View Full Version : Amélioration

Lexius De Wilde
Oct 12th, 2003, 07:18:00 AM
The world is a vampire, sent to drain
Secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames
And what do I get, for my pain
Betrayed desires, and a piece of the game
Even though I know-I suppose I'll show
All my cool and cold-like old job
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Now I'm naked, nothing but an animal
But can you fake it, for just one more show
And what do you want, I want to change
And what have you got
When you feel the same
Even though I know-I suppose I'll show
All my cool and cold-like old job
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Tell me I'm the only one
Tell me there's no other one
Jesus was the only son
Tell me I'm the chosen one
Jesus was the only son for you
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
And I still believe that I cannot be saved

Joignez-nous d'une autre façon de vivre.

His initiation had been a rather tiring one, given that the odds had been completely against him. Since then, he had not seen the man that had offered him the invitation to change his life. Although he was curious, he didn't fear moving on without Dalamar's encouragement. There were others that would certainly be able to help him. He had already passed the test, so what reason would there be to dispose of him even though Dalamar was gone?

After a long rest, nightfall came, and a guard was sent to Lexius' chambers to retrieve him.

"You will come to the Grand Parlor. He is waiting." The guard said.

Lexius nodded. "If you will wait outside for a moment, I will dress for the occassion."

The guard stepped two steps back out of the door, closing it behind him, leaving Lexius to get ready. After a short moment, he emerged from the room and motioned towards the guard that he was ready. More ready than ever.

The guard led him down the hallway, past old and darkened paintings of different unfamiliar people. Some of these unfamiliars came also in the forms of busts and statues bordering big double doors leading to unknown places. Lexius had not yet traveled the halls very much since his success in the arena.

Minutes passed, and the two came to stand in front of even bigger double doors, where the guard ceased movement and looked towards Lexius. It appeared as though he was sizing Lexius up, perhaps looking for a sign of wishing to turn back. But Lexius said nothing.

When the guard was satisfyed with Lexius' silence, he knocked on the door three times.

"We will wait. When he's ready, he will tell us." The guard said.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Oct 12th, 2003, 12:32:32 PM
The boy had proven himself in front of Lord Dalamar's eyes. He had passed the test and was about to become one of the damned. But of recent events, Dalamar was nowhere to be found. Ambrose had watched Lexius De Wilde prosper in his technique and form as he fought for the honor of being one of the immortal. Ambrose had seen something inside of the young one and knew that he had would be able to withstand the change that would happen to him by whoever would propose it to him. Some of the people who were turned would not want it, and would want to return to what they were, after viewing what they are. But that is impossible, so, unfortunately they must be put to death and never spoken of again. Ambrose hoped that the same fate would not fall upon the soul of the one known as Lexius De Wilde.

The grand parlor was known to all of the vampire who occupied the Shrine. It was lavishley furnished with many artifacts from around the universe and many pieces, Ambrose had not even seen before. A window faced north, it revealed to whoever looked through it to see the tide rising and falling. The cliff of jagged sharp rocks could be seen as you looked at the drop off from the window. There were ships afloat in the sea, but none of them were occupied.

The vampire stood by the window, his white shirt and pants was his attire for this night. He had already felt the presence of Lexius when he was emerging from his quarters. Ambrose's long hair rested upon his shoulders. His hands were clasped together behind his back. He waited for the young human male to walk through the threshold that would change his life forever.

"Ill be waiting...When you are ready, we will make the transformation that you have been training for."

Lexius De Wilde
Oct 15th, 2003, 11:50:27 AM
The guard, as though heeding to some unheard order, opened the doors quietly, looking over his shoulder at Lexius, as he allowed them to slide open the rest of the way on their own.

"Come." He said.

Lexius stepped into the large ornate room, his eyes immediately glued towards the windows. Sounds of the ocean filled the room, lulling it into a sleepiness that relaxed Lexius, but not enough to keep his excitement down. He had been looking forward to this, ever since he defeated his opponent he knew for certain that this was what he wanted. Not that he wasn't sure before then.

He drew his eyes away from the ship riddled sea and towards another window where Ambrose stood waiting for him. Out of respect, Lexius bowed his head, the guard still watching him intently.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:45:24 PM
Ambrose knew that the gurards were very protective of the Shrine members. They were only doing what they were trained to do as they reguarded Lexius with a grotesk vissage. Ambrose turned around to see the man in front of him. He was tall and with dark hair to mach it. The Vampire nodded to the guards and they immediatly closed the doors to leave the two alone to their buisness. Ambrose manuverd his head to see two separate couches facing one another. They were empty at the time, but would be occupied by the vampire and human soon.

Ambrose motioned to the two pieces of furniture and both men sat down. But before Ambrose had taken his seat, he had grabbed a glass of red wine and two gobblets. He sat down, handing Lexius a cup and placing on in front of himself. Pouring the wine into the glasses, he thought of what the man was thinking. He knew every thought that passed through his brain. It was one of the skills that he had enherited when he embraced the dark gift that was given to him many moons ago. Holding the goblet in his hand, the Dark Knight stared at Lexius with a wicked grin etched upon his face.

