View Full Version : Rebuilding(open)

Ace McCloud
Oct 14th, 2003, 07:09:16 AM
For a few weeks now, Ace had been working on rebuilding his connection with the force. Over the years it had gone strongly up the darkside path. So now, he had to fight back down that path and go back up the right way. So naturally, his abilities with the force had become very weak, however he had not forgotten.

He sat in a vacant room by himself ontop of a circular padded seat, meditating. He had been going for about an hour now and sweat was beggining to drip off his forehead. He could feel a roadblock coming, he was going too deep. But something urged him to keep going. Deeper and deeper he went. He could feel the darkside drawing closer.

He braced himself. It came hard, like a speeder smashing into him. His muscles tensed and his eyes clamped shut hard. His teeth began to grind agaisnt one another as he tried to resist the evil.

He growled loud, exerting a massive amount of strength. It was like being strapped to a chair, and having someone blast force lightning into your chest. His fists clenched and began to bleed as his fingernails dug into his own skin.

"RRRrrr....rrrrrrr....rrrr," he panted and growled through his teeth, trying to keep his head from splitting in two.

Ace McCloud
Oct 30th, 2003, 08:08:56 PM
It broke him. His hands shot up to his head as he screamed loudly. He fell over off of the seat and coiled up on the ground. His bloody hands held his head as he pushed it agaisnt the ground. The pain was so bad he thought he would die. But he wouldn't, it was just a matter of resisting it and fighting back. After about 10 minutes, the exhaustion and pain knocked him unconcious, and he fell limp on the ground.

It was bright, so bright that he couldn't see anything. It was blinding him. He tried to block it out with his hand but it was so bright it even shown through his hand. There was no direct source of light, it was just how it was. Infinite light. But there was no heat, no discomfort. Infact, it made him feel good. And eventually the brightness didn't even bother him but soothed his pain and made him comfortable. But slowly, it began to fade. The darkness began to cover up the light. What was going on? Darkness can't cover up light. Darkness can't exist where light is. But it was. Infact it was devouring the light.

No! No stop!

A feeling of panic came upon him. He began to feel uncomfortable and the pain was coming back to him. The light fought back, but the darkness was too strong and suddenly there was no light. Just darkness. There was nothing. No sound, no presence, no light, nothing. Just darkness. The feeling of falling came to him all of the sudden. He fell at a tremendous rate, and kept on. It never seemed to end.

He looked down, he could not see the bottom, for he could not see anything. But eventually an orange glow began cut into the darkness. It drew closer and closer as he fell. He squinted his eyes. It was fire! All fire! Just an infinite pit of fire. He could feel the heat, and his skin began to burn as he fell closer to it. He tried to stop himself, somehow, but he couldn't.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 30th, 2003, 08:40:10 PM
Quay'Na Rakai had been meditating in one of the empty rooms, but her meditation hadn't gone well and she was still just as confused about things as she had been before she'd gotten there. So, finally the young Padawan gave up and began walking back to the main lobby.

She hadn't taken five steps when she heard a scream coming from a room two doors down. Quickly, she made her way there and opened it, not sure what to expect.

It was Ace. Ace McCloud a new Padawan and he seemed...to be curled up in a tight ball, unconscious. Or was he?

"Ace?" She asked cautiously as she approached. No response. She stepped closer. "Ace, can you hear me?" Still nothing.

Damn, this isn't good. She didn't go any closer, who knew what he would do if he suddenly woke up. Grabbing her com, she pressed an emergency number. "This is Padawan Quay'Na Rakai, we have a Padawan unconscious in meditation room three-twenty-six. Repeat, a Padawan is unconscious in meditation room three-twenty-six. Medical assistance is needed! Please respond!"

Quay'Na kept a close eye on him and hoped someone would espond quickly.