View Full Version : The Official Episode III Spoiler Thread (Spoiler tags included)

Oct 15th, 2003, 03:28:25 PM
Here are some TF.N's Spy Report spoilers on Ep. III. As any of you know from last year's report on AOTC, their highly accurate.

There's a new insider in town, the name is Chaos. And they're talking about a concept for Episode III that was literally taken to the drawing board, but never then made it into the final script of the movie. It may be revisted, but don't get your hopes up. Here's the scoop:

Is it too early to talk about deleted scenes for Episode III? Well, this one actually didn't even get out of the art department, but still ...

While Lucas was still fleshing out the story for Episode III, the art department was given some freedom to explore some story arcs and broad concepts of the tentative plot of the film. They were drawing a month after Clones was released. The art inspired the story in a way, rather than drawings based on a completed script as is usually the process.

One of the story lines that was eventually abandoned for the film was how Jar Jar would be redeemed in Episode III. After the original character was decimated in the first film, things got worse, with the story in the second film making him even give Palpatine more control of the universe. The artists hoped they could find a way to redeem him - he could be a hero instead of a joke. A whole subplot was even developed to make that happen - but left behind in preproduction.

So that led to a story arc that we all expected - but also isn't happening. The death of Jar Jar. It was thought out in the art department, too, but when push came to shove George had a change of heart. So he was going to die, but now survives and slips into obscurity for the rest of the Star Wars films.

And a funny story from the olden days. He was originally pitched to be a silent character, and when the rest of the Gungans appear at the end of the film, they were a noble and ****** fighting race ready to kick droid butt and defend Naboo.

Things change while you're making movies - just like how Jar Jar will now survive Episode III.

Interesting, basically affirming what we already know and making us think "what might have been..."

TFN Insider Timberwolf files this report with more details on possible makeup tests for Anakin in some of the final scenes of Episode III. These are heavy spoilers, so if you're on the edge you may want to pass them up. You've been warned!

I can see that the original reports of Anakin meeting the lava are causing quite a stir. What I'm about to tell you details the look of Anakin at the end of the film, I hope you don't mind being spoiled this early.

Basically, there's several "toasted Anakins" - three to be exact. I can give you the details on each, though I have no idea which one(s) actually will be used in the final version of the film.

Anakin Test #1: Anakin is burned black almost completely head to toe, except for his face. He is charcoal black and it honestly is sickening. The only burn marks on his face creep up along his right side of the face and the top and bottom of his eye. His ear is almost completely gone and around his lips there are several severe burns as well. This is really a sight to behold.

Anakin Test #2: This test involved Hayden getting made to look very close to the unmasked Vader from Return of the Jedi. His skin is very dark tan in color and he has that huge gash in the right side of the top his head and other marks you may recognize. There are many small burns and scrapes on his face, with the most substantial burns appearing on both cheeks and then burned to a black crisp the rest of the way down.

Anakin Test #3: In this final version, Hayden was made up to be burned, but not NEARLY as severe. He has massive bags under his eyes and his hair is almost completely singed off - but not quite, some stubble still remains. The left side of his face is in terrible condition, extending down his neck then to an entirely burned body as well. The others look more over the top, where this one looks more like just terrible 2nd degree burns.
Which ever of the three they choose, we're in for quite a sight. Wow ...

Darth Friday doesn't miss a beat, dispelling rumors and creating a stir with rumors and tidbits of their own. Today's report focuses on the dark side, the evil of Episode III. And of course, this is your warning to cover your eyes non-spoiler fans, in case you're tempted to join us on the Dark Side:

- Palpatine and Sidious are the same person. The dark side shrouds everything, even Jedi eyes.

- The new bad guy is the leader of the droid armies. He is the ultimate Jedi-killing machine. He isn't 100% droid but dont' expect his backstory to be revealed in the film. His backstory will be explained as much as Darth Maul's was in Episode I.

- Anakin kills Dooku, and really early in the film as previously reported. And the former Jedi isn't officially named "Darth Vader" until after the lava bath. But don't take this to mean he doesn't do some very very dark things before the duel takes place.

Oct 15th, 2003, 03:31:11 PM
Timberwolf comes back again tonight with some more spoilers on makeup tests of Palpatine in Episode III. So far the Star Wars Insider magazine has showed him looking a lot like his Episode II days but with new costumes for the sequel. But this insider tells us more tonight on what to expect in SW3:

I don't know if he's been using the Dark Side of the Force to cover it up or what - but the real Palpatine is getting some serious face time in Episode III. OK, I don't really know how much screen time Palpidious (funny name saw in the forums, sorry) is getting - but I do know they prepped him for a closeup.

There was an image from Episode III recently that showed the actor in costume getting ready to shoot a scene. It is intentionally misleading because that isn't what you'll really see him as in the film. Well, kind of - the side he shows the Jedi is still relatively tame, when we finally see the reveal it'll be a throwback to the ole' Return of the Jedi days.

