remote with a singe button on it

He waited a moment to make sure that Ace was in the right position "DIE YOU SON OF A GUN!" He shouted as the pressed the activation button for the exposives on the roof

He jumped behind a dumpster incase the blast his him.

Lady Mylia
Nov 21st, 2003, 02:38:58 PM
Mylia stayed on the ground, the drugs were taking an effect now more than ever. She put her hand on her head and moaned slightly. Her head was beginning to spin and she couldn't do much of anything.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 21st, 2003, 09:32:25 PM
She needed to help as she shook her head. Her vision cleared for a moment as saw a fire escape attached to the side of the building and went for it. Using the Force, she jumped for the lowest rung on the ladder.

"No, you don't!" A voice thundered as one of Quay's ankles were grabbed, she knew that voice!

It couldn't be!!

Quay'Na let go of the rung and dropped into a crouch. It was!

She stood in front of Jescenia Rakai, her mother. "What are you doing here?"

Jescenia Rakai
Nov 21st, 2003, 10:01:03 PM
Jescenia smiled, "surprised to see me, daughter? You have so little faith in me, Quay'Na. Ever since I left your father have you not been wondering where I've been?" She pointed a stun gun at her. "I've been right here, always. Watching your every move, I know your friends, I know your job...I know everything."

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 21st, 2003, 10:05:31 PM
Quay'Na didn't move as she stared at her mother. "Why?" Deep down, she had always believed that her mother hated her, now she knew it was true.

Before Jescenia answered, she pulled out a blaster.

Jescenia Rakai
Nov 21st, 2003, 10:12:28 PM
"Because you don't belong there! They have twisted your thinking! Come with me and you can become a great commander, higher even. All you have to do is walk away with me, right now. Say good-bye to it all." The woman gave her a look of pure evil. "I should have never trusted someone else to do my job."

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 21st, 2003, 10:17:09 PM
Quay'Na stared at her in disbelief. "YOU, did this?" The anger within the Padawan began to grow. "I will never go with you!"

OOC: Please don't post yet, I'm not done with the argument, will finish in the morning...too tired.

Jescenia Rakai
Nov 22nd, 2003, 08:45:20 PM
Jescenia sighed. "The truth syrum is still effecting you. But, nonetheless, you will go with me or your friend over there gets it and I don't mean with my stun gun either." She stated as a matter-of-factly, then pointed the blaster at Mylia.

"Take your pick, go with me or your friend is toast."

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:37:46 PM
Quay'Na had no mental powers to use beyond the animal kingdom, so she had to think of something quick. The syrum had finally begun to wear down a little. She nodded. "You have won it seems," she said quietly. "I will go."

She watched as Jescenia brought the blaster out front. She began to walk by her mother and then suddenly with the quickness of the Force, grabbed for the blaster.

Jescenia Rakai
Nov 23rd, 2003, 07:21:10 AM
Jescenia had a very tight grip, so it turned into a struggle for the Padawan especially when her health wasn't quite up to par with all the drugs that were running through her body.

"You little wench..." she said as they struggled with the blaster between them.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 23rd, 2003, 07:35:05 AM
"You're not getting the best of me this time, Mother! I'm not afraid of you!" Quay'Na yelled back as she she tried to get teh blaster away from her.

Suddenly, two shots went off and the two of them stopped fighting and stared wide-eyed at each other.

A moment later, Jescenia's eyes glazed over and she fell backwards to the ground.

Quay'Na couldn't move as the blaster hit the ground.

Ace McCloud
Nov 23rd, 2003, 08:45:08 PM
The denator went off, with a certain beep before it did. Without a second to think, Ace lept into the air, aimed at the next building. The sudden explosion launched him farther than he planned to go. As he came back down, he was much farther than he had expected and landed in between an alley way, smashing into the side of a building, falling to the wet and hard ground.

"Uhhh..." he mumbled, as he struggled to get up. The shockwave of the blast had done wonders to his head, as his vision was blurring and his head thumped like a thunderstorm. He could not hear, everything was muffled, as if he had put mugs over his ears. At such close proximity to the blast, it was no wonder he was completely deaf. His legs were burnt and his cloak synging with flame.

