View Full Version : Master and Padawan Re-Unite (Kale - Closed)

Oct 15th, 2003, 04:37:32 PM
Oriadin had arranged to meet with Kale privatly in the Temple since the bar and grill had become too crowded for a quiet conversation and catch up. The Knight had arrived first and awaited his Padawan to join him. They had much to discuss and a great deal to catch up on. Hopfully Kale would join Oriadin soon.

It seemed strange walking through the Temple Avalon after such a long absense. Even stranger that nothing had changed but the people. It was good to be back, back to the closes thing Oriadin could really call home.

Oct 18th, 2003, 04:15:27 PM
Kale strolled down the spacious corridor with his hands buried in the ample pockets of his blue jeans. He was ambivalent about finally meeting with his recently absent master once again, and not just because of the awkward incident of the Bar and Grill. He'd barely been Oriadin's padawan long enough to establish any sort of status quo for the relationship. He wasn't sure where they'd stand now.

Especially once Oriadin knew about the lightsaber.

The former thief was rehearsing all his best defenses when he spotted Oriadin at the assigned meeting place--a small formation of benches in an alcove down the corridor, lit by a ceiling-high, arched window that overlooked a majestic skyline to the South.

Kale slowed down as he approached, keeping his footsteps barely audible on the polished marble floor. He looked out the window at the rows and rows of skyscrapers that sunk away from the Temple district like foothills below a mountain peak.

"Good view," he said. "Looks a lot different from up here than down there, y' know? You can't quite see my old place from here. Office building's in the way." He turned back to his master and said, point-blank, "So, where were you?"

Oct 20th, 2003, 02:01:02 AM
Kale could be sensed from a mile away. He seemed nervous and worried about something, Oriadin thought. It could just be the fact that Oriadin was still practically a stranger to the boy, but he couldnt help but feel there was more to it than that. He would get to the bottom of it sooner or later.

There was no real time for small talk as Kale blurted out the question that had no doubt been on his mind since the second Oriadin dissapeared from the order several months ago.

--I was away... on personal business.--

The Knight looked over to his Padawan and saw in his face that the explination wasn't good enough. Oriadin would need to regain his trust, and to do that he would have to tell him what had happend.

--After the mission involving Archer, I came across a clue to my past. I bumped into a man on Coruscant who recognised me from my life before I joined the order. You see, I came here with no memory of who I was, or where I was from and after listening to this man talk to me for a short while, I just had to see what I could find out.--

Oriadin was sincere sounding and there was a tone calling out, asking for forgivness.

[i]--Im sorry Kale. I abandoned you to find out more about myself but I found it impossible to simply let this oppertunity pass me by. Its been a difficult few months but I want to come back here and be the man to aid you into becoming a very brave Jedi Knight. The Jedi Knight I know you can be.

Oct 20th, 2003, 07:56:36 PM
Kale didn't meet his master's eyes. "I thought the council sent you on some kinda mission," he said. "Somethin' they didn't want me to know about. I asked around, and everybody said they just didn't know where you were."

He sat down on one of the benches, arms crossed. "What the frell. I probably would've done the same." I just thought you were better than me.

"Just would've been nice if you'd have told me somethin'. But it don't make much difference now. I ain't going anywhere. Did you find anything?"