In a makeup test, they had Ian McDiarmid looking just like the Emperor we know from the Classics, complete with yellow eyes and terrible crevaces of deep facial features. In one shot he's kind of gritting his teeth looking right at the camera. There are dark rings of red and brown under and around his eyes, and his lips are pursed and cracked. His face doesn't just look weathered, it looks plain evil. His black cloak is over his head in this first test shot.

In a second shot, his cloak is removed and you can see the top of his head. It is more of a casual shot with Ian almost smiling an evil grin to the camera. You can SO see him under the laytex, its some great work there. From this side shot you can see the intricate aging work in his neck and forehead, the man looks evil - a face only a mother could love. And even then, it might be difficult.

Why does Sidious look like this? He always did. Palpatine is his disguise/alternate persona he adopted to get himself into political power. He isn't able to maintain the disguise while using his powers and you'll see him flash to his Sidious look earlier in the film until he does the official "unveiling."

So would it be cool to see a first glimpse of this face as Palpatine feels the Dark Side flow through his body at a critical point in the film? Maybe there's been a confrontation, and Palpatine realizes this is the time to open up a can of something on a visiting Jedi.

Today's Darth Friday report centers on what we know about Anakin in Episode III. There's detailed tidbits on the opening sequence of the film, confirmation of existing rumors and stirs up the pot with some new ones.
One of the common criticisms of the insiders in this weekend ritual are often vague and not very detailed. This week that is far from the truth, call it a special treat to more validate the previous reports. We have no way of knowing if all future spy reports from these sources will remain this detailed in the future, but who cares with this information tonight, my (Josh) comments in italics:

SPOILERS! - After the events of the absolutely epic opening space battle, the droid general has escaped, Palpatine has been rescued and Dooku is dead. Unfortunately, the Seperatist cruiser that Obi-Wan, Anakin and Palpatine is on, has now broken apart and tumbles into the atmosphere of Coruscant. The "Coruscant Fire Department" sends up fire ships to help guide the ship in for as safe of a crash landing as they can manage. This certainly is a "Grevious" situation. Haha, I've been wanting to say that.

Anyhow, this seems like a reasonable explanation to the Fire Ship idea, I've been wondering how that would fit in. It makes sense that a city planet would have a way to fight fires and rescue people from extreme situations. This could be the reason several "extreme wind" situations have been called for on set.

-Anakin expects to be treated with more respect by the Jedi order now after having killed Dooku and rescuing Palpatine. When the droid general is tracked down, Obi-Wan is sent off on the mission to take him down, not Anakin.

Palpatine, in response to his being kidnapped, uses this as a foil to upgrade his security and make Anakin his personal bodyguard. Another step for Anakin to be closer to Palpatine and in the future the Dark Side. He is getting prideful with slaying Dooku, and we see him now separated from Obi-Wan yet again. A receipe for disaster. And "upgrading the security" sure sounds like the Red Guards finally get much deserved recognition.

- Anakin does indeed have to make a "choice" in the film. That choice is given to him by Palpatine. In response, Mace Windu chooses to try and defend himself. This sounds like it fits with the Palpidious SPY REPORT earlier this week. Anakin is guarding Palpatine, per the spoiler above, and Mace comes for a visit. We see a flash of the ROJ Palpatine, then he unloads on Mace. Anakin and Mace duel, with Mace going down hard - sealing Anakin's embrace of the Dark Side.

Ardath Bey
Oct 19th, 2003, 08:41:48 AM
More spoilers from TF.Net. I hope most of these ain't true with the exception of those concerning Yoda. A retarded new villian introduced and some of the awesome spoilers posted earlier are examined in greater detail with conclusions less-than-satisfactory.

You've been waiting all week for Darth Friday, and today they deiver in a big way. Here's some spoilers from the multiple sources under one report. If you're wondering if you should read on, this may be the deal breaker. We've got rumors on the new bad guy, clone troopers, a new planet name, vehicle descriptions and plot points. This is a load of spoilers if they pan out. Read at your own risk!
SPOILERS! Highlight the area below to reveal spoilers:

-The General Grevious report is completely true. As of recently, his name was still General Grevious. Could it change? Could George re-spell it "Greevus?" Was a Saber-Dart once called a Kyber-Dart? Was Sifo-Dyas once called Sido-Dyas? Sure, but for now, that is the reality. All that is missing from that original report is the fight between Anakin and Dooku (definitely expect limbs to be lost). Palpatine is shackled to his chair (you saw it on hyperspace already) with a huge panoramic window behind him. The room is extremely evocative of the Emperor's throne room in ROTJ. The Seperatist ship that they are aboard is a long, slender, sleek vessel. The hanger bay is towards the back of the ship with giant doors that are open on both sides (so you could fly straight through the hole if you wanted.) Do not picture a TF Droid Control ship. They look nothing alike.

