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Zachariah Darmok
Oct 12th, 2003, 04:05:50 PM
' Where is the Orb Marantile, tell me and i shall ease your passing!' Said Darmok, his face fully enveloped by the shadow of his hood.

'I shall not tell you Darmok, you spy on our plans to often with it!' Said a shorter man. Marantile has been forced into a dark ally on the surface of Coruscant by Zachariah, he could easily be dealt with but as little witnesses as possible was always better.

The underworld of magic and witchery was kept secret, more so by the Subryn than other smaller factions and so Darmok would keep it that way.

' I shall find that Orb ether by your help or by your painfull death, ether way it will happen. The Subryn Coven has many eyes in this city, it will be easy to find, but easier by your telling!'

Maratile fell silent as if thinking the proposition over.

Darmok was right, the Orb would be found eventually this would only be a set back for the Coven but a long enough set back at the very least.

'No-No i shall not tell you..kill me and have done with it Mage. I am no longer of this universe...i have done my sacrifice and my goal.'

Darmok would waiste no more time on the boy and with one swoop of his staff the boys head was at the mercy of the orb upon its end. Marantiles' skull was crushed and his body laid to waist upon the ally floor.

No matter, Darmok thought, it would be found.

Darmok stround the lengh of the shadowed ally and out into the street after tucking his staff within his billowing robes. He would meet with a Coven member, hoping to find some infomation on the missing artifact.

Janus Riddyl
Oct 13th, 2003, 09:20:30 PM
A ragged young man ran through the streets of the city carrying a glowing sort of thing beneath his jacket. Janus had watched him from the skies for some time now and he was suspecting the man had stolen whatever it was he had with him. It was time to interfere with this man's intentions.

Janus dropped down in front of the man causing him to crash into the young padawan. "Now, I really don't think you should have that. I think perhaps it belogns to someone else."

The man was trying to cathch his breath while he tried to speak. "He's- its his- he's coming-" He stopped trying to speak now, something had cut him off. Janus took the orb from the man who apperaed to be dead. He looked up from the man and saw in the distance a very fearsome creature.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 13th, 2003, 09:21:15 PM
Deep in the shadow of a doorway, a woman watched Darmosk. Watched him walk away from the boy he'd just murdered.

A shadow detatched from the other shadows, and she followed after him, at a distance.

Gav Mortis
Oct 15th, 2003, 02:37:12 PM
"Killing people is naughty."

Gav stepped out and stood before Darmok. Neither tall nor burly, the Sith stood his ground. His eyes fixed and a curt smile.

"I suggest you go back and appologize."

Zachariah Darmok
Oct 16th, 2003, 12:32:21 PM
' Pardon me? ' Darmok said, as if he had not heard what Mortis said. ' You are a darksider no doubt? I would put to you that you apologise after killing somone? i would doubt that! Now if you will excuse me i have an important mater to attend to. The Mage began to step around Mortis when he felt another presence come from behind.

Darmok turned...he was surrounded.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 16th, 2003, 02:21:58 PM
"Ah, so quick to assume that you know so much." De'Ville quirked an eyebrow up as she looked over the man's shoulder to Mortis. "Perhaps we should teach this one a lesson in manners."

Zachariah Darmok
Oct 16th, 2003, 03:17:31 PM
A grin, hidden by the shadow of the dark ones hood escaped its lips. He sighed and turned to address the woman behind him. Drawing his staff from his billowing cloak he plased the tip upon the ground and gestured toward himself.

'If that is what you wish M'lady'

Gav Mortis
Oct 16th, 2003, 03:31:24 PM
"Dark-- sider?" Gav chimed in. "I have no side, well, except my own."

Now he stood next to De'Ville and was once again staring at the mage.

"That would make me a My-Sider--" He gave De'Ville a sideways glance and shrugged. "--Or an Our-Sider?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 16th, 2003, 04:32:05 PM
She smiled underneath her hood, and shrugged as well. "Perhaps we are simply just not on his side, which makes us evil to him."

De'Ville reached up and pulled her hood back, revealing dark hair and a pale face painted with strange designs. "He seems ready for a fight." She glanced at Gav through her lashes, and raised an eyebrow once more.

Zachariah Darmok
Oct 16th, 2003, 05:56:12 PM
The Mage sighed quitely to himself, it was clear that these two were ether foolish enough to give Darmok time to prepare his casts within his body and spirit, allowing them to channel through his staff, or they did not intend to fight at all. He prefered the latter option.

Placing his staff in a less threatning position he to pulled back his gaping hood to reveal himself.

' Do you have a matter to discuss with me?' The mage asked the both of them.

Gav Mortis
Oct 16th, 2003, 06:14:21 PM
"Yes." Gav answered immediatly. He wore no hood or cloak. His face carried painted markings like De'Ville, his were red. He nodded in the direction of the alley to the side.

"Like I said, you owe someone an appology. Move."

Lldian Sorve
Oct 16th, 2003, 06:48:18 PM
Above the party of three crouched on a over hang somone completely diffrent from those below. He had tailed Darmok for a time now and cared little for the two he was speaking to, his job? Simply to eliminate the Mage and escape, nothing more, nothing less. Yet the other two posed a threat and so he would slink back to the shadows, and wait for a better time.

