View Full Version : Regarding Faith....(Marcus)

River Kincaid
Oct 12th, 2003, 09:50:08 AM
River Kincaid returned to the Lost late that night, slipping in unnoticed. He went straight to his quarters and checked on his children, who were sleeping soundly in their bunks.

Ry-Obi so mischievious at times, but still the boy had a good heart and then Hunter, such a doll but so quiet. Yet, her mind was very strong and outbursts within the Force, were well...quite amazing all the same.

He sighed lightly as he carefully put Ry-Obi's foot back under his covers and touseled Hunter's long blonde hair. So, much like Angelina they were...and yet now, there was Faith.

....and the twins.

He sat down on his own bed and ran a hand through his scraggly blonde locks and then fell back on his bed. What was he going to do now? Faith was part of the Order, he was part of the Lost and those twins were in a mess.

River needed to talk to someone, but who? His Master? But, she'd been away for a while...no, he needed to talk to another man. Someone who he could trust and knew about family.

The first person that came to mind was Marcus. But, he'd only spoken with him a few times. But, he couldn't think of anyone else. He was going to have to figure out something and who better to talk to than Marcus.

With a deep sigh, River stood and quietly left his quarters in search of the man, hopefully he'd still be up and around.

River found him downstairs with his back to him. Marcus was staring out one of the main windows of their headquarters into the Coruscant night, The younger man stopped and waited for a moment, wondering if he should disturb the Master or not.

River relaxed and took a deep breath. "Master Elessar, if I could take up a few moments of your time, I need to talk to you. It's rather important."

He stood silently awaiting the man's response.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 15th, 2003, 01:23:00 AM
What had he been looking at? Not much, if the truth be told, he was more int hought. Many things had happened lately and it was rare he had the chance to ponder.

The footsteps hadnt gone unnoticed, but he hadnt thought it would be anything for his attention. But he was wrong in this case.

His head turned slowly and the greyish eyes stared at the younger man - how much younger, River would hardly know. There was getting close to a century in age difference, even if Marcus looked about 45. "Some thing on your mind?" he asked in that odd accent of his, "Certainly, sit down. What's the problem?"

River Kincaid
Oct 15th, 2003, 04:29:48 AM
With a deep breath, River entered the room and took a seat in the first chair he came across and looked at the older man.

"It seems I've come across a big problem, Sir." River began. "Before, I left the Order to follow Master Xazor, I had become....close to a woman there. Very close and over the past few months we've sent letters to each other and tonight I saw her."

River felt weary as if a heavy weight had been placed on his shoulders. "But, it didn't quite turn out like either of us expected, Sir. She never would've told me had I not felt it in the Force. The young woman that I was with tonight, is pregnant...carrying my twins..."

River's voice trailed off and fell silent, he drew in a deep breath and slowly exhaled to remain calm, relaxed. But, truth be told he was a wreck. "I love her, Sir and I would do anything to be with her. But, we are from two different worlds now. She is with the Order, I am with the Lost...and I have no idea what I'm going to do."

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 15th, 2003, 09:27:22 PM
Oh dear. This was not what he was expecting

"Twins? and she is a Jedi too?"

He closed his eyes, thinking this one through.

"This.... could be a problem, although problems also can end up to be unexpected opportunities. I wont pretend I know much of what you ask, I'm afraid the experience of Xazor being seperated from her child shows all the problems you could have. However, the Jedi dont know of us, nor do they know where you went. The future may work out with some careful steps. Tell me, who is the Jedi and whom is her Master?"

River Kincaid
Oct 15th, 2003, 09:44:49 PM
"She has no master at the time, Sir and her name is...Faith Lerf." He sighed deeply and rubbed his eyes tiredly. There had to be some kind of hope for them, he knew how much Xazor missed her daughter. He didn't want to end up with the same fate. That, would kill Faith.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 16th, 2003, 04:11:34 PM
"Oh.... well if she has no Master, then maybe this can be easier. I know a woman in the GJO that can help and knows of us. You should get in contact with a Helenias Evenstar. She's quite close to Xazor and would, I'm sure, be most happy to help both of you out. How does that sound?"

