View Full Version : Dark Shadows: The Crying Game

Jescenia Rakai
Oct 14th, 2003, 08:42:43 PM
Quay'Na Rakai's day was coming. It would spell the end of her so-called life with the Jedi Order as she knew all too well.
Perhaps to others it would be a sad unfortunate act of ruthlessness.
But, nonetheless in Jescenia's opinion, Quay'Na's mind was not clear. The Jedi had twisted her thinking.

Quay'Na owed her duty to her family, first. A duty that she had neglected for the past five years....but no longer. Jescenia would see to that.

All her daughter needed was to be broken and reformed. The reforming Jescenia would take care of, but she lacked the physical stnima for the breaking.
But, that wouldn't stop her, she had her own special contacts and held no doubt in her mind that she would find the perfect assistant.

The time had been long awaited as a dark-hooded being stepped into a dingy pub in the lower levels of the Coruscant, it’s face was completely concealed within the fabric. It slowly glanced around and found who it was looking for near the back. The air system in the pub had to be on its last leg because the stench was a mixture of bad whiskey and bathing neglect.

The hooded being continued through the pub to the other side, where it stopped at a table with another patron in a black hooded cloak, it’s face concealed as well.

"Xel, I presume?" The voice definitely that of an older female who seemed very apathetic.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 15th, 2003, 12:42:14 PM
Xel looked up at the black hooded woman "yes" he said coldly "I am here as you asked, now lets talk about the job you have for me."

Jescenia Rakai
Oct 15th, 2003, 03:36:56 PM
Jescenia took a seat.

"You would be aiding and assisting of the capturing and breaking of a Jedi, my daughter. It's been several months since our last encounter, but I've been watching. I know her steps well. I also know of her weaknesses, rather a weakness to all Jedi, not just her. How familiar are you with Jedi?" Her voice spoke with a wicked snarl, how she hated the Jedi for twisting her daughter's mind the way they had.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 15th, 2003, 04:24:25 PM
Xel nodded his head a little "I know plenty about the jedi" he said as he grabed a cup off the table and took a swig of it "I learned about them when I got a job assassinating one

they are a bunch of soft hearted people devoted to helping other's" he grined "and all the high ranking ones known as Jedi Masters just sit on their butts while the lower ranking ones do all the work."

Jescenia Rakai
Oct 15th, 2003, 07:42:04 PM
The figure laughed and removed it's hood and revealed a tight-faced older woman. "I'm Jescenia Rakai." She answered cooly. "Are you willing to take the job offer? I assure you the credits are quite...pleasing to say the least."

She removed a small bag from inside her cloak and set it in the middle of the table. She sat back and waited for him to look. Her features not changing.

Jescenia knew these types and credit often spoke for itself.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 15th, 2003, 08:56:39 PM
Xel looked at the bag for a moment before he grabed it and put it in his pocket "I will take the job" he said with a evil grin "this is just the kind of thing I like to do."

Jescenia Rakai
Oct 15th, 2003, 09:02:19 PM
"Good," Jescenia replied. "Her name is Quay'Na, here's what she looks like." She slid over a hologram pic of her daughter. "Iv'e been watching her closely, I know her steps. I would like it done as soon as possibel. Are you familiar with the Gallery? That is where you'll be taking her." The Gallery was a rundown hell hold of a motel in the lower levels.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 15th, 2003, 09:12:05 PM
Xel listened carefuly "yes I know of it" he said with a sigh "so, is there a normal route she walks where I could ambush her?"

Jescenia Rakai
Oct 15th, 2003, 09:19:04 PM
"Lately, she's been with a friend in Coruscant Med and every night she takes the alleyway between the Temple and the Med center to go to the Bar and Grill. It's dark and you should have no problem. And I have a couple of Ysalamari as well that you can take. She'll be powerless, perfect for the taking."

She gave him a satified grin. "Once you have her take her to the Gallery, I've already got a room set up and it's been well paid for. I shall join you in three days. In the meantime, I want you to break her, threaten her, torture her to get the Jedi's brainwashing out of her. DO NOT KILL HER, by any means. She must be reformed and I will do that. Is that clear, Mr Xel?"

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 15th, 2003, 09:24:00 PM
Xel cracked his neck "I am ready for this Ms. Rakai" he said as a plan of attack fromed in his head "I will not fail you" he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out commlink "in case you need to contact me this commlink in linked to mine so that you can instantly call me for anything to might need"

He slid the comm across the table "and dont worry, you child id in good hands."

Jescenia Rakai
Oct 15th, 2003, 09:29:32 PM
Jescenia gave him a look of satisfaction as she took the poffered comlink. "Three days, Mr. Xel. Follow me and I'll get you your Ysalamiri." She instructed as she stood and placed her hood back over her head.

This was turning out to be better than she had planned.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 15th, 2003, 09:32:59 PM
Xel finished his drink before he stood up and followed Jescenia.

