View Full Version : Are we being overrun?...

Lady Vader
Oct 15th, 2003, 05:48:16 PM
...by moronic newbies?




Ok, the first one isn't that bad, except he doesn't strike me as the brightest. But there's a possibility at working on that.
(Oh, yeah, and when did TSO get a graveyard?... O_o)

The second one... too much attitude. She acts as though she thinks she's better than us. I don't know about you, but I don't like this one. And she says she's got a "fairly good idea" of what my "moral and characteral fibre" is? Right... she's this close to being introduced to my stilleto heel.
Something about this one makes my stomache turn.

I open the floor to comments... tell me what you think?

Maxim Vasilijev
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:03:30 AM
What I think is that you should introduce her to more than your stillletto heel.

I just love catfights. ;)

In all seriousness....the first one scares me more than the second. I not sure the first guy 'gets it'.

THe second, yes, does have a lot of attitude - has anyone PM'd her about it though? She seems intelligent enough to be able to adjust things - like constantly using her 'disinterested tone', or assuming she knows the "moral and characteral fibre' - and I would assume that if you guys opened up on her and gave her a bit of a display as to just how much she does not know, it might knock her character down a notch and show her that there's still much to be learned.

I dont know, thats just what I take from it all. I'd be happy to PM her about it if someone wants.

I have nothing personally invested in either one, but am willing to see if theres truly material there to work with if need be.

Maxim Vasilijev
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:31:18 AM
A little update...I joined in on the thread for the second one. Maybe her reaction to Maxim's actions will help to determine whether or not she miht be worthwile....?


Just was feeling somewhat creative and started typing. ;)

Salem Ave
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:55:43 AM
Can you tell I was having fun (see: the bastardized 'I am the Ghost of Christmas Present' quote) with my n00b? :D

she's this close to being introduced to my stilleto heel.

If you don't make yourself a sig with that quote in, I'll have to do it for you.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 16th, 2003, 10:09:21 AM
First one, tell him the facts of what is really going on. He might improve with age. We all started that way, well close to it, inventing rafters and such where ever we wanted.

The second, I actually starting to like her. Go slap her into submission or something. The most disinterested are always the most fun to break.

Maxim Vasilijev
Oct 16th, 2003, 03:24:32 PM
If you like her so much why dont *you* step in.

LV, Im trying to be patient here as Id thought that the attitude was simply a IC thing. Apparently its not only IC if you've read her recent posts.

Whatever you guys decide is fine with me - but in the future I think I'll defer to your initial thoughts on her LV. You're clearly a much better judge of character than I am. :)

Lady Vader
Oct 16th, 2003, 07:05:41 PM
If you don't make yourself a sig with that quote in, I'll have to do it for you.


LV, Im trying to be patient here as Id thought that the attitude was simply a IC thing. Apparently its not only IC if you've read her recent posts.

My gut, as I have found, is hardly wrong when it comes to things like this. I'm giving her a chance to shape up, but if she doesn't, she's shipping out.

I don't mind the first one, as what Dyzm said is true. We all started off somewhat "lost". And I feel the guy is just, well, lost.

The girl is too calculating, attitudish, and I really don't like her for some reason. She's rubbing my fur the wrong way, and as youi all know (or SHOULD) know, cats HATE to have their fur rubbed the wrong way.

EDIT: *Sharpens stilleto heel while whistling Vader's theme*

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 17th, 2003, 01:35:09 AM
I will take over tomarrow, might as well join in the Order again. Heh, just give me a intro or something. My Style of training might work with "her." (if she is a her)

Oct 17th, 2003, 03:06:50 PM
We can refuse her (being the girl out of the second thread) admission, right? I suppose if we threaten with that it might cause a little change in her attitude. Overall I really don't mind her. She's tricky though. But someone who would be new to the order really shouldn't have that much of an idea of the Force. OOC someone can, but aren't we roleplaying here? Anyway, I'm babbling, I'm done. :)