"I know why your here. I know what you have done to get here. I have watched for a long while now and am impressed with your skill...You are very talented my young man..."

Ambrose smiled, bearing his two fanged teeth...

Lexius De Wilde
Oct 18th, 2003, 04:14:57 PM
Upon watching the guards leave, Lexius relaxed even further, feeling lighter without the weight of eyes on him. He had had the same relationship with all the guards ever since he arrived, ranging from a slight dislike to a strong grudge. But he didn't let it get to him. He had more important things to dwell on.

Upon returning his gaze to Ambrose, he caught the gesture towards the two couches, and immediatly complied. Once they were across from one another, they sat in silence as Ambrose poured two glasses of wine.

Ambrose handed him one of the fine goblets, which Lexius accepted gratefully as the man sitting opposite of him spoke.

"I know why your here. I know what you have done to get here. I have watched for a long while now and am impressed with your skill...You are very talented my young man..." Ambrose said.

Lexius smirked slightly, since he was one to enjoy a compliment and yet show at least some modesty. "Thank you."

He looked down at the goblet for a moment, then back up at Ambrose. He knew that the man was probably reading his mind right now, he had wondered whether Dalamar had or not during their first meeting. It striked him oddly that a complete stranger passing by him could know that he was looking for something more in life. That he was bored.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Oct 23rd, 2003, 09:24:46 PM
Ambrose watched the man as he thought to himself on the dealings that were taking place at this very moment. The Vampire found it amusing to listen in on what the mortal was thinking. Ambrose was astonished when Lexius had started to chatch on that the vampires could read the minds of the mortals. Lexius was not dumb by any means, that is why Ambrose knew that he would prove himself to his master time and time again.

Lexius wanted to be presented with the Dark Gift, it was going to be given to him by Dalamar, but due to recent events, Dalamar is no longer of service to this mortal. Now it is Ambrose's job to take over where the Vampire lord had left off. Ambrose would be the one to offer this mortal immortality, like he had been those many moons ago. Soth Nuevole is the one who had given the Dark Gift to Ambrose, and he had embraced it with open arms. After he was turned, the dark knight had no regrets of making his decisions. And the vampire believed the same fate would fall upon this mortal.

Lord Dalamar did infact read your mind on your first encounter...You are not as dumb as you look...

Lexius De Wilde
Oct 24th, 2003, 12:48:26 PM
"Lord Dalamar did infact read your mind on your first encounter...You are not as dumb as you look..." Ambrose said, appearing to be quite entertained by this.

Lexius smiled and nodded. "It was quite obvious from our conversation. I also may have heard something about it, but it could have been a rumor for all I knew. It took experience to actually find the truth in it."

This brought about a curiousity in his mind. He truly did not know how matters worked with authority and other business around here. How long would it take for him to train? Who was in charge of every vampire? What kinds of powers were rumors and which were truths? He didn't bother asking Ambrose outloud, since he knew that his thoughts were clear enough for him to listen in on.

He did not decide to join based on what he did not know for sure, though. He had joined due to what he knew for a fact, and based on what mysteries intrigued him most about this world he was not yet fully a part of. The not knowing excited him, but the part about eventually knowing everything was just as fullfilling. All in due time.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Oct 26th, 2003, 07:43:42 PM
Ambrose Braeden knew that Lexius was acting just like any other human would in his situation. It did not suprise the vampire when the mortal acted like he did. It is heredetary. Ambrose was like that when he was human. He did the same thing. But now, he has seen from a different perspective and now knows what life has to offer you, and what it does not that you have to find for yourself. Lexius was not suprised by Ambroses next action.

"All of these questiones that you are expiriencing are natural. But no one can know what it is to be what we are. They have to see it for themselves. That is how it goes."

Lexius De Wilde
Oct 26th, 2003, 08:13:39 PM
At hearing his words, he nodded with complete understanding. There were things in life that you just had to experience first hand in order to know it thoroughly to it's very core. It wasn't like a simple question like "what is the weather like on Tatooine", it had to do with something that probably differed from vampire to vampire's experience. He would find out how he would take it soon. He still did not wish to back down.

With these thoughts swirling within his mind, he took another sip for the goblet that Ambrose gave him moments ago.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Nov 2nd, 2003, 06:03:56 PM
The vampire set the goblet down that he was previously holding. It was empty, but he did not care to fill it again. He arose from his chair and walked over to the window where he had been standing when the mortal had first emerged through the huge double doors that were ornately carved. It was still raining outside, raindrops fell down outside, and slid down the glass of the window. Ambrose could see his reflection in the window. He looked out upon the landscape of his home. Roon had been his home for many years now. And same as before, the waves were crashing upon shore, one after another. All were the same.