River Kincaid
Oct 16th, 2003, 10:12:45 PM
River's eyes widened. "It's the best news I've heard in the past two hours." He said with a rush of relief. Things might just work out. It had too. River was depending on it.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 17th, 2003, 05:48:53 AM
"Only two hours? Why, what other news .... oh. You just found out, right?" Marcus grinned, the smile at odds with the weatherbeaten and worn features. "I may know much of how the Galaxy works and of The Force, but that's one thing I dont know much of. While Xazor calls herself daughter and I look after another young girl, I dont expect to ever to be able to be a father for real. I'm doomed to keep on moving and fighting I think"

A pause.

"I wish it wasn't so. Lady Evenstar has promised herself to me and it would be my wish we could settle in peace back on Ukio, where I come from. I wish thigns had turned out differently and I was a farmer. But I cant. Not while evil flourishes and the Jedi dont do anything. I cant stop until the Galaxy is safe"

River Kincaid
Oct 17th, 2003, 06:57:01 AM
"Understandable, Sir. All my time on Falycin was spent as a hunter and taking care of my family...until my brother showed up and ended everything that I and Angelina had. Things were very different then, seems like a lifetime ago." He pondered on it for a moment, then looked at Marcus.

"I've been a father twice and yet, the third time around is no less nerve-racking especially with two on the way." He grinned and shook his head. "I never would have thought..."

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 17th, 2003, 07:55:17 PM
"Who would? Who knows what's around the corner for any of us? It's true you might breach the future with the Force, but that's not always accurate. I've never really thought of such things myself, for to me it's not the right time or place, not when i have other thigns that need doing. It is also the case that for a Jedi, such commitments and attachments can be dangerous. There's good reason why those rules exist, even if I dont insist we of the Lost hold to them"

He paused to refill his pipe and struck a match on the wall, lighting the pipe.

"Emotions are strong things. The Jedi try to not have any, which I think is wrong. Control of your emotions is what I say we should have, there is a time for anger and hate, a time for love and happiness. To deny somethign that is such a major part of us is to deny somethign that makes us living, seperates us from machines. I'm not sure what the Jedi will think of Faith, but I commend that you know how to love. You can understand why we do what we do and why we turned our backs on the Order - or at least that's why I did. I never asked, why did you leave and follow Xazor?"

River Kincaid
Oct 17th, 2003, 09:57:49 PM
"Xazor saw something in me that separated me from all her other Padawans as I saw something in her that told me to follow. She was my first and only master and I respected her judgement. But, since I've come here, she's more than a master now. She's a friend, a very good and close friend. I believe in the Lost and I agree that there is a time to be angry and hate as well. My instincts told me that the Order wasn't where I was supposed to be, if that makes any sense." River replied truthfully.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 18th, 2003, 03:33:24 AM
"Sometimes, you have to do what you feel right, of course"

Something from memory of Xaz drew out a sigh from the Master

"Xaz' has a temper problem, but her heart is true. i was very surprised, but happy she became the first real family I've ever known. I'm proud she calls herself daughter"

River Kincaid
Oct 18th, 2003, 06:56:28 AM
The Padawan nodded. "She has helped my family more than I can say. Ry-Obi and Hunter love her to death, I believe they look at her more as a mother than a master, especially Hunter. She's thrived in talking through the Force and it is all because of Master Xazor. I can't thank her enough, she's brought my daughter back to me after a tragedy that should have never happened." River thought for a moment of how Hunter saw the slaying of her mother right before her eyes.

"And it's not only Xazor I have to thank, it is you as well. The Lost has given me a home and...a family. I will never regret joining the Lost."

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 19th, 2003, 03:27:31 AM
He thanks me... ?

Not exactly knowing what to say, he shrugged. "Since I went down this path, I seem to have made a habit of gaining a family of sorts. For someone who's never had one, it's.... been an education. But a well worth one"

River Kincaid
Oct 19th, 2003, 03:39:41 PM
River nodded. "My family is very important to me and I hope that I can have things work out. Faith is very important to me as well and I hate to see her suffer through this alone. She is scared, there is no doubt."

