View Full Version : Finding Jacoby....(Mylia)

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 15th, 2003, 04:35:14 PM
It had been quite a day at the Wildside Animal Refuge as Quay'Na Rakai and Mylia Basque walked or rather dragged themselves towards the Jedi Temple.

It was dusk and both Padawans were starved, they had thought about going straight to the Bar and Grill to get a bite to eat, but then noticed how messy they were from the barns and decided to go get cleaned up first.

"A nice hot shower will do me some good." Quay'Na commented as the two of them crossed the street. "We probably should go see Jacali for a bit tonight afterwards, maybe we can sneak her in a sandwich."

"She'd probably like that." Mylia laughed.

It hadn't been the same since Jacali's accident that laid her up in the hospital ward for weeks. But, the two Padawans went to visit her at least once a day.

"Let's go in the back way, I don't feel like trudging around through the main lobby smelling like a barn." Quay'Na suggested as she led the two of them to a nearby alleyway.

She hadn't gotten two feet and stopped suddenly, her animal sensing kicking in full force. Something was wrong here. Without as much as a word, Quay'Na grabbed her sabre and took off down the darkening alley.

The door to the Temple was about a half a block down and as she neared it, she could hear the cry of a small child, a very small child and a destinct growl.

An Anooba. A vicious carnivore. She knew it before she even saw it. Damn, pet stores! These creatures were often brought in from Tatooine for trading. But, more often than not they escaped and thrived in the darkened streets and dead alleys in search of prey.

Not to mention, they didn't care to speak when Quay'Na tried to use her telepathy.

*Snap-hiss* Her tourquise blade rose from her hilt casting an eerie glow about the alley. Six yellow eyes reflected off that glow, these night creatures were monsters and had found a....a little boy in a restraint seat right outside the Temple door.

With a battle cry, Quay'Na charged at the beasts, hoping Mylia could grab the child and take him into the Temple door to safety.

The beasts scattered for a moment and then regrouped. The ugly, large-toothed monsters barked and growled as Quay'Na came at them. It only took a couple of moments and a few good swings of her sabre and she was able to slice a paw here, a tail there and the third beast lost both it's long ears.

A few moments later, they were gone and Quay'Na deactivated her blade and clipped it back onto her belt. She quickly jogged back towards the Temple door and went in with a swipe of her key card.

Just inside the door, was Mylia holding the child....Quay'Na had felt it before, it wasn't a 'normal' child. This little boy was a Garou child or at least part Garou and he was Force-sensitive.

Quay'Na saw a note attached to his shirt, if that was what you could call it. It looked more like a rag. She read it:

Please, take care of my son. I've no money and am living on the streets. His name is Jacoby...

The child couldn't be more than a year, he looked younger than Dasquian's daughter, who was one now. The boy let out a wail and began to skirm around.

"Let me see him." Quay'Na said as she took him from Mylia. He stopped crying immediately.

Lady Mylia
Oct 16th, 2003, 04:05:13 PM
Mylia followed closely behind Quay, not knowing exactly what was going on. She knew the jest of it, she felt it through the force. Angery animal-helpless child. Never a good combination.

Once they reached the situation she quickly grabbed the child and made her way into the Temple. Quay had the rest under control.

She noticed a small note and read it over quickly. Wow...

Once Quay came in the first thing she noticed was the note. She read it quickly and then Mylia and Quay locked eyes. This was pretty serious. The child was winning and crying, once Quay asked for him, he instantly stopped. She gave Quay another look. "Geez, he must like you."

Being so naive to animals that she didn't pick up on the Garou.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 16th, 2003, 04:31:33 PM
Jacoby nestled himself in Quay'Na's arms, taking her completely off guard. "I guess so."

"Do you feel it? He's part Garou." She said as she looked down at him as he began sucking his thumb.

The child was blonde and fair skinned. Dirt was smudged all over him and he could use a changing.

"Let's go clean him up a bit and ourselves. We'll have to take him to the Council." The Padawan looked down at him, he was sound asleep. Cooing softly.

Quay'Na could feel her heart melting as she looked at her friend.

Lady Mylia
Oct 16th, 2003, 04:50:56 PM
Mylia looked to him and then to Quay. "He's so cute. I didn't even feel the Garou though." She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we can do clean him and change him." She wrinkled up her nose. "He needs it, poor kid." She felt extremely sypathetic for him.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 16th, 2003, 06:58:14 PM
Quay'Na took him to the quarters she shared with Hayes and walked in.

Hayes was gone for the evening it looked like and George was in his bedroom.

"At least, I've got some diapers from Dasquian for Valanya...even though I've not gotten to use them, but they'll work for now."

She and Mylia cleaned him up.

He was a very happy baby, splashing around in the tub and making all kinds of noises. Quay'Na laughed as she got splashed several times.

Mylia left for a bit to get cleaned up and when she returned she held out some clothes for the boy she'd gotten from the Jedi Appearal department downstairs.