Ambrose turned his head so that he was looking into lexius's eyes. Ambrose had a slight smile etched upon his face as he did so. He manuverd his hand to let the mortal know that he had wanted him to come. Ambrose spoke to the human, but yet his lips never moved once. It was all telepathic interaction between the two.

"Lexius, come and look out upon the planet of my home world Roon. You wont want to miss this, I want to show you something."

Lexius De Wilde
Nov 4th, 2003, 01:08:31 PM
Lexius stood from where he was sitting, still holding his drink as he approached the window. He looked out onto the planet, what exactly he was supposed to see he didn't know. This was the same view that he could see from his quarters, only down lower.

He looked more closely, peering through the droplets of water that poured down from the heavens. What was it Ambrose wanted to show him?

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Nov 4th, 2003, 08:23:57 PM
Ambrose stood back from the window and watched as Lexius looked down at the water crashing upon the shore, through the droplets of rain that were falling evermore. Silence had filled the room as the mortal watched the planet, and as the vampire watched as the helpless human stood there, not knowing what he was supposed to be looking at. The vampire found this humourus. But it became very real after a few moments of silence. Lexius did not hear a sound as the Dark Knight used one of his skills that he had inherited when he was turned. He was running toward Lexius with Vampiric speed. When Ambrose was first born as a vampire, he was fast, much faster than a human could ever be. But over time he has grown in that technique. He has now become faster than he has ever been. His master, Lord Soth has mastered the skill, and it is as if he moves at the speed of sound. But it did not even take Ambrose a second to reach the human.

Grabbing Lexius by the arms and holding him, Ambrose sank his teeth into the flesh of the human, the puncture wound was were the human's life blood flowed. The jugular vein is where the vampire attacked first. Lexius was perilous against the strength of the Sith Knight. It was a long while before the Vampire had let go of the man. Ambrose let his body fall to the ground as he stood towering over him. Lexius was still alive but barely.

"I have drained you of your blood to the point of death. If i leave you now, you die. Or I could give you a life in which you could never imagine. You make the choice."

Lexius De Wilde
Nov 5th, 2003, 01:05:13 PM
When Lexius felt the vampire's hands suddenly grasp his arms, his human reflexes automatically caused him to flinch. But his struggles were too late, as Ambrose's fangs had already sank into his neck. The pain was overwhelming, he had known it would be, but at this moment all he could do was wait for it to pass. Immortality would follow soon, and there would be no more pain.

His body began to feel weak as the blood drained from him, his knees hardly able to hold him up any longer. But the strength of Ambrose's grip on his arms kept Lexius held perfectly still although Lexius' body began to tremble between life and death. And then he fell to the floor, staring up at the vampire that was now giving him a choice.

His words were echoing through Lexius' mind, barely clear, but he knew what Ambrose was saying. He was either going to die.. or join the never dying masses that haunt this castle in the night. His choice never wavered.

"Give... give me life." Lexius said, his voice weakened and raspy, almost a whisper yet loud in his own head.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Nov 5th, 2003, 08:12:16 PM
"Give... give me life."

With those last words coming from the mortal, Ambrose kneeled down next to Lexius. When he placed his hands upon the human, he could feel the life beat inside of him, and it was not strong. It was very weak in fact. The vampire knew what he had to do in order to change this humans life forever. But he never hesitated once in that decision, for he knew that this human had wanted imortality more that he wanted life itself. And Ambrose was the one vampire who was going to give it to him.

With a sharp thumb nail, the Vampire pierced the skin on his wrist. Blood immidiately started to flow outward, as if there was too much of it and some had to go. Ambrose placed his other hand underneath Lexius's head and lifted it so that he may drink from the Dark knight. Lexius had latched onto the vampire and started to drink, as if it would be his last taste of anything.

After a few moments, the Sith Knight pulled free from the humans grasp and watched his form as he was transforming into a being that was not human. Ambrose remembered when he had gone through the same thing many years ago. About the pain that he had gone through to acheive immortality.

"Just relax..."

He told Lexius...

"It is only your human form that is dying. It happens to the best of us. If you do not fight it, it will be easier."

Ambrose sat back against a chair while his wound healed itself, and wathced the human part of Lexius die.

Lexius De Wilde
Nov 5th, 2003, 10:05:32 PM
When Ambrose held his bleeding wrist to his mouth, Lexius only instinct was to take it. The warm liquid filled his mouth, tasting odd at first but then taking on a sweet taste. The pain didn't stop, it only seemed to get worse, his teeth aching as though his jaw was breaking. But no, it was his fangs coming in, his humanity slowly disappearing from him.

When Ambrose suggested not to fight it, he tried to relax more, yet found it harder than his trial in the fighting arena. He shut his eyes and tried to occupy his mind on something else other than the pain. And finally, it subsided.. and he felt completely different. No longer human.