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View Full Version : Padawan hopeful...

Brielle Acaana
Oct 12th, 2003, 12:36:51 AM
ooc: continued from here (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=32366)

Brielle's cherry-red speeder slid into the lone parking slip on the rooftop of her penthouse. Besides herself, the occupants included Jedi Master Morgan Evanar and Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic.

Graciously, they had agreed to accompany the Watch officer back to her home for a 'testing' of her young teenage charge, Kaimana.

Though Dasquian knew his way around the suites, he respectfully deferred to the Master present, allowing Morgan to proceed him as the trio entered Brielle's home through the elevator and down the carpeted, short hallway to her front door.

"I hope shes here - Kai has a tendency to go for walks when she should stay put."

With a swipe of her keycard, the door swung open and the three stepped inside. All was quiet. Setting her pouch down on the small table beside the door, Brielle called out.

"Kaimana, are you here? I have someone who wants to meet you."

Oct 12th, 2003, 02:02:10 AM
Kaimana came out of her room where she'd been laying on the ground staring at the ceiling for the past few hours. She slowly stood up and came out to the door rubbing her eyes groggily. "Yeah?" A yawn escaped her mouth and she didn't even bother to flatten her hair which was as unkept as usual. "G'morning."

Brielle Acaana
Oct 12th, 2003, 02:32:27 AM
Looking up the stairs, Brie motioned for her to come down.

"I know you remember Master Evanar and this is Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic. Hes the one who will be testing you ... to see if you have the force or not."

She turned back to the two males.

"Please, come on in and have a seat. Can I get either of you something to drink? Water, milk, juice?"

Oct 12th, 2003, 02:44:29 AM
Kaimana rubbed her eyes and carefully walked down the stairs. She sat on the floor by the window and studied each of the adults in the room. It felt kind of akward, but she was ok with that feeling. It was better than feeling alone. "Hello Master Evanar, Mr. Belargic."

She gave a lopsided grin at Brielle, knowing she hadn't expected Kaimana to be polite. Kaimana pulled her hood all the way off her head and stuffed her hands into her sweatshirt pockets.

Another yawn escaped her mouth and she rubbed her eyes. She was tired, having not been able to sleep very well. "So what are you guys doing here exactly? It doesn't matter if I have the force or not, someday. Someday I'm gonna be a jedi."

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 12th, 2003, 03:24:23 AM
Dasquian sat himself down and smiled.

“Well, Miss Kaimana, we’re here to try and determine if you have any immediate Force potential. It is common practice for us to allow anyone who wishes to be a Jedi to become a Jedi, regardless of their natural talent in the Force.

We have had rare cases where a Padawan finds they are unable to use the Force, after becoming a member of the Order, therefore it can be helpful to determine prior to their recruitment whether or not they will be able to wield the Force.”

Studying the girl, he gave a slight nod.

“And it’s my job as recruitment officer to find that out.”

Oct 13th, 2003, 11:21:21 PM
Kaimana studied Dasquian carefully and shrugged. "Uh... right then." She didn't know how he would go about that, but she was all for it. She rubbed her eyes and figured that she was finally fully awake, not necessarily alert, but more or less awake. Looking over at Brielle she gave a small thankful smile.

Brielle Acaana
Oct 21st, 2003, 08:22:31 PM
Brie patted the cushion beside her on the couch.

"Kai, come over here and sit - if thats how Dasquian wants you?"

Green eyes looked questioningly up at the tall Knight. Brielle hadnt the first clue as to how these proceedings went and it was entirely possible that she herself was in the way.

"I'll go get the three of you something to drink, set the glasses on the table and just make myself scarce, hmm?"

Morgan Evanar
Nov 17th, 2003, 06:40:56 PM
"Be wherever you're most comfortable, Kaimana."

Morgan took a seat on the couch, settling into the corner. He looked overly casual for someone who was supposed to be a Jedi (Firgin or Dasquian usually played to the stereotype better than he did.) In fact, Morgan appeared downright casual when he had propped his ankle onto his knee, half-crosslegged.

He looked over to Dasquian, who was much better at this sort of thing.

What do you think?