View Full Version : Seeing LV About A Panther!

Jade Doment
Oct 16th, 2003, 06:48:40 PM
(OOC: If it is okay with you, this thread is how Jade acquired Flavia, Sumohn's mother, and bred her to have Sumohn and the rest of the cubs in the thread if we get to that. LOL....is that okay?)

Sith Warrior Dark Emerald Jade Raktus, Taja of The Black Dragon Empire on Dameo and apprentice to Sorsha Kasajian walks into what she had found as The Sith Order.

She had heard that there were Sand Panthers on Corellia, and she would certainly like a couple 3 of them, if it were at all possible. She had planned to pay Lady Vader handsomely well for them, since she controls their leaving Corellia, but they would discuss payment soon enough.

For now, she waits in the Docking Bay on the hatch of her YT-1300 Jade's Dragon.

Lady Vader
Oct 16th, 2003, 06:59:12 PM
(OOC: O_o Woman! You waste no time!! :thumbup I'm cool with what you said in your OOC blurb. :))

*LV had received Jade's message and request, and went personally to greet the Sith warrior. Since the sisterhood pact between TSO and Meras, things had been going quite well, and Lv was only too happy to please their members.*

*She strode into the docking pay where she had instructed Jade to land her ship, a special space port reserved for guests of TSO. It was not difficult to locate her at the ramp of her YT-1300.*

*Following closely behind her was Iesis.*

*LV reached the bottom of the ramp and looked up, spreading her hands.*

Weclome to Corellia, esteemed comrade!

Oct 16th, 2003, 07:00:13 PM
*Iesis merely sauntered beside LV and came to sit beside her once she had stopped to greet the new arrival. She observed everything with keen intelligent eyes.*

Jade Doment
Oct 17th, 2003, 05:58:42 PM
(OOC: LOL....yeah, I know, but I cant get Sumohn this way and keep her SL going as Flavia's daughter. After this thread, people would wonder how I got Flavia. LOL)

Jade nods slightly, in a royal manner, as old habits die hard.

"Thank you for the greeting, Mistress Vader, and for agreeing to meet with me as well on such short notice."

She glances down at Iesis and smiles widely.

"I see you have a panther of your own. They make wonderful pets and guards, I have heard. I am sure she does you proud."

Lady Vader
Oct 17th, 2003, 07:19:30 PM
*LV smiled.*

Save, she is not my pet. She is a companion, and comes and goes as she pleases.

*She looked down at Iesis.*

As it was, it was her who chose me, not the other way around. And I wouldn't have had it any other way.

*It was no secret that LV had an empathy with felines of any species, sentient and non-sentient. She could only figure she'd aquired this ability through her connection in the Force and her being half Trianii, thanks to her mother, a full-fledged Trianii, a sentient feline species.*

*She looked back at Jade.*

Come, we have much to discuss.

*She gestured for Jade to follow her. They would head back to the Palace.*

Jade Doment
Oct 18th, 2003, 04:31:59 PM
Jade chuckles and follows LV, thinking silently to herself.

Yes, a companion. An animal companion. Which is what I need during my lonely and depressed times. Someone to talk to who wont reveal my secrets.

The perfect companion. A panther.

Jade Doment
Oct 24th, 2003, 06:44:14 PM
(OOC: Yes, Im a blonde and Ive been having this moment for a few days now, sorry. Do we continue here or move it to the Palace?)

Lady Vader
Oct 24th, 2003, 11:15:37 PM
(OOC: Palace. :) Though I won't be posting anything till prob Monday.)

Jade Doment
Oct 25th, 2003, 01:36:11 PM
(Okies. If you want, I can start the thread and wait til you can post. Wont be a prob.)

EDIT: Continued here (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32769)