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 20th, 2003, 03:59:45 AM
"Then it is you whom it is appointed to protect and to defend her from fear. The weapon that the enemies and evil out there have, they are all based on fear. Even from what comes inside us. Have you heard the saying Fear is the path to the dark Side?"

River Kincaid
Oct 20th, 2003, 06:46:53 PM
"Yes, Sir." River nodded. "I want her to know if she needs me, I'll be there. But, our situation doesn't make that very easy. I will do my best to help her in any way that I can. I gave her my word."

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 21st, 2003, 03:45:32 AM
"Your word means nothing Master River. You'll hear that from my lips many times, for I know that words well meant when said can be made meaningless. Only by your actions will the truth of what your heart leads you to do come true. This is somethign I strive for and why I wont say much at times - I act and thence my mind is known"

He stared at the much younger man, before glancing away, his point made. The specials menu was up finally and Marcus was kinda hungry.

"You see, that's where so many fail. Talk is good, creeds and codes are good, but where are they if they are not backed up? A Jedi Master named Yoda told Luke Skywalker to Do.. or Do not. There is no try. I believe that with my heart and that is why in effect I came to be here. It's why I gave up all I could have. If there is one thing that will make Faith feel safe it is actions. Ahh, feel like dinner?"

River Kincaid
Oct 22nd, 2003, 03:51:13 AM
I understand, Sir." River nodded, the point was well taken and he would do just that, he would show Faith what he meant was true. "I will take care of her and show her that I mean what I say, Sir."

River was hungry as well, now that this pre-occupation was somewhat handled. "Yes, Sir. Very." He finally allowed a smile come to him lips as his stomach growled.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 22nd, 2003, 06:28:00 AM
"Good, while we eat, we'll discuss something else. Your training. Now where the frell are my matches...?"

He looked about, but couldn't find them. so, sighing, he concentrated for a moment - and a bright blue flame seemed to jump out of his fingertip. He re-lit the pipe, before watching the flame dance for a moment over his fingers, it's direction completely under his mental control.

"It's a good party trick. I could teach you how to rend the very core of the planet, but it's useless if your not ready or capable of such control. with great power comes great responsibility and I fear sometimes the Jedi dont see that"

River Kincaid
Oct 22nd, 2003, 03:55:27 PM
River was about to dig for his own matches, when Marcus made the blue flame. His eyes widened for a moment while the Master spoke. "I don't have that much control, Master. But, it would come in handy when my own matches are missing."

He smiled for a moment and then turned serious. "I'm ready to begin my training, Master Marcus. I've devoted my life to the Lost and hope that I uphold your standards. Yours and Master Xazor's both." River stated firmly.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 22nd, 2003, 11:57:10 PM
"Good. What is it you know already, might I ask?"

River Kincaid
Oct 23rd, 2003, 04:14:53 AM
"Not alot," he admitted. "I can sense the Force with no problem. I can telepathize with my children, haven't really tried elsewhere. I can also move things a bit and can use the Force as a cushion when I jump from high places. Weapons wise, blasters and daggars are my choice so far. I have no idea how to use a lightsabre, but I'm ready to learn."

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 23rd, 2003, 05:47:25 AM
"Are you afraid?"

River Kincaid
Oct 23rd, 2003, 04:18:12 PM
"There was a time when I was...the night my twin brother attacked my home, my daggers were no match for his lightsabre. My wife died that night, she was of the warrior sect of her clan. I was only a hunter of mine. She lost her life that night believing in what she was taught while I saved our children. Seems kind of ironic that I am here while she is not. I am not afraid, I am ready to learn your will, Master Ellessar. I will stand with your clan until I die." River told him in the most serious tone.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 23rd, 2003, 08:23:44 PM
"That's to be seen. Allright, allow me to think on your training for a bit. And alos on lunch. The steak looks tempting"

River Kincaid
Oct 24th, 2003, 06:36:41 AM
River nodded, he was glad to know that his training would start soon. He was ready, he would show Marcus he meant what he said. There was so much to that he wanted to learn from his own master and Master Elessar.

But, now it was time to eat and the steak did sound very good. "I think, that's what I'll take." River said as he settled down into a booth across from the Lost Jedi Master.