Lady Vader
Oct 17th, 2003, 07:28:52 PM
This was sent to me by Maxim, who in turn received it from Kathryn:

I hate having to do this, but I will none the less. There are several assumptions I am making while I am doing this. 1) Kathryn is a force adept with minimal training. 2) I am assuming that by making the risk to interupt, that he was either sure of his reasoning for doing so, and he had connections with those in the room. Next, what would cause him to be willing to do so with a master like LV (by how she was acting earlier in the thread who was already agitated) must have some personal connections with her. I also can assume that southstar is a knight because he defered to LV by his actions. Next, why would he take the effort to stand by LV's side. The only logical response I could think of was that she is your master. 3) By alienating a potential member, if they would become a member, then there would be attrition to start with. You are creating a grudge which would not be easily forgotten. It was actions like that that broke apart the ancient sith, so I am assuming that this sith order is trying to overcome that. For any time a character does something of that sort, it can create enemies, he has then provided someone with all of the tools to begin a quest to kill the character. 4) I am making the assumption that the selection is by merit. For surely if they have acheived any mastery whatsoever, then they would have realized that sometimes the people that they do not like are the most essential. She was also trying to determine what each person is like, and thus far, only southstar has not given her a clear enough picture. She is trying to figure them out now so that if she can get in, she can minimize conflicts that might occur by simple undersanding. Kathryn knows what they are doing, and is making responses to test them at the same time. I have it that she is also testing the Sith at the same time to determine as a final test about whether or not she wants to join. She is staying thus far to take that test to its fullest. Thus far, she considers LV to be a master of sorts. Southstar to be a Knight, and Maxim to be a mere apprentice. She is speaking in a disinterested tone to mimic the emotions hiden within. She rarely lets her emotions come through a barrier she has created. My assumption was not that they would not painfully obvious to Kathryn who was doing it in case she would join, and not to the point of hindering Southstar's journey of discovery. I personally dislike having to do stuff like this, and

I would have posted this, but that would detract from the main story of the thread. I am going to assume you will eventually pass this around to southstar or LV. I personally find this kind of response anything but fun, and I dislike having to write out my reasonings for anything, but ask if you need to know.

I'm sensing from some of you that you are not bothered by her blatant rudeness towards us even OOC. I myself will not tolerate such an attitude. If it were IC, that would be one thing... but this is definitely turning into an OOC thing.

I personally will not admit her into TSO. It seems to me that what is reflected in the beginning could very well continue into the future. It is true what they say... first impressions are important... along with second, third, and fourth, and so on. So far, she has done nothing but argue in OOC.

But I am not the sole Elder here at TSO, or god or what have you.

I am only one voice, and I have spoken my peace.

Oct 17th, 2003, 11:44:48 PM
This is ridiculous, my opinion is do not to admit her. LV is right, IC is one thing, but going OOC to argue is another.

Even if she did make it in, her character is too complex to be even human, nobody can make those inferences. I'd go as far to say she's godmoding with her characters reasoning.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 18th, 2003, 03:33:34 AM
After taking out all the OOC (moved it, cntrl-c style), I re-read everything again. And I couldn't see anything that annoyed me. Conclusion, her OOC is insulting. But what fun is their if we do not take a chance? If she truely pisses you off LV, Southstar, then I'll take over her training and guidence. I might pound some respect into her. Aye, I have the tolerence to put up with someone with that type of attitude. Most of the time people who act like that turn out to be cool people. I just believe she doesn't have the splitting of OOC and IC down perfect yet. I'll evaluate her for the Order. IC and OOC.

Lets see her try to learn how I act.

Oct 18th, 2003, 08:13:41 PM
Sounds good then, its not the IC that really bugs me, but rather the OOC comments. So, you're the boss do what you think is best.

Salem Ave
Oct 19th, 2003, 04:26:53 AM
She's all yours Dyzm.

Lady Vader
Oct 20th, 2003, 07:05:09 PM
Take her away, Dyzm.

But if she so much as crosses my path even once, she gets the boot.

I await your evaluation.