Jescenia Rakai
Oct 15th, 2003, 09:50:12 PM
She showed him to a speeder outside, the wind blew whipping her cloak. Jescenia opened the door and pointed to a small cage in the back. "Those two Ysalamir will save you from any Jedi tricks she has in mind when you capture her." She stood back to allow him to take the cage and then got into the vehical. "Good luck, Mr. Xel. I'll see you in three days." She started the engine and drove off.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 15th, 2003, 09:58:01 PM
Xel smiled as he watched her speeder disapear, he then started off toward the Jedi Temple

(after a few hours)

Xel was standing in the alley between the Med Center and the Jedi Temple, the Ysalamir cage was by his feet

He had all the weapons he needed do kidnap the young Rakai girl and he was sure he would enjoy this job.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 16th, 2003, 04:35:06 AM
Visiting hours were over and Quay'Na made her way out the Medi center's front doors and towards her alley as always. She needed her cup of expresso for the evening to work on a few studies back at her room.

Hayes and George, his dog....rather large dog, had gotten used to her coming in late at night, now she could manage without waking them up.

With a yawn, she began walking down the block-length alleyway, just as she always did.

Suddenly, something strange was happening. It was as if the Force was leaving her. She stopped and called to it. Nothing.

Her danger sensing waves were gone, the Force was gone and she felt slightly vunerable and that wasn't a good thing.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 16th, 2003, 12:49:49 PM
Xel saw Quay enter the alley,He smiled as he saw her confusion as the force left her,Xel always liked to play with his prey

He walked out of the shadows and forward to where Quay could see him "hello my dearest" Xel said as he took a few steps forward "Im here to play a little game with you"

He reached behind his head and pulled his long sword out of its sheath, Quay could see that it was different then any other sword, it was made out of a transparent crystal meterial

Xel took a few more steps forward with his sword stretched out.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 16th, 2003, 08:59:43 PM
Quay'Na stared at him for a few moments. "Sir, I have no idea who you are or you want, I'm just here to go get a drink. I'm in no mood to play games. So, why don't you put the sword away?" She asked with a very serious tone.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:02:55 PM
Xel smiled "I cant leave" He said "I have an important meeting with you miss Rakai" He took even more steps forward until he was a few feet away from her

"you can feel the force being striped away from you" He said with a laugh "without it you will be unable to withstand my attack."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:11:26 PM
He knew her name, what else did he know? And he knew the Force was leaving her, but how? She was even more confused by this as she took a step back and grabbed her sabre.

*Snap-hiss* It's trouquise blade appeared before her. "Stand down," She told him as she got into a defensive stance.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:17:57 PM
Xel smiled as she drew her weapon "I think you are foolish to fight me" He said as took another step forward "I have the skill like no other" he took another step as he said this

his sword had a thin layer of cortosis, Xel swung his sword at Quay aiming it at her right shoulder.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:37:56 PM
Without the aid of the Force, it was much harder to fight. It had always been there and was easily tapped into, but now.

All her forewarnings were gone, there was none there. She had to fight with her own instincts. She saw the first slash he had planned and went to block it.

As her sabre made contact with his sword, it suddenly deactivated. A look of horror came over her as she was wide open now.

Xel's sword sliced into her right shoulder enough to do the damage he had wanted. Her sabre dropped from her right hand as pain shot down the length of her arm.

She gritted her teeth and stumbled backwards and fell. What had just happened? Xel was laughing as he went forward a few steps, her sabre now at his feet.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:46:09 PM
Xel bent down and picked up her saber "you have lost Miss Rakai" He said with a cold voice "now I will take you" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small canister

He bent down my her and opened the canister and put it under her nose, the knockout gas put her to sleep in seconds

Xel picked up her limp body and carryed her off toward a place called the gallery where he would start the second part of his job.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 07:03:42 AM
Quay'Na had tried to back up, but the pain in her arm wouldn't allow any pressure on it as he got closer and picked up her lightsabre. He then pulled out some strange looking canister. She went for it once, but without the help of the Force, it was useless.

It only took him a swipe by her face as a blanket of darkness fell over her.

Lady Mylia
Oct 17th, 2003, 10:32:56 PM
Mylia walked out of hospital only several moments after Quay. She had stayed up with Jacali to speak with her in private. As she walked down to meet back with Quay, she felt something wrong. Quay's presence wasn't near by. But where could she have gone. A ripple went out in the force, Quay was in pain. She didn't know where, or how, but she knew that Quay had to be found.

Mylia used the force to guide her as the followed the path of the disturbance she felt. As she got closer and closer the force seemed to fade. Mylia knew she was close to whatever it was but she couldn't feel it anymore. She began very disoriented as she got closer and closer to a sleezy hotel in the lower parts of Corusant. This had to be the right place. Mylia pulled her Jedi robe closely around her body and walked into the hotel cautiously.