-Obi-Wan and his troops (following orders from the council), track Grevious down. Obi-Wan gives chase of Grevious aboard an animal that would best be described as a large and fast lizard. Grevious rides in a vehicle that resembles a one-wheeled version of a Hailfire droid. During their saber duel, Grevious' forearms each split in two and he wields a total of 4 lightsabers in combat.

-Palpatine had the clone troopers made with genetic data that allows him to take complete control of them when he needs to.

-After Obi-Wan eliminates Grevious (confirmed, its a blaster up the guts. A real juicy death for Grevious. Expect his head to leak fluids too), he returns to his troops. Palpatine gives the order for all the clone troopers to kill their jedi masters. Obi-Wan narrowly escapes and all the jedi in the film from this point forward would be considered enemies of the Republic and fugitives. This scene is a bit tragic for Obi-Wan as he is forced to kill a clone trooper he had befriended fighting together in the clone wars.

-Quick shots are shown on multiple worlds of clone troopers turning on their Jedi generals and eliminating them in several creative ways. (for example, you'll see a new world, followed by Republic tanks with a jedi commander on board. The order is given and the tank next to it turns it's turret and opens fire on the jedi tank at point blank range.) Watch for prominent jedi council members to go out this way.
-Yoda has little difficulty dealing with the clone troopers that turn on him on Kashyyyk, especially with the help of the wookiees. You will see why Han warns about wookiees being known to rip people's arms out of their sockets. And don't expect wookiees to be portrayed as simply "tall ewoks." Their technology is very advanced as is their vehicles, and they make good use of the lagoons on their world during combat. Watch for Yoda to do his whole "Away with your weapons I mean you no harm!" bit to fool the clone troopers as Chewie comes up behind them and knocks them unconscious. Wookiee vehicles definitely have a propeller theme. They have a boat with 2 pontoons (it looks like a catamaran). And they have one-man helicopter vehicles they fly around in.

-The last mission that Palpatine sends Anakin Skywalker on is a mission to the planet Mustafar. He is to terminate the remaining leaders of the Seperatists who have gathered there for a meeting.

Elvis1 has dropped some interesting hints of Episode III we've been working to confirm the last few days. Apparently this is "friend of a friend" info, but we believe it is very much on the right track. Here's the scoop:

Padme is killed by Anakin. He uses the force 'strangle' on her and goes a little too far. He doesn't mean to kill her.

Also, when Anakin wakes up as Darth Vader and is told what happened to him he becomes so angry he rips apart the room he's in with the Force.

And lastly, when Mace Windu confronts Palpatine, Palpatine's electricity bolts deflect off Windu's saber and into Anakin's eyes. Anakin flips out again and lops off Mace's arm.

The first two paragraphs we've been able to corroborate for the most part, but the last part about the deflection is something we hadn't heard from anyone else. Make of that what you will and here's a bit more clarification from other insiders we've heard on the subject:

I like the term "Force Choke" myself - and it is a great connection to Vader's penchant for choking people in classic Star Wars.

And the source is on the right track but the reason Vader rips the room apart isn't because of what happened to him. It is because of Vader being told he killed Padme.

In light of all of the confusion over (spoiler) Padme's death in the SPY REPORT: A Fatal Accident, Darth Friday sent TFN this stuff early and while readying their usual report as well:

Obi-Wan was sent to the new planet to "break up" a meeting of the Separatists at the location. Padme also has tracked down Anakin there. When she finds Anakin, he has already dispatched all the Seperatist leaders.

She is still not full term yet in her pregnancy. Anakin only believes she is pregnant with one child.
Anakin force-chokes Padme and throws her aside as Obi-Wan ignites his saber and the duel begins.
When the twins are born, it is not due to Padme going into labor, but out of necessity to rescue them from her before she passes.
The twins are born on a brand new never-before seen world.

Oct 21st, 2003, 07:04:20 PM
I head some good rumors about star wars o ne of the them is that at the end of star wars three Ankin is going to hear dearth Vador's voice speak to him. And it is going to be Earl Jones doing the voice it sound pretty cool! I hope that the on e about the one of Ankin faliing in a valcono is wrong that does not sound right! Bye for now star Wars fans!:D :crack

Figrin D'an
Oct 21st, 2003, 09:01:04 PM
Please use spoiler tags if you are going to be listing information or rumors on the upcoming film.

{spoiler} Put text here. {/spoiler}

Replace the { } with [ ]

Ardath Bey
Oct 22nd, 2003, 02:26:43 AM
Nope, never heard that one Darkside! :)

Ardath Bey
Oct 28th, 2003, 01:26:30 AM

Are you a subscriber to the TFN Newsletter? You should be - especially because for the third weekend in a row we'll be dishing out exclusive spoilers for Episode III. In this past weekend issue, subscribers learned about a new vehicle (highlight to read) that the Clones use. It is an early version of the AT-ST. This weekend, get up close and personal with new Episode III bad guy General Grievous. You'll get one of the first looks at him this Wednesday on the main site, then a second opinion in the newsletter. Don't miss it and stay tuned to all things Episode III on TFN!