View Full Version : Board of Theives (Hera)
Syriande Blue
Oct 13th, 2003, 12:29:56 PM
The bar, to Blue at least, was not his type of place. Syriande was used to washed out, dirty back ally taverns where lanterns and candles lit rather than bulbs. He had to admit though, it was a swanky place.
Donned in a black coat, pants and heavy cloak, and don't forget the three cornered hat, The Highwayman was seen leaning back on the back two legs of his seat, his legs upon the table relaxing. Today he was hoping to catch site of the Mistress of the Bar...a...Miss Hera so he gathered through information and contacts.
He was here to talk business, nothing more nothing less.
He hoped to have a job at least.
Oct 13th, 2003, 12:46:49 PM
Hera wandered between the tables from her office toward the bar. She'd been holed up in there for the past hour trying to make sense of OW's latest ledger. Seemed SFF had more liquor going out than we had coming in. Which, was impossible, unless the little duro had been making moonshine in his spare hours and was hocking it for his own private fortune. If so...the midget had too much time on his hands and Hera would have to add to his duties or perhaps cut off one of his arms to slow him down. Or do both. Unless of course it was damn fine moonshine. In that case, she may get him an assistant..
All the number crunching had given the Faene Mistress a headache and her private office rum stock had depleted to the point of nil. It was time to resupply.
The odd-shaped hat was what caught her eye. Then the dark cape. Hera couldnt help herself, and as she passed Syriande, she flicked one corner of the hats brim. "You goin' to a ball or somethin'?"
Syriande Blue
Oct 13th, 2003, 12:53:28 PM
' My dear, it is called a "Cocked Hat"' Blue said pulling back down the side she hat flicked. He knew right away who it was, only by guess of course, but a good guess.
' I take it your Miss Hera? Blue said gesturing towards the seat next to him.
Oct 13th, 2003, 12:56:43 PM
"Just Hera, will do"
She paused a moment, and then accepted the offer to join him.
Blue eyes roved over the stanger's outfit, lighting once more on the hat.
"Where'd you get a thing like that?"
Syriande Blue
Oct 15th, 2003, 01:34:27 PM
' Lots of things i can get around the galaxy, this suit and hat is just 2 items.' Blue said not reavealing his sourses.
' My contacts tell me your...a busnuiss woman...i was hoping the rumor was true, i wish to do busnuiss and of course, join, with my crew of 9, the dealings of the SFF' Blue said coming strait out with it, he was not one for keeping his agenda hidden.
Oct 15th, 2003, 08:58:59 PM
"Business, you say?"
She eyed him coolly, letting the mention of joining her outfit, for the moment, slide.
"What type of business are we talking about?"
Syriande Blue
Oct 16th, 2003, 12:41:16 PM
' Im a Thief ' He simply said putting his feet down back on the floor and sitting propoly. ' I was hopeing my services in this skill would be a requirment to join the SFF' He said smiling.
Oct 18th, 2003, 01:05:36 AM
"Requirement.." she thought on that a moment, "..yes, that's always a handy skill. And Im sure you are a very good thief."
She was not patronising him - she gauged that Syriande would probably be quite adept.
"At the moment, though, things are shifting in my operation. I am not looking to take on any more crew just now."
She leaned back in her chair watching the caped man.
"Why dont you tell me a little more about yourself, though, just for the heck of it."
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