But he would be watching, waiting.

He slinked back into the shadows of the roofs above.

Zachariah Darmok
Oct 16th, 2003, 07:55:56 PM
The aged Mage turned his head to address Mortis once more.

' I have no intention to apologise to a dead shell, now have you concluded our confrontation or have you something important to speak of? if not i shall bid you a good Eve.' Darmoks eyes scanned Mortis and then moved to Deville hoping she was the more seriouse of the two.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 16th, 2003, 08:11:18 PM
De'Ville waggled a finger at the old man as he approached her. "Ah, but there is nothing good about this evening when the dead have to wait for an apology."

The twin streaks of paint on her face seemed to run through her eyes, staining her forehead and cheekbones with black. She quirked her eyebrow up once more, now to the mage who was getting more and more irritated. It was like poking a sleeping cat with a stick. Fun for nearly everyone involved.

Zachariah Darmok
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:18:21 PM
' If this will finish this foolishness then i shall do it ' Zacharish pushed past the two agressors and trailed back to where the boy lay dead. The crimson blood twinked into the light of a single lantern in the ally, his face expressonless, gone.

' I apologise ' The mage said nodding his head in respect to the boy and then strolled back towards the two.

' Now if you will excuse me. I have better things to do than play games and if you value what you do i'd suggest you leave me be...g'night' The Warlock said pushing past them again, starting down the dark ally once more.

Janus Riddyl
Oct 17th, 2003, 03:18:16 PM
Janus took the orb from the man who had collapsed and immediatly felt some sort of power coming from it. This was not some ordinary jewel, this had another purpose.

Janus looked back at where he saw the man who was now accompanied by two others. He did not notice Lldian though. The orb must belong to the man Janus concluded. He was unsure, however, whether or not to give it back to him.

Han Fernua
Oct 17th, 2003, 08:50:44 PM
A boy, small and weak, was walking around looking for something to do. He past by some and mentaly smiled as they all of a sudden saw something that wasn't there. Asking people around what they saw, only made them look like a fool. And they were.

Moving through alleys. As he walked looking for someone to play with, he found a strange gathering. They were all different, except for their genders. But there was also something familiar in them.

Moving closer and crouching behind a low wall and watched. Maybe they will be fun to play with.

Gav Mortis
Oct 19th, 2003, 05:56:35 AM
The mage apologised and Gav turned to De'Ville with a look of grim satisfaction. "I wonder what other tricks this monkey will do for us."

Darmok pushed past. Gav turned. His arm draped itself casually over the mage's shoulders. "I hope you don't mind me joining you for a nice evening stoll. The night is so young--"

His left index finger gently traced a line in Darmok's cheek and started playing with his earlobe. Gav smiled.

"--And you are so beautiful. Come, allow my friend and I to show you a good time."

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 24th, 2003, 03:27:54 PM
De'Ville grinned, biting back her laughter as the mage apologized to the body on the ground. "Yes, yes, a walk would be excellent. Do come." She latched herself around the mage's other arm, and winked across him at Mortis.

Han Fernua
Oct 24th, 2003, 10:45:36 PM
The boy looked over to the dead body. Not the best looking corps he has ever seen. But it was dead none the less. Looking over the features of the body, he keeped that image in his head. Then he focused at the man with the staff. He went into the mans mind and projected the image of the dead man infront of him. When he blinked, the figure disapeared.

Zachariah Darmok
Oct 27th, 2003, 02:20:05 PM
Having such a delicious woman upon his left arm made him feel slightly...well, comfortable. The last time a female had wrapped her arm around Darmoks' arm was an age long ago, before Zachariahs' turn to the more evil side of life. Before, he had been a Doctor, a fine Doctor with a wife, a child. But something changed all that one night.

Something disastrous.

Zachariah had sliced his little boy into several sections, almost dissecting his offspring like a petty animal in a lab. He enjoyed it also, it proved most interesting. His wife however, suffered a greater demise. She was promptly hung on a meat hook Darmok had collected from somewhere, and kept alive somehow for weeks on end painfully withering away, until finally death took her into its arms.

He never knew why he did that, but something took him that night, took him into its care, darkness had collected Darmok from the world of light and normality, and thrown into the pit of evil and blood.

Darmok shook his head free of this thought.

Darmok towered over the two, he stood at 6'7 but however was rather thin and very pale and while they lead him, their arms around his it was almost as if the figure floated rather than walked, however it was impossible to tell because his tight black twill coat covered where his feet would be seen. He had a question of course that intrigued him somewhat.

' Who are you two?' he said gently, almost in a eerie tone.

Gav Mortis
Oct 28th, 2003, 03:54:04 PM
"We have come to answer your prayers." Answered Gav in his silken voice. His hand was no longer on Darmok's shoulder but instead rested on his forearm, he didn't grip it forcefully but wanted the mage to know it was there, ready.

"You see, my friend and I, we are unique and we live exceptional lives. We are exceptional and feel you have the potential to stand alongside us and our kind." His cane tapped the formidable mage on his shin. "What do you say to that?"

Zachariah Darmok
Oct 29th, 2003, 07:31:45 AM
' And why exsactly do you wish to have me within your collective?' The Mage said simply, his expressions unmoving, his emotions dead. Almost as if the inside of his body, his emotions, his feelings were shrivled, a shell of which power could flow from, while his outside was a housing for darkness, despair and dred.

Gav Mortis
Oct 29th, 2003, 09:47:28 AM
"We are exceptional and feel you have the potential to stand alongside us and our kind." Gav said, repeating that which he had said previously in exactly the same way as he had said it the first time. Then he gave Darmok a look of confusion. "Oh my, is there an echo in here?"

Gav sneered with irritation. "Learn to listen. Now, I asked you a question and expect an answer in return. Try harder this time: What do you have to say to that?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 30th, 2003, 01:18:19 PM
De'Ville shook her head at the man's tendency to answer questions with questions, and extracted her arm from his. There was something else about in this alleyway.

She peered behind them, and then walked back towards the body, reaching behind a pile of garbage and pinching a young boy's ear between her fingers. "Hello there, little one, why don't you join us?" She dragged him forcibly from his hiding spot.

Han Fernua
Oct 30th, 2003, 02:14:28 PM
There was a sudden pain in the boys ear. As he was pulled away from his hidding spot he grapped the lady's hand and yanked it off his ear. After his ear was free he started taking a few steps backward, away from the strange female.

Gav Mortis
Oct 30th, 2003, 02:21:44 PM
Gav sighed irritably and resisted the urge to say something about De'Ville's mothering side getting the better of her, instead he rolled his eyes.

"Let him go, De'Ville. We didn't come here tonight to babysit." He said impatiently, his cane tapping against the floor. Then quietly to Darmok. "Just you wait, we'll be off cradle-snatching next. You'll see."

Han Fernua
Oct 30th, 2003, 02:25:15 PM
Though the physical aspects of the boys face didn't change, he still looked as though he was angered. He then crept into the mind of the smart mouthed man. He used a image was a man seven feet tall to walk around the corn of a building and charge at him.

Gav Mortis
Oct 30th, 2003, 02:35:33 PM
Gav's attention was quickly diverted to the new arrival, the mountain of a man charged at him with aggression etched into his face and the Sith readied himself. His grip tightened on his cane and it left the ground.

"What's this?" He said quietly to himself, bringing his cane up high, he held it like it were a rifle, his head tilted and one eye closed. Then immitating the sound of a blaster he jerked back from the imaginery recoil of his imaginary rifle and the charging man dissapeared. Gav arched his eyebrow and grinned, turning to De'Ville and the boy.

"Interesting. Bring him."

Han Fernua
Oct 30th, 2003, 02:43:21 PM
The boy suddenly turned into two little boys. Then four, eight. Then there was a group of them and they all ran around eachother. After a minute of complete confusion, they all split up and ran in any direction that was possible.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 2nd, 2003, 10:45:01 PM
De'Ville reached out with Force enhanced speed as soon as the boys started splitting, and grabbed firmly onto the original boy before he could scatter with the illusions. "Hold still, you nasty thing." Her hand dug into his shoulder painfully, which caused all the illusionary boys to disappear as his concentration was broken.

"Cradle snatching, Mortis? You think that would be fun?" She sounded genuinely interested as she rolled her eyes and started dragging the kid over to the two men.

Han Fernua
Nov 2nd, 2003, 10:58:25 PM
The boy ran, to what he could see, alone. He hoped that the confustion would give him enough time to get away from these weird people. To his shock and horror, there was a hand on his shoulder before he had the chance to tunr the corner where he would he put some distance between him and the others.

The fingures of the woman bore into his shoulder, making him wince in pain and also causing him to shatter his consintration of his illusion. He tugged at the arm, trying to get free. He knew that illusions wouldn't help now that they had a grasp on him. He struggled a few seconds longer in rebellion, then he stopped at waited for whatever would happen next.

Zachariah Darmok
Feb 23rd, 2004, 01:59:53 PM
' My answer to you 'Mortis' is yes. Your skill in seeing protential clearly guided towards me so i will accept. ' He talked in such a casual manner it seemed that he coudl not be bothered to denie them. His staff pointed in gesture of the boy.

' Who are you little one?' The Dark Mage broke from Mortis' grip and took a step before the boy. To have a skill in illusion at such an age was rare and just as De'Ville had been impressed so was Darmok. ' Come on...speak up boy...'

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 23rd, 2004, 02:06:42 PM
The boy in her grasp turned his head and bit her hand, running away as she inadvertantly released him. "Blood and ashes!" De'Ville shook her hand a bit, and looked after the departing child. Gav looked ready to say...something unadvisable, but she shook her head, cutting him off. "The boy will find us again. The Force knows this was not a chance meeting."

She rubbed the bite mark with her other hand, looking at Darmok. "You must remember at all times, you have potential only. To realize this potential, you will accompany Mortis to our headquarters." The Dark Jedi looked again at the path the boy had taken, and then back to Gav.