View Full Version : Have a lot of things to figure out (leaving SWFans for a while)

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 16th, 2003, 08:54:05 PM
I don’t know how long I’ve now been at SWFans, first as SapphireDragoness then as Saharia, Azhure Darkstone and Nieheine and lets not forget a name I used only once for a prank of some sort, AssasinateItalaMarzullo – and it still exists lol. I guess I’ve never been a strong personality who absolutely has to be in every single thread on the board nor has my characters ever been huge socialisers and thus it has led to a feeling of perhaps not feeling a part of the community because I’ve never had the time (and my mother has been very strict about how many hours I use the media) to get fully into it. The early days was far more involving but now I’m feeling out of place with GJO and SWFans in general – one of the reasons I left GJO as Saphire a few years ago before I re-entered the order as Azhure. I personally feel left out (and that sounds like whining but I can’t word it any other way and the leaving out isn’t anyone’s fault but mine so don’t get the wrong impression) and in the past years I have tried to become a stronger member OOC and IC but it hasn’t really worked out all that well.

I am considering leaving SWFans (IC only and may be around now and then in OOC) for a month or so to think about permanently leaving or staying, but as SWFans is a big part of my leisure life it’s a big step and I don’t know if I could stay away fro one month – we’ll see how this break goes
The only threads I will stay on in this month is to finish the Matthias Darkstone thread and to continue training for both characters – and I apologise to everyone else not in those two categories who will be effected. I have been thinking about this action for a while but have never done anything about it but I guess its now or never, and probably is a healthy decision considering exams are coming up. – Perfect timing huh?

This is not on account of “I hate SWFans”. On the contrary I adore this place. This place has given my imagination a lot of growth and development, as well as my writing skills. My characters have helped solve some real life problems and helped me deal with them better. There are a few people on this board who I love (big huggles to you all) and some I like as friends, some I’ve known by name for a long time but haven’t really gotten to know well and many I don’t know but would probably be honoured to know as well. This place is very special, even if it is only electronic :p and IF I do decide to leave I won’t forget it easily.

I have a lot of feelings and things in life to figure out and a few things to think about – in real life and at SWFans. I’m leaving school this year and next year is a whole new ball game – and I thinks it’s time I do something about certain personal relationships in my life that I’ve kept in the closet for too long.

So, in conclusion, I will be here OOC and for the Matthias Thread and training, but I won’t be around very often – maybe even less than I am now (time will tell) so to Siobhan, Navaria and Ambrose – please be patient with me. For the rest – thank-you for all that you’ve given to me thus far.

Ace McCloud
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:11:22 PM
I'm sorry =( I've been here for about 3 months and never got the chance to meet you. Sigh. I'm sorry you feel this way but hopefully it will work out for the best.

Zachariah Darmok
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:24:48 PM
Tea' you have always been my main Ozzy man and i hope you figure out what you need to do. You and i will always be mates and i love you to pieces. Stay in touch wont you? and be well sis :)

Mikey (siek)

Oct 16th, 2003, 09:34:58 PM
Hey. I didn't know you were Sapphire. I thought Sapphire had left long long ago o_O

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 17th, 2003, 01:22:54 AM
Ive always been here.

Your pretty special too mikey < hugz >

Oct 17th, 2003, 11:13:11 AM
I did not get to know you, but I had always liked your posts in the O.O.C. forum and when ever I could catch them in other areas.

Hope things work out for you and don't be a stranger. :D