"These are great, Mylial Thanks." Quay'Na smiled as she took the clothes and they walked into the living area, where Jacoby was laying on a blanket playing with one of the toys she had bought for Valanya.

Lady Mylia
Oct 16th, 2003, 07:06:57 PM
Mylia laughed as Jacoby lie there, playing with the toy. "Well, he's made himself right at home." She went over to him and began to probe his mind slightly, she felt the Garou now. She couldn't feel it strongly, thoug--still being a beginer and all. "I feel that he's a Garou now, it's very weak to me though."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 16th, 2003, 07:09:57 PM
"Once you get used to the feeling, you'll soon be able to tell it with anyone. Can you watch him for a bit, while I get a shower?" She asked as she put the clothes down next to him.

Lady Mylia
Oct 16th, 2003, 07:15:48 PM
Mylia nodded. "Sure, that'll be no problem. I'll get him all dressed and ready." Ready for what, Mylia was not really sure, but he'd be ready.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 16th, 2003, 07:21:58 PM
Quay'Na felt such a connection with Jacoby it was fascinating. She loved children and wished one day she would be able to have one, but it would take some serious surgery for her to have one.

She sighed as she watched Jacoby play, he laughed and giggled and rolled around.

"I'll be back shortly, thanks." Quay'Na disappeared into the 'fresher.

Lady Mylia
Oct 16th, 2003, 07:29:56 PM
Mylia picked up the child and sat him in her lap. He instantly began to whine. Mylia frowned and tried to sooth me. It didn't work. The whining only got worse as she began to put his clothes on him. She sighed and placed him back down on the floor. He was still whining and actually began to cry. Feeling the the whining was lesser of the two evils, Mylia picked Jacoby back up, but that didn't help either. His cries got louder and louder and tears began to fall from his eyes. Mylia moaned in frusteration. Why wouldn't the child chill out?! She entered his mind slowly and began trying to push the fear or anger out. She slowly began to calm him down, but he still wimpered every now and then. She sighed with reflief, not being able to wait for Quay to return. Mylia definately wasn't cut out to be a mother yet.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 16th, 2003, 07:39:11 PM
Quay'Na came back out shortly. "Didn't give you any trouble, I hope?" She asked as she knelt down by them.

Lady Mylia
Oct 16th, 2003, 07:42:18 PM
Mylia released all mind holds she had on the child and he began to whine again. She quickly handed him over to Quay. "Here, take him. He doesn't like me! The only way to calm him was to use the force and sooth him." She sighed deeply.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 16th, 2003, 07:51:35 PM
Quay'Na took him happily and smiled at him. "Oh, now you like Mylia, she's your friend, Jacoby." His eyes seemed to dance for her as she took him into her arms.

Jacoby stopped whimpering and made some happy noises, he seemed to know Quay'Na already.

Quay'Na had never felt such warmth from a child in her life. She was beginning to get close to Valanya, but it was nothing like this.

Lady Mylia
Oct 17th, 2003, 04:25:07 AM
Mylia shook her head with a small laugh. She could tell that Quay was getting attached. "See, I told you he doesn't like me."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 08:05:52 AM
Quay'Na smiled kindly at the small boy in her arms. "I wonder what the council will do? They'll just send him to some foster care place, I bet." The Padawan thought deeply on this as she sat down with him. He was so adorable and so young. "I wonder..." Her thoughts were beginning to sway with the new feelings she had towards him. "I wonder if they would allow me to take him on...just until he get's adopted. I mean, look at him he's perfectly content with me and I know I could do it."

He nestled closer to her and sighed. "I can't see him going anywhere else." She'd have to try and convince the council to let her do this, she needed to do this. Even if it were for just a short time.

Lady Mylia
Oct 17th, 2003, 10:21:24 PM
Mylia laughed and smiled, somehow she knew that Quay was growing quickly attached to the younster. "I don't know what they will do, but I don't see why you can't take him, I mean, if you are willing to and all."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 10:48:33 PM
"Yeah, but it's just trying to convince the council and what if Morgan doesn't agree? He could stop it right then and there." She sighed at Jacoby and then also thought about someone else that was very close to her, Jedi Knight Sene Unty.

"I wonder what Sene would say to this...I mean, we've never really talked about things like this and now he's been away on a mission for the past few weeks. What if I do this and he comes back and dumps me because of it?" That was certainly not what she wanted, but Jacoby needed her. Just as much as Quay'Na needed Sene.

Lady Mylia
Oct 17th, 2003, 10:55:18 PM
Mylia thought for a moment. There would be no way of telling this. "I don't know, that's just something that we'll have to see what happens when the time comes."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 18th, 2003, 06:18:26 AM
Quay'Na lifted up Jacoby and looked at him. His cute little face, his little hands flailing about trying to touch her face.

"I guess that is all we can do. I'm ready if you are, Mylia. Let's see if I can keep him for a while." She was nervous as she stood and made his comfortable in her arms, he was ready to play and began making gurgling noises as he skirmmed about. "Come on, Jacoby. Let's go see the Council."

She led the way out the door.