He shook his head several times, trying to get his bearings back. Blood ran down his face, but he didn't take much notice. His shoulder had also been knocked out of socket as he impacted the wall, and futher disabled him to get to his feet.

He was appaled by what damage he took from a single attack. But he had not expected that at all, nor had he sensed it until it was too late.

Lady Mylia
Nov 29th, 2003, 10:27:17 PM
Mylia had been watching all what was happening, mostly in a daze. The drugs that had been given to her put her out of it. Slowly, but surely, be began to come out of the blurry state of mind. As debris began to fall around Quay'Na and her fallen mother, something in Mylia clicked and she jumped towards Quay with the quickness of the force, pushing Quay and herself out of danger's way.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 30th, 2003, 07:53:39 AM
Quay'Na ended up on the ground someways away, she was still in shock of what had happened, what she had done.

The dust cloud from the debris of the building hit them like a wave, but they weren't hurt.

Coughing uncontrollably once the dust began to clear, Quay'Na and Mylia stood. She felt something wet on her forehead and touched it, blood. She must've scrapped it when they toppled to the ground.

Debris had filled the alleyway where they once stood. Her mother was buried beneath that, so was the blaster with her prints on it.

Quay didn't move, she suddenly felt sick. "Oh, God....what have I done?"

Lady Mylia
Nov 30th, 2003, 09:10:33 AM
Mylia stood up and brushed herself off some with a cough. She walked over to Quay. "It wasn't your fault, Quay."

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 30th, 2003, 11:27:41 AM
Quay'Na coughed again. "I...killed her." She looked at her best friend. "I killed my mother, Mylia." She was in a state of shock.

Lady Mylia
Nov 30th, 2003, 12:22:32 PM
Mylia shook her head. "You didn't kill her, Quay. You didn't. It wasn't your fault." She tried to say anything to help her friend feel better.

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 1st, 2003, 04:08:27 PM
The thoughts on her mother were pushed to the back of her mind as she thought of the another person involved.

"Oh, Krast! Ace!" Her mind began to panick as she ran back towards the debris-filled alley.

Oh, frell, if he died in this.....

"Ace! Ace! Where are you!?!" Quay'Na yelled as she began to climb the mass of debris.

Lady Mylia
Dec 1st, 2003, 04:19:21 PM
"Wait Quay!" She held out her hand. "Careful, it's not sturdy. He could be under there somewhere."

Ace McCloud
Dec 1st, 2003, 07:12:22 PM
He was not yet dead, and infact far from it. Though his body was splintered and torn, he regained conciousness from under the debris. The sheer weight of the steel, glass, and other such things had crushed him to the ground. The majority of the weight, luckily, had landed straight on his back. The only problem now was his shoulder, it was still out of place, and in his position, impossible to put back in.

He groaned slightly, as he could hear them walking on the debris and calling for him. They had better move. His mind began to clear, quickly. He began focusing on the force, as much of it as he could. It began to swirl around him like a small tornado of leaves sweeping across the grounds of Corellia. Soon, the debris began to lift off of him. It was indeed heavy and it took all of his concentration. He raised himself to a low crouch, as he had only lifted it enough to get out. He would have perfered to lift hiimself out with his own strength, but his shoulder disabled him from such actions, as he couldn't move it at all.

He slowly pulled himself out of the small hole in the steel and up to the surface, just as he let go of the force and the large broken rods and boards fell back to the ground with a metallic clang. Still weary of the threat, Ace shot to his feet, looking around the area for Xel. His right shoulder hung loose and blood trickled out of his sleeve onto the burning debris. The fire infront of him was hot, but it felt good to his face as it razed the debris in a wall of pure heat and light. If Xel was still on the other side, he would hope that he could see him now.

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 2nd, 2003, 07:43:53 PM
Quay'Na jumped away, way away with the Force behind her as the debris began swirling around. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she saw Ace pull himself from beneath with the Force.

"Thank God, he's alive." She said quietly.

Lady Mylia
Dec 6th, 2003, 10:28:49 PM
Mylia nodded. She aided in the removing of Ace's debris as she used the force to help hold up some of the heavier pieces. "Yes, thank goodness." She agreed.