View Full Version : Of Brandy and Blood

Virrana'h Tei
Oct 11th, 2003, 11:38:30 PM
The auspicous surrounds of the Roon stone Inn belied the unnatural nature of the beings within.

Dark and evil are those who lurk here. Wicked and cruel and with a lust that defied the natural laws of anything good and clean.

Twin pools of deepest brown, unlight by the light of life, looked around the room. Set in a face, remote and detached, moved studiously from one stranger to another.

Virrana'h mimicked the moves of those around her, taking to herself the ways and manners of her peers. She was one of them - atleast in outside appearance.

Seething within was the soul and will of one damned. One who's desires were hid behind her stoic visage.

Tei sat and waited for her companion to join her.

Shediao Shi
Oct 31st, 2003, 10:13:56 PM
It had been a long while since the mysterious creature had shone himself to any life in the galaxy. He was a yuuzhan vong and was a deadly warrior, against any foe. He stepped into the Roon Stone Inn and looked around from inside of his black cloak. Not a soul could see his face, for it was coverd by shadow. His cloak fluttered around his feet as he walked through the transparasteel doors. While he was looking around he had felt a mysterious feeling. The same feeling that he had felt when he had laid his eyes upon the creatures that call themselves Vampires. He knew it immidiatley that she was one of them. He navigated his way towards the table that was occupied by the creature.

He sat down across from the Vampire and looked at her. He spoke to her with a scratcy deep voice.

"Heelo mistrees, I aam loooking for the one that they call SSSoth."

Virrana'h Tei
Nov 2nd, 2003, 06:03:50 PM
Tei's eyes narrowed with suspicion.

"What business have you with Lord Soth?"

Shediao Shi
Nov 5th, 2003, 08:19:30 PM
"What business have you with Lord Soth?"

The only part of Shediao's face that Virrana'h could see was his eyes. They were starring right at her. The yuuzhan vong warrior had tem the Death Knight, Lord Soth long ago when he had first come to the planet of Roon. He went there with his coheart in crime, Nom Anor. they had come to the Shirne of the damned to discuss a pact between the vampire and the yuuzhan vong. Shediao had to deal with the consequences of his actions when he had arrived back at his homeworld. He was banned from ever returning to his homeworld, so from then on he has been known as a defector of the vong.

"My buisness with Lord Soth is none of your concern"

The vong warrior said with a raspy voice.

"I am here to discuss something with the vampires of this place. I have a little bit of unfinished buisness with the Shrine of the Damned.

Virrana'h Tei
Nov 9th, 2003, 02:16:19 AM
It was a fine line for Tei to decipher what was, and was not ,her place to know.

A stranger seeking out Soth definitely fell under the first catagory, but an old aquaintance with unfinished business possibly fell to the latter.

She decided on what she felt was the most reasonable course of action.

"I can take you to Lord Soth, if you wish"

Her tone was neither friendly nor adversarial. She was simply stating a fact.

Shediao Shi
Nov 10th, 2003, 09:29:23 PM
"I can take you to Lord Soth, if you wish"

Upon hearing this, Shediao smiled to himself. He knew that through this being, he could get to the one vampire that he so dearly wanted to see above all else. The yuuzhan Vong warrior rose from his chair and motioned for Virrana'h to do the same. THe long night black cloak that adorned the vong warrior straightened out when he stood, the ends ruffled around his feet. The vong had a firm grip upon his amphi-staff. He never let his weapon out of his sight. Although Virrana'h Tei was a sightful being, Shediao was not afraid of her. For he knew that her lightsaber was useless aganst his armor.

"Lead the way Mi'lady, If you will."

Virrana'h Tei
Nov 14th, 2003, 11:28:36 PM
Once outside the Inn, Tei led Shediao to a transport belonging ot the Shrine.

Once inside the dark interior, the Dathomiri Sorceress incanted a disorientation spell, marking out the runes of confusion to befuddle the Vong Warrior. He would be unable to establish direction or time or distance to the destination Tei was taking him.

It would not last long, the effects would wear away completely leaving only a mild headache for the warrior as a result. But the Shrine location - and therefore Soth's location - would remain unknown to this stranger.

Within a short time, Virrana'h had her guest ensconced in a comfortable chamber, a large fire in the stone hearth warming the room and teffectively chasing the chill from it.

After seeing Shediao comfortably seated, she walked toward the door.

"Wait here"

Shediao Shi
Nov 21st, 2003, 08:46:50 PM
Shediao stepped onto the on-ramp that led into the vapiric ship that belonged to Virrana'h Tei. He did not hear the words that the Sith Witch had muttered, but he knew that they had taken a heavy toll upon him. The last thing that he remembered was the vamipre starting the thrusters and the ship climbing for altitude as they left the Roon Stone Inn. After that, everything seemed like a blur to the Yuuzhan vong warrior. He had finally come to his sences when they had arrived at the Shrine of the Damned. Shediao had nevery been there before, but he knew that it must be sacred or else Virrana'h would not have cast that spell upon him when he had aboarded her ship.

She stood from her seat at the cockpit and walked towards him.

"Wait here"

Is all that she had said. So, the vong patiently waited for her returning so that he may handle his buisness with the Death Knight Soth Nuevole.