View Full Version : From Jamel

Oct 12th, 2003, 10:13:45 AM
An email:
Dear Sw-Fan Administration,

It is I, Jamel Croko'yn, a person who just did the wrong thing. I'm sorry for my actions when I was apart of the forum, and they are in many ways unforgivable, but I ask for your forgiveness. It has been a long time since I was banned for spamming pms with my asking of forgiveness of my actions, but it still is something that I remember.

This is not a cry for returning, this is just to get a level area. Idris Alton aka Jamel Croko'yn simply is asking for your forgiveness and an understanding that I made a mistake. It was wrong, but I just want you to understand that mistakes are made and that though it was wrong I wouldn't take it back. The actions that transpired on that day so long ago pushed me to grow.

I feel at peace now. I will not lie to you and say I have become the best man in the world, but I have revolutionized myself on numerous occasions as I've run into situations through the internet and in life and I consider myself a good person as of now. I know how to pull away and be more mature with situations. These things that are needed to be a mature man in a society of rping and conversating I have attained for the most part and I will understand if you don't allow me back in.

I just ask for your forgiveness though, my hands clasped in hope that you will bless me with a gesture of acknowledgement. Can you please, just understand that my actions were that of a mistake of an immature boy who has changed. That I am human, just as you are and life is filled with mistakes. I have grown from it, as you should and know that a situation any similar will not happen again if I'm let in or just acknowledged for making a mistake instead of a treacherous crime amoung the members of the sw-fan.

I will obey the rules and do as is asked, because my actions may be demoralizing to others and to myself if I do otherwise.

Thank you though for teaching my wrong doing...

Idris Alton aka Jamel Croko'ynJust so everyone knows the situation; Jamel is still banned by both IP and email address. I thought I would share this and see what the reactions/ideas might be.

Ryla Relvinian
Oct 12th, 2003, 11:11:19 AM
I'm sorry, but I don't buy it.

I have my reasons. :\

Morgan Evanar
Oct 12th, 2003, 11:17:43 AM
HAhahaahahahah! How rich. Fuck you, psycho stalkerboy.

Master Yoghurt
Oct 12th, 2003, 11:58:58 AM
Could someone give me a quick recap on what basis he was banned?

Oct 12th, 2003, 12:03:30 PM
PM spamming on top of a few other warnings he received. There is a thread in this forum about it.

And my opinion on the email I got is:

I find it very creepy that he suddenly sends this email begging to come back. Jamel creeped many a person out while he was here and I only see this action as a continuation of that. I feel he has motives other than what he expressed in the email and that any reconsideration of his being allowed back should be dismissed, as both setting a bad precedent and as not needing to subject our community to this stalker-esque person being here again.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 12th, 2003, 12:04:39 PM
Use the search, Yog :)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 12th, 2003, 12:13:59 PM
Well....me and semi-bleeding heart says give him another chance - but then my head says I dont think any of us could handle him, Kraken AND DarKnight at the same time.....

SO! Im gonna go with my head (and whacked out hormones) and echo Morg's sentiments ....yeah :)

Master Yoghurt
Oct 12th, 2003, 12:42:56 PM
Ok, him. Although the appology *seems* sincere and I am usually for giving people second chances, I'd say keep him banned. He did the appology routine before and I have a feeling unbanning him would lead to more of the same..

Oct 12th, 2003, 12:52:44 PM
In a nutshell - "Thanks for the apology. Youre still banned"

There was too much jerking around the first time. Let him go to another community and be the stirling man he has now become.

Pierce Tondry
Oct 12th, 2003, 01:31:22 PM
I fully agree with the ulterior motive theory and his continued banning.

The Charley Answer (or something like it): "No, but your consolation prize is a giftwrapped box of hell. Enjoy"

^ also the Brian answer

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 12th, 2003, 02:40:28 PM
His writing style totally freaks me out. :cry

And yeah, make him stay away. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 12th, 2003, 03:47:21 PM
He can go get fucked.

Figrin D'an
Oct 12th, 2003, 05:24:15 PM
That apology email is just as wordsmithed and post-bot contrived as everything else he ever posted.

He's creeped out way too many people and caused too much trouble. I completely concur with Mr. .Net's suspicion of an ulterior motive. He's playing the Itala Marzullo card... let some time pass, then send an apology, try to get back into everyone's good graces and weasel back onto the board.

Sorry... no soup for you. And don't come back, even in one year.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 12th, 2003, 08:43:42 PM
If we were to bring him back, could we re-ban him?

Zasz Grimm
Oct 12th, 2003, 09:45:49 PM

FYAD Jamel.

Taylor Millard
Oct 12th, 2003, 09:48:08 PM
I thought about this for about half a second.

No. Although, can we all email Jamel and tell him to 'fuck off?'

Please? ;)

Sanis Prent
Oct 13th, 2003, 01:16:53 PM
Originally posted by Pierce Tondry
The Charley Answer (or something like it): "No, but your consolation prize is a giftwrapped box of hell. Enjoy"

^ also the Brian answer

Not quite. I would probably tell him that we've moved to a "more special" forum, and direct him to www.coruscantcity.net


Figrin D'an
Oct 13th, 2003, 02:36:09 PM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
Not quite. I would probably tell him that we've moved to a "more special" forum, and direct him to www.coruscantcity.net


That's just mean, dude.

But funny. ;)

Lady Vader
Oct 13th, 2003, 03:27:59 PM

As to the apology. I can't stand apologies that are too wordy. I like things neat and to the point. If you start to give too many reasons and repeating yourself in several different phrases, then there's something else behind it all.

Keep him banned.