View Full Version : Niklos and Tirzak's Excellent Adventure

Niklos Thorson (Oddball)
Oct 12th, 2003, 07:02:00 PM
Coruscant, a planet of extremes. In some places, luxorious apartments, the most advanced technology, a place almost anyone could feel happy in. In others, a scum ridden cess pit where the only people who inhabit it are mutated beings to which the term "personal hygene" means that they sometimes knock off the excess dirt. And somewhere in the middle is the Yodelling Wampa bar. Above the door is a sign reading NO WEAPONS, which is taken by people who frequent the place to mean PLEASE, HIDE YOUR WEAPONS FROM FULL VIEW. Inside here you can find a wide range of people, from the people who commit major crimes through to the.......people who commit minor crimes. Despite this, many see this and the surrounding area as a pretty safe place to be. Mainly because noone pulls a gun out when they'd instantly have fifty people with itchy trigger fingers deem you a threat. Still, this is a place where the sane wouldn't come.

And this was where Niklos Thorson had to meet his contact.

Walking inside, the mercenary casually surveyed the area. The interior had a wood theme running throughout. All on one level, the room was full of round tables, chairs and little else. The lights appeared to have been positioned so that the tables nearest the walls were shrouded in darkness. At the far side of the room was a large bar, the regulars sitting on stools sucking on whatever they drank down here. The place was fairly full, the waitresses being busy but not inundated. He was glad to see his attire of trousers, dark jacket and white shirt with the words "I'm with stupid" on the front with an arrow pointing towards his head, did not stand out too much from the other people. Well, aside from the shirt. He recognised noone who knew him, which was always a good sign. Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, but generally not when you have some shady business to attend to.

Satisfied with the situation, Niklos headed to a nearby table and sat down, taking the opportunity to pat his leg to check his hidden blaster was still there. He would have preferred a DL-18 or DL-44 to the Imperial Scout blaster he had, but they weren't as easy to hide in the leg of a pair of trousers any tighter than one which could conceal a Jawa. Checking the menu on the table, he glanced up to see an attractive blue Twi'Lek already at the table, datapad ready.

"Can I get you anything?" She asked, glancing behind at a man on a table behind making a comment.

"Yes, can I have the Repork, slow roasted, and I suppose I'll have to have a Belaria Juice to drink, I'm here on business." Came his reply, a light smile on his face.

"The Repork will take about twenty minutes to be ready. Would you like anything with your drink while you wait?"

"Just some Snack-crackers please."

"I'll be right back."

"Take your time sugarbutt." Niklos replied, the corner of his mouth raising higher.

As she left, he saw the man behind her, a large bald man with a scar from his left eye to the edge of his goatee, make another comment to her and begin to rise from his seat. Losing his smile, Niklos hit his hand on the table to get the mans attention, and stared at him, slowly shaking his head. As the man sat back down Niklos smiled his way, before looking around the bar to see if he had missed his contact sitting here.

He didn't know much about what he was wanted for. He knew we was waiting for a one eyed Bothan with a robotic arm and that he would be required to steal something. Oh, and that there was credits to be given for this. A lot of credits. Being a professional, Niklos had already checked his various sources for any information he could get, although he never dug too deep so as to not get too much of an opinion. Strangely enough, there wasn't an abundance of one eyed, robotic armed Bothans in any recent records. Just one in fact, named Krast Taer'fin. Back in the day he was a well respected diplomat but a scandal involving him, a Rodian, a whole lot of Spice and a Holonet exclusive meant that the only reputation he now had was a nickname which would get you thrown out of most decent establishments if spoken. The Rodian got his own talkshow on the Holonets though.

Thanking the waitress as she brought him his Snack-crackers and Belaria, Niklos leant back on his chair and waited.

Tirzak Kerr
Nov 1st, 2003, 11:28:12 PM
It wasn't a common hangout of his- but it was better than some of the other rather, unsavvory places that were in this area. Tirzak had gotten past the security at the Yodelling Wampa Bar easily enough- with his blaster. It was rather small in the first place- nothing bulky. And of course, they didn't pat him down. No need to do that.

He wore his usual civilian attire- green khaki-like pants, and a nice shirt that fit loosely on his body. He had enough credits to last him all night in this joint. He recognized a few; having done shady dealings in the past. Though, currently, he had been out of business. Loklorien had been keeping him very pre-occupied. And now that he had to meet her in Balmorra in about a week or so, it gave him some time to himself.

He moved his wrist back and forth; thankful for it's healing already done. It was still a bit sore, but it was slowly but surely going back to it's old usefulness. The bounty hunter passed by a hulking wookiee, who was apparently a regular. Tirzak had gotten in his way. He apologized appropriately- but not overly so. Small, quick, precise.

Tirzak looked around. He knew many of the patrons were bounty hunters. Was there a bounty on his head now, for supposedly killing Lok? Or did Gorgja perhaps find out what truly happened- he let her live. And now he's mad, and set the bounty on his own head to be several times that which he was offered.

Tirzak didn't know.

This made him more cautious as he looked to find a seat that would suit him. There was an empty table next to a...human? Or what appeared to be one there. Another human in a place like this? Sure- there were some here. But not as...clean as this one looked. Though, and empty table and seat still appealed.

He walked, navigating in a zig-zag like pattern, weaving carefully. He sat down, and he was greeted by a rather pleasnt looking Twi'Lek. A bit green, though. He smiled as he ordered his drink.

He was waiting for someone to give him some information on the imperial planet of Balmorra. If he was going to be there in a week- he needed to know everything. Possible escape routes. His informant would find him easily enough at the table.


Tirzak looked up.

"Your juice."

He smiled at the girl. He took it and thanked her- and gave her a nice tip. He wasn't particularly hungry at the moment, but if he